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The conceptual framework proposed herein reveals how firms might establish a human experience focus, using both systematized and non-systematized knowledge to identify points of pain and gain. Such efforts align with the critical need for firms to develop their approaches to the customer experience, by moving beyond addressing how customers respond to their offerings and toward thinking about the human experience of how firms respond to customers’ ambitions, beliefs, values, and feelings to interact in the manner customers prefer. To create a human experience, firms must manage it in relation to touchpoints, personalization, operations, and company culture, using systematized knowledge to monitor the experience, identify problems, and make improvements, together with non-systematized knowledge to innovate in relation to the experience.  相似文献   

Retailer mobile applications are one of the principal retail purchase and information search channels. Customer experience is key to retail app success. However, its dimensions and impact on retailer performance have been the subject of only a limited number of studies. This research builds on existing customer retail app experience literature by considering four dimensions as precursors of satisfaction with the retailers’ app and customer loyalty (cognitive, affective, relational and sensorial). Data were collected from a sample of 545 retailer app users and analysed using PLS-SEM. The results demonstrate that the affective dimension has the most influence and they highlight the importance of the sensory experience, which even surpasses the cognitive experience. The effect of the relational dimension on customer satisfaction, meanwhile, could not be positively confirmed. Analysis of the moderating effect of gender, age and device type used identifies effects that have not, until now, been demonstrated in current literature.  相似文献   

Firms invest in customer experience in the expectation that these investments will ultimately provide positive financial returns. In practice, however, customers are continuously exposed by the changes occurring in their personal perceptions of customer experience and market surrounding. Using a unique and comprehensive dataset containing customer-level and market-level information for a sample of 13,761 customers in the telecom market, we empirically test the proposed framework by applying multilevel modeling techniques. The results offer novel insights into the effects of customer experience, its variability (customer level), and market turbulence (market level) on customer retention, including the moderating effect of relationship age.  相似文献   

Theoretical literature on customer experience (CX) agrees that the effects of customer experience on customer behavior depend on different combinations of its dimensions. In contrast with unidimensional or integrated approaches to CX, determining customer behavior requires specifying how the dimensions of CX interact. However, empirical research on the interactions between CX dimensions has not, to our minds, progressed sufficiently. Therefore, in this study, we have advanced CX research by empirically demonstrating the ways in which customer loyalty can result from various dimensions; we do this by focusing on synergies between different CX dimensions within a DIY sector. A sample of 603 consumers from France, applied to a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) model, reveals two configurations that firms can use to achieve superior customer loyalty. The findings also specify that complementarity and substitutability effects result among CX dimensions when they reflect a perfect match, and not simply by adding extra dimensions. Further analysis reveals both distinct features and similarities among generational cohorts, in terms of CX dimensions assessment, and their relevance for customer loyalty. This article thus contributes to existing research by tracing the multiple CX paths that can lead to enhanced performance for firms within the DIY sector.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the relationship between customer experience and word of mouth (WOM) through two mediating variables: customer satisfaction and memorable characteristics of service experience (MCSE). Memory theory is adopted as a theoretical background, with emphasis on the key role of episodic or autobiographical memory. Memorable customer experience (MCE) is defined from this perspective, thereby enabling the connection between human memory theory and service-dominant (S-D) logic. As for the impact of the internet on WOM, two types of WOM behaviours are examined: positive WOM (pWOM) and eWOM. A methodology was designed from a survey that used a questionnaire based on measurement scales validated by the literature. The sample is of 1476 tourists who visited seven Spanish tourism destinations. The results show service experience precedes customer satisfaction and MCSE. Both pWOM and eWOM are significantly influenced by customer satisfaction and MCSE. Various scenarios are put forward in which several combinations of customer satisfaction and MCSE give rise to different intensities and valence of pWOM and eWOM.  相似文献   

This review aims to examine the latest research on online customer experience (OCE), which can be defined as consumer's cognitive, emotional, and behavioral response to interactions between customer and company occurring through digital channels (e.g., websites, social media, mobile apps). To achieve this, we utilized a hybrid review approach that incorporates quantitative bibliometric analysis and qualitative systematic literature review techniques. We identified publication trends, prominent authors and outlets, and the evolution of research themes based on 141 articles published since the last systematic review 11 years ago. Our framework-based review identified frequently studied antecedents, dimensions, and outcomes of OCE, and identified new themes related to m-commerce and augmented/virtual reality. We also identified gaps in the current literature and proposed 14 areas of future research using the TCM framework.  相似文献   

Customer channel switching behaviour in the digital revolution is becoming more complicated and difficult to comprehend. This study follows the interpretative approach to examine customer intention behind channel switching behaviour and the customer experience during the channel switching journey in the omnichannel context. To explore the phenomenon, we conducted twenty-three in-depth interviews and four focus group discussions with millennial customers of electronic goods omnichannel retailers. We found two new reasons for channel switching—the influence of social groups and perceived self-efficacy of the switching behaviour. Key factors affecting channel choices during switching are product attributes, trust/perceived uncertainty, social influence, customer characteristics, review culture, and time constraints. Customers expressed mixed emotions during the journey, which affected their choices during channel switching. We further proposed a framework to explain channel switching behaviour under the social cognitive theory. The study furthered the reasons for channel switching and the customer experience during switching. To the best of our knowledge, this study is pioneering, in examining the phenomenon in the omnichannel retailing context. Based on the findings, the study provides suggestions to enhance customer experience optimisation and retention strategies for omnichannel retailers.  相似文献   

Our study summarizes and synthesizes the content of our Special Issue along with additional information from customer experience (hereafter CX) managers and research to determine the main challenges and opportunities for the most important trend in CX practice and research alike: CX's dynamic nature. While widely acknowledged, CX researchers and managers have been struggling with how to research, address, and successfully manage CX's dynamic nature. Individual contributions build the foundation for our study, establishing a conceptual framework within which to successfully address the four main challenges at hand: time, the role of emotions, personal experience vicinity, and methods. We present guiding research directions and questions emphasizing fruitful avenues of enquiry.  相似文献   


Traditionally, customer value has been examined from the perspective of the firm. New understandings of customer value from the customer-dominant logic perspective of services emphasise the need to move away from the service-dominant perspective and adopt a customer-based approach that considers value within the broader context of a customer’s lifeworld. This article explores how individual customers make sense of their participation in an extraordinary, commercially-driven consumption experience. A phenomenological approach is taken to understand the lived experience of these participants. The findings of this exploratory study reveal the highly complex nature of value in the experience in the chosen context of luxury driving experience days. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Customer experience (CX) and customer experience management (CXM) are key tenets of the presently dominant marketing research and management strategy paradigm. Despite CXM's prevalence, very little research explores its practices and links to company performance. This study tackles a rather elusive challenge for practice and research: how to connect customer experience (management practices) to company profitability. Based on a dataset of over 273 companies with dedicated CX strategies, we explore four different clusters of how companies manage their CX programs. Interestingly, each form of practice leads to a different performance outcome. Thus, our work lays the foundation for linking CXM practices to company performance, emphasizing which practices are more rewarding than others. The present study lays the groundwork for research to further elaborate on the cause-effect relationship between CX and performance and what the next and best CXM practices look like.  相似文献   

Drawing on experiential marketing theory, This study examines the relationship between casino customers’ experience with automated games and their engagement and loyalty responses to casinos. Social interaction as a proxy of visiting motivation is modelled as a moderator in the relationship. Customer behaviours include word-of-mouth, visiting frequency, and average spending. The study focuses on Australian land-based casino members with automated game experience. The results show that customer experience with some features of automated games had a positive and significant impact on customer engagement with the casino, which led to positive loyalty. Automated game experience also had an indirect effect on customer loyalty. Social interaction exhibited a significant moderating effect on the relationship between customer engagement and visiting frequency. Discussion and implications of these findings for the literature and practitioners conclude the paper.  相似文献   

The present study is an effort to investigate the impact of both convenience and social interaction on customer satisfaction and the mediating role of customer experience. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data (n=840) using systematic sampling from department store shoppers of age 18 years and above in India. Multivariate data analysis techniques like Exploratory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling were used to analyze the data. Results revealed that convenience and social interaction affect both customer experience and customer satisfaction. Arguably, this paper is the first to examine the four constructs namely, social interaction, convenience, customer satisfaction and customer experience using them together in the same model. Academic and managerial implications are further discussed.  相似文献   

Customer experience is an all-encompassing construct, and most companies go to considerable lengths to create memorable, extraordinary experiences. Nevertheless, customers experience offerings, companies, and their brands very differently. Using one qualitative and three quantitative studies we explore customers’ experiences from a financial perspective by measuring and quantifying the linkages between these and customers’ share-of-category. When measured by means of customers’ share-of-category, customers demonstrate significantly different purchasing intentions and behavior. In addition, customer retail service experiences that influence the share-of-category differ significantly between customers with a low and a high share-of-category. We expand our knowledge of customer experience by highlighting that different customer groups may perceive a similar retail experience differently, leading to a different purchasing behavior and influencing their respective share-of-category. This study expands existing research by providing empirical evidence of the link between the customer experience and customers’ purchasing behavior.  相似文献   

We study the consequence of moving from Customer Lifetime Value maximization to Customer Equity maximization. Customer equity has traditionally been seen as the discounted sum of the lifetime earnings from all current and future customers and thus it has been largely assumed that maximizing customer lifetime value would lead to maximum customer equity. We show that the transition from CLV to CE is not that straightforward. Although the CLV model is appropriate for managing a single non-replaceable customer, the application of a CLV model to the acquisition and valuation of customers as an ongoing concern for the firm leads to sub-optimal customer relationship management and acquisition strategies. This leads the firm following a CLV maximization approach to have a smaller and less profitable customer base than one that follows a CE maximization strategy.
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Xavier DrèzeEmail:

Customer experience (CX) is an aggregate of consumer touch points that can be brand-owned (completely controlled by the firm), partner-owned (collectively controlled by the firm and one or more of its partners), customer-owned (where the firm or its partner cannot exert any control or influence) or represented by social/external touch points that account for the importance of the roles of others in the customer experience process. Although the concept of CX is widely used, not much has been examined about how external touch points impact customer perception of experience. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to examine the role and impact of internal and external touchpoints as dimensions of customer experience and how CX can impact consumer word-of-mouth intention. Service outcome and peace of mind were used to represent internal experience touchpoints and peer to peer quality (PTP) was used to represent an external experience touchpoint. A total of 293 usable surveys were used for analysis using a Bayesian model developed for this study instead of the more traditional SEM approaches. Results showed that an external experience touchpoint has a similar impact to those of internal experience touchpoints in the experience process. CX was also found to have a strong effect on customer word of mouth intention. These findings make various contributions to the literature on CX, especially to research differentiating internal from external experience touchpoints. On the practical side, this study provides recommendations to retailers about how to manage an external touchpoint.  相似文献   

Luxury organizations have traditionally resisted technology, as they perceived it to be antithetical to the values of luxury. Recently, however, competitive and market pressures, compounded by the global pandemic, have prompted luxury organizations to utilize significant technological innovations to enhance their customer experience, mostly on an ad hoc basis. Across four case studies in the luxury fashion retail sector, we conduct 12 interviews with managers. This paper advances a framework that encourages luxury organizations to consider technological innovation in retailing from a strategic point of view. Such a view involves contemplating questions regarding what technology type to adopt (radical vs. incremental) and when the best timing is to adopt the technology (pioneering vs. following technological leaps). The framework identifies four retailer roles that emerge from the innovation process: facilitator, enabler, explorer, and initiator. Each role comprises a different set of risks, resource implications, and expected returns.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of the in-flight service quality on airline customer satisfaction and loyalty. This study analyzed the data from passengers of two classes: prestige (business) and economy. The results suggest that there are different factors of in-flight service quality that are important according to the customer seat class. In the case of the prestige class, there were six service quality factors of importance: alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage, responsiveness and empathy, reliability, assurance, presentation style of food, and food quality; while the economy class showed five important service quality factors: responsiveness and empathy, food quality, alcoholic beverage, non-alcoholic beverage, and reliability. These findings imply that airline companies’ in-flight service should have different delivery strategies based on the customer seat class.  相似文献   

This study aims to explain the mechanism by which user experience with retailer applications could lead to loyalty toward retailers. The data were collected through a survey in Indonesia (n = 717). The results support the positive impact of customer experience (i.e., sensorial experiential state, affective experiential state, interactivity, and relative advantage) on value in use. Value in use mediates the effects of customer experience on satisfaction and loyalty toward retailer application. In turn, these two constructs increase loyalty toward the retailer. These findings contribute to the theoretical and practical understanding of the impact of retailer applications on the customer-retailer relationship.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to use customers’ perspectives to develop a conceptual model for improving service quality and enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. The 197 samples were selected from customers of leading fast food franchise enterprises in Taiwan. The research results indicate that service quality positively influences customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Service quality positively influences customer loyalty through customer satisfaction. The research findings indicate that managers need to ensure they have efficient service quality to enhance customer satisfaction and customer loyalty levels.  相似文献   

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