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The last 30 years have seen public sector accounting in many countries undergo considerable change. More recently, some governments adopted accrual accounting and International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), some adopted modified International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) while others continued with cash‐based accounting. New Zealand (NZ) has, for more than two decades, followed a sector neutral approach to financial reporting and standard setting where the same accounting standards were applied to all entities in all sectors: for‐profit, not‐for‐profit and the public sector. This period included the adoption of IFRS by for‐profit entities with minor modifications for the public sector. The suitability of IFRS for the public sector has been questioned and, recently, standard setters in NZ decided to adopt a sector‐specific standard‐setting approach with multiple tiers for each sector. The for‐profit sector will continue to follow IFRS but reporting standards for the public sector will be based on IPSAS. In this period of change we sought the views of preparers of public sector financial reports regarding the users of such reports and their preferences for the public sector reporting framework. We also sought the views of the preparers regarding the usefulness of each financial statement for users, and whether the benefits of reporting by their organisations exceeds the costs. The findings indicate support for maintaining IFRS as a basis for reporting in the NZ public sector. However, IPSAS modified to NZ conditions is also perceived as an acceptable option by respondents in this study. The income statement is, in the opinion of the respondents in this study, the most useful statement while cash flows appear to hold little value. A high proportion of respondents believe that the benefits of reporting exceed the costs, which contradicts the view that such reports are mainly compliance documents that provide little value. This finding contributes to the continuing debate on costs versus benefits on the recent introduction of IPSAS as the reporting framework for the public sector and the perceived appropriateness of IPSAS in public sector reporting.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the preparer of the Form 990 influences the Form 990 reporting quality. Currently, the Form 990 is the only widely available source of governance and financial information for nonprofit organizations. The leading rater of nonprofit organizations, Charity Navigator, relies primarily on information from the Form 990 in developing their ratings. We identify misreporting by utilizing five measures of reporting quality. We find organizations that hire an outside accounting firm to prepare the Form 990 report higher quality financial information than organizations that choose to prepare the Form 990 in house. Interestingly, the size of the accounting firm is not associated with the quality of Form 990 reporting with the exception that paid preparers who are sole proprietors are more likely to misreport. Further exploration reveals that paid preparers who file more returns are less likely to misreport indicating that specialization is associated with more accurate reporting on Form 990. Our study contributes to the literature by using multiple reporting measures to examine the impact of paid preparers on the reporting quality of 990s. Furthermore, our study is the first to consider how specialization affects the accuracy of 990 returns.  相似文献   

Using institutional logics as a theoretical framework and interviews with 20 preparers from 14 large organisations listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), this paper focuses on examining differences in integrated reporting practices. The results reveal how a finance-centric market and professional logic interact with a stakeholder logic, leading to differences in the materiality determination process. Market-dominated firms have an internally focused approach to setting materiality which emphasises value-relevance for financial capital providers. Where logics are contested, materiality becomes an amalgamation of the factors which are important for shareholders and other stakeholders and essential for demonstrating compliance with codes of best practice. Organisations with market, professional and stakeholder logics aligned have the most sophisticated materiality determination processes. The emphasis shifts from lengthy reporting and compliance to providing a comprehensive account of the value creation process and how the business ensures long-term sustainability. In this way, how logics are instantiated may explain the considerable variation being observed in integrated reports. There are also implications for the propensity of firms either to view integrated reporting as a hegemonic challenge or to internalise it as part of a process of positive organisational change.  相似文献   

Following the introduction of Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 25, Segmental Reporting, companies must now report turnover, result and net assets analysed by geographical segments and business classes. This paper, unlike most previous research into segmental reporting, focuses on the preparers of accounts. The empirical study, based on information obtained by a questionnaire survey, has two objectives. First, to investigate the preparers' perceptions of the usefulness of segmental information and second, to identify which criteria were used to select reportable segments. The results show that the reported selection criteria have discarded or ignored many of the suggestions identified in previous academic literature and in the standard, in favour of pre-existing organisational groupings. The responses also indicate that preparers doubt the usefulness to shareholders of the reported information.  相似文献   

Recent research of corporate reporting practices has suggested that corporate environmental reporting within Australia, and a number of other countries, is typically deficient and not of a standard to satisfy the information needs of various classes of report readers. This paper explores whether a potential information demand/supply imbalance is due to differing perceptions between report users and report preparers as to the relative importance of various items of environmental performance information to the users’ decision making processes. The paper explores whether an environmental reporting ‘expectations gap’ exists within Australia. The study, sponsored by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, surveyed the attitudes of senior executives within 462 of the largest companies within Australia (the preparers group), as well as the attitudes of 474 individuals from various categories of annual report users. In comparing the responses, significant differences between the views of users and the preparers were found to exist in relation to various issues associated with corporate environmental performance reporting. The evidence is consistent with the existence of an environmental reporting expectations gap within Australia.  相似文献   

Internet financial reporting is now widespread with most medium and large companies in the developed world providing a wide variety of financial data online. However, much of this information mirrors the paper versions of financial reports, often with little attempt to enhance the decision usability of the data, providing a so called ‘first generation’ of online reporting (ICAEW, 2004). eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) has been designed to provide a ‘second generation’ of online reporting, specifically to enhance the usability of the data. Documents rendered in XBRL are digitally-enabled so that it is easier for stakeholders to extract information directly into spreadsheets, or any other XBRL-enabled analysis software, without the need to re-key data thus providing significant improvements in information flows and enhancing inter-company comparability.XBRL consortia have spent more than 15 years promulgating the use of this technology within the business and government communities. However, despite their efforts XBRL has not become widely diffused, there is little stakeholder engagement and very few organisations have voluntarily adopted XBRL in practice.The results of a questionnaire survey in the UK indicate that awareness of XBRL, and second generation reporting more generally, resides in key champions but there is little diffusion outside this narrow set of stakeholders. Regulatory engagement seems to be the only impetus for diffusion and better channels of communication within stakeholder networks, such as between regulators, preparers, users and the XBRL community are needed. This paper suggests that currently the supply-push for XBRL is failing to produce effective use of this technology in the UK. Greater regulatory commitment is now needed to create an impetus for XBRL such as creating tools and making publicly available, accessible, repositories of XBRL data. Unless this happens, diffusion will not occur, and the demand-pull which is now needed will vanish and XBRL will fade and die.  相似文献   

《Accounting Forum》2017,41(3):185-205
In this paper, we examine the motivations for preparers in Greek non-listed companies to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Previous literature has focused on listed companies and assessed the effect of IFRS on market efficiency to justify its adoption. Using data from a cross-sectional survey and from interviews with senior managers, our analysis indicates that the motivations to adopt IFRS in Greece are not primarily related to the technical competence of the standards. We draw insights from literature on institutional theory and hegemony based on the Selections from the Prison Notebooks of Gramsci, and show that the decision to comply with IFRS can also be motivated by coercive and hegemonic pressures, which are exerted by powerful institutional constituents as they interact with organisations’ strategic interests at the international and national level. The adoption of IFRS is driven predominantly by the pressures exerted by parent companies on their subsidiaries and by the legal requirements of the state, but also through borrowing and debt-contracting requirements as enforced by civil society actors, such as financial institutions. This mobilisation of power plays a pivotal role in supporting the establishment of IFRS among non-listed companies.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of integrated reporting (IR) on the sustainability reporting practices of a state-owned enterprise through a content analysis of their reports and interviews with report preparers. The findings show a steady increase in the quantity and quality of sustainability disclosures. In 2012, the organization chose to adopt the IR framework in order to enhance sustainability reporting for all stakeholders. The IR process resulted in a more balanced disclosure of material aspects of sustainability. However, while IR has the potential to enhance public sector sustainability reporting, inter-generational equity issues were ignored.  相似文献   

This study investigates factors affecting the credibility of sustainability reporting. Potential factors were first identified from prior studies and then refined through semi-structured interviews with sustainability reporting stakeholders including users, preparers, assurance providers and standard-setters. From this we construct a conceptual framework containing 26 variables that potentially influence credibility assessments of sustainability reports. This large set of variables is then evaluated by using a questionnaire survey of different stakeholder groups. The responses reveal that some source credibility variables (trustworthiness, track record and management expertise), assurance-related variables, and message characteristics (materiality and completeness of sustainability disclosures) are perceived by different stakeholder groups as particularly important to the credibility assessment, with source credibility factors dominating the rankings. An exploratory factor analysis shows that perceptions coalesce on four factors that are concerned with assurance and accountability, source (management) characteristics, message characteristics, and standards & ratings, with the structure of first two being dominated by the variables ranked as most important. The rank analysis also reveals significant differences between users and preparers in the ordering of influential credibility factors, and this is further supported by the significant differences between users’ and preparers’ mean scores for the ‘assurance and accountability’ and ‘source (management) characteristics’ factors.  相似文献   

Disclosure of financial data disaggregated by business and/or geographic segment is currently being considered by the Accounting Standards Committee. This paper reports the views of a group of preparers and users of segment reports on the segmental reporting issue. Identifying reportable segments is of primary importance if the disaggregated financial data are to have any meaning or value. Yet, the imposition of a rigid and arbitrary set of rules suggesting a single form of presentation is unlikely to gain universal approval. Based on the criteria of the preparers and users interviewed alternative forms of presentation are proposed.  相似文献   

Classifications Manipulation and Nash Accounting Standards   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper studies a model of "classifications manipulation" in which accounting reports consist of one of two binary classifications, preparers of accounting reports prefer one classification over the other, an accounting standard designates the official requirements that have to be met to receive the preferred classification, and preparers may engage in "classifications manipulation" in order to receive their preferred accounting classification. The possibility of classifications manipulation creates a distinction between the official classification described in the statement of the accounting standard and the de facto classification, determined by the "shadow standard" actually adopted by preparers. The paper studies the selection and evolution of accounting standards in this context. Among other things, the paper evaluates "efficient" accounting standards, it determines when there will be "standards creep," it introduces and analyzes the notion of a Nash accounting standard, and it compares the standards set by sophisticated standard–setters to those set with less knowledge of firms' financial reporting environments.  相似文献   

This paper explores the attitudes of the preparers of financial statements in the emerging economy of Serbia towards International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Our research shows that preparers are mainly satisfied with the quality of IFRS and the environment for IFRS application in Serbia and that they generally support the process of global convergence of financial reporting standards. Nevertheless, we find that there is a need to improve the environment for IFRS application in Serbia, and we identify areas that financial reporting regulators in emerging economies should address when attempting to improve the environment for IFRS application. Our research also shows that perceived IFRS quality is dependent on the preparer's experience in applying IFRS and his or her perceptions of the environment in which IFRS are applied. Perceived IFRS quality and attitudes towards the compatibility between IFRS and the environment for application of IFRS affect the level of support for the global convergence of financial reporting standards.  相似文献   

Tax complexity has increased over the years as laws and regulations have been consistently added to the existing code sections. This complexity directly affects taxpayer compliance; complexity reduces taxpayer compliance. Along with the rise in complexity has come an increased use of tax preparation software such as TurboTax to combat the rising intricacy. This software is designed to help users properly complete a tax return and, as a result, increase taxpayer compliance. These software packages represent sophisticated tax decision support systems (TDSS) used by both professional tax preparers and individual taxpayers alike. While the availability and use has risen dramatically over the past few years, little research has been conducted to determine the impact of TDSS on tax preparers' decisions. The purpose of this study is to examine whether tax preparers manually preparing a tax return make the same decisions as tax preparers aided by a TDSS. The Theory of Technology Dominance suggests (1) that less experienced users will not be able to adequately use the TDSS and will make inferior decisions when compared to more experienced users and (2) that more experienced decision-makers using a TDSS will make better decisions than their counterparts preparing a return manually. The results support the propositions of the theory and show that less experienced tax preparers using a TDSS make inferior decisions when compared to more experienced tax preparers. The less experienced tax preparers report higher taxable income and higher tax liability. The results also indicate that using a TDSS can help both experienced and novice tax preparers make better decisions even though the novices cannot perform at the level of experienced tax preparers. This study concludes tax compliance is improved with the use of a TDSS.  相似文献   

This article reviews the current financial reporting framework in Australia by considering three groups that are involved in the production of companies' financial reports: rule-makers, financial report preparers and rule-enforcers. We outline dramatic changes to the financial reporting framework in the period 2002-04 (primarily from CLERP 9) and explore the effect on the roles and activities of various groups of the adoption of international accounting standards in Australia.  相似文献   

The Australian public sector has recently undergone a period of intense reform including a comprehensive reform of financial reporting policies. A major aspect of this reform is the involvement of the Australian accounting profession in the formulation of financial reporting standards through the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (PSASB). Despite this extensive change, scant research has examined constituent participation in the Australian public sector accounting standard-setting 'due process'. This paper considers the regulatory model adopted for accounting standard-setting in the public sector in Australia and identifies the implications of this model for constituent access to the 'due process'. In particular, the co-operation between the PSASB and the various regulatory bodies in each Australian jurisdiction suggests that these bodies may have more direct influence over the standard-setters than other constituents. The submissions made on ED 55 Financial Reporting by Government Departments are examined as a case study of the 'due process' as it operates in the public sector. Different constituent groups were found to respond in varying proportions, to hold conflicting positions on some issues contained in ED 55 and to use different strategies to present these positions. The research identifies a lack of input by the major group affected by the proposed standard, the account preparers (government departments). In addition, account preparers which did respond to ED 55 were found to use less sophisticated lobbying strategies than other respondents who weighted their responses by commenting on a greater number of issues and by supporting their position with conceptual arguments. These results support the contention that some constituents have favourable access to the 'due process' and that standard-setters may not have received all pertinent information from affected and/or knowledgeable constituents.  相似文献   

An important financial reporting issue relates to the extent, if any, to which financial reporting standards should differ for businesses and governments. At a high level of abstraction little dispute exists that common financial reporting concepts for both types of organisations are appropriate (for example, financial reporting should provide useful information). As one focuses on more specific financial reporting objectives, however, the issue becomes more contentious. This paper addresses this issue by considering differences in financial reporting objectives between the types of organisations and evaluating whether such differences are of sufficient import to warrant substantially different financial reporting standards.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the answers to the “Questionnaire on the public consultation of the IFRS for SMEs”, promoted by the European Commission. Our aim is to evaluate the homogeneity among respondents, according to the different perspectives of analysis between both users, preparers and also in European Countries. Results show a substantial diversity among respondents. In particular, preparers demonstrate a strong opposition to the IFRS for SMEs, while users are more favorable. Concerning Country classification, German-speaking Countries and Latin Countries show much less appreciation for that standard with respect to Anglo − Nordic Countries. Relevant consequences for European public policy issues and for accounting studies on differential reporting arise from this result, concerning respectively the role of European accounting system and the acceptance of “user primacy” principle.  相似文献   

The practice of organisations adopting performance measurement systems that utilise a range of key performance indicators linked to various aspects of corporate strategy has become widespread. At the same time, however, many organisations are developing reporting frameworks that summarise these indicators in the form of a league table, ranking sub-units according to their achievements. The use of such league tables has the capacity to create a form of dysfunctional behaviour as managers focus primarily on their league table positions—the notion of measure fixation. This paper describes a new experiment that seeks to explore this possibility. The results suggest that information concerning the change in league table position leads to an increase in risk-seeking behaviour, particularly where a project proposal creates an opportunity for the manager's sub-unit to move to the top of the league table. This is an unintended dysfunctional consequence of using league tables within performance measurement system design.  相似文献   

Nothing is more likely to undermine the credibility of financial reporting than the suspicion that the results reported were predetermined and that the accounting methods used were selected to produce the results desired by the preparers of the report', Solomons (1983).  相似文献   

《Accounting in Europe》2013,10(2):211-234
This paper explores whether the attitude of preparers towards lobbying to a private accounting standard setter is different depending on the regulatory background of the preparers' home country. Prior literature examined the preparers' incentives and characteristics as drivers to participate in the due process of international accounting standard setting, but it did not investigate the impact of the preparers' national regulatory background on participation. As a result of the acceptance of the International Financial Reporting Standards promulgated by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in different countries, preparers who are traditionally accustomed with an accounting standard setting process initiated by governments with few opportunities for formal participation, are now able to participate in a private accounting standard setting process characterised by several possibilities for participation. Comparing survey evidence of Belgian preparers with existing survey evidence of UK preparers, we notice that the participation methods used, the perception on the effectiveness of the participation methods and the reasons for non-participation differ across both groups of preparers. This finding suggests that the national regulatory background of the preparers may affect the behaviour of preparers in their decision to participate in private accounting standard setting.  相似文献   

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