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Using a new distribution capable of exhibiting all the possible modes of accelerating and decelerating mortality, we conduct a systematic investigation of late-life mortality in humans. We check the insensitivity of the distribution to age cutoffs in the data relative to the logistic mortality model and propose a method to forecast evolution in the characteristic deceleration ages of the distribution. A number of data sets have been explored, with a particular emphasis on those originating from Scandinavia. Although those from Australia, Canada, and the USA are compatible with Gompertzian mortality, those from the other countries examined are not. We find in particular that the onset of mortality deceleration is being progressively delayed in Western societies but that there is evidence of mortality plateauing at earlier ages.  相似文献   


In 1998 the United Nations Population Division extended the age format of its estimates and projections of population dynamics for all countries and areas of the world from 80 years and above to 100 years and above. The paper is based on experiences made during the implementation of relevant mortality projection methodologies and their application in two rounds of global population projections.

The paper first briefly addresses the need for the explicit inclusion of very old population segments into the regular UN estimates and projections. It is argued that since population aging is an important issue for both developed and developing countries, the need for more information regarding the elderly, and the oldest-old in particular, is significant.

The paper then documents the methods that have been evaluated and implemented, namely, the relational mortality standard proposed by Himes, Preston, and Condran, the Coale-Kisker extrapolation method for extending empirical age patterns of mortality to very high ages, and the Carter-Lee projection method for projecting model patterns of mortality to very high levels of life expectancy at birth. The methods are critically reviewed, and possible improvements to the methods are discussed.

The paper concludes with a discussion of different views regarding the future evolution of mortality at older ages, their regional variability, and the necessity to improve the coverage and quality of data collected in this area.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a Bayesian non-parametric mortality model for a small population, when a benchmark mortality table is also available and serves as part of the prior information. In particular, we extend the Poisson-gamma model of Hardy and Panjer to incorporate correlated and age-specific mortality coefficients. These coefficients, which measure the difference in mortality levels between the small and the benchmark population, follow an age-indexed autoregressive gamma process, and can be stochastically extrapolated to ages where the small population has no historical exposure. Our model substantially improves the computation efficiency of existing two-population Bayesian mortality models by allowing for closed form posterior mean and variance of the future number of deaths, and an efficient sampling algorithm for the entire posterior distribution. We illustrate the proposed model with a life insurance portfolio from a French insurance company.  相似文献   

The projection of mortality rates is an essential part of valuing liabilities in life insurance portfolios and pension schemes. An important tool for risk management and solvency purposes is a stochastic projection model. We show that ARIMA models can be better representations of mortality time-series than simple random-walk models. We also consider the issue of parameter risk in time-series models from the point of view of an insurer using them for regulatory risk reporting – formulae are given for decomposing overall risk into undiversifiable trend risk (parameter uncertainty) and diversifiable volatility. Particular attention is given to the contrasts in how academic researchers might view these models and how insurance regulators and practitioners in life offices might use them. Using a bootstrap method we find that, while certain kinds of parameter risk are negligible, others are too material to ignore. We also find that an objective model selection criterion, such as goodness of fit to past data, can result in the selection of a model with unstable parameter values. While this aspect of the model is superficially undesirable, it also leads to slightly higher capital requirements and thus makes the model of keen interest to regulators. Our conclusions have relevance to insurers using value-at-risk capital assessments in the European Union under Solvency II, but also territories using conditional tail expectations such as Australia, Canada and Switzerland.  相似文献   

In this paper, we incorporate the Bühlmann credibility into three mortality models (the Lee–Carter model, the Cairns–Blake–Dowd model, and a linear relational model) to improve their forecasting performances, as measured by the MAPE (mean absolute percentage error), using mortality data for the UK. The results show that the MAPE reduction ratios for the three mortality models with the Bühlmann credibility are all significant. More importantly, the MAPEs under the three mortality models with the Bühlmann credibility are very close to each other for each age and forecast year. Thus, by incorporating the Bühlmann credibility we are able to converge the forecasting MAPEs resulting from the three different mortality models to a lower and more consistent level. Moreover, we provide a credibility interpretation with an individual time trend for age x and a group time trend for all ages. Finally, we apply the forecasted mortality rates both with and without the Bühlmann credibility to the net single premiums of life insurance products, and compare the corresponding MAPEs.  相似文献   

Continuous-time mortality models, based on affine processes, provide many advantages over discrete-time models, especially for financial applications, where such processes are commonly used for interest rate and credit risks. This paper presents a multi-cohort mortality model for age-cohort mortality rates with common factors across cohorts as well as cohort-specific factors. The mortality model is based on well-developed and used techniques from interest rate theory and has many applications including the valuation of longevity-linked products. The model has many appealing features. It is a multi-cohort model that describes the whole mortality surface, it captures cohort effects, it allows for observed imperfect correlation between different cohorts, it is shown to fit historical data at pension-related ages very well, it has closed-form expressions for survival curves and we show that it outperforms a number of other commonly used discrete-time mortality models in forecasting future survival curves.  相似文献   

We provide a self-contained analysis of a class of continuous-time stochastic mortality models that have gained popularity in the last few years. We describe some of their advantages and limitations, examining whether their features survive equivalent changes of measures. This is important when using the same model for both market-consistent valuation and risk management of life insurance liabilities. We provide a numerical example based on the calibration to the French annuity market of a risk-neutral version of the model proposed by Lee & Carter (1992).  相似文献   

Medical authors typically combine all patient groups to increase the amount of data available for analysis. Use of this statistical methodology generally conceals higher mortality ratios at younger ages and masks survival differences related to disease severity and comorbid impairments. This paper discusses the effects of age and clinical characteristics on mortality experience in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Limited data suggest the mortality pattern associated with this impairment is similar to that observed with most disorders: excess mortality (compared to the general population) that is high at younger ages, intermediate in middle-aged people, and minimal in the very elderly. Optimism regarding generally favorable mortality at older ages must be tempered with caution since studies report much poorer experience in certain subgroups of elderly patients with this impairment.  相似文献   

The Lee-Carter model and its variants have been extensively employed by actuaries, demographers, and many others to forecast age-specific mortality. In this study, we use mortality data from England and Wales, and four Scandinavian countries to perform time-series outlier analysis of the key component of the Lee-Carter model – the mortality index. We begin by employing a systematic outlier detection process to ascertain the timing, magnitude, and persistence of any outliers present in historical mortality trends. We then try to match the identified outliers with imperative events that could possibly justify the vacillations in human mortality levels. At the same time, we adjust the effect of the outliers for model re-estimation. A new iterative model re-estimation method is proposed to reduce the chance of erroneous model specification. The empirical results indicate that the outlier-adjusted model could achieve more efficient forecasts of variables such as death rates and life expectancies. Finally, we point out that the Lee-Carter forecasts are especially vulnerable to outliers near the forecast origin, and discuss the potential limitations of the application of the Lee-Carter model to mortality forecasting.  相似文献   

We review a number of multi-population mortality models: variations of the Li & Lee model, and the common-age-effect (CAE) model of Kleinow. Model parameters are estimated using maximum likelihood. Although this introduces some challenging identifiability problems and complicates the estimation process it allows a fair comparison of the different models. We propose to solve these identifiability problems by applying two-dimensional constraints over the parameters. Using data from six countries, we compare and rank, both visually and numerically, the models’ fitting qualities and develop forecasting models that produce non-diverging, joint mortality rate scenarios. It is found that the CAE model fits best. But we also find that the Li and Lee model potentially suffers from robustness problems when calibrated using maximum likelihood.  相似文献   


Fernández-Durán, and Gregorio-Domínguez, Seasonal Mortality for Fractional Ages in Life Insurance. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal. A uniform distribution of deaths between integral ages is a widely used assumption for estimating future-lifetimes; however, this assumption does not necessarily reflect the true distribution of deaths throughout the year. We propose the use of a seasonal mortality assumption for estimating the distribution of future-lifetimes between integral ages: this assumption accounts for the number of deaths that occurs in given months of the year, including the excess mortality that is observed in winter months. The impact of this seasonal mortality assumption on short-term life insurance premium calculations is then examined by applying the proposed assumption to Mexican mortality data.  相似文献   

We analyse the trends in inequality in mortality across poverty groups at different ages over the period 1996–2016 in the Netherlands. In addition, we examine whether these trends are related to unequal changes in avoidable mortality, separated by preventable and treatable causes of death. We find that while inequalities in mortality have decreased at ages up to 65, inequalities increased for the oldest age groups. The decline in inequality at the younger ages can, to a large extent, be explained by a strong decrease of mortality from preventable and cardiovascular causes among the poor. The link between inequality and avoidable mortality at the oldest ages is less straightforward. The increasing inequality at old age might be the result of the inequalities shifting from the young to the older age groups, or of the rich benefiting more from the recent health (care) improvements than the poor.  相似文献   

In the first part of the paper, we consider the wide range of extrapolative stochastic mortality models that have been proposed over the last 15–20 years. A number of models that we consider are framed in discrete time and place emphasis on the statistical aspects of modelling and forecasting. We discuss how these models can be evaluated, compared and contrasted. We also discuss a discrete-time market model that facilitates valuation of mortality-linked contracts with embedded options. We then review several approaches to modelling mortality in continuous time. These models tend to be simpler in nature, but make it possible to examine the potential for dynamic hedging of mortality risk. Finally, we review a range of financial instruments (traded and over-the-counter) that could be used to hedge mortality risk. Some of these, such as mortality swaps, already exist, while others anticipate future developments in the market.  相似文献   

由死亡率下降带来的长寿风险给社会、政治以及经济带来了新的挑战。为了更加准确地对长寿风险进行评估和管理,需要对未来死亡率趋势进行预测。本文针对我国死亡率数据样本量小以及数据存在缺失的实际情况,对Lee-Carter模型进行了改进,通过一个双随机过程对Lee-Carter模型中的时间项进行建模。在模型中考虑了样本量不足对预测结果造成的影响,使得改进后的Lee-Carter模型更加适合目前中国的人口死亡率预测。  相似文献   

Only five populations have achieved maximum life expectancy (or best practice population) more than occasionally since 1900. The aim of this article is to understand how maximum life expectancy is achieved in the context of mortality transition. We explore this aim using the concepts of potential life expectancy, based on minimum rates at each age among all high longevity populations, and concordant ages. Concordant ages are defined as ages at which the minimum death rate occurs in the population with the maximum life expectancy. The results show the extent to which maximum life expectancy could increase through the realization of demonstrably achievable minimum rates. Concordant ages are concentrated at increasingly older ages over time, but they have produced more than half of the change in maximum life expectancy in almost all periods since 1900. This finding is attributed to their quantity and position whereby concordant ages are concentrated at the ages that have the greatest impact on mortality decline in a particular period. Based on mortality forecasts, we expect that concordant ages will continue to lead increases in female maximum life expectancy, but that they will play a weaker role in male maximum life expectancy.  相似文献   

The Lee-Carter (LC) stochastic mortality model has been widely used for making future projections of mortality rates. In the framework of the LC model, the response function is non-linear in parameters. Here, we adapt this LC framework to compute conditional quantiles. The LC quantile model can be defined as quantile non-linear regression conditioned to age and the calendar year. Two strategies for estimating coefficients based on interior-point methods are described. We show that the LC quantile model provides additional information to that furnished by the traditional LC conditional mean. An application to Spanish mortality data is reported.  相似文献   


The work of actuaries is concerned with estimating the future on the basis of past experience. The calculation of a premium to be charged for a given risk implies a forecast of the future but so far as mortality is concerned we have generally been content to examine past experience and assume that the results will be repeated. Judged as forecasts our estimates have sometimes been wide of the mark and owing to an almost continuous improvement in mortality actuaries have been assuming heavier rates of mortality than have been experienced. We may defend the use of past experience by saying that it is on the safe side when we are calculating premiums and we may argue that it is the best practical method; but an alternative is to make a more accurate forecast and then allow in our calculations a margin for chance deviations, emergencies, etc. Moreover the assumption that the past will be repeated has not been uniformly safe; it has led to bad results in annuity business and may prove unfortunate in social insurance, pension funds, and even sickness insurance. For some of these purposes we should either work on an estimate of future rates of mortality or, which comes to much the same thing, take a sufficient margin to cover the error involved in our assumptions.  相似文献   

Most mortality models proposed in recent literature rely on the standard ARIMA framework (in particular: a random walk with drift) to project mortality rates. As a result the projections are highly sensitive to the calibration period. We therefore analyse the impact of allowing for multiple structural changes on a large collection of mortality models. We find that this may lead to more robust projections for the period effect but that there is only a limited effect on the ranking of the models based on backtesting criteria, since there is often not yet sufficient statistical evidence for structural changes. However, there are cases for which we do find improvements in estimates and we therefore conclude that one should not exclude on beforehand that structural changes may have occurred.  相似文献   

Mortality is a dynamic process whose future evolution over time poses important challenges for life insurance, pension funds, public policy, and fiscal planning. In this paper, we propose two contributions: (1) a new dynamic corrective methodology of the predictive accuracy of the existing mortality projection models, by modeling a measure of their fitting errors as a Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process and; (2) various out-of-sample validation methods. Besides the usual static method, we develop a dynamic one allowing us to catch the change in behavior of the underlying data. For our numerical application, we choose the Cairns-Blake-Dowd (or M5) model. Using the Italian and French females mortality data and implementing the backtesting procedure, we empirically test the ex-post forecasting performance of the CBD model both for itself (CBD) and corrected by the CIR process (mCBD). We focus on age 65, but we show results for a wide range of ages, also much younger, and for cohort data. On the basis of average measures of forecasting errors and information criteria, we show that the mCBD model is parsimonious and provides better results in terms of predictive accuracy than the CBD model itself.  相似文献   

The earlier work on mortality modelling and forecasting has largely focused on the study of a single population. Recently, there is an emerging strand of literature that emphasises the interrelationship between multiple populations. In this paper, we examine some cohort extensions of the Poisson common factor model for modelling both genders jointly. The cohort effect is specified in six alternatives which are applied to data-sets from five developed regions. We find that direct parameterisation of cohort effect could improve model fitting, reduce the need for additional period factors, and produce consistent mortality forecasts for females and males. Furthermore, we find that the cohort effect appears to be gender indifferent for the populations examined and has an interaction effect with age in certain cases.  相似文献   

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