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区位优势、自然资源与景德镇陶瓷特色产业集群的兴衰   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘善庆  叶小兰  陈文华 《经济师》2007,(1):272-272,274
特定的地理位置使景德镇陶瓷特色产业集群获得了较其他地区陶瓷集群更为持久的、和平安定的环境,有利于其发展、壮大;优质的高岭土、瓷石和配料配方与松柴、镇窑和烧成工艺是构成景德镇陶瓷特色产业集群的关键;瓷石及优质的高岭土成为确立景德镇为中国瓷都地位的必备物质条件之一。  相似文献   

城市化和商品化促进了生产要素的全面流动,推动了市场化进程,有利于商人队伍的扩大,为陶瓷等手工业提供了劳动力队伍和消费市场。浮梁地区山多田少,粮食普遍不足。唐宋时期景德镇陶瓷业利润远高于浮梁农业的收益,从事瓷业既是当时农民不得不做的事情,也是他们乐意做的事情。在景德镇陶瓷特色产业集群形成和发展过程申,景德镇与浮梁及邻近的几个县建立了有效的物资交流网,有力地保证了集群所需人力、物资的供应。  相似文献   

诸多因素导致了景德镇陶瓷特色产业集群和技术进步:消费偏好等市场因素,封建朝廷的重视,井制定优惠的产业政策,景德镇陶瓷特色产业集群学习、消化和整合机制,良好的集聚导致的效益,专业化分工,以及陶瓷特色产业集群自身优胜劣汰的竞争激励机制等。其中,消费偏好和竞争的存在是景德镇陶瓷特色产业集群技术进步的关键因素。  相似文献   

在税率方面,唐宋商业税率速低于农业税率,这种情况促进了景德镇陶瓷特色产业集群的萌芽和形成。从收益来看,宋代商业收益很高,清朝商业利润总体上仍然比较高,从而有利于景德镇陶瓷特色产业集群的形成和发展。从行业看,陶瓷产业在唐宋时期既是小农发家致富的重要选择,也是资本增殖比较快的途径。土地一直是明清时期各种资本投资的主要项目,相对于土地利润而言,瓷器手工业生产利润不足以吸引商人大规模投资,由此,商业资本拒绝向工业资本转化,而与农业结合起来了。  相似文献   

景德镇瓷器产业经过多年发展形成了一个具有众多分工合作关系的企业之间相互依存、相互支撑、共同发展的集群产业体系,有着其自身的独特优势,也面临着日益多变的复杂问题。本文以面临的问题及对策建议两个方面解读景德镇瓷器产业集群,分析其当下面临的严峻考验,从反贸易壁垒、提高自主创新能力、培养品牌意识及人才机制的培养四个方面,针对景德镇瓷器产业集群面临的问题提出对策建议。  相似文献   

瓷器作为景德镇的区域名片举世闻名,景德镇的陶瓷制造业自汉朝以来,经过1800多年的发展,如今形成了一个具有众多分工合作关系的企业之间相互依存、相互支撑、共同发展的集群产业体系.本文以时间为顺序介绍了景德镇产业集群的发展历程,简要分析了景德镇产业集群的三个特点,并从自然资源优势、人力资源、政府资源、品牌效应四个方面分析景德镇瓷器产业形成产业集群效应的优势所在.从经济增长、竞争力、区域创新三个方面研究景德镇产业集群对景德镇区域经济发展的影响.  相似文献   

便利的水运极大地降低了景德镇陶瓷特色产业集群的生产、运输成本。中国政治经济中心在南宋时期完全实现了南移,交通运输格局形成了以都城临安(今杭州)为中心的网络,景德镇因长江之利,陶瓷产品可以直达临安,交易成本较低,而获得了难得的历史机遇。清代,形成了以北京为中心的四通八达的商业运输网络,加上与其相关的系统服务,进一步促进了商品在全国市场的流通,景德镇陶瓷特色产业集群生产规模迅速扩大,数量快速增长。  相似文献   

根植性在加强组织本地化的同时,也容易形成集群运行的结构惯例,最终造成路径依赖。政府强力干预的发展模式成为景德镇陶瓷特色产业集群发展的捷径,并不断得到强化,产生极化效应和累积因果效应。这种发展模式具有明显的根植性特徵,随着时间的推移,不断固化,逐渐保守,拒绝变革,致使整个集群很难从中逃逸,错失了多次改革机会,加大了集群转换成本。  相似文献   

考虑政府补贴下由一个供应商和一个制造商构成的绿色供应链.供应商通过对原材料和产品生产过程的控制来提供绿色产品,也因此能够获得政府补贴.政府依据供应链的最终产品数量向供应商提供补贴,供应商选择制造商以完成最终产品的生产过程,并除采购价格以外按一定比例与制造商分享政府补贴,制造商有生产成本等私人信息.在分析供应商和制造商成本、收益的基础上,建立了一个逆向选择模型,其中供应商提供包括供应数量和补贴分享比例的合约菜单,制造商从中选择一个合约或者拒绝全部合约,依据成本制造商可分为两种类型:较高机会成本和较低机会成本,通过优化合约设计,供应商对不同类型制造商提供不同的供应数量和补贴比例,以实现供应商收益最大化.  相似文献   

为了满足海外消费者的需要,景德镇陶瓷产业集群在不断改变产品结构、提高产品质量、降低成本、适应市场的同时,自身也得到了发展。顾客需求的变化迫使群内企业为满足适一变化而进行产品生产工艺、技术的革新,而工艺技术革新,最终带来整个集群装备的更新、提高,从而改变整个集群生态环境,提升集群素质,使集群走上健康发展轨道。从中可以得出这样的结论:封产品高要求的顾客的存在,是景德镇陶瓷特色产业集群不断进步的推动力。  相似文献   

利用随机前沿法从制造力方面分析步长药业的核心竞争力,主要对随机前沿生产函数参数估计与结果进行分析,并从原材料质量,原材料价格,生产设备先进程度,制造工艺及技术及制造管理体系等方面对技术效率损失进行讨论。  相似文献   

The standard view is that value is added to raw material by labor and capital. The question here discussed is whether or not raw material must contain value previously added by nature, or whether it can be simply inert indestructible building blocks. Can humanly added value substitute for value added by nature? If the answer were yes, it should be possible, since matter-energy is not destroyed in consumption, to substitute the waste flow of matter-energy for the flow of fresh natural resources (raw materials). But this would contradict the second law of thermodynamics. The quality of low entropy is what differentiates raw material from waste, and we know of no process whose net effect is to lower the entropy of the total system on which we depend. We must focus more on “that to which value is added,” and not just on value added. This is especially true as the former more and more replaces the latter as the limiting factor in production. Further consequences of the two different views about value added for theory and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

施惠卿 《经济与管理》2012,26(1):54-56,96
物料流量成本会计(MFCA)是一种环境管理会计运用工具,也是企业高级管理人员和现场生产经理制定决定的一种工具.MFCA通过减少废弃物来实现提高生产能力的目标.MFCA衡量了材料的物量和存量信息,即在生产过程中的原材料、备品备件以物流和货币的单位表示出来,将MFCA与生命周期评价(LCA)整合,以此来评估外部损害成本.  相似文献   

低碳经济背景下基础原材料发展问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基础原材料是现代高新技术产业的基础、先导和重要组成部分,其发展关系到国民经济、社会发展和国家安全。主要结合当前国内外低碳经济的趋势,从目前三大基础原材料所引发的主要环境问题出发,以低碳经济为战略理念,就制约我国基础原材料工业发展低碳经济的主要因素,即经济发展水平、锁定效应、技术工艺和相关政策法规进行系统分析。指出原材料政策应该系统地进行调整,同时要积极推进原材料技术创新,特别是其中木质聚合复合材料的新技术对未来基础原材料的发展具有重大意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents a trade model of intermediate products where a country has the same production technology as the outside world, and the source of trade is the unbalance in the factor endowment. The decision as to how much to process the raw material before exporting depends on the capital requirements for the processing, and the change in transportation cost due to the processing. The lower the requirements of capital coupled with a more rapid fall in the transportation cost in the earlier stage of production, the more probable that the country will export the processed intermediate good instead of the raw material.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades, the economic integration of the Chilean economy into global markets has been taking place at a rapid pace. For example, in 1986, exports represented 29% of GDP while in 1996 they had increased to 38% of GDP. This period of time was characterized by strong economic growth with an average annual growth rate of about 10%. From a physical perspective, material requirements more than doubled from 220 to 500 million tons of direct material inputs (DMI) during the same decade (the rate of material growth requirements was around 13% per year).The main objective of this study is to explain the changes in DMI by using a structural decomposition analysis (SDA). The changes in material flow accounting (MFA) were broken down into the effects caused by changes in resource use per unit of output (material intensity effect), changes between and within sectors (structural change effect), changes in the composition of final demand (mix effect), changes due to shifting shares of domestic final demand and export categories (category effect) and finally changes in the overall level of economic activities (level effects). The results, as a percentage of the total level of DMI used in 1986, indicate that economic growth was the major source of material changes (109%). The material intensity and category effects explained 31% and 14% of the increase, respectively. The increase in the material intensity is mainly due to a declining quality of ores in copper production. However, these components were partly compensated by the structure (− 14%) and mix (− 13%) effects. Therefore, for a Southern American country such as Chile, the main causes of these changes in material consumption have been a combination of the nature of economic growth along with an increase in export production and material intensity of production.  相似文献   

自然资源短缺与人力资源丰富是中国经济发展的主要约束条件。2003年以来,以投资高增长为主要特征的中国经济高增长,导致资源与原材料进口数量激增,价格大幅上升,利润由生产环节向资源供给环节转移,从而使中国经济高增长出现内部效应递减与外部效应递增、GDP增长与社会福利增长弱相关的不经济增长现象。这表明,经济发展必须充分考虑资源承载能力,GDP增长应以社会福利水平相应提高为主要目标,而其前提是,加快政府职能转换与完善市场机制,加强资源深度开发与高效利用。  相似文献   

The paper deals with a production inventory model for various types of items where multiple suppliers, a manufacturer and the multiple non-competing retailers are the members of the supply chain. In this model, each supplier supplies only one type of raw material to the manufacturer. The manufacturer produces a finished item by the combination of certain percentage of the various types of raw materials. The manufacturer produces also multi-items and delivers them according to the demand of the different retailers. Finally, an integrated profit of the supply chain is optimized by optimal ordering lot sizes of the raw materials. A numerical example is provided to justify the proposed model.  相似文献   

The differential production theory approach is applied to world trade matrices of 1971 and 1975, which yields a price elasticity estimate of the demand for foreign food of about ?0.7. The elasticity estimates for raw material and manufactures are both between ?0.3 and ?0.4.  相似文献   

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