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范昕 《时代金融》2012,(30):262-263
价值投资策略可以获得超额收益率,本文对我国A股市场用账面市值比、盈利/股票价值和现金流量/股票三个指标分别构建投资组合,检验了价值投资策略在我国股市的实际表现,最后讨论了价值投资策略在中国市场可行的原因和发展前景。  相似文献   

众多实证研究发现,通过持有赢者组合多头和输者组合空头的动量套利策略可以获取显著的超额收益。考虑到我国A股市场卖空约束,选取沪深300样本股和中小板股票设置不同的对照组和投资期限,采用假设检验方法分析了2005年股改以来两次牛市行情中单一赢者组合及输者组合多头策略的盈利性特征,并检验了A股市场中是否存在动量套利交易的盈利模式。实证显示,即使不考虑交易成本,两种多头策略也都很难有显著的高于样本总体的收益率。  相似文献   

沪市A股过度反应和反应不足的实证研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在对股票超额收益率采用两种不同的计算方法后发现,在投资组合的形成期内表现最好的赢者组合和表现最差的输者组合,绝大多数在持有期内的收益率都不能高于市场平均收益率,而且随着持有期的延长,赢者组合和输者组合负的超额收益率开始变得显著,这说明前者存在过度反应而后者存在反应不足.此外,两个组合之间收益率的差距却始终不显著,无论是在赢者组合表现得比输者组合好的情况下还是输者组合表现得比赢者组合好的情况下,两者的差异在统计上全都不显著.这样,利用两组合收益上差距的动量策略和反转策略无法获得显著的收益,这两种策略在沪市A股中基本是不可行的.  相似文献   

A股股票数据,以周为单位对2014年10月31日到2015年12月31日的数据分牛、熊市进行实证分析,认为中国股市短期存在明显的动量效应、在一个较短的投资期限中采用动量交易策略将获得较高的超额收益率,但在牛市、熊市中持有收益最高的股票组合当市场态势转换时并不能获得显著的超额收益率。动量投资策略的关键在于短线操作,将持有期控制在一个月以内。  相似文献   

殷鑫  郑丰  崔积钰  赵庄 《云南金融》2012,(8Z):20-22
本文通过Priotroski的基于P/B股票特征的财务指标评分选股方法对中国A股上市公司的股票2000~2012年的历史行情进行回溯实证研究,检验基于价值投资的Piotroski选股策略在中国股票市场的适用性。结果表明,Priotroski选股策略构造的股票组合盈利能力良好,远超过同期的市场指数的收益率,因而是值得推广使用的投资选股策略。  相似文献   

殷鑫  郑丰  崔积钰  赵庄 《时代金融》2012,(23):20-22
本文通过Priotroski的基于P/B股票特征的财务指标评分选股方法对中国A股上市公司的股票2000~2012年的历史行情进行回溯实证研究,检验基于价值投资的Piotroski选股策略在中国股票市场的适用性。结果表明,Priotroski选股策略构造的股票组合盈利能力良好,远超过同期的市场指数的收益率,因而是值得推广使用的投资选股策略。  相似文献   

对我国20年来A股滚动5年~15年的年均、月均回报率进行计算后发现其呈现以下特征:一是随着滚动时间的拉长,投资收益率的波动状况越来越平稳;二是当滚动投资期限拉长到15年(180月)以上后,股票投资的收益率在所有滚动年份(月份)均高于同期银行存款利率;三是无论采用何种滚动方式,股票投资平均收益率均远高于同期银行存款利率。结合我国A股历史滚动收益状况和寿险资金的特征,提出了寿险资金的大面积性、长期性、滚动性和周期性等四种投资策略。本文的研究结论对寿险投资、机构投资和政府监管具有重要的启示作用和现实意义。  相似文献   

本文基于美林证券公司提出的大类资产配置理论,即“美林投资时钟”,从预测经济衰退入手,结合收益率曲线期限利差和风险溢价,研究资产配置的选择与优化策略:研究发现,美国10年期国债收益率与3月期国债收益率的利差组合和KCFSI指数对美国经济衰退有较好的预测效果,能够捕捉经济周期走向。在此基础上,参考美林投资时钟模式,本文利用期限利差和KCFSI组合构建金融投资时钟,对传统经济周期进行重新划分,同时以协整回归检验大类资产收益与新周期的关系,并以此构建新的资产配置策略,在新的周期划分基础上进行历史回测,得到的结果优于以往传统的投资策略。  相似文献   

资本资产定价模型的缺陷使得为股票收益率寻找更显著的影响因素成为现代金融领域一个重要课题.通过在我国沪市A股市场中进行流动性对股票收益率影响的实证检验,得到结论:在沪市A股市场中,不论是在短期还是长期内,流动性对股票收益率都有重要影响.  相似文献   

行为金融框架下的证券投资策略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文阐述了国内外行为金融的主要理论及其最新发展,比较分析了传统金融与行为金融的区别;基于行为金融分析了证券投资者行为特征、行为偏差并介绍行为金融学在我国证券市场中的应用,为我国投资者提出一些有针对性的投资策略、建议.  相似文献   

Central to modern finance theory is an understanding of the cost of capital—the minimum required rate of return that is used by companies and investors for both valuation and ongoing performance measurement. This paper provides new insights into the market risk premium for U.S. equities, as well as better methods for measuring and quantifying a company's systematic risk. In so doing, it furnishes evidence that stock market investors now expect a 5% return premium over 30-year government bonds—a decline from the 6–8% premiums suggested by the Ibbotson-Sinquefeld data that extends from 1926 to the present. The author argues that, because of structural changes in the global economy and capital markets, only the most recent 40 or 50 years of data are relevant for estimating current risk premiums. Like the article that precedes it, this article also notes that the 30-year Treasury bond has an increasing component of systematic risk, and the author provides a method of applying the CAPM that removes that risk component from the "risk-free" rate and shifts it to the market risk premium.  相似文献   

In this paper we separate the total stock return into its continuous and jump component to test whether stock return predictability should be attributed to omitted risk factors or behavioral finance theories. We extend results from the US market to the Spanish stock market, which, despite being a developed market, presents several differences in terms of stock characteristics, financial system, investor typology and cultural dimensions. The results show that the jump component has significant explanatory power for the premium of three characteristics (size, book-to-market and illiquidity), which is at odds with risk-based explanations. Using the same testing strategy, we try to shed some light on an important controversy concerning the relationship between default risk and momentum. The results suggest that default risk is not the source of momentum returns.  相似文献   

2002年诺贝尔经济学奖的颁发无疑确定了行为金融理论在经济学中的重要地位,并对现代金融理论提出了强有力的挑战.本文在综合国内外研究成果的基础上,着重就其主要内容、实践意义以及在我国证券市场上的实证分析等方面对该理论进行了详细深入的论述,并对其研究前景作出了展望.  相似文献   

We examine whether investors' attention on salient firm characteristics affects information spillovers during corporate earnings announcements. For market participants in China, the stock name is a salient feature of listed companies. We find that the market reaction of non-announcing firms to earnings reports of announcing firms is greater across firms with similar stock names. The incremental information spillovers among similarly named stocks are stronger for larger announcing firms and on days with fewer earnings announcements. The incremental information spillovers between similarly named stocks do not fully reverse in the post-announcement period, consistent with persistent investor behavior predicted by the salience theory. There are also significant return comovements among similarly named stocks. Our findings suggest that investors with limited attention are likely to focus on salient stock names and overestimate the economic connections between similarly name stocks. Our study extends the behavioral finance literature by showing how investors' attention on salient firm features can bias their reaction to unrelated peer disclosures.  相似文献   

This article analyses stock market comovements at a global level for 37 advanced and emerging countries in the last two decades. The article reports that international stock return comovements were greater in advanced countries than in emerging ones, but increased more rapidly in emerging countries than in advanced ones. The driving forces behind these comovements were country-specific fixed effects and time-varying factors over the period 2007–2015. These factors include not only the openness of international trade and finance but also institutional factors representing the development of information and communication technologies, the protection of property rights, and the transparency of information disclosure. These institutional factors worked in line with an information-driven comovement theory.  相似文献   

在行为金融学理论中,投资者心态模型将投资者的心理偏差当作反应偏差的源泉,但这些投资者心态模型对于发展时间较短、具有区别于成熟市场的独特市场制度和社会环境的中国股票市场而言,存在适用度问题。分析中国股票市场投资者普遍的投机心理等要素,运用改进了的HS模型,根据股票市场的习惯,分别对一个牛市周期和熊市周期进行验证得出,投机心理支配下的机构投资者和个人投资者的相互作用是导致反应偏差的主要原因。  相似文献   

How the market incorporates information into stock price is a core issue in finance. This study focuses on the impact of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on the stock prices information efficiency of China's A-share market and underlying role of investors' attention allocation mechanism. This study analyzes the information efficiency of stock prices using the sensitivity of stock cumulative abnormal return to earnings information across different windows following earnings announcement. Based on the earnings announcement events of listed companies in China's A-share market, this study presents an empirical study of the aforementioned issues using event study and regression analysis methods. The following results are seen: (1) EPU aggravates the underreaction of stock price earnings information and the post-earnings announcement drift in the A-share market. (2) Under highly uncertain economic policies, investors show a limited attention allocation pattern of devoting increasing attention to macroeconomic policies and decreasing attention to earnings information, which leads to a decrease in the information efficiency of stock price. This study also analyzes the heterogeneity of the influence of EPU on stock price information efficiency using the institutional shareholding ratio. The results show that increasing institutional shareholding does not reduce the adverse effects of EPU on the information efficiency of stock prices. This study not only provides empirical evidence for Brunnermeier, Sockin, and Xiong (2022) and rational inattention theory, but also reveals that institutional investors show similar behavioral characteristics to retail investors in China's stock market. The results of this study have policy significance for improving the information efficiency of stock market.  相似文献   

金融冲击与经济波动的相关性:三个视角的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融系统对经济周期波动性的影响是现代经济周期理论研究的重要领域。随着金融市场的发展和完善,经济的周期波动性是否减缓等问题还没有统一的定论。本文就我国金融发展与经济增长的周期波动性问题展开分析,分别从中国金融中介发展、利率走势和股票市场三个角度对金融发展与经济周期的相关性进行了检验,结果显示我国金融中介市场发展对经济增长波动性的影响不是平滑了经济增长的波动性,而是扩大了经济增长的波动性;利率变化与经济增长波动存在相互因果关系,说明我国的经济波动对利率是敏感的;股市对经济增长波动的影响还相当有限。  相似文献   

易行健  苏欣  周聪  杨碧云 《金融研究》2022,502(4):151-169
本文基于中国家庭金融调查数据,通过构建理论模型和实证检验分析了房价预期与家庭股市参与的关系,考察了行为金融偏差在房价预期影响股市参与过程中的作用,并根据背景风险、社会网络和户主特征进行异质性分析。结果表明:(1)房价上涨预期通过降低居民家庭的股票收益率预期和增加住房资产,进而降低居民家庭的股市参与概率和参与程度;(2)“心理账户”以及“有限关注”的存在显著弱化了房价上涨预期对家庭股市参与的负向作用;(3)房价上涨预期对股市参与概率和参与程度的负向作用在收入风险更高、健康状况更差、社会网络水平较低以及受教育程度偏低的家庭中更大。因此,稳定房价预期能够通过提升家庭股市参与,进而从需求角度促进股票市场的健康发展。  相似文献   

公司价值理论与股票定价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经济金融化使现代公司财务理论从以往的边缘地位逐步朝着金融经济学的核心与主流方向发展。公司价值理论作为现代公司财务伯重要组成部分已日臻完善和成熟。我国长期对公司价值理论研究的忽视,不仅是企业落后的深层原因,而且也是影响市场发展重要因素之一,因为股票价值与公司价值直接相关,忽视公司价值而形成的股票价格不仅是不合理的,而且会对股票市场产生不良影响。  相似文献   

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