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广义虚拟经济试图在马克思的生活对象化理论指导下,超越物本思维进行经济理论创新.生活的对象化有两层涵义:一是生活凝结成人们之间进行交往的对象;二是生活成为人们认识和观照的对象.这个理论将本体论、价值论、认识论、逻辑学有机地统一在一起,成为解释价值现象的理论原点.当充分的市场平台出现时,虚拟价值进入了交换领域,广义虚拟经济...  相似文献   

传统价值理论面临对"新经济"解释力、引导力、指导力不足的困境,价值研究的出路在于回到马克思关于生活对象化才是人类活动的最一般图示,劳动对象化只是生活对象化的一个组成部分的科学论断,重新梳理和确立人本立场、关系立场和历史立场.广义虚拟经济理论是对"新经济"条件下价值规律的创新研究,生活价值论、二元价值容介态经济以及新的"...  相似文献   

重拾财富标志:民间钱币收藏的二元价值容介态研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
钱币是人们生活、劳动和商品交换共同催生的.退出流通后的钱币,仍然黏附着丰富的文化信息态.民间热衷于钱币收藏,主要是希望获得具有历史感的钱币信息,满足其重拾财富标志的心理需求,以充分显示钱币的虚拟价值效应,享受钱币升值的快感.  相似文献   

房地产是人们广为认可的财富标志,其虚拟价值具有三个属性:趋于形式化、具有寻租变现能力和保值增值能力.本文概述了房地产、房地产金融衍生品MBS、以MBS为参考组合经层层打包得到的复杂金融衍生品作为财富标志的发展和演化过程,分析MBS和CDO的结构特征和虚拟价值,得到房地产和房地产金融衍生品的虚拟价值具有“边际永不存在和边...  相似文献   

文章从二元价值容介态角度对品牌进行了分析,认为品牌就是依附于物质产品之上以虚拟价值形式存在,主要满足人们心理需求的财富标志的泛化物.  相似文献   

尽管随着产业升级,土地作为基础财富其原始积累开始向隐性转化,但这只能说明劳动在价值(财富)创造中的作用越来越重要,并不能否定土地作为生产资料链条的支撑特性。从这个角度出发,资本(货币)只能是一种被积累起来的人类劳动,作为一种制度安排使得产业转化成为可能,从而产生积聚效应和垄断租金。所以,无论是何种所有权形式,它们无非是通过不同的效率对价值(财富)进行重新配置。而从个体的意义上,对价值(财富)的二次分配则是十分重要的。  相似文献   

周迎  任利成 《生产力研究》2005,(4):91-92,151,F003
科技的发展使知识成为企业价值的最重要的财富,高新技术企业的迅速崛起是时代的必然,这使得高新技术企业备受关注。本文通过高新技术企业与传统企业的对比,总结出高新技术企业的评估特性,从而提出高新技术企业的价值可以反映为“两个阶段———即前几年高速增长期的价值和高速增长期后的稳定增长期的价值(又称连续价值)之和”的结论。  相似文献   

本文利用2010年北京、上海、深圳和成都4个城市的微观调查数据,从产权类型、住房价值和入市时间三个角度分析了住房对居民生活幸福感的影响.研究发现:第一,家庭自有住房对居民的幸福感有显著的正向影响,住房价值对有不同购房需求家庭的幸福感影响存在显著差异.第二,住房制度改革带来了城市居民住房财富的初始差异,使得不同产权住房的市场价值对居民幸福感的影响也存在不同.房改房的单位市场价值对幸福感的贡献要大于商品房,而商品房的区位价值对居民幸福感的贡献更大.第三,在中国城市住房市场过去十余年发展历程的特殊背景下,家庭越早拥有住房,所带来的生活质量提高和其自身的资产增值效应表现得越充分,居民的幸福感越高.这些实证发现对于理解住房的社会价值,特别是其对于民生和社会资源分配的含义,具有一定的现实意义.  相似文献   

论财富的时间原理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从分析时间观、财富观的变迁出发,论证了经济学、时间、财富之间的历史逻辑,认为现代经济学采用的是绝对时间观,财富主要建立在物理时间度量之上,经济学虽以心理分析为基础,但未引入心理时间的研究.针对现代经济学的缺陷,从广义虚拟经济视角对财富与时间的本质进行了重新解读,诠释了时间价值的经济学意义,根据虚拟价值非边际化和信息态的特点,提出财富的时间价值可分解为物理时间价值和心理时间价值.虚拟价值主要用心理时间度量.虚拟价值拟物化和时间寻租是发展虚拟经济的重要法则.  相似文献   

在知识化、数字化、网络化的时代背景下,无形资产在城市财富增长中起到越来越重要的作用。本文以知识资产价值为着眼点,研究了城市财富增长的轨迹、动能和模式。研究发现,相较于传统依靠高投入的增长模式,知识资产日益成为城市竞争优势和财富增长的关键来源;基于人力资本的知识资产价值创新是城市财富增长的催化剂和新动能;因知识资产软价值的强大内驱力,某些城市财富甚至可能产生指数级增长效应。基于此,笔者提出了城市要将政策的实施目标从GDP增长转向城市财富增长上来,更加重视改善软环境、培育软资源、扶持软产业,不断提升软财富比重等政策主张。  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the welfare effects of counterfactual public debt policies using an endogenous growth model with incomplete markets. The economy features public debt, Schumpeterian growth, infinitely-lived agents, uninsurable income risk, and discount factor heterogeneity. Two versions of the model are specified, one with households holding equity in the group of innovating firms. The model is calibrated to the U.S. economy to match the degree of wealth inequality, the share of R&D expenditure in GDP, the firms’ exit rate, the average growth rate, and other standard long-run targets. When comparing balanced growth paths, I find large welfare gains in equilibria characterized by governments accumulating public wealth. The result is robust to the mechanism used to generate a highly concentrated wealth (i.e., preference heterogeneity or “superstar” income shocks). Welfare effects decompositions show that level effects and growth effects reinforce each other. The responses of both the intermediate goods and their market conditions are key in explaining the large level effects. The version of the model without equity is computationally easier to solve, allowing to consider transitional dynamics. Taking into account the dynamic adjustment to the new long-run equilibrium, I show that the transitional welfare costs are not large enough to change the sign of the welfare effects stemming from a change in public debt. I find that eliminating public debt would lead to a 0.8% increase in welfare, while moving to a debt/GDP ratio of 100% would entail a welfare loss of 0.5%. A decomposition analysis shows that growth accounts for approximately 50% of the overall welfare effects.  相似文献   

We investigate how foreign debt and foreign direct investment (FDI) affect the growth and welfare of a stochastically growing small open economy. First, we find that foreign debt influences the growth of domestic wealth by lowering the cost of capital, while FDI affects the country's welfare by providing an additional source of permanent income. Second, a decline in domestic investment may improve domestic welfare as FDI replaces the gap. Even when the welfare deteriorates, its magnitude is mitigated, leaving more room for discretionary fiscal policy. Third, a fiscal policy aimed to stabilize domestic output fluctuations needs to be conducted not to crowd out the welfare benefit of FDI too much. Fourth, an economy with both types of foreign capital experiences wider welfare swings by external volatility shocks than the one with foreign debt alone, while the welfare effects from domestic volatility shocks are mitigated. The welfare effects of fiscal shocks are much smaller with both types of foreign capital. Lastly, the first-best labor income tax covers the government absorption by the labor's share of total output, and the capital income tax covers the rest. Investment is penalized or subsidized depending on the social marginal cost-gain differential.  相似文献   

“传统的政府债务观点”与“李嘉图等价观点”对国债融资的消费效应存在很大的争议.本文基于生命周期假说,将国债幻觉引入基本消费函数,区分私人部门持有的国债资产和其他资产两部分,运用中国宏观经济数据实证分析了国债对城镇居民消费的影响.实证结果表明:国债对城镇居民具有一定的“财富效应”;人均可支配收入仍是居民消费的基础;其他金融资产对城镇居民具有“负”的财富效应,而住房资产对城镇居民而言具有“正”的财富效应.  相似文献   

This article examines how financial constraints affect redistribution via monetary policy. We explore a novel mechanism of monetary nonneutrality, which is based on debt limits imposed in nominal terms. Specifically, when debt is constrained by current income, monetary policy can alter the real terms of borrowing. Changes in inflation exert ambiguous effects, depending on the initial debt/wealth position and the willingness to borrow. We show analytically that borrowers can benefit from increased debt limits under lower inflation rates. This novel effect can dominate conventional debt deflation effects. We find that particularly less indebted borrowers as well as potential future borrowers gain and that aggregate welfare can be enhanced under a permanent reduction in inflation.  相似文献   

Wealth Accounting,Exhaustible Resources and Social Welfare   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The empirical literature on natural resource accounting uses methods which implicitly or explicitly entail measuring changes in total resource asset value when an exhaustible resource is depleted. In contrast, the growth theoretic literature on saving, social welfare and sustainable development is built upon a central finding, that the change in real wealth (as measured by net or ‘genuine’ saving) is proportional to the change in social welfare. We show that the change in total wealth exceeds the change in real wealth in optimal and non-optimal models of resource-extracting economies. This suggests that the change in social welfare is over-estimated when the change in total resource asset value is used as the measure of depletion. A simple empirical exercise, using World Bank data on ‘adjusted net saving’, reinforces the results from theory.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the adjustment of budget figures for the effect of inflation on the value of government debt. It asks whether such adjustment improves their performance as a measure of 'fiscal impact'. If inflation significantly influences the impact of budgets on the real economy, policy-makers may make inappropriate fiscal policy decisions if they are guided by unadjusted budget figures. The article argues that if agents perceive holdings of government debt as part of their wealth, changes in the real value of debt will have an effect on consumption behaviour. Therefore to assess the impact of fiscal policy on consumption it may be necessary to adjust budget figures so that they accurately indicate changes in the real value of debt held by the private sector. This article adjusts a series of structural public sector borrowing requirements (PSBR) for the effect of inflation on the real value of government debt held by the private sector. An empirical analysis concludes that the inflation-adjusted budget series provides a superior measure of fiscal impact on consumption, and hence the real economy.  相似文献   

Market values of components of household sector wealth are important explanatory variables for aggregate consumer expenditure and household debt in macro-econometric models. We construct the first coherent set of the main elements of household-sector balance sheet estimates at market value for South Africa. Our quarterly estimates derive from published data on financial flows, and other capital market data, often at book value. Our methods rely, where relevant, on accumulating flow of funds data using appropriate benchmarks, and, where necessary, converting book to market values using appropriate asset price indices. Relating asset to income ratios for various asset classes to asset price movements and other features of the economic environment, throws light on the changing composition of household sector wealth. Most striking are the relative rise in the value of pension wealth and the trend decline of directly held securities, the decline and recent recovery of housing wealth, and the rise in household debt and concomitant decline of liquid assets from the early 1980s to the late 1990s.  相似文献   

Firms alter investing decisions when there is debt in the capital structure. Security design features can exacerbate the situation. This article studies how strategic debt service may affect investment distortions resulting from debt financing in a dynamic framework. When the production decision involves an expansion option, the shareholders’ option to strategically default on the outstanding debt eliminates bankruptcy costs but, in contrast to previous literature where production decisions are fixed, leads to suboptimal investing decisions. This is due to higher wealth transfers from shareholders to debt holders upon exercise of the growth option. Strategic debt service, therefore, may reduce the value of the firm. The setting of an endogenous production set offers a potential explanation for empirical observations of wide credit spreads and low leverage.  相似文献   

The sovereign debt crisis, triggered by the 2007-08 global financial crisis, has affected several European Union (EU) countries, leading to unprecedented financial assistance programs. In May 2011, the Portuguese Government set an agreement with the Troika (a supranational institution composed by the European Commission (EC), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)), through which, in exchange for external help, the Portuguese authorities committed to an Economic Adjustment Program (EAP). In order to assess the impacts of the EAP on welfare and, in particular, on inequality, this paper simulates the debt consolidation strategy proposed by the Troika using a general equilibrium model with heterogeneous agents. The model enables to explore the impacts of the fiscal adjustment on the endogenous cross-section distribution of income, wealth and welfare. Our results predict a positive net welfare gain, despite the existence of significant transition costs in terms of output losses and inequality, especially during the first years of implementation. Overall, the net positive welfare gains are biased towards the poorer, which means that the consolidation plan will be, in the end, equality-enhancing. These results reflect the instruments involved in the consolidation strategy: productive and unproductive expenditure cuts combined with a slight increase in social transfers. Furthermore, the simulation predicts a positive impact on the Portuguese net foreign asset (NFA) position. Assuming this prediction is correct, this strongly supports the motivation for the adoption of the Economic Adjustment Program which considers the large external indebtedness of Portugal as a central issue in the economic diagnosis.  相似文献   

We develop a general equilibrium model of wealth transfers in the presence of uncertain lifetimes and default. Without introducing exogenous debt constraints, agents are allowed to make collateral-backed promises at any state of their life span.  相似文献   

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