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商圈的环境特征及商场位置影响着商品的销售量,深入分析商圈的特征对提高商场商品销售有着重要影响。本文从分析商圈入手,对重庆百盛南坪商场进行SWOT分析,从而提出男装经营存在的问题,最后给出解决男装经营问题的对策,以供参考。  相似文献   

沈祎 《国际市场》2011,(3):46-47
近来,沪上媒体对上海商场在新一轮商圈升级中竞走奢侈路线的情况进行了调查。调查指出:新一轮商圈升级中许多平价商场被奢侈品抢占,百姓购物不敢进商场,而趋向大卖场和网络。沪上商圈在竞相升级中面临如此困局:一方面各大商圈  相似文献   

<正>一、商圈理论简介在理论上,商圈也称购买圈、商势圈,是指在一定经济区域内,以商场或商业区为中心向周围扩展形成辐射,对顾客形成吸引力的一定范围或区域。20世纪30年代德国地理学家克里斯泰勒提出了商圈理论,该理论的要点是,以中心地为圆心,以最大的商品销售和餐饮服务辐射能力为半径,形成商品销售和餐饮服务的中心地。  相似文献   

预计在今年5月前后,开太百货位于市区浦发大楼二层的1600多平方米运动城将投入使用,囊括18个运动品牌,对原来运动品牌的形象、陈列、货品以及购物环境都将做一个升级,而原来的运动区扩大为男装区。据悉,作为温州目前人气指数最高的商圈,商业用房不多是老五马街商圈的硬伤。为了尽量利用好这黄金地段,地处该商圈的几大商场都想尽了办法。以开太百货为例,这已经是第二次进行硬件提升,完工后整体面积约2.5万平方米。硬件提升对开太百货的商场环境、商品容量、形象、号召力提升都有不容忽视的作用。  相似文献   

根据上海市和各区的“十二五”规划,上海未来发展的主题将是围绕建设“四个中心”和实现社会主义现代化国际大都市来展开,因而商圈发展也被提升到更高、更重要的层面上。文章通过分析各中心城区在经济、商圈规划、生态、基础设施、政府自身五个方面的发展规划,以及阐述各零售商圈在经济消费实力、商场规模大小和综合指数方面的发展现状,发现目前上海商圈发展中存在的问题。基于此指出,应当从政府角度出发,统筹规划,完善公共基础设施建设,强化商圈整体品牌,深化生态环境保护等措施,进而推进商圈的可持续发展。  相似文献   

确定商圈的方法主要有基于经验知识的商圈划分和基于模型分析的商圈划分。本文依托商业空间分析中的商圈概念,以贵州省XX市卷烟零售市场网点分布为例,实证分析其市场区划并提炼其区域分布特征、总量分布特征和区域销售特征。  相似文献   

吉盛伟邦虹桥国际家具博览中心2000年开幕。坐落于繁华的虹桥开发区中心,与上海贸易中心、国际展览中心、世贸商城、友谊商城、新虹桥俱乐部等大型展览和商务中心构成一个黄金商圈.形成了一个国际化的时尚购物中心。坐拥著名商圈,虹桥店展厅面积达33,000平方米,国际著名品牌覆盖量为上海家居商场之最。毫不夸张地说。虹桥国际家具博览中心是上海乃至中国大陆汇聚国际品牌最多、档次最高的家具商场。  相似文献   

海曙区天一商圈既是海曙商贸业繁荣的重要标志,也是宁波市高端商贸业的重要标志。该区域集聚了银泰百货、第二百货、东方商厦等全市规模最大的综合商场,以及国美、永乐、乐购、家乐福等一批大超市、大卖场。目前天一广场共有商贸企业120家,个体工商户近300户,2008年全年总营业收入过百亿。2008年以来,我们宁波市工商局海曙分局以天一商圈为试点,  相似文献   

商圈发展环境分析是城市商圈规划、更新、建设的基础工作,亦是确保商圈科学、有序、快速发展前提条件。本文采用SWOT分析技术,客观地评估了西站商圈的发展环境,初探性地分析了该商圈发展的机遇、挑战、优势、劣势等,揭示了其未来发展的思路、路径、重点等,为该商圈实现精准定位、科学发展、持久繁荣提供参考依据。  相似文献   

张宇  吴璟 《商业研究》2007,(8):194-197
零售物业的商圈测定一直是产业界和学术界关注的热点问题。现有的商圈理论尽管已经考虑到商圈重叠和多目的购物行为等因素的重要性,但尚未在各种商圈测定模型中对这些因素进行定量描述。分析传统的Huff概率模型存在的问题,并从反映零售物业竞争关系的角度对其进行改进,制定出更为符合实际情况的商圈测定方法。  相似文献   

In this study expectations and prediction errors are introduced in the context of retail price setting. A new model and a new data set are used to examine whether prediction errors influence retail price setting, whether prediction errors cause only limited price changes to maintain price stability and whether there are differences in influences according to whether prediction errors are positive or negative. The model is an extended version of a full costs pricing model and the averaged data are for a large number of shop types in German retailing for a long series of successive years.  相似文献   

商圈对于城市发展具有重要的功能和作用。文章分析了区域性中心城市必须拥有自己商圈的原因,回答了对商圈建设的种种疑问,研究了商圈建设必须统筹考虑商圈规模、建筑风格和业态布局等因素,提出了通过统一思想、科学规划、审慎拆迁、招商引资、资金投入等措施来建设商圈。  相似文献   

张广敬 《中国市场》2008,(45):29-31
加入世界贸易组织后,我国的零售企业在获得机遇的同时,也面临着国外同类企业的激烈竞争。在零售业已经全面开放的今天,我国零售企业应该修炼内功,适当扩大规模,注重经营管理模式的改革,抓住自身特色,利用本土优势,继往开来,充满信心地迎接挑战。  相似文献   

Business experts have enthusiastically projected a seamless, retail world where customers can shop across channels, anywhere and at any time. This type of multiple channel retailing is often referred to as Omni-Channel Retailing. Within academia, by contrast, there have been proportionately fewer attempts to systematically categorize the diversity of multiple channel retailing that currently exists. Hence, the concepts Multi-, Cross-, and Omni-Channel are used indistinctly. This article proposes a categorization of Multi-, Cross-, and Omni-Channel Retailing for retailers and retailing by means of a literature review, a taxonomy of multiple channel retailing, a literature classification table, and by way of illustration, a mobile Click and Collect shop.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(1):29-51
Location is an important aspect of retailing, and London entrepreneurs recognized it as early as the 1560s in building exchanges to house a collection of shops, taking them off the street. These shopping centres created a special shopping environment: shelter, safety, and shop agglomeration. Soon shoppers put on their own social display there, a further shopping attraction. Up to five of these centres existed in late seventeenth-century London, capturing about half of all shops. But the reputation of these facilities declined over time, the institution of shopping ‘mall’ apparently not continued or emulated again until the twentieth century.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of price-related attributions, emotions and value perception on the intention to shop at grocery discounters in an integrated framework. Moderating effects of price consciousness are also analyzed. The results show that the proposed model explains almost three quarters of intentions to shop in discount stores. Value perception has the strongest total effect, which is partly mediated by enjoyment, shame and guilt. Attributions influence the shopping intention indirectly via value perception and emotions. The inferior quality attribution has the strongest total effect, followed by the efficiency of the business model attribution. The unfairness to stakeholders and the tricks in price communication attribution mostly influence the shopping intention for less price-conscious customers.  相似文献   

Our research purpose was to identify and test variables that contribute to customer's willingness to continue to shop in brick and mortar stores, hereafter referred to as store loyalty. Specifically, we examined interrelationships among store attributes, shopping enjoyment, place attachment, and store loyalty with apparel shoppers. Significant store attributes that predicted shopping enjoyment included atmosphere, price, leisure, design, and service. Shopping enjoyment was a significant predictor of both place attachment and store loyalty. In turn, place attachment was found to be a significant predictor of store loyalty. The implications for store retailing are discussed as well as limitations and areas for future research.  相似文献   

目前,相比外资零售业,我国零售业在国际竞争中处于劣势.文章分析了我国零售业国际化的必要性与可行性,认为本土零售业要想在国际市场上取胜,必须走国际化经营之路,并且有针对性地提出了跨国经营的战略.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(2):171-194
This article explores the extent and nature of retail change in the eighteenth century. In focusing on a single region, it places retailing in its spatial, economic and social context; by adopting different scales of analysis – shop, town and region – it reveals much about the spatiality of retailing. The study shows that retail change had penetrated all aspects of retailing and all parts of the regional urban hierarchy by the end of the eighteenth century. However, any retailing revolution was a patchy and conditional process: the pace of change varied, and the gap between large and small towns apparently widened in the early nineteenth century.  相似文献   

零售企业的竞争力与其具有的商业业态所处生命周期阶段密切相关。文章依据以往对传统业态生命周期的总结和对未来发展的估计设定参数,构建了威布尔测度模型,以衡量零售业态和企业的竞争力。分析表明,业态所处时间不同,其竞争力不同,业态竞争力函数在成熟期的某个时间点取得最大值,这时的企业具有最强的竞争力,之后其竞争力开始下降。借助这一模型,企业可以对自身竞争力进行科学评估和预测,并采取恰当的经营策略,改善经营参数值,进而有效地提高竞争力。  相似文献   

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