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本书主要作者罗伯特·斯托鲍(Robert Stobaugh),是美国著名的能源专家,哈佛研究生院商学系教授,哈佛工商管理学院所提出的能源计划的指导人。该书主要是从经济和技术两方面,对美国能源问题的产生及其现状进行了分析。作  相似文献   

为了抵御金融危机对我国经济的重大冲击,2008年年底中央开始实行积极的财政政策,三年来积极财政政策在运行中虽然取得了很大成效,但是也暴露出不少问题,如国债工具和转移性支出工具有效性不足,税收政策不完善,以及债务风险大等.因此,如何从完善现有政策和调整宏观政策两方面提高积极财政政策的有效性,就显得至关重要.  相似文献   

我国积极的财政政策实现了国家经济政策与宏观调控手段的高度运行.从实现经济增长可持续性的目标的角度出发,分析我国积极财政政策存在的局限,加大调控创新力度,促进经济结构优化.同时,结合我国的国情,探究出我国积极财政政策可持续性的解决对策,确保经济稳定发展和提高人民生活水平.  相似文献   

张瑛  郝琎 《西部财会》2023,(4):17-19
在实现“双碳”目标和进行产业绿色低碳转型的过程中,财政政策发挥着非常重要的作用。基于文献挖掘与理论研究,梳理我国财政政策和绿色低碳转型间的关系框架,进一步分析我国现行财政政策牵引绿色低碳经济转型机制,并提出存在的问题和不足,从而提出调整相关财政政策的对策建议。研究有助于对绿色低碳经济转型中财政政策机制发挥的牵引作用作出更深刻的理解,为更好地发挥国家财政政策在绿色经济和低碳转型过程中的重要作用提供理论支撑,为促进绿色低碳转型、实现“双碳”目标提供分析框架。  相似文献   

由于仓储装备编配方案优劣受诸多因素影响,因此定量评价仓储装备编配方案是一个多目标决策问题,解决这一问题,可以从以下两方面进行探讨:一是建立方案优劣评价指标体系,二是从以下两方面进行探讨;一是建立方案优劣评价指标体系;二是建立评价指标函数及计算其函数值,从而确定最佳编配方案。  相似文献   

财政政策是国家经济政策的重要组成部分,财政政策的运用是否得当关系到国民经济能否健康、稳定地增长。因此,各个国家在财政政策的选择上都十分地谨慎。本文着重对美日两国的财政政策进行比较分析,由此获得了诸多启示。文本还对我国最近几年实行的积极财政政策进行了简短评价并针对实施中存在的问题提出了政策和建议。  相似文献   

电子商务环境下企业会计发展的新趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从两方面介绍企业会计发展的新趋势:会计基本理论方面--会计工作目标、会计假设、会计的一般原则、会计要素;会计实务方面--账户设置、对记账方法、会计内部控制、会计财务报表,并提出了企业会计的新要求。  相似文献   

宏观经济政策目标宏观经济政策所要达到的目标主要有四项:一、充分就业,即存在自然失业而又消除了需求不足失业时的就业状态。二、物价稳定,即保证低而稳定的通货膨胀率。三、经济增长,保持社会的经济资源与技术进步所允许的适度增长。四、国际收支平衡,即无国际收支赤字,又无国际收支盈余。财政政策通过改变政府支出与税收来调节总需求与经济活动水平的经济政策,是需求管理中的一项重要内容。财政政策的运用主要有三种形式:一、内在稳定器,利用市场经济的制度特点能自动调节经济的某些财政政策措施。二、补偿性财政政策,通过逆风…  相似文献   

长期稳定的利润增长是企业生存之道,而利润的增长主要是由两方面因素构成的:一方面是企业对市场的供需变化的把握;另一方面是企业绩效管理水平的不断提高。只有这两方面的同时并重,企业才能获得成功。本文探讨了如何使企业实现科学的绩效管理目标,并提出当企业绩效管理中出现问题时的应对方法。  相似文献   

对提高我国财政透明度的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财政透明度主要是指政府向公众公开政府的结构和职能、财政政策目标、公共部门账户和财政预算等信息的程度。我国是IMF成员国之一,与国际间皎往和联系日益密切,就必须参照国际统一性的规则,构建科学的财政管理体系,提高财政透明度和效率。本文通过对国际货币基金组织《财政透明度手册》的内涵及其基本要求的解读,分析了我国财政管理体制中存在的问题,并提出提高财政透明度的几点建议。  相似文献   

当前中国民营经济正处于转型发展期,分析影响中国民营经济发展的因素显得尤为重要。本文运用向量误差修正模型实证研究了财政金融政策与中国民营经济发展的关系。结果显示,财政政策、金融政策都会正向长期地促进中国民营经济发展,金融政策对中国民营经济发展的影响效应明显比财政政策大,且财政金融政策均为中国民营经济发展的单向因果原因。在此基础上,提出了促进中国民营经济转型发展的相关财政金融政策建议。  相似文献   

丁焕强  齐菲 《价值工程》2006,25(1):111-116
1998年开始,我国实行了以增加投入、扩大内需为主的积极财政政策。实践证明,积极的财政政策为我国有效抵御亚洲金融危机冲击,推动经济结构调整,促进经济持续稳定快速发展等方面,起到了重要作用。但同时也出现了一系列负面影响。目前,我国提出从2005年开始实施稳健的财政政策。如何实现财政政策的转型,这是我国宏观调控政策实施过程中面临的一个重要课题。本文在对积极财政政策分析评价的基础上,从调控政府支出、推进结构性税制改革、控制赤字、转移财政政策功能及支持中小企业发展等方面,提出了我国实施稳健财政政策的思路和对策。  相似文献   

We use a SVAR approach to the effects of fiscal and monetary policies, as well as their interactions (policy mix) for the US and the Euro Area (EMU). Overall, our results show that these two cases are different from each other. First, while in the case of the US there is evidence of Keynesian monetary policy, the same is not true in the case of the EMU. Second, considering the effects of the global economic and financial crisis, there is evidence of non-Keynesian fiscal policy in the case of the EMU (expansionary fiscal consolidation), while it does not hold in the case of the US. Third, there is evidence supporting the traditional inverse relationship between monetary policy interest rates and inflation in the case of the US, whereas in the case of the EMU there is a price puzzle (frequent in SVAR studies). Fourth, the baseline model seems to be robust in the case of the US, when considering the effects of the economic and financial crisis 2007–2009, while the opposite holds in the case of the EMU. However, in both cases, the policies seem to act as complements. Another similarity appears when analysing the relationship between public spending and taxation, where there is evidence supporting a fiscal retrenchment.  相似文献   

付罡  李雪芬 《价值工程》2010,29(17):32-33
为防止全球经济过度衰退,各国政府统一行动,采取了积极的财政货币政策,最大限度地减少金融危机所带来的影响,而欧元区国家却为此陷入了巨大的债务危机。本文讨论了导致债务危机产生的主要原因及影响,着重探讨债务危机给各国政府带来的启示教训,认为金融监管体系改革、透明化以及政府实行财政、金融改革,实施可持续公共财政是关键因素,对我国政府采取措施,建立一整套全面危机应对体制防范可能的金融风险提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

It is already well understood that economic and monetary union (EMU) will imply the centralisation of much of economic policy, including the setting of the euro interest rate and restrictions on the fiscal freedom of participating countries. In this article it is argued that fiscal harmonisation will go further than an obligation to adhere to the deficit limit of the'convergence criteria': It is also deduced that central control over the regulation of financial institutions will be necessary for EMU to function.  相似文献   

何国松  黄莉敏  周显鹏  胡玲 《价值工程》2012,31(13):132-134
对地方财政风险进行综合评价,能够定量地确定地方财政面临的风险程度,及时采取有效措施加以防范。本文采用引进物元模型对地方财政风险进行综合评价,并以湖北省咸宁市为例,对其财政风险进行评价,其结果为预警级风险,在此基础上,提出了防范财政风险的建议。  相似文献   

This paper develops a portfolio approach to modeling endogenous growth in continuous time that is especially suitable for addressing fiscal and financial issues in policy design. The analysis focuses on the equilibrium relationship between fiscal and financial policy, rates of return and wealth allocation. We analyze two models. The first is based on the Arrow-Romer model with increasing returns and an external effect of capital on labor productivity. The second draws on Barro's analysis of government spending and endogenous growth. In both models, we study the equilibrium allocation and discuss the optimal fiscal and financial policy.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the inter-linkages between financial stability and fiscal policy. It analyzes the effect of selected financial stability indicators on the probability of future debt deterioration, controlling for several macroeconomic variables. We find significant evidence that a fragile banking system can put at risk public finances. Weak bank profitability, low asset quality and a weak capital base increase the fragility of the banking system, thus, raising the probability of future fiscal troubles.  相似文献   

In the 2010 Wincott Lecture, the author – a former European Commissioner – explains how the process of policy‐making within the European Union can be improved. In order to gain the full benefits of an open and integrated single market, the EU must stop interfering in areas that should properly be the responsibility of member states. However, in the context of the current economic crisis, the EU should take a greater role in financial regulation and in ensuring fiscal responsibility among members of the eurozone.  相似文献   

Wide operational and financial independence given to monetary and credit policies subjects the Federal Reserve to incentives detrimental for macroeconomic and financial stability. The absence of a monetary policy rule created go-stop incentives that produced inefficient volatility of both inflation and unemployment during the Great Inflation. Fed credit policy has undergone massive “mission creep” since the Fed was established. Being debt-financed fiscal policy, Fed credit policy beyond ordinary temporary lending to solvent depositories creates friction with the fiscal authorities and jeopardizes the Fed׳s independence. An ambiguous boundary of expansive Fed credit policy creates expectations of Fed accommodation in financial crisis—that blunts the incentive of private entities to take protective measures beforehand (to shrink counter-party risk and reliance on short-term finance, and build up equity capital) and blunts the incentive of the fiscal authorities to prepare procedures in advance to act systematically in times of credit turmoil. These points are illustrated with reference to the 2007–09 financial crisis. Part of the problem is that the independent Fed does not have the same incentive as the 19th century Bank of England to follow Bagehot׳s Rule. The paper concludes with a set of principles to preserve a workable, sustainable division of responsibilities between the independent central bank and the fiscal authorities.  相似文献   

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