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This paper investigates the impact of the 2008–2009 global financial crisis on the co-movement of 16 currencies in the sample. It employs a two-step atheoretic empirical methodology; it i) applies change point estimation based on geometric Brownian motion to detect change points in volatilities and ii) applies Engle's (2002) dynamic conditional correlation (DCCR) approach to estimate time varying correlations and then, observes the behavior of volatility co-movements during the periods found in (i). The results show that volatilities increase at least twofold with the outbreak of the crisis and there is an inverse relationship between volatility and the duration of the crisis. The DCCRs usually increase with the onset of the crisis and they fluctuate smoothly afterwards while keeping that increased level.  相似文献   

This paper develops and estimates catastrophe‐augmented models of the financial crisis. We employ catastrophe theory to explain discontinuous jumps in state variables of dynamic systems. We estimate an augmented bank failure model showing that the buildup of risk and an increase in the Federal Funds rate combined with low reserves (negative insurance effect) have been the main drivers of the financial crisis. Therefore, macroprudential policy and rating agencies play a key role in preventing the buildup of (systemic) risk and preventing the economy from entering a bifurcation area.  相似文献   

This paper presents ways of regulating migration processes in the Russian Federation. Migrations discussed include international, domestic, and migrations among regions. It was proposed that a conceptual model for the state migration policy of Russia for the medium and long term should be developed to project main goals, tasks, and priorities of migration policy. Secondly, there is a need to elaborate the conceptual model of the distribution of productive forces of Russia under the market economy conditions for the long term, and its connection with migration policy. Thirdly, the system of macroeconomic regulation of the processes of migration should be a general model for the settlement of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation. Furthermore, the Russian society should guard itself against the negative social consequences of illegal migration. Illegal entry of foreigners and labor migration is considered to be the principal problems of migration in Russia. Finally, Russia should focus on the redistribution of its population in such a way that it will gain the maximum benefit.  相似文献   

This paper provides an asymmetric information framework for understanding the nature of financial crises. It provides the following precise definition of a financial crisis: A financial crisis is a disruption to financial markets in which adverse selection and moral hazard problems become much worse, so that financial markets are unable to efficiently channel funds to those who have the most productive investment opportunities. As a result, a financial crisis can drive the economy away from an equilibrium with high output in which financial markets perform well to one in which output declines sharply. The asymmetric information framework explains the patterns in the data and many features of these crises which are otherwise hard to explain. It indicates that financial crises have effects over and above those resulting from bank panics and therefore provides a rationale for an expanded lender-of-last-resort role for the central bank in which the central bank uses the discount window to provide liquidity to sectors outside of the banking system.  相似文献   

基于Logistic回归模型,选取中国制造业上市公司作为样本对财务危机预测进行研究。从企业的盈利能力、营运能力、偿债能力、成长能力、现金流量等方面出发,选取了10个财务预警指标,经过回归分析得出,总资产收益率、总资产周转率、资产负债率、主营业务增长率、经营活动现金净流量对负债的比率五项财务指标对上市公司发生财务危机有重要影响。从而提出要从提高盈利能力、提升营运能力、增强偿债能力、提高成长能力、保障现金流的充足几方面来应对财务危机。  相似文献   

After the recent banking crisis in 2008, financial market conditions have turned out to be a relevant factor for economic fluctuations. This paper provides a quantitative assessment of the impact of financial frictions on the U.S. business cycle. The analysis compares the original Smets and Wouters model (2003, 2007) with an alternative version augmented with the financial accelerator mechanism á la Bernanke, Gertler and Gilchrist (1996, 1999). Both versions are estimated using Bayesian techniques over a sample extended to 2012. The analysis supports the role of financial channels, namely the financial accelerator mechanism, in transmitting dysfunctions from financial markets to the real economy.The Smets and Wouters model, augmented with the financial accelerator mechanism, is suitable to capture much of the historical developments in U.S. financial markets that led to the financial crisis. The model can account for the output contraction in 2008, as well as the widening in corporate spreads, and supports the argument that financial conditions have amplified the U.S. business cycle and the intensity of the recession.  相似文献   

本文重点定量探讨了辽宁省财政政策实施效果.利用协整关系检验表明,辽宁省的财政支出、货币供给、税收以及实际GDP之间存在显著的协整关系,财政支出对辽宁省经济增长具有促进作用.通过定量分析结果看出,辽宁省为应对全球金融危机而实行的扩张性财政政策,对拉动投资、促进经济增长、调整产业结构和解决内需不足等问题能够得到相关数据和统计检验的支持.  相似文献   

David G. Mayes 《Empirica》2011,38(1):77-101
This article considers the lessons from the global financial crisis for redesigning the financial system and its regulation to make the chance of future such crises lower. It focuses on three areas: improvements to the regulation of individual financial firms; macroprudential analysis and improving the structure of crisis resolution and management. It argues that if the authorities implement a credible crisis management regime where no firm is too big to be resolved, a smarter and more incentive based approach to the regulation of individual financial firms and extensive macroprudential analysis that both makes the structure of financial markets less risky and identifies risks, the risk of future crises will be reduced. But no framework can eliminate the risk altogether.  相似文献   

Using a statistical methodology guided by a genetic algorithm, we select the best econometric model for explaining the severity of the 2008 crisis, with the main determinant being the percentage of bank claims on private sector over deposits in the year 2006.  相似文献   

This paper takes the unusual step of exploring economic hypothesesthrough interviews with key economic agents. It focuses on thecauses of Ecuador's 1999 banking collapse, within an eclecticframework with Minskian elements. Broad support is found for‘endogenous’ explanations of financial crises andlittle backing for explanations such as accidents or policymistakes. Interviewees argued that after the stabilisation programmeof 1992, agents became euphoric and accumulated debt to financeimprudent levels of expansion; that incentives for moral hazardled to financial corruption and excessive risk taking; and thatweak regulation after financial liberalisation encouraged financialfragility.  相似文献   

始于美国次贷危机的本次全球金融危机,在使得主要国家金融体系遭受重创的同时,也揭示出发达国家金融体制的某些缺陷和未来改革趋向.在反思全球金融危机的成因,以及各国采取的应对金融危机措施的基础上,从体制、政策等多方面提出了深化我国金融体制改革的思考和建议,旨在为拓宽我国金融体制改革的思路提供参考,建立符合科学发展观的金融体制.  相似文献   


Many of Russia's contemporary environmental problems can be related, at least in part, to the activities of the Soviet period. However, the strength of this relationship can sometimes result in the environmental influences of post-Soviet society being ignored or understated. In recognition of this fact, this article examines the relationship between structural economic change and the natural environment in the post-Soviet period. The first part of the article is concerned with general economic trends and associated environmental consequences during the period 1990 to 1997. It then moves on to consider the environmental repercussions of structural changes within the country's industrial and agricultural sectors.  相似文献   

What are the economic effects of an interest rate cut when an economy is in the midst of a financial crisis? Under what conditions will a cut stimulate output and employment, and raise welfare? Under what conditions will a cut have the opposite effects? We answer these questions in a general class of open economy models, where a financial crisis is modelled as a time when collateral constraints are suddenly binding. We find that when there are frictions in adjusting the level of output in the traded good sector and in adjusting the rate at which that output can be used in other parts of the economy, then a cut in the interest rate is most likely to result in a welfare-reducing fall in output and employment. When these frictions are absent, a cut in the interest rate improves asset positions and promotes a welfare-increasing economic expansion.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to answer the following question: can the considerable rise in the volatility of the LAC stock markets in the aftermath of the 2007/2008 crisis be explained by the worsening financial environment in the US markets? To this end, we rely on a time-varying transition probability Markov-switching model, in which “crisis” and “non-crisis” periods are identified endogenously. Using daily data from January 2004 to April 2009, our findings do not validate the “financial decoupling” hypothesis since we show that the financial stress in the US markets is transmitted to the LAC's stock market volatility, especially in Mexico.  相似文献   

I estimate a reaction function for the ECB using an ordered logit model for the period 1999-2009. Allowing for a smooth transition from one set of parameters to another, I detect a rapid change in the middle of 2008.  相似文献   

There has been considerable bilateral variation in the pattern of portfolio capital flows during the global financial crisis: for a given destination, investors from different countries adjusted their holdings to different degrees. We show that the size of the initial bilateral holding, geographical distance, common language, the level of trade and common institutional linkages help to explain the pattern of adjustment. These bilateral factors are more important for equities than for bonds and for investors from developing countries than for investors from advanced countries.  相似文献   

The impact of the great financial crisis that started in the United States with the implosion of “subprime” loans has drawn the public’s attention on one of the most innovative branches of financial market, the famous derivatives. The financial crisis and the involvement of major banking institutions thus call for some thinking about the concept of control in Italy and in a globalized world. In Italy, even though the scale of the risks connected with transactions in derivatives is limited, some banks may have damaged their reputations by pushing complex derivative products onto unwitting clients. Apart from reassurance and all kinds of justifications, and without arguing whether this was deliberate or not, the monetary authorities, Consob, and ABI have clearly reported the risk of a world financial crisis too late.
Giovanna TagliabueEmail:

Financial transactions require trust. This paper analyzes the role of trust in the context of the 2008 financial crisis. In order to find a role for trust, we need to find a role for trust in a standard economic model which differs from the rational expectation of the equilibrium outcome. It is argued that trust dropped dramatically in the Fall of 2008. The consequences and effects of this drop in trust are discussed.  相似文献   

Korean economy has changed rapidly since the 1997 Korean financial crisis. This article investigates whether the inter-industry wage differentials in the Korean manufacturing industry are consistent over time and how the inter-industry wage structure has changed after the financial crisis. We used the 1995 and 1999 survey report on the wage structure–Korea. Our empirical results provide evidences for a wider inter-industry wage differentials and changes of the wage structure. After the crisis, company size, region (live in capital), sex, tenure, education are more critical to determine wages. According to factor analysis, the job quality factor is most closely related to wages before the crisis, while the industry attributes factor does in 1999.  相似文献   

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