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The general similarity of the results of comparative statics in a semiclosed and in a fully closed city have been demonstrated by Pines and Sadka (Journal of Urban Economics 20, 1–20, 1986). The objective of this paper is to determine if the consequences of different forms of public regulation of the urban land market are also invariant with respect to the type of city. The conclusion is that while there are well-defined consequences of such controls on metropolitan area and land values in a semiclosed city, the impacts in a fully closed city are generally ambiguous. Therefore, proposals for the introduction of zoning and density regulation have to be city-specific and take into consideration the pattern of land ownership and the extent of leakage of urban land rent income.  相似文献   

This paper investigates optimal zoning of two managerial firms in an unconstrained linear city. Comparing with the case in which firms are not managerial type, the strategic delegation increases the incentives of one firm to locate farther from the rival. Then, a welfare function is introduced to highlight zoning regulation as an influential competition policy tool. Depending on the regulator's objective function and the timing of location choice, we provide a new mechanism that allows the regulator to attain the optimal locations of managerial firms and can lead to strong or weak competition.  相似文献   

美国城市分区规划的社会排斥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国城市分区规划属于地方自治权,其产生伊始便带有明显的社会排斥倾向和政府规制色彩,对美国大都市区的居住隔离起到了关键而直接的作用,造成了消极的社会后果,成为打破对黑人的经济与社会隔离、实现城郊协调发展的制度性障碍.  相似文献   

The paper develops a two-sector urban model of center city and suburbs in which the effect of suburban large lot zoning on metropolitan area size can be determined. The model shows that zoning makes all metropolitan area residents—center city and suburban—worse off in their role as renters. However, zoning can cause metropolitan area size to either increase or decrease, depending on specified parameter values. The model also shows that zoning can cause an increase or decrease in overall metropolitan area land value. Finally, the question of who gains and who loses from zoning is discussed.  相似文献   

系统分析了城市分区的综合成本、收益及其量变对比关系,探讨了城市管理分区制的可行性及其约束条件,特别是城市分区制在我国城市治理中的实践意义.  相似文献   

钦州市作为新兴的港口工业城市,在主体功能区划规划中被列为国家重点开发区。在分析区域环境承载能力的基础上,从构建原则、目标和指标选取等方面探讨构建钦州市主体功能区划指标体系。  相似文献   

认为美国的城市土地管理具有良好的法律基础.注重将土地资源利用与资源节约、提升城市生活水平与控制城市规模相结合;介绍了美国城市土地管理的三大手段:行政分区、市场机制与规划.  相似文献   

1985墨西哥城发生8.1级地震,是世界上为数不多的发生在国家首都的中心地区、并使人口和公共设施都受到严重损害的地震。地震发生时墨西哥正处于快速城市化和经济衰退时期、正要推出一系列改革的起步阶段,面对如此巨大的损失,震后重建的政策调整显得尤为关键。以首都重建为契机,墨西哥政府开始关注城市宏观发展策略、可负担性住房和法规健全等问题,并且通过一系列震后改革策略来推进城市管治思路的转型。事实上,这些震后推出的新政策对城市发展产生了深远的影响:城市中心职能外迁促进了城市功能的有机疏散;以低收入住房为主的住房政策推动了城市的郊区化,同时也使城市中心区住房产权发生了本质性转变;从立法角度对城市进行灾害危险性分区,并对建筑单体构造性能进行严格规定。同样发生在发展中国家高速城市化时期的灾害,墨西哥震后重建的经验和教训将对中国城市防灾抗灾提供重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文为厦门市城市总体规划概述 ,内容主要包括规划期、规划目标、城市性质、城市规模、城市结构、交通等。  相似文献   

Optimality of urban density regulations differs between a closed city and an open city. We demonstrate, by examining optimal floor area ratio (FAR) regulation, how to control building size to mitigate traffic congestion externality in a monocentric city. Results show that a closed city requires not only downward adjustment to the market density at boundary locations using maximum FAR regulation but also upward adjustment at central locations using minimum FAR regulation. On the other hand, an open city requires only the former. The common practice of imposing only maximum FAR regulation is thus insufficient for closed cities although it is effective for open cities.  相似文献   

文章认为 ,制约中国城市化集约进程的主要因素是体制约束。因此 ,彻底突破旧体制的约束成为加快城市化集约进程的关键。作者结合广东顺德市的实践总结得出 ,尽快改革现行的户籍管理制度 ;对农村经济结构、运行机制和管理方式等方面进行战略性调整 ;加大投资体制改革力度 ,拓宽城建融资渠道 ;通过区域重组和调整行政区划等手段加大区域建制改革力度 ;建立与市场经济和城市化发展要求相适应的、覆盖面广的社会保障体系等是出路所在。  相似文献   

我国法定图则的实践分析与发展方向   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从法定图则的起源起笔 ,以深圳市法定图则实践为例 ,分析了我国在法定图则实践中出现的问题和发展的方向。  相似文献   

This paper develops a new open-city urban simulation model capable of showing the urban form and energy consumption effects of variation in city size. The model is able to consider city size differences caused by wage and amenity differentials, both with and without housing and land use regulation. The surprising conclusion is that per-capita energy use is relatively invariant to city size when growth is driven by wages but falls modestly with growth induced by rising amenity. Common land use policies, specifically density limits and greenbelts, can positively or negatively affect both city welfare and energy use.  相似文献   

Monopoly zoning by local governments has been studied extensively since the original article by White [1975, in: E. Mills and W. Oates, eds., Fiscal zoning and land use controls (Lexington Books, Lexington, MA)]. However, little or no attention has been paid to the possibility of monopolistic discrimination under such a regime. The question is: When will zoning multiple lot sizes be feasible given that buyers with different valuations of land cannot be coerced into purchasing particular lots? The literature on imperfect price discrimination by monopolists is brought to bear on this question. It is shown that the resulting zoning strategy may or may not involve multiple lot sizes. The factors determining the optimal strategy are studied in detail, with particular emphasis on the nature of the market for undeveloped land in the community.  相似文献   

The effect of zoning on land value   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two types of zoning are identified: externality zoning, which is designed to achieve a Pareto efficient pattern of land use, and fiscal zoning, which is designed to accomplish some other objective. (The latter, for instance, may be aimed at minimizing the tax rate in a community.) The paper shows that it is not in general possible using a priori theory to predict the sign (positive or negative) of the effect of either of these forms of zoning on aggregate land value in a community. It is shown, however, that under plausible assumption it can be argued that zoning as currently practiced in many U. S. communities probably has the effect of lowering aggregate land values in the communities doing the zoning.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the role of land prices in the decision to rezone vacant land from one land use to another. Although the study of zoning and related issues is well documented, this is one of only a handful of studies that directly examines zoning changes. Unlike previous studies that treat zoning as static, acknowledging only that the current allocation of land differs from the market allocation, this study examines if the allocation of land will be reallocated (rezoned) toward a market allocation. The study is unique in that it analyzes zoning changes on an individual property basis and is based on transactions of vacant parcels. The data are drawn from a single municipality, Chicago—Illinois, allowing a uniform definition of zoning classification rather than trying to combine data under multiple zoning authorities.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the role of land prices in the decision to rezone vacant land from one land use to another. Although the study of zoning and related issues is well documented, this is one of only a handful of studies that directly examines zoning changes. Unlike previous studies that treat zoning as static, acknowledging only that the current allocation of land differs from the market allocation, this study examines if the allocation of land will be reallocated (rezoned) toward a market allocation. The study is unique in that it analyzes zoning changes on an individual property basis and is based on transactions of vacant parcels. The data are drawn from a single municipality, Chicago—Illinois, allowing a uniform definition of zoning classification rather than trying to combine data under multiple zoning authorities.  相似文献   

机场工作区是保障机场正常运作的必不可少的功能区域,以广州白云国际机场南工作区为例探讨复合枢纽机场工作区的功能分区、建筑布局、道路交通组织以及景观形象规划,以期为未来其他各地机场工作区规划提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper develops and applies a method for measuring the extent to which large bodies of water restrict urban land supply. The amount of land available for urban use is the sum of weighted annular areas, net of water, around the urban center. The weights exponentially decrease toward zero with distance from the center at a rate determined by the population density gradient. The method of measurement and the weights are derived from the theory of a monocentric city with a perfectly competitive land market. The method is applied to calculate land supply indexes for the 40 most populous U.S. urban areas in 1980, and indexes over time for two land-filled urban areas. Such indexes can be constructed to account for restrictions imposed by mountains and by zoning. They are useful in empirical studies of land, housing, transportation, and population density.  相似文献   

The meanings and practices of space shape how cities are understood and governed. This article argues that space is central to understandings of mobility and practices of regulation in the city. Undertaking an analysis of the regulation of Muslim pilgrims (Hajis) in colonial Bombay (Mumbai) from 1880 to 1914, this article explores urban governance discourses around race, religion and public health at a variety of scales. It investigates the way that Hajis were problematized through these discourses, and targeted as threats to elite power and prosperity in the specific context of Bombay as a global shipping and economic hub. I conclude that elite conceptions of the city shape the governance of problematized bodies in ways which reinforce the meanings and politics of mobility and space. Elite understandings of movement and the city itself shape the practices and targets of urban regulation and control.  相似文献   

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