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“西部开发,交通先行”。对西部地区交通状况的了解是正确实施交通发展战略的关键,改革开放以来,我国不断地深化国有企业改革,交通企业所有制结构发生了显著变化,尤其是非公有制经济的发展给交通行业的发展注入了新的活力。但是,由于我国的地区差异太大,经济发展不平衡,所以对东部经济发展的经验能否用于西部经济建设,尤其是交通建设,值得展开科学的研究。由于西部地区主要以公路运输为主,所以本文主要研究公路交通行业的所有制结构及其发展战略。  相似文献   

农村公路是我国国民经济发展的重要交通基础设施,是连接城乡以及城乡商品流通的桥梁和纽带,也是我国城市化进程中必不可少的重要基础设施。提高和改善西部地区农村  相似文献   

公路是区域经济发展的重要基础设施,尤其对于西部内陆地区至关重要。世界其他国家(如美国、意大利、日本等)的欠发达地区与我国西部地区类似,从区位上看也是远离发达地区。美国也是发展不平衡的国家,它的西部地区相对落后,但美国的区域援助政策与公路相关区域政策实施后,极大地促进了西部地区交通的快速发展,大大促进了地区经济增长,缩小了地区贫富差距。  相似文献   

近年来,西部城市化进程明显加快,人口向城市的集聚和城乡往来显著增强。一些大城市正在出现多中心的趋势,城市人口和产业布局也从中心聚集模式转向多中心均衡发展。城镇一体化发展密切了城市之间、城乡之间的交通联系,使公路货物运输需求显著增加,因此西部地区城乡交通一体化发展对公路货物运输系统提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

1988年中国第一条高速公路建成通车,该条高速公路从上海至嘉兴.从此打开了我国经济交通发展的新局面.近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展,公路网也逐渐在向我国西部地区不断扩展,向偏远山区延伸.然而我国高速公路平均每公里造价近1亿元,巨大的造价使得高速公路维护保养资金难以落实,这些路段的折旧处理显得尤为重要.由于西部地区经济自然等环境的特殊性,对于折旧的处理长期存在一些不同的看法,论文主要探讨在我国西部地区高速公路折旧特点及方法的选择.  相似文献   

随着改革进程的不断深入发展 ,国家决定实施西部大开发战略并准备加入WTO ,标志着我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设进入了一个崭新的时期 ,具有极其重大的政治和经济意义 ,对我国各方面都将产生深远的影响。如何抢抓实施西部大开发战略机遇 ,积极迎接加入WTO的挑战 ?如何应对新时期、新形势下的出现的新问题 ?如何加快湖北经济和交通基础设施建设步伐 ,促进交通事业的发展 ?这是摆在我们面前紧迫和现实的问题。由于长期受计划经济管理体制和思维模式的影响 ,我省交通部门还有许多方面不能适应社会主义市场经济体制的要求 ,主要表现在…  相似文献   

我国西部偏远地区包括陕、甘、宁、青、蒙、新、川、滇、桂、贵、藏、渝12省区及直辖市的偏远地区。西部偏远地区地域辽阔、地形地貌复杂、气候条件恶劣,交通建设和运营条件十分不利,居民出行条件较为落后,物资交流和商品运输困难,严重制约了地方经济的发展。相比其他运输  相似文献   

“公路工程施工设备与筑路材料产品系列标准研究”为交通部2001年西部交通建设科技项目(项目编号200131822383)。该项目由交通部公路科学研究所.重庆交通学院和北京交通大学承担完成。本文将系统介绍我国西部交通建设对公路工程施工设备及筑路材料的影响.要求等研究结论。  相似文献   

正成渝地区双城经济圈,是我国推动"一带一路"建设、长江经济带发展、新时代西部大开发形成新格局走深走实的重大举措。成渝地区双城经济圈,也被国家列为与京津冀城市群、长三角城市群和粤港澳城市群并列的四大重点发展区域之一。区域发展,交通先行。打破两地交通发展瓶颈,探索两地交通发展新模式,是四川、重庆两地交通部门当前工作的重要内容。本刊根据2020世界交通运输大会成都论坛上有关成渝双城经济圈综合交通一体化的话题探讨,组织本期专题,一窥成渝双城交通发展之道,为其他区域交通发展提供参考。  相似文献   

我国西部——陕、甘、宁、青、新、滇、黔、藏、川、渝有面积545万平方公里,占全国总面积的56.8%;人口约2.85亿,占全国总人口的23%;国家重点扶贫县307个,占全国重点扶贫县总数的50%以上。我国提出西部大开发战略后,使昔日“冷区”变成“热点”,作为经济建设中的“先行官”——交通如何发展,特别是处于中东部地区的交通企业如何持续发展,面临哪些挑战和机遇?  相似文献   

Global shipping is a backbone of the global economy, and as such, it evolves alongside the development of trade and the elaboration of commodity chains. This paper investigates the evolution of regional inequality in the global shipping network by analyzing the changing positions of world regions during the period from 2001 to 2012. This was a period of both prosperity and recession in maritime shipping. Using data on inter-regional flow connections, the positions of seventeen regions in the global shipping network are analyzed in terms of their traffic development, centrality, dominance and vulnerability. The East Asian, Northwest European and Europe Mediterranean regions have consistently held the highest positions, while East African and North African regions have held the lowest positions. By commanding the largest flows in the network, East Asia assumes a dominant position. The Australasian, North American West Coast, Northwest European and Southern African regions show an increasing dependency on East Asia. The analysis also identifies a few emerging regions that have had the highest growth rates in total traffic volume and connectivity for the studied period, namely South American North Coast, South American East Coast, West Africa, Southern Africa and West Asia. The empirical results of this paper supplement existing research on global shipping network evolution. One implication of the analysis is that the traffic growth of East Asia does not imply that, there is an equivalent improvement in its position in the global shipping network. The paper also shows that indicators from network analysis may be used to provide a more nuanced understanding of port-regional development than existing measures based solely on total traffic volume.  相似文献   

Urban population growth and economic development have led to the creation of new communities, jobs and services at places where the existing road network might not cover or efficiently handle traffic. This generates isolated pockets of areas which are difficult to reach through the transport system. To address this accessibility problem, we have developed a novel approach to systematically examine the current urban land use and road network conditions as well as to identify poorly connected regions, using GPS data collected from taxis. This method is composed of four major steps. First, city-wide passenger travel demand patterns and travel times are modeled based on GPS trajectories. Upon this model, high density residential regions are then identified, and measures to assess accessibility of each of these places are developed. Next, the regions with the lowest level of accessibility among all the residential areas are detected, and finally the detected regions are further examined and specific transport situations are analyzed.By applying the proposed method to the Chinese city of Harbin, we have identified 20 regions that have the lowest level of accessibility by car among all the identified residential areas. A serious reachability problem to petrol stations has also been discovered, in which drivers from 92.6% of the residential areas have to travel longer than 30 min to refill their cars. Furthermore, the comparison against a baseline model reveals the capacity of the derived measures in accounting for the actual travel routes under divergent traffic conditions. The experimental results demonstrate the potential and effectiveness of the proposed method in detecting car-based accessibility problems, contributing towards the development of urban road networks into a system that has better reachability and more reduced inequity.  相似文献   

Arctic regions are geographically peripheral and characterized by cold climate, constantly changing weather conditions and strong seasonal variations. This article examines variations in road traffic volume due to adverse weather in an arctic region, a topic that has received little attention in the transportation literature. The subject of the case study is northern Norway's Saltfjellet mountain pass, which is part of European Highway 6 (Ev6). A succinct econometric structural equation model was used to test hypotheses regarding the impacts of fluctuations in temperature, precipitation and wind speed on passenger and freight traffic volumes. The findings indicate that there was some reduction in traffic volume during adverse weather, particularly with respect to passenger traffic. However, the day-to-day variations in traffic volumes were relatively low at the studied section of road, although it is known that generalized transport costs increase significantly in adverse weather due to delays related to poor driving conditions and closed roads. The studied region is rural with limited access to alternative routes or transport modes, thus making this portion of the road particularly important for the communities in the region. Hence, the road users have few other options than using this high-cost road in order to maintain their activities. The use of standardized parameters in transport models to predict the effect of adverse weather on traffic volume, would not be appropriate in the studied context. However, it is recommended that the benefits of reducing the extra costs that adverse weather impose on traffic are estimated and included in road-project assessment tools to capture the burden and strain imposed on road users. This to ensure that appropriate decisions are made regarding the development and improvement of transportation facilities, particularly in rural areas.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate flow characteristics on two-lane rural highways and to develop criteria for highway widening. The study is conducted on two tracks: theoretical development of delay models and use of a simulation model to estimate the effect of certain parameters on delay and percent-time-spent-following. Models of delay are presented, as are the regions in which the traffic is stable or unstable. It was also possible from the simulation to obtain the percent-time-spent-following, which is a key parameter in determining level-of-service on two-lane highways.The accrued delay over the usable life of a two-lane highway pavement, assumed to be 20 years, was discounted to present monetary value. This was then compared to four typical construction costs for different terrain types. The threshold average daily traffic volumes were determined at the points where the present value of the accumulated delay was equal to the cost of constructing two more lanes. These threshold values can be used as criteria for widening a two-lane highway and converting it into a four-lane facility. Additional criteria, based on percent-time-spent-following, are also presented.  相似文献   

The outsourcing of logistics activities to logistics service providers leads to a demand for new logistics-related land development. At the moment (minimising) regional traffic generation is not a major decision criterion for site selection and development. For a sound traffic impact assessment, information on trip generation of logistics facilities like transfer depots, distribution centres and warehouses is necessary. Surveys conducted in the case study region Hamburg, Germany, provide such information. Applying the survey results, different logistics land use development scenarios are assessed in this paper. The results show that strategic location of logistics areas can reduce traffic and traffic impacts.  相似文献   

Traffic crashes are geographical events, and their spatial patterns are strongly linked to the regional characteristics of road network, sociodemography, and human activities. Different human activities may have different impacts on traffic exposures, traffic conflicts and speeds in different transportation geographic areas, and accordingly generate different traffic safety outcomes. Most previous researches have concentrated on exploring the impacts of various road network attributes and sociodemographic characteristics on crash occurrence. However, the spatial impacts of human activities on traffic crashes are unclear. To fill this gap, this study attempts to investigate how human activities contribute to the spatial pattern of the traffic crashes in urban areas by leveraging multi-source big data. Three kinds of big data sources are used to collect human activities from the New York City. Then, all the collected data are aggregated into regional level (ZIP Code Tabulation Areas). Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression (GWPR) method is applied to identify the relationship between various influencing factors and regional crash frequency. The results reveal that human activity variables from multi-source big data significantly affect the spatial pattern of traffic crashes, which may bring new insights for roadway safety analyses. Comparative analyses are further performed for comparing the GWPR models which consider human activity variables from different big data sources. The results of comparative analyses suggest that multiple big data sources could complement with each other in the coverage of spatial areas and user groups, thereby improving the performance of zone-level crash models and fully unveiling the spatial impacts of human activities on traffic crashes in urban areas. The results of this study could help transportation authorities better identify high-risky regions and develop proactive countermeasures to effectively reduce crashes in these regions.  相似文献   

综合交通枢纽与城市交通体系的整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前新建的以铁路为主体的综合交通枢纽,已经成为整个城市甚至整个区域的交通换乘中心,因此将综合交通枢纽纳入到整个城市的交通体系之中就显得十分重要。通过对郑州东站等几个大型综合交通枢纽工程实例的分析,总结了综合交通枢纽交通设计的关键因素,提出了将综合交通枢纽与城市交通体系进行全面整合的设计思想和设计方法。  相似文献   

Functional regions are autonomous (internally coherent and externally self-contained) spatial structures based on vector data, so-called spatial interactions. Typically, travel-to-work, travel-to-school flows and migrations are analysed by various methods of functional regional taxonomy in order to define functional regions. There is still another type of statistically recorded vector data which has, up to now, rarely been used for this purpose: traffic flows. However, these data differ distinctly from the above mentioned flows. In this paper we pursue two objectives: (i) to define functional transport regions based on a graph theoretic analysis of individual traffic flows, and (ii) to add knowledge to the issue of the self-containment of functional transport regions. The specific nature of transport data compared to the above-mentioned spatial interactions requires a specific methodological approach, which is presented in the paper. The existing graph theoretic procedures do not seem suitable for the definition of functional transport regions due to data specifics. Therefore our analysis is based on a rough analogy to the minimum cut method – we identify minimum flows in a graph representing a transport network. The territory of the Czech Republic is used as the example. Two regional systems are defined (based on 2000 and 2016 data) and compared in time. The paper achieves two main findings. First, the proposed methodological approach allows us to define autonomous functional transport regions, and the means to calculate their self-containment is discussed. Second, functional transport regions in the Czech Republic show unexpected stability over time compared to functional regions based on such spatial interactions as commuting flows.  相似文献   

通达性是度量交通网络结构的有效指标,也是评价区域(或城市)获取发展机会和控制市场能力的有效指标之一.阐述城市通达性的评价方法,以31个省会级中心城市为研究对象,分别从各城市的节点总空间距离、节点总时间距离,快速客运网的网络总空间距离、网络总时间距离,城市节点通达性系数以及中心城市的日可达性等方面,分析“十二五”铁路快速客运网建设对城市通达性的影响.  相似文献   

The European container port system features a unique blend of different port types and sizes combined with a vast economic hinterland. This paper provides an update of the detailed container traffic analysis developed by Notteboom (1997) by extending it to the period 1985–2008 and to 78 container ports. The paper also aims at identifying key trends and issues underlying recent developments in the European container port system. These trends include the formation of multi-port gateway regions, changes in the hinterland orientation of ports and port regionalization processes. While the local hinterland remains the backbone of ports’ traffic positions, a growing demand for routing flexibility fuels competition for distant hinterlands between multi-port gateway regions. The prevailing assumption that containerisation would lead to further port concentration is not a confirmed fact in Europe: the European port system and most of its multi-port gateway regions witness a gradual cargo deconcentration process. Still, the container handling market remains far more concentrated than other cargo handling segments in the European port system, as there are strong market-related factors supporting a relatively high cargo concentration level in the container sector.  相似文献   

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