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Summary This paper adapts the Copes open access model of market rent dissipation to the analysis of a deregulated airline industry. It demonstrates that the open access characteristics of such airline markets lead to the dissipation of market rents. The problems of the U.S. airline system are depicted in terms of the model and some remedies are proposed.The authors are indebted to Parzival Copes and two anonymous referees for helpful comments.  相似文献   

“Network neutrality” and “open access” are two policies designed to preserve openness on the Internet. Open access mandates openness of conduits (e.g. television cable and DSL) to intermediaries (e.g. America Online), while network neutrality mandates openness to advanced content (streaming video, interactive e-commerce, etc.). We develop a systems model with free entry and competition in all three industry segments (conduits, intermediaries, and content) and examine the effects of the two types of regulation. We find that open access does not necessarily result in more openness of content and is not a substitute for network neutrality.
Christiaan HogendornEmail:

Summary This paper adapts the common property theory of fisheries economics to the analysis of perfectly competitive markets. It demonstrates that the open access characteristics of markets lead to dissipation of available ‘market rents’ through the costs of excess capacity. The conclusion is that an increase in net economic benefits may be generated by restricting the number (capacity) of units operating in perfectly competitive markets. Professor of Economics, Simon Fraser University. The author gratefully acknowledges research support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Reserch Council of Canada. He recognizes helpful discussions with his colleagues Pao Cheng, Arthur DeVany and Zane Spindler, without implicating them in the analysis or conclusions of this paper. Useful referee comments are also acknowledged.  相似文献   

在大数据时代,知识开放获取作为一种新兴的学术出版与交流模式有力地提高了信息传播的速度和信息利用的时效.面对知识开放获取的浪潮,信息服务机构在为受众提供知识信息服务时不可避免地会涉及版权问题,在知识开放获取新的信息环境下,信息服务机构如何在版权制度的框架内有效地开展知识服务成为信息服务工作者亟待解决的课题.文章梳理了国外...  相似文献   

迈向创意城市   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球化趋势不断加强、国际问竞争日益激烈的今天,以文化和创意为核心的创意产业的发展规模,已经成为衡量城市综合竞争力高低的一个重要标志.创意产业与城市发展的互融互动和互促效应日趋显著,创意城市也因此成为全球的发展热点.了解创意城市的特征和精彩纷呈的国际创意城市对我国城市经济的转型,特别是对于上海、北京这样的大城市无疑有很大帮助.  相似文献   

The article analyses the emergence and evolution of universities towards a more entrepreneurial model. The emergence of such a new entrepreneurial mission, incremental in relation to the more traditional and consolidated ones of education and research, determines the direct involvement of universities in the exploitation of research results, more intense collaborations with industry and involvement in regional economic development. It is argued, nonetheless, that both old and new performance indicators have to be defined in order to monitor both positive and negative consequencies of changes which are taking place in university missions and strategies.  相似文献   

Towards a new tax covenant   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Sijbren Cnossen 《De Economist》1995,143(3):285-315
Summary In The Netherlands, the high tax burden on employment income cripples the labor market, whilst the highly differentiated, if low, tax burden on capital income distorts the capital market. Building on the experience with dual income taxation in the Nordic countries, a new tax covenant is proposed comprising lower average and marginal tax rates on labor income and a more even-handed treatment of capital income. Specifically, capital income should be taxed at a low, proportional rate. Flanking measures are required to improve the workings of the labor market; notably, social benefits for people who can work as well as housing subsidies should be reduced. More fundamentally, a change in the social order is desirable which places greater weight on equal opportunities instead of equal outcomes.Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when the treadeth out the cornDeuteronomy 25:4 The author is grateful to Richard Bird, Lans Bovenberg, Flip de Kam, Jeroen Kremers, Ruud de Mooij, Leif Mutén, and Peter Sørensen for their stimulating comments on an earlier version of this article.Adapted from the Dutch version of the commencement address delivered at Earsmus University Rotterdam on November 8, 1994. Amounts in guilders can be converted into dollars by applying the exchange rate: Dfl. 1=US$ 0.63 (March 31, 1995).  相似文献   

Towards a sustainable growth path   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For Japan’s economy, there were two tasks I embraced myself for: “how to return to a sustainable growth path” and “how to rebuild the financial system.” And for the Bank of Japan, there was also the important challenge of navigating our way on a new voyage in line with the principles of the new Bank of Japan Law, which came into effect at almost the same time as I became Governor.  相似文献   

Dirk J. Wolfson 《De Economist》1990,138(2):107-122
Summary This paper outlines the conceptual framework of a theory of subsidisation by adapting optimal taxation theory, identifying the appropriate policy maker's welfare functions, and reviewing the uneasy relationship between politics and economics in controlling the distribution of income, information and authority. Introducing involuntary unemployment as an inferior good, new light is shed on the work-leisure choice in social security. Furthermore, it is shown how arguments of altruism and political imposition may be built into traditional welfare functions and how, under the Rule of Law, we are bound to overshoot our targets in the management of entitlements. [/p]I am grateful to Valpy FitzGerald, Ton Haselbekke, Arie Ros, Alan Peacock, Ron Steenblik and Jan Tinbergen for their stimulating comments on an earlier draft. They should not be blamed for the remaining errors, which are mine.This paper is a revised version of the Opening Address at the International Symposium celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the Institute for Research on Government Expenditure, The Hague, May 25th–26th, 1989, to be published in R. Gerritse (ed.),Producer Subsidies, London 1990  相似文献   

当前良好的经济形势背后,存在一些值得关注的问题和隐忧,经济总体过热的苗头开始出现,经济高速增长缺乏内在的拉动力和坚实的基础,实现经济持续快速健康发展要有新思路。  相似文献   

Michiel Keyzer 《De Economist》2010,158(4):411-425
This paper stresses the need to address upcoming scarcity of phosphorus, a mineral nutrient that is essential for all life on Earth. Agricultural crops obtain phosphorus from the pool in the soil that can be replenished by recycling of organic material, or by application of inorganic fertilizer, originating from mines, largely concentrated in three countries only: Morocco/Western Sahara, China and USA. A complicating factor is that the phosphorus rock contains other substances as well, including the heavy metals cadmium and uranium. These substances currently end up in fertilizer and in phosphogypsum where they may pose threats to human and animal health. Hence scarcity and environmental considerations call for action to close the phosphorus cycle. The paper compares two options for intervention: mandatory recycling versus a ban on imports of contaminated phosphorus, and argues in favor of the second.  相似文献   

In the face of some opposition from those who plead subsidiarity as the central plank of European policies, the emergence of an urban dimension to European policies has been significant in the last five years. Now, reinforced by a research base, with the European Parliament and the Committee of the Regions providing a political route to influence, and with a modest programme of experimentation in urban projects in progress, the “urban” appears genuinely fixed on the political agenda of Europe. From a UK perspective the substance of the programmes is limited; small in scale and following many of the lines established within City Challenge or the Urban Partnerships, the new European urban initiatives are substantively modest and marginal. Much more important is the symbolic importance of a European urban perspective. This gives impetus to the policy debate at both European and national levels with the Commission's Community Initiative directing attention not simply to growing polarisation, marginalisation and exclusion in cities, but also to issues of urban fiscal crisis — the interaction of heavy expenditure needs with inadequate tax or grant base. Increasingly fierce competition between cities for investment and growth, with both Brussels and nation states involved as regulators and/or co-competitors is certain to exacerbate inter urban differentials and to reinforce the salience of questions of social exclusion and urban fiscal crisis.  相似文献   

Indonesia's depreciation vastly exceeded that of all other countries hit by the Asian crisis. Indonesia also experienced far higher inflation. This paper argues that there is a close medium to long-term relationship between money growth and inflation in Indonesia, and that this has not been greatly disturbed by the crisis. It argues that the country's disappointing performance in relation to maintaining the value of the rupiah can be explained by the central bank's failure to sterilise the monetary impact on base money of its last-resort lending to the banks. The fundamental lesson is that Bank Indonesia would be well advised to adopt slow and steady growth of base money as the nominal anchor for monetary policy, now that the pre-crisis policy of slow and steady depreciation of the rupiah has been abandoned.  相似文献   

尽管有人罔顾发达国家的事实和国际潮流.鼓吹“向富人开枪会导致很严重的社会后果”,中国的消费税改革仍然在科学发展观的指导下向着构建和谐社会迈出了关键的一步,体现了中国政府坚持改革不动摇,用深化改革的办法来解决资源节约、环境保护和收入再分配等当前经济社会发展中需要重点解决的问题的决心。  相似文献   

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