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该文利用农村家庭户的调查数据,从微观经济学的角度出发,研究了中国农村非农产业对农村地区收入不平等和贫困的影响.我们首先利用计量经济学方法,模拟家庭在不参与非农业活动情况下的收入水平,然后比较参与和不参与非农业活动两种情况下的收入分布.结果表明,非农业生产活动一方面缓解了农村地区的收入不平等状况,另一方面显著降低了农村的贫困化程度,缩小了贫困户间的收入差距,改善了最贫困户的收入水平.  相似文献   

利用CHNS(中国健康与营养调查)2006年的微观数据,通过对"基尼"系数的地区和收入来源分解分析和比较了我国九省的农村家庭收入不平等.结果表明省际间的农村家庭收入不平等大于省内农村家庭收入不平等,农村收入不平等程度与家庭平均收入水平的相关性不强.家庭工资收入对省内农村家庭收入不平等具有较大的贡献,且其具有不平等促增的作用,家庭务农收入对省内农村家庭收入不平等具有不平等促减的作用,家庭补助收入加大了省内和省际间的农村家庭收入不平等.  相似文献   

本文利用微观调查数据分析了城乡家庭父母对子女的代际收入影响,并探讨了不同收入水平家庭的代际流动差异。研究结果显示,父亲对女儿收入水平的影响高于儿子,母亲的收入水平对儿子和女儿并没有明显影响差异;城镇居民家庭的收入流动性高于农村居民,并且随着收入从低到高分布,代际收入流动性呈上升趋势,而农村低收入家庭群体具有明显的贫困持续性现象。因此,消除户籍等流动障碍,提供平等的教育机会能够有效提高社会流动性。  相似文献   

为什么劳动力流动没有缩小城乡收入差距   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根据大多数研究者的观察,无论使用哪种度量指标,中国城市和农村个人或家庭之间的收入和消费差距,都反映出典型的不平等趋势。分城乡的情况观察,农村和城市的基尼系数都在迅速提高。一旦把城乡居民合并起来观察不平等程度,基尼系数在每一时期都分别高于农村和城市,说明城乡之间的收入差距更大。然而,这与劳动力流动规模日益扩大的事实是相矛盾的。劳动力流动没有缩小城乡收入差距的原因在于,现行的调查制度不能覆盖常住流动人口,从而在住户统计中低估了这个群体的收入,造成城市收入水平的夸大和农村收入水平的低估。本文通过对劳动力流动政策改革的回顾,从逻辑上质疑了城乡收入差距不断扩大的说法,并利用2005年1%人口抽样调查数据进行计算,证明如果涵盖全部流动劳动力及其家庭的收入,城乡差距并非像观察到的那么大。  相似文献   

郭惠英 《生产力研究》2005,(8):42-43,87
本文采用时间序列与截面数据相结合的方法,从收入水平的历史演变和收入来源演变两个方面对我国农村居民的地区间收入差距及收入来源差异进行了系统的分析,重点分析了西部12省区农村居民与全国的收入差距及收入来源差异。研究结果表明,西部农村与发达地区的主要差异在于非农业收入增长速度缓慢。  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,在农村居民收入水平快速增长的大背景下,农村减贫进程却表现出明显的波动性和不一致性。基于此,本文在贫困分解的基础上,运用贫困弹性的动态特征,从理论和实证的角度探讨了收入增长和收入分配对贫困减少的影响,解释上述问题。文章发现:(1)人均收入水平越高,贫困越有可能和收入不平等联系在一起;(2)收入不平等越严重的地区,贫困对收入不平等的反应越迟钝;(3)1998年是我国农村反贫困性质发生改变的拐点。文章建议,今后农村反贫困政策的重点应从以促进收入增长的开发式扶贫向以改善收入分配为重点的社会保护式扶贫政策转变。  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,在农村居民收入水平快速增长的大背景下,农村减贫进程却表现出明显的波动性和不一致性。基于此,本文在贫困分解的基础上,运用贫困弹性的动态特征,从理论和实证的角度探讨了收入增长和收入分配对贫困减少的影响,解释上述问题。文章发现:(1)人均收入水平越高,贫困越有可能和收入不平等联系在一起;(2)收入不平等越严重的地区,贫困对收入不平等的反应越迟钝;(3)1998年是我国农村反贫困性质发生改变的拐点。文章建议,今后农村反贫困政策的重点应从以促进收入增长的开发式扶贫向以改善收入分配为重点的社会保护式扶贫政策转变。  相似文献   

与以往使用抽样调查数据的研究不同,本文利用在贵州省普定县随机抽取三个村庄的全户调查数据,运用三种针对不平等指数的分解方法,旨在分析西部地区农村内部不平等状况、主要影响因素及其原因,以便为瞄准住户的扶贫战略提供新的实证依据。研究发现,即使在村级层面,贫困地区农户收入和支出的不平等状况仍然很严重,收入的基尼系数高达0.44,GE指数为0.34;通过对运用组内组间收入和支出GE指数分解方法发现,村内的不平等程度(贡献率为90%左右)比村间(贡献率为10%左右)的更为严重;通过运用收入来源和支出构成GE指数分解方法发现,农业和非农收入都是西部地区农村人口的主要收入来源(分别占总收入的41.1%和42.3%),但是非农收入却是造成收入不平等的最主要因素(贡献率为68.8%);通过运用基于回归分析的Shapley值分解方法发现,家庭资产、特别是土地的拥有情况,是造成收入不平等的主要因素。文章最后根据研究结果,针对西部农村地区土地政策、社会保障体系、扶贫政策等提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

与以往使用抽样调查数据的研究不同,本文利用在贵州省普定县随机抽取三个村庄的全户调查数据,运用三种针对不平等指数的分解方法,旨在分析西部地区农村内部不平等状况、主要影响因素及其原因,以便为瞄准住户的扶贫战略提供新的实证依据。研究发现,即使在村级层面,贫困地区农户收入和支出的不平等状况仍然很严重,收入的基尼系数高达0.44,GE指数为0.34;通过对运用组内组间收入和支出GE指数分解方法发现,村内的不平等程度(贡献率为90%左右)比村间(贡献率为10%左右)的更为严重;通过运用收入来源和支出构成GE指数分解方法发现,农业和非农收入都是西部地区农村入口的主要收入来源(分别占总收入的41.1%和42.3%),但是非农收入却是造成收入不平等的最主要因素(贡献率为68.8%);通过运用基于回归分析的Shapley值分解方法发现,家庭资产、特别是土地的拥有情况,是造成收入不平等的主要因素。文章最后根据研究结果,针对西部农村地区土地政策、社会保障体系、扶贫政策等提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

随着巨大的经济和社会变革,中国的收入不平等程度发生了巨大变化。依据CHIP家庭微观调查1988-2007年的数据,使用基尼系数分解以及非参数分解等多种方法,本文试图对本地非农就业、外出务工等不同类型的家庭从业模式与农村收入不平等的关系进行较为全面的探讨。研究得出了一些有价值的结论:首先,从整体的收入分布来看,早期的农村地区的发展更多伴随着不平等程度提高,而后期经济增长则带来更多福利改善;其次,家庭主要非农收入来源是本地非农就业,外出务工所得具有缩小收入差距的作用,而本地非农就业则具有扩大作用,随着时间推移其作用程度也有所改变;最后,经济增长成果惠及不同群体,但并非平均分配,不同群体获益情况不同,增长和不平等通过作用于不同类型家庭影响到最终的收入分布。  相似文献   

This paper uses data from household surveys to contribute to the urbanization-poverty nexus literature by assessing the effect of urbanization on income, expenditure, and poverty in rural households in Vietnam. We find that the urbanization process stimulates the transition from farm to non-farm activities in rural areas. More specifically, urbanization tends to reduce farm income and increase wages and non-farm income in rural households. This suggests that total income and consumption expenditure of rural households are more likely to increase with urbanization. Finally, we find also that urbanization helps decrease the expenditure poverty rate of rural households, albeit by a small magnitude.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explore the causes behind the change of the inequality in China rural areas at the very beginning of this century by decomposing the inequality of the total per capita income into the contributions from different income components. Furthermore, we develop the decomposition method of Gini coefficients from the income components and use it not only in the static analysis but also in comparative static analysis. Namely it can be used to explore the change of the overall inequality by decomposing the change of Gini Coefficient from income components. The empirical results show that the wage from local employment, the income from agricultural household business and the incomes from non-agricultural household business are the three income components that made the largest contributions to the inequality of the total per capita income. The total contribution to the overall inequality of non-agricultural incomes was much more than that of agricultural incomes. The incomes from agricultural household business, the incomes from non-agricultural household business and the wages from migration made the positive impact on the increase of the overall inequality. The incomes donated by relatives and friends made the most important negative impact on the increase of the overall inequality.  相似文献   

Unlike previous studies which often focus on trade liberalisation, this paper examines the impact of protectionism in the form of import tariffs and mineral export taxes on rural and urban poverty and income inequality for the first time. Using a dynamic computable general equilibrium model on Indonesia, mineral export taxes were found to adversely affect urban and rural poverty but income inequality hardly changed as the decline in income in the higher income group is not significantly different to the decline in low income groups. However, if smelters for mineral ore are developed, then there is not only a fall in poverty, more so for the rural than urban, but there is some decline in income inequality. On the other hand, although the current imposed import tariffs do not affect poverty or income inequality, any further increases from the current low average MFN applied rates, will see a rise in rural and urban poverty and income inequality. By and large, any small improvements in the trade balance brought upon by the mineral tax and import tariffs are more than outweighed by the substantial decline in real household consumption expenditure due to falls in employment and wages, thereby leading to a fall in GDP growth.  相似文献   


This study examines the effects of non-farm income on household consumption expenditures in rural Bangladesh. A two-stage endogenous treatment effect model is built on data from a nationally representative Household Income Expenditure Survey (HIES) 2010 to control selection bias. The HIES follows a hierarchical data structure because the survey is based on two-stage stratified sampling. A multilevel mixed-effects linear regression model is used to capture the unobserved heterogeneity between clusters (PSUs) along with revealing important factors. Results reveal that non-farm income has a significant positive effect on household’s consumption expenditures and non-farm income recipient households spend about 29% more than their counterparts. In addition, higher level of per capita income, education, smaller family size and lower dependency ratio are found to be more effective in increasing consumption expenditures of rural households. Significant cluster-level variations are observed in the analyses. This study recommends that non-farm income generating activities should be encouraged among rural households as this would raise their consumption expenditures and hence, improve welfare and living standards among them.


经济增长、收入差距与农村贫困   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
我国经济转型过程中同时发生的居民收入增长和收入差距扩大对农村贫困减缓具有不同的影响。本文在住户调查数据的基础上,讨论了不同时期经济增长和收入差距对于农村贫困减缓的作用大小,估算了不同年份经济增长和收入差距的贫困减缓弹性,并根据Shapley分解讨论了分项收入对贫困程度的影响以及分项收入不均等性的贫困减缓弹性。  相似文献   

The economic literature has argued for a long time that income mobility could attenuate the degree of cross-sectional inequality by offering people opportunities to improve their socio-economic position. Using the longitudinal data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) from 1989 to 2011, we measure income mobility as the degree to which longer-term incomes are distributed more or less equally than yearly income. Five main results are emphasized. First, there is strong income mobility in rural China that partly offsets yearly income inequality. Second, income mobility has decreased since the 2000s, indicating that income distribution is becoming more rigid. Third, mobility is mainly associated with transitory income fluctuations, particularly in the two tails of the distribution. Fourth, income mobility has an equalizing effect on income distribution. Fifth, we show that non-agricultural income mobility has substantially increased over the period and that its equalizing nature has also recently increased. While the development of the non-agriculture sector in rural China was a crucial factor in explaining the increase in rural inequality until the mid-2000s, we suggest that the large-scale generalisation of such non-agricultural opportunities partly accounts for the decline in rural inequality observed since the mid-2000s.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine how remittances, an outcome of labor mobility, affect labor market activities in Ghana using detailed household and individual‐level data. This is important, considering the extensive literature that has documented the remittance–poverty reduction nexus. First, we find a strong negative association between household remittance‐receiving status and individual labor supply decisions using instrumental variable estimation techniques. Second, we find the depressing effect of remittances on labor supply decisions to be much stronger in rural areas. Rural women who reside in remittance‐receiving households are less likely to be in the labor force compared with those who do not reside in such households. Remittances have very little impact on labor supply decisions in urban areas. Our findings support that remittances can exacerbate long‐term poverty reduction in rural areas through lower labor force participation, and as such rural‐based and gender‐based interventions may be needed to help redirect remittance income.  相似文献   

Drawing upon cross-country panel data for developing countries, the present study examines the role of agricultural growth in reducing inequality and poverty by modelling the dynamic linkage between agricultural and non-agricultural sectors. For this purpose, we have compared the roles of agricultural and non-agricultural growth and have found that agricultural growth is more important in reducing poverty, while the negative effect of agricultural growth on inequality is found in a few cases where specific definitions of inequality are adopted. Our analysis generally reinforces the case for revival of agriculture in the post-2015 discourse, contrary to much-emphasised roles of rural–urban migration and urbanisation as main drivers of growth and elimination of extreme poverty.  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(2):147-153
There are more than one hundred million peasants working in non-agricultural industries away from their home villages in China. Using survey data of 2004 from Chongqing, the authors intend to research on the poverty of China's west economically backward area through investigating the peasants' family income and the out-of-rural workers' income, and have found out that working away from home village is the main source of peasants' income growth in China's economically backward area. Working away from home village gives peasants a chance to get directly engaged in the process of industrialization and urbanization, reducing the east–west inequality and rural–urban income disparity.  相似文献   

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