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文化产品的品牌属性属于消费者在购买和消费文化产品的过程中所隐含的成分,体现为产品价格、品牌个性、使用者形象等内、外在属性。消费者通常依据品牌属性来判断和评价文化产品满足自己需求的程度。进一步的实证研究证明,消费者文化产品购买意愿受品牌个性、使用者形象等品牌属性的影响较为显著,而在一定的价格范围内产品价格对消费者文化产品的购买意愿的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

伴随着第四次工业革命的浪潮,传统产业迫切需要进行转型升级,汽车产业也在技术革命和环保压力的推动下,逐步向新能源汽车产业转型。但当前消费者对传统燃油汽车品牌存在刻板印象,对推出的新能源汽车购买意愿较低。因此,传统燃油汽车企业如何转移现有品牌资产,成功实现品牌延伸,值得进一步的研究和探讨。文章构建了品牌体验对品牌延伸评价影响的研究模型,探讨了消费者品牌信任和延伸产品感知风险在品牌体验和品牌延伸评价间的中介作用。研究结果表明:品牌体验的情感和关联维度对品牌延伸评价有显著正向影响,且延伸产品感知风险在品牌体验的情感和关联维度与品牌延伸评价间发挥中介作用,但品牌信任的中介作用并不显著。  相似文献   

李冬梅 《经贸实践》2016,(12):108-111
越来越多的企业意识到了解消费者如何体验一个品牌对发展品牌战略是至关重要的.现有研究也表明品牌体验对品牌忠诚有正向影响作用.但品牌体验对品牌忠诚的作用机理目前尚未达成共识,有研究表明品牌体验通过品牌信任影响品牌忠诚,但品牌信任仅考虑了消费者的认知而忽略了情感,这使得十分有必要同时考虑信任和情感在品牌体验对品牌忠诚影响中的作用.基于此,本研究将同时考虑品牌信任和品牌情感来构建品牌体验对品牌忠诚的作用机理模型,通过问卷调查获取数据,利用SPSS和AMOS等软件对假设进行检验,分析结果表明,品牌体验会通过品牌信任和品牌情感来影响品牌忠诚.本研究的理论意义在于同时考虑品牌信任和品牌情感在品牌体验和品牌忠诚间的作用,将进一步明晰品牌体验对品牌忠诚作用机理,完善品牌体验和品牌忠诚的研究.本研究的实践意义主要在于企业在设计品牌体验时,不仅要将能够引发信任的线索设计到体验元素里,还要设计一些能够唤起消费者情感的元素,同时将引发信任和情感的元素设计到品牌体验中,才能够获得更高的品牌忠诚,进而促进其产生顾客满意、依恋、口碑宣传等积极的消费者行为.最后,给出了本研究的局限性和未来发展方向.  相似文献   

在跨国品牌联合中,品牌来源国形象会影响消费者对产品的态度和消费者的购买行为,从而成为品牌联合成功的关键因素之一.实证研究发现,合作品牌的来源国形象会对联合品牌产品评价产生较大影响,来源国形象对联合品牌产品评价的影响会因品牌权益和消费者拥有产品知识的不同而有显著差异.品牌联合应谨慎选择联合对象,在营销实践中,企业应针对拥有不同产品知识的消费者采取差异化的营销策略.  相似文献   

针对"企业如何利用消费者产品知识促进品牌忠诚"这一热点问题,一方面深入辨析不同类别消费者产品知识对品牌忠诚的影响,另一方面基于消费者购买决策过程模型,引入信息搜寻努力、顾客感知价值两个中介变量,探明消费者产品知识对品牌忠诚的作用机理。研究表明:(1)消费者产品知识正向影响品牌忠诚;(2)主观产品知识和客观产品知识均对品牌忠诚有积极影响,且前者的促进作用更强;(3)信息搜寻努力、顾客感知价值在消费者产品知识对品牌忠诚的驱动过程中具有链式中介效应。  相似文献   

虚拟品牌社群与品牌依恋之间关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文构建了虚拟品牌社群特征对顾客体验和品牌依恋的影响关系模型,从顾客体验的角度揭示了虚拟品牌社群中品牌依恋的形成机制。基于结构方程模型的实证研究发现,虚拟品牌社群的信息质量、系统质量、交流互动和活动回报四个特征是影响消费者在品牌社群中获得体验的重要因素,且不同特征影响不同的体验维度;顾客体验是品牌社群中产生品牌依恋的核心中介变量,但只有情感体验对品牌依恋有直接的正向影响,感知体验对品牌依恋的直接影响不显著。研究结论对企业利用虚拟品牌社群创造顾客体验,增强品牌依恋有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

该文基于消费者态度模型,实证检验了负面在线评论强度对消费者认知和品牌信任的影响作用。结果表明,负面评论内容质量和负面评论属性重要性对理性的质量认知过程有显著的负向影响,负面评论数量和负面评论属性重要性对感性的情感认知过程有显著的负向影响作用,质量认知和情感认知正向影响品牌信任。据此,提出负面在线评论的管理策略:主动关注负面在线评论、积极控制负面在线评论数量、有效降低负面评论内容质量、正确引导消费者关注产品与品牌的不同属性等。  相似文献   

本文探讨了消费者品牌体验对消费者品牌满意的影响,同时探讨了消费者品牌体验各维度之间的关系。品牌信任在消费者品牌体验对消费者品牌满意的影响中起中介作用。本文采用了结构方程模型。建议企业多增加品牌体验的措施以增加消费者的品牌体验,从而提升消费者对品牌的满意度。  相似文献   

杨淼  乔魏若寒 《技术经济》2023,42(5):201-212
随着我国数字经济快速发展,产品营销不仅需要满足物质需求,还要满足心理和精神需要,品牌跨界联名营销成为当前正在快速发展的产品营销模式之一。品牌联名产品作为近年来年轻人消费群体偏爱的产品类型之一,未来发展势头不容小觑。本文基于消费者感知价值理论视角,在前人研究成果基础上提出研究假设,构建“品牌联名产品属性—消费者感知价值—消费者购买意愿”的理论模型;通过网络问卷调查方式收集数据,运用SPSS和Mplus软件对数据进行验证分析。研究发现:企业在进行品牌联名时不能一味追求名牌效应,而应从消费者感知的情感价值、社会价值和成本水平入手着重提升产品内在价值;在寻求品牌联名时应优先考虑品牌联名双方的价值适配性;灵活适度使用限量供应、提高产品价格等营销方式。本文研究一方面从品牌联名产品属性角度拓展了消费者感知价值及其购买意愿的影响因素研究内容;另一方面为企业开发品牌联名产品从消费者感知价值角度提供可资借鉴的实践启示。  相似文献   

在上海召开世博会和将兴建世界第6座迪斯尼乐园之际,本文从发展广义虚拟经济的视角出发,以迪斯尼乐园通过出色的顾客体验而达到传播品牌的目的为主要研究对象,指出产品、服务和文化是其体验传播的具体内容,并通过进一步分析后得出个人体验能让消费者区分不同的品牌提供商,以及使人们对品牌产生认同的结论.  相似文献   

This study sets out to explore variation in the consumer choice structure in relation to three types of products with different levels of search, experience and credence attributes. The decision structures of rice, wine and functional food (experience, search and credence products) consumers were explored by means of laddering. The results suggest the presence of an emotional component in foods that increases in complexity (becomes more abstract) with the number of credence attributes. The findings recommend adjusting the complexity of advertising campaigns and product positioning to the type of product being promoted.  相似文献   

由于大多数的服务具有体验和信任属性,因而消费者购买服务的感知风险要高于购买产品。作为可以把"无形因素有形化"的一种外在线索,服务品牌形象在降低消费者搜寻成本和感知风险方面的作用就变得异常突出。以21 8个酒店企业作为样本,作者对服务品牌形象的改进是否会提升企业的绩效表现,以及何种服务策略会提升服务品牌形象进行了实证检验。结果显示,服务品牌形象对市场绩效有正向的影响,而市场绩效又进而正向地影响财务绩效;服务定位、品牌管理和服务创新管理对品牌形象具有显著的正向影响,顾客参与管理、顾客关系管理和服务补救管理对品牌形象不具有显著影响。服务企业应有效地管理服务定位、服务品牌和服务创新来提升服务品牌形象。  相似文献   

Various types of indices have been developed and applied for the purpose of identifying emergent technologies and forecasting their adoption. Recently, researchers have proposed search traffic analysis as a new method for tracking changes among consumers and utilizing this information to conduct further market research. Now with the onset of big data era, various attempts are being made to analyze the immense body of information made available by hidden traces left behind by consumers. In the same vein, our present study seeks to draw attention to the analytical advantages of utilizing search traffic. In this study, we use search traffic to analyze the adoption process of a new technology, in this case the technology of hybrid cars, for the purpose of verifying the potential value of conducting adoption analysis based on search traffic and we also propose a more refined method of analysis. First, we undertook to examine the keyword unit used in the searches, in order to refine our analysis of search traffic and thereby obtain greater practical utility. This was accomplished by comparing technology searches that specified the technology name with searches that specified the brand name. For each respective case, we also performed comparative analyses examining instances in which consumers simultaneously included the representative attributes of a product in their search.Our research found that the traffic of searches that specify a product's brand name was significant for explaining sales. Therefore, in the conclusion of this paper we argue that if the unit of search is properly refined, search traffic can indeed serve as an extremely useful method for analyzing or forecasting sales volume. Notably, brand-focused search traffic exhibited a superior ability to forecast sales volume compared to macro-indicators such as GDP growth or WTI prices that had been used to forecast car demand in preceding studies. Forecasting based on search traffic was even superior to forecasts using other bibliometric indices such as patent applications or news coverage.  相似文献   

Recent developments in environmental and animal welfare issues, and the introduction of new production practices may have affected consumer attitudes and preferences toward differentiated product choice. Factors such as animal well-being, environmentally friendly production, and the use of antibiotics appear to be increasingly core consumer concerns. We link the aforementioned with Maslow's hierarchy of needs suggesting that the higher income consumers should be more altruistic in their consumptive behavior and test this by evaluating consumer preferences for these attributes in pork chops. We also test whether social consciousness of the consumers translates into choice behavior. Data was obtained by choice experiment surveys and mixed logit estimation was used to estimate consumers' willingness-to-pay for the credence attributes. Results reveal that both, higher income and socially aware consumers are on average willing to pay higher premiums for the antibiotic-free attribute, but not for other two social attributes. Also, the group of higher income consumers is highly heterogeneous in their preferences, whereas socially aware consumers tend to be more homogeneous in their preferences.  相似文献   

The paper develops the idea that brand loyalty is a rational thing for a consumer to have. The reason is that a consumer's experience with a brand creates user skills which make that brand more useful to the consumer than other brands, even though these, given the same experience, would be equally useful. In a brand switching model this implies that the consumer will switch brands only if there is an adequately large price differential and that the required price differential increases with user skills. The theory is related to standard search theory and it is shown that user skills and search costs have similar effects in the sense that either can support price dispersion in a market.  相似文献   

房地产企业通过物业服务给业主带来的体验包括业主感官体验、情感体验、思考体验、行动体验和关联体验,美好的业主体验会带来业主的愉悦,使业主对房地产企业产生品牌热爱,由此,房地产企业的顾客资产会得到极大的提升。为了更好地通过创造美好的业主体验提升本企业的顾客资产,房地产企业需要保证房产功能性价值的实现,注重市场细分,注重业主体验的创新和业主全面体验的创造,并促进业主品牌热爱向顾客资产的转化。  相似文献   

Facing generic competition, brand‐name drug companies sometimes launch their own generics called “authorised generics” (AGs) through a third‐party entity. If that strategy works, an AG should be launched for every branded drug that comes off patent. This, however, contradicts the fact that only a small proportion of branded drugs have had AGs. To explain this puzzle, I develop a two‐period model in which a brand‐name drug company exploits its name brand before generic entry. The model predicts that the brand‐name company launches an AG only when brand loyalty is sufficiently weak.  相似文献   

Professional services are credence goods provided by certified experts (professionals). The most prominent examples of professional services are medical or legal services. Interestingly, the markets for such services are often subject to partial public provision: there is a low-end segment, where the services of basic quality are provided for free and professionals are reimbursed by the government, and a high-end segment, where free-market principles prevail. We examine the efficiency of this market structure. To this end we apply a modified version of the model of the market for goods with credence attributes proposed by Baron. We demonstrate that partial public provision can correct for the market failure caused by the credence good nature of professional services, even in the presence of regulation costs. The efficiency gain from partial public provision is due to a combination of quality and price effects.  相似文献   

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