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本文旨在说明个人收入变化与经济体制变革之间的关系。在改革前 ,优先发展重工业的赶超战略导致个人收入水平低 ,增长慢 ,差别小 ;而改革后 ,转向由市场配置资源 ,收入向个人倾斜 ,个人收入增长快 ,差别大。这要求政府转变职能 ,深化金融改革 ,引导资金流向 ,提高资金使用效率  相似文献   

何为 《中国经贸》2010,(8):107-109
金融市场发展促进资本配置效率的提高是金融部门的重要职能。改革开放以来,我国的金融市场发展迅速,但资本配置效率并没有相应提高,因此金融资源的优化配置成为中国金融改革主要问题之一。利用“资本配置效率”模型和吉林省1996~2007年36个工业行业的年度数据,对吉林省资本配置效率水平进行分析,结果表明,吉林省资本配置效率仍处于较低水平。资本配置效率与金融市场相关指标显示,吉林省金融市场发展并没有促进资本配置效率提高,这一现象可以用政府干预过度、经济结构与金融结构不协调等因素加以解释。  相似文献   

浅论降低物流成本的策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
无论是企业物流还是物流企业,如何对自身物流资源进行优化配置,如何事实管理和决策,以最小的成本带来最大的效益,这些都是企业所面临的严重问题。“物流是经济的黑暗大陆”、“物流是第三利润源”及“物流成本冰山说”等观点都说明了物流成本问题是物流管理初期人们关心的主要问题。为了降低物流成本,文章将从降低物流成本与经济效益的关系等方面去分析,并从微观和宏观角度来提出降低物流成本的建议,以实现生产、销售和物流一体化。进而实现供应链过程一体化,从而实现降低流通全过程的总物流成本,提高企业和社会经济效益。  相似文献   

中国的失业问题及解决方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
如何正确处理公平与效率之间的关系 ,又一次成为我国改革和发展面临的一个焦点问题。我国入世后也使公平与效率如何结合问题有着特别的急迫性。本文提出了关于公平与效率均衡的一般定义和成本 -收益模型。在重点分析公平和效率均衡的必然性的基础上 ,指出了达到公平与效率均衡  相似文献   

下岗失业问题已成为全国关注的焦点。在认识我国存在失业的基础上 ,承认市场经济下失业的必然性 ,充分认识和利用适度失业的积极作用 ,对于资源优化配置 ,提高劳动者及全社会素质 ,促进经济和社会健康稳定发展意义重大。  相似文献   

市场、企业是资源配置的两种方式,但我国过去超越社会发展阶段通过国家以行政干预的方式配置资源,加大了交易费用,阻碍了生产力的发展。而今要克服困难,建立现代企业制度,真正使市场和企业发挥其优化资源配置的作用。  相似文献   

用产业经济支撑江苏区域经济发展的对策分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
“入世”后 ,我国的医疗服务市场进一步开放 ,同时 ,我国医疗服务业也面临着巨大的市场机会。中国医药在世界上有很强的竞争力 ,中国的疗养资源和劳动力成本低廉等有利因素都使我国的医疗养老事业具有很强的比较优势。我国应当按照发达国家的标准培养医护人员 ,提高医护人员的  相似文献   

知识经济是建立在知识与信息的生产和使用之上的经济。因此 ,知识经济时代财务资源的配置需要有“相关利益者合作”产权理论及制度作为基石 ,否则将会加剧财务资本所有者与知识资本所有者之间的矛盾冲突 ;知识经济时代的财务管理应以无形资产投资为主要决策内容 ,财务机构的设  相似文献   

基于江苏2004—2021年地级市数据,以省内苏南地区率先推进区域碳排放权交易为准自然实验,采用双重差分方法进行因果识别,将苏南城市作为实验组,其余城市作为控制组,通过实验组与控制组的对比来评估环境规制政策对能源配置效率的影响。研究表明,环境规制政策对能源配置效率具有负向效应,即环境规制越为严格,企业内化成本越高,进而致使能源配置效率呈现下降态势。但长期而言,将会倒逼企业进行技术创新、资源优化配置等。内在机制分析发现,地方政府环境规制执行力越强对能源配置效率的负向效应越为明显。研究认为,区域差异化环境规制政策是把“双刃剑”,仅依赖环境规制政策或许无法根除能源错配问题,应持续推动能源市场深化改革。  相似文献   

戴翔  马皓巍 《南方经济》2023,(10):48-69
新发展格局下推动经济高质量发展,亟待进一步实现资源优化配置。国家审计治理是国家八大治理体系之一,会通过改进政府行政影响市场环境,进而影响到资源配置效率。理论分析表明:国家审计治理主要通过成本附加效应和竞争强化效应两个关键作用机制,对推动资源优化配置产生积极作用,但其作用力会因地区法律制度环境和制度成本差异等而表现出异质性。基于企业层面的微观计量检验结果证实了理论假说的正确性。此外,进一步的研究还发现,国家审计治理与社会审计监督,在推动资源优化配置中具有一定的协同效应。文章研究不仅从国家审计治理的特定维度,为深刻理解在资源优化配置中如何更好发挥政府作用提供了理论阐释和科学证据,而且具有重要政策含义:更好发挥国家审计治理在资源优化配置中的作用,不仅需要进一步强化国家审计治理自身,还需要在优化地区法律制度环境、破除地方保护,以及加强与社会审计监督协同作用等方面实现新突破。  相似文献   

In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), inland export transport costs and time delays are much higher for landlocked countries, vary substantially between different geographic corridors, and exhibit substantial uncertainty. Unit costs and costs of time for land transport of exports are high for many agricultural products relative to metals and other high-value products. We illustrate systemic uncertainty in land and maritime transport for exporting by use of simulation. Relationships among uncertainty, infrastructure quality, and other features of logistics systems are highly non-linear, and can be potentially used to identify priorities for trade facilitation.  相似文献   

李龙  张莹 《乡镇经济》2011,(5):67-72
商务成本既是皖江城市带成功承接长三角产业转移,进行产业合理布局的重要依据,也是衡量和对外宣传皖江城市带投资环境的一个关键指标。在文献回顾和专家访谈的基础上,构建皖江城市带主要城市商务成本评价指标体系,基于数据分析,结果显示马鞍山、铜陵、合肥三市商务成本综合得分位列前三;合肥、芜湖、马鞍山三市的要素成本、营业成本相对较高;巢湖、池州、滁州三市制度成本得分较高;而巢湖、六安和安庆其他成本则较高;表明皖江城市带主要城市商务成本整体结构仍需优化。  相似文献   

根据风电间歇性特点,分析不同的并网成本分摊方式对风电供给函数的影响。基于并网成本是可再生能源投资的一个重要组成部分,研究风电生产商和电网运营商的成本分配责任界限,和不同的并网成本分摊方式对分配机制的影响。结果证明:若并网成本由电网运营商来承担,则会产生较低的生产者剩余并且致使电力消费者获得较少的转移成本。  相似文献   

由于交通成本和信息成本的存在,银行业务呈现出一定的地域特征。不同的地域特征使得各个地区适合集聚的银行业务也存在差异。地方政府应该根据经济发展水平、金融业务资源禀赋、地理环境和金融生态环境等因素的实际情况,选择合适的政策措施,促进银行业务和银行机构的集聚。  相似文献   

殷建平  张娟 《改革与战略》2010,26(2):157-159
劳动力成本是企业经营成本支出的主要方面,在企业的发展过程中占有举足轻重的地位。文章以北京市最低工资标准为基础,测算了2000--2008年北京市由月最低工资标准、企业应缴纳的社会保险费下限、企业的月住房公积金缴存额下限、带薪休假引发企业间接成本、尚未完全包括的可量化的劳动力成本组成的最低劳动力成本的变动趋势。然后从政府和企业两个层面探讨了中小企业应如何应对劳动力成本上涨的压力。  相似文献   

We quantify and estimate the economic impact of the transboundary haze pollution in 2015 on Singapore following reliable quantitative methods and techniques in cost-benefit analysis. We include in the estimation both tangible and intangible costs associated to haze pollution. Specifically, in the estimation of the tangible costs of haze, the estimation includes (1) adverse impacts of haze on health, (2) loss in tourism, (3) loss in business as an indirect effect from loss of tourist receipts, (4) productivity loss due to restricted activity days and (5) cost of mitigation and adaptation by government agencies and households. For the estimation of the intangible costs, the value is derived from the contingent valuation study of Quah et al., 2018 which was conducted in 2018 to estimate Singapore residents’ willingness to pay for a pro-environment collaboration project that could effectively stop “slash and burn” practices and significantly reduce the annual haze pollution issue. The total cost of the 2015 haze episode on Singapore which lasted for 2 months is estimated at S$1.83 billion, amounting to 0.45 % of the country’s gross domestic product. Accordingly, the total tangible cost is estimated at S$1.46 billion equivalent to 0.36 % of GDP while the total intangible cost stands at S$0.36 billion equivalent to 0.09 % of GDP. The findings have important implications for public policy.  相似文献   

The accruals anomaly — the negative relationship between accounting accruals and subsequent stock returns — has been well documented in the academic and practitioner literatures for almost a decade. To the extent that this anomaly represents market inefficiency, one would expect sophisticated investors to learn about it and arbitrage the anomaly away. We show that the accruals anomaly still persists and, even more strikingly, its magnitude has not declined over time. How can this be explained? We show that the accruals anomaly is recognized and, indeed, exploited by certain active institutional investors, but the magnitude of this accruals-related trading is rather small. By and large, institutions shy away from extreme-accruals firms because their attributes, such as small size, low profitability, and high risk stand in stark contrast to those preferred by most institutions. Individual investors are also, by and large, unable to profit from trading on accruals information due to the high information and transaction costs associated with implementing a consistently profitable accruals strategy. Consequently, the accruals anomaly persists and will probably endure.  相似文献   

A distinction between real trade costs (e.g., administration, border formalities, transport costs) and tariff costs is introduced into a standard monopolistic competition trade model. Driven by the number of firms, welfare under real trade barriers turns out to be lower than under an equivalent tariff barrier. Based on this finding, the paper shows that integration or rather liberalization measures (generating a certain increase in world trade) that reduce real trade barriers generate a larger welfare gain than integration consisting of a reduction in tariffs.  相似文献   

Formal economic modeling of intra-industry trade ignores transportation or, more broadly, trade costs. Yet, as Anderson and van Wincoop (2004) suggest, trade costs are quite large. This paper extends work by Bergstrand (1990) that addressed intra-industry trade in the explicit presence of trade costs. In the context of a Helpman–Krugman-cum-trade-costs model, we derive four empirically testable hypotheses regarding intra-industry trade and trade costs. These hypotheses are investigated empirically using a cross-section of bilateral OECD Grubel–Lloyd indexes. The results are strongly in accordance with the hypotheses, indicating the importance of a more rigorous and systematic treatment of trade costs in the intra-industry trade literature. JEL no. F14, F15  相似文献   

Globalisation and closer regional integration have led to significant increases in trade between nations that in turn impacts on existing long-standing trade partnerships. A consequence of changing trade patterns is an increase in the pressure for resources to reallocate between industries and sectors. This paper provides an integrated approach to the analysis of trade-induced adjustment that complements the existing literature. Adjustment pressures are documented in accordance with the theoretical underpinnings of the smooth adjustment hypothesis and satisfy a number of desirable criteria, monotonicity, consistency and country specificity. The applicability of the authors' approach is examined using UK manufacturing data. JEL no. F19  相似文献   

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