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音乐教学领域是音乐教育过程中最重要的部分,也是音乐教育过程的核心。对于学习音乐的学生,学习音乐的重要目的,是从实际的音乐感性活动中获得丰富的音乐审美体验,更深入地理解和认识音乐,并获得创造音乐生活的能力。而这个过程运用在音乐教学中,就是通过音乐教学,学会聆听与鉴赏音乐、体验与表现音乐、感悟音乐并能够应用与创造。  相似文献   

王龙 《新经济》2007,(7):4-4
自从山西平遥古城、北京颐和园、龙门石窟等一系列遗产被列入世界文化遗产名录后,一些名胜古迹等纷纷踏上了"申遗"之路。6月28日,广东开平碉楼申遗成功,使中国的"申遗"热情再一次高涨,一些地方政府正在使出浑身解数向"申遗"冲刺。据报道,目前全国已有200多个项目有"申遗"意愿,其中列入预备申报清单的项目有60多个。根据第28届世界遗产委员会通过的新规定,一个国家每年最多只能申报一  相似文献   

本文通过对奥地利学派的介绍,回顾了其经济周期理论的发展,在经济的大繁荣和大萧条上有独特见解,对于分析美国金融危机及对中国的影响具有理论意义和实践影响.  相似文献   

音乐教育要实施母语教学是近年来许多音乐学者比较关注的问题。本文对什么是母语,怎样实施母语教学,以及母语教学中怎样对待中西音乐的关系等方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

全球经济衰退使奥地利2009年度的科研投入受到极大影响,同比增长出现大幅下降,使2010年R&D总经费投入占国内生产总值3%的目标难以实现。奥地利在发明专利申请方面也呈现出逐年递减的趋势。为应对危机,奥地利一方面保证政府公共财政对科研投入的增长;另一方面努力促进产学研相结合,将光伏产业和电动汽车作为未来经济技术的增长点而给予重点支持。  相似文献   

奥地利经济学派是经济学百花园中的一朵奇葩,始终以自己的规范和视角明确表达其在经济学发展中的重要作用和思想地位,同时也在自身的发展中不断超越和重构.奥地利学派的一些基本思想,如主观主义、无知、时间和创造性选择等概念有可能对未来经济理论的发展打上深刻的烙印.在与制度经济学的比较分析中,找到它们共同的思想渊源,这两个经济学派的不断融合、补充和超越,预示着它们未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

齐霖 《新经济》2014,(18):88-89
耳朵是人唯一的听觉器官,而人耳能够感受到的声波频率范围是16Hz-20kHz。但随着科技的发展,如今音响、耳机等产品组件的振动频率早已超出了这一范围,以求更加丰富地表现出声音的脉动。  相似文献   

奥地利是欧盟一个面积小、人口少的小国,但却经济发达、科技先进、创新能力强。在创新领域,奥地利的做法是:设定研发经费增长目标,保持和增强创新活力;积极吸引国外企业在本国开展研发活动;积极利用国际资源,促进科研国际化;建立卓越技术能力中心,推动产学研合作;政府以促进企业创新为中心任务。奥地利在创新领域的成功做法和经验值得我国学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

杨爱民 《新经济》2008,(5):91-95
奥地利经济学派是经济学百花园中的一朵奇葩,始终以自己的规范和视角明确表达其在经济学发展中的重要作用和思想地位,同时也在自身的发展中不断超越和重构。奥地利学派的一些基本思想,如主观主义、无知、时间和创造性选择等概念有可能对未来经济理论的发展打上深刻的烙印。在与制度经济学的比较分析中,找到它们共同的思想渊源,这两个经济学派的不断融合、补充和超越,预示着它们未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

笔者概述了百戏的由来及汉代百戏的表演内容,从相关文献中介绍了百戏的表演特点,并借助有关历史文物说明汉代百戏的盏况及其对我国音乐艺术发展的影响.  相似文献   

The general consensus among the copyright piracy literature is that economic incentives and enforcement are both effective strategies that complement one another in reducing the occurrence of piracy. Yet, the key factor underlying these strategies is the ability of the media industries to influence an individual's willingness to pay (WTP) for legal purchases when illegal versions exist. This article estimates the effects of factors influencing WTP for digital music downloads. Our results show that while income and risk perceptions play a dominant role in determining WTP, ethics are also important in influencing WTP. Our results are consistent with the growing consumer acceptance of fee-based music services that can exist alongside peer-to-peer file sharing as well as serve as a viable substitute . ( JEL O34, K42, D12)  相似文献   

音乐是人类的灵魂,是人们情感的寄托,是人们的精神粮食,无论什么时候,人们都离不开音乐!她能启迪智慧,能让人产生遐想,既能给人们带来欢快,也能给人们带来忧伤。科达音响经典的主色调,在变幻莫测的流行时尚中笑看落花逐流水,科技与设计  相似文献   

爱唱歌的性感尤物,且让我这样来形容它。魔鬼的身材和天使的声音完美地融合在一起,就成了居室里最亮丽的风景。我喜欢和它一起随时随地尽情音享世界,自由自在地漫步心灵的云端。  相似文献   

Cooperation between the Austrian and Hungarian central statistical offices in the field of industrial productivity has a history of two decades. The first comparison, carried out in 1965, was partly experimental in objective and nature. The second full scale survey took place a decade later in 1975. This was followed by a further study of about two years duration of the level of productivity and the factors influencing it in three sectors: food, metallurgy and engineering. For this study the three sectors were broken down into 31 sub-branches and nearly 400 product groups. An important and labour-intensive element of the comparisons was harmonization of the sector and product classification system; UN recommendations were increasingly helpful for this work, and relying upon them will be expedient also in the future.
In the decade under review the productivity advantage of Austrian industry increased, from about 40 percent in 1965 to an average 75 percent in 1975. The dispersion of sectoral productivity indices around the average value was significant in both years.
The similarity of the 1965 and 1975 comparisons offered an exceptional opportunity to examine the reliability of extrapolation. The investigations unambiguously demonstrated that extrapolation did not give reliable results for a period as long as ten years, primarily because of structural changes in production and changes in price weights.
The most important conclusion to be drawn from the investigation of the three selected branches is its extraordinary usefulness from the economic, political and methodological points of view. A further important conclusion is that the method of comparison must be selected in the light of an extensive consideration of the output and technological structure of the branches.  相似文献   

余红 《新经济》2006,(8):79-85
共享丰盛 启程未来 盛夏时节,浓情岁月,又是一个收获喜悦的季节。在2006届EMBA毕业生即将离校之际,以“共享丰盛,启程未来”为主题的毕业晚会于6月24日晚在江山帝景会所激情上演。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT ** :  In this article we add to the literature analyzing wages in the nonprofit sector by estimating a wage function based on employer-employee matched data for Austria. We concentrate on the influence of voluntary contributions on the wage level of paid workers. By using a quantile regression approach we find that the existence of volunteers reduces the wages of paid employees in nonprofit organizations. The number of volunteers does not have an influence on the wage level. Donations have a small but positive effect for higher income groups only. Public subsidies increase wages of all paid workers in a nonprofit organization.  相似文献   

This paper explores illegal music file‐sharing activity and its effect on Australian sales of singles in the physical and digital retail markets. Using fifteen weeks of Australian Recording Industry Association weekly chart rankings of physical and digital sales, combined with a proxy for download activity derived from the popular peer‐to‐peer (P2P) network Limewire, the evidence suggests no discernible impact of download activity on legitimate sales. Whilst significant negative correlation between chart rank and download activity is observed in the digital market, once download endogeneity is purged from the model and song heterogeneity is controlled for no significant relationship remains.  相似文献   

“重建经济学的伦理层面”的阿马蒂亚·森 (Amartya Sen)被称做“经济学的良心”.他认为,自由是发展的首要目的,自由也是促进发展的不可缺少的重要手段。经济发展就其本质而言,是自由的扩展和增长。  相似文献   

《Feminist Economics》2013,19(4):705-707

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