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This article details the steps of one medical center which turned an "almost" $3.1 million capital campaign into a success. Leadership provided the steps to victory for a development director who stepped into a job with the high prospects of failure. In two years, he made his goal.  相似文献   

The Elo rating system is one of the most popular methods for estimating the ability of competitors over time in sport. The standard Elo system focuses on predicting wins and losses, but there is often also interest in the margin of victory (MOV) because it reflects the magnitude of a result. There have been few theoretical investigations and comparisons of Elo-based models. In the present study, we propose four model options for an MOV Elo system: linear, joint additive, multiplicative, and logistic. Notations and guidance for tuning each model are provided. The models were applied to men’s tennis for several MOV choices. The results showed that all MOV approaches using within-set statistics improved the predictive performance compared with the standard Elo system, but only the joint additive model yielded unbiased ratings with stable variance in the simulation study. This general framework for MOV Elo ratings provide sports modelers with a new set of tools for building systems to rate competitors and forecast outcomes in sport.  相似文献   

We evaluate the implications of the MAX effect in the Chinese financial market. First, the MAX effect prevails in China: A zero-cost MAX strategy, which goes long (short) stocks with the highest (lowest) maximum daily return in the prior month, generates significant losses over the full sample period. Second, further analysis on firm characteristics confirms that the MAX stocks exhibit lottery-like features, and the (negative) performance of the MAX strategy varies over time and is related to investor sentiment. Third, the MAX effect gets weaker after the introduction of short-selling in 2010. Finally, we document that there exists a reversed MAX effect among mutual funds, because a similarly implemented MAX strategy generates significant positive risk-adjusted returns among equity funds in China.  相似文献   

本文从产品多样性视角考察中国进口贸易利益规模。基于现有文献的研究模型和中国海关2002年至2012年进口数据,本文发现在一系列对称性假设下中国进口贸易带来产品多样性增加的贸易利益总体规模较小。分产品类别看,中间产品、工业品及初级产品贡献了绝大部分贸易利益。分产业类别看,金属矿的开采、化学品及化学制品的制造及与资源、初级产品相关的行业贡献较大。  相似文献   

A bstract . The movement of middle-class Blacks from the Black ghettos is a phenomenon which greatly intensified in the 1970s. Using 1980 data for ten Florida Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas with large populations, it was determined that the intensity of the migration varied greatly among the cities , for a variety of different reasons. All ten cities, however, experienced clustering among the middle-class Blacks who moved from the ghettos. This clustering was usually around large public service institutions , principal employers of the group. Tracts selected by the Black middle class generally have homes more expensive and newer than the tract average, and the period of occupancy of the residents was shorter than the tract average. Usually Black households in White tracts within the Florida cities do not have socioeconomic parity with their White cohorts.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence on the sign of the slope of the hazard rate from unemployment is obtained from a fixed effects model based on the gamma distribution for unemployment duration. The data used are pairs of unemployment spells for adult males in the control and experimental groups of the Denver Income Maintenance Experiment. The sample selection issue involved in selecting the pair of spells used in the empirical work is discussed. The empirical results suggest that for these samples the hazard function is monotone decreasing and support the assumptions that the first two spells of unemployment are identically distributed and can be modelled using the gamma distribution.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the short- and long-run effects of universities on geographic clustering of economic activity, labor market composition and local productivity and presents evidence of local spillovers from universities. I treat the designation of land-grant universities in the 1860s as a natural experiment after controlling for the confounding factors with a combination of synthetic control methods and event-study analyses. Three key results are obtained. First, the designation increased local population density by 6 percent within 10 years and 45 percent in 80 years. Second, the designation did not change the relative size of local manufacturing sector. Third, the designation enhanced local manufacturing output per worker by $2136 (1840 dollars; 57 percent) in 80 years while the short-run effects were negligible. This positive effect on the productivity in non-education sectors suggests the existence of local spillovers from universities. Over an 80-year horizon, my results indicate that the increase in manufacturing productivity reflects both the impact of direct spillovers from universities and general agglomeration economies that arise from the increase in population.  相似文献   

通过对"城中村"空间形态的演化过程进行分析,认为"城中村"的空间形态是导致"城中村"问题的重要原因之一;"城中村"的改造固然重要,但更重要的是从城乡边缘村庄这个源头进行空间形态的持续控制,整合并优化城乡规划与建设管理措施。提出了要明确空间演化目标并保持全程一致性、保持村庄空间形态与所处城市地段同步演进、实行区位与阶段相结合的分异导控、协同优化城乡规划建设管理过程等主要改进策略。  相似文献   

Based on recent theoretical developments the argument is made that the average level of human capital is a local public good. Cities with higher average levels of human capital should therefore have higher wages and higher land rents. After conditioning on the characteristics of individual workers and dwellings, this prediction is supported by data for Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSAs) in the United States, where the SMSA average levels of formal education and work experience are used as proxies for the average level of human capital. The alternative explanations of omitted SMSA variables and self-selection are evaluated. An estimate of the effect of an additional year of average education on total factor productivity is computed.  相似文献   

案例2007年12月,某公司计划填海造地,遂向当地海洋部门申请用海,经批准后,缴纳海域使用金,获取了海域使用权。后该公司向当地国土资源管理局申请土地登记,由于经营性用地必须实行招拍挂,国土资源局拒绝为公司办理登记。  相似文献   

通过分析OEM的功用发现,我国的家电企业在其发展过程中对这种贴牌模式产生了一定的依赖性。通过我国家电企业OEM发展阶段可以看出,在现阶段,我国的家电企业应该从OEM向OBM过渡,建设自己的品牌。文章分析了建设自有品牌的一些障碍和问题,最后提出:我国的家电企业应继续利用原有OEM模式下的一些经验,从政府、行业和企业3个层面建设自己的自主品牌。  相似文献   

城市也可以像产品一样通过品牌来提升竞争力和吸引力,建设城市品牌的关键是要明确城市顾客的需求,找到顾客期望的价值点.城市顾客通过对城市自然条件、生活环境、自然景观、人文景观、城市潜力、产业状况、亲和力的感知和评价,以及基于城市传播所形成的对城市的总体印象和联想,对城市进行判断和选择.基于影响顾客城市品牌感知九要素,作者对我国的城市品牌建设提出了七点建议.  相似文献   

企业品牌对企业的长期发展至关重要。文章结合企业文化、企业战略管理,从行为学的视角探讨企业品牌的创造、实现及培育等方面的问题。  相似文献   

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