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A variety of R & D/marketing interface problems are identified. They were found to be a major factor in the failure of new products. Some ways to promote a harmonious R & D/marketing interface are suggested.  相似文献   

The marketing concept in technology based firms is often applied too late in the product development cycle to prevent costly marketplace failure. This article stresses the need for the involvement of marketing much earlier in the development cycle and a framework for accomplishing this purpose is presented.  相似文献   

This multiple-case study focuses on the practices and functions of customer reference marketing and on the ways through which customer references can be deployed as marketing assets. Analysis of 38 interviews with managers in four case companies suggests that customer references can be leveraged externally as marketing assets to (1) gain status-transfer effects from reputable customers, (2) signal passing a selection process, (3) concretize and demonstrate complex solutions, and (4) provide indirect evidence of experience, previous performance, technological functionality, and delivered customer value. Customer references can also be leveraged internally to (1) facilitate organizational learning, (2) advance offering development, (3) motivate personnel, and (4) develop understanding of customer needs, internal competencies, and delivered customer value. By identifying the practices and functions related to customer reference marketing, the paper deepens understanding of this highly relevant but relatively under-researched phenomenon and contributes to the literature on customer-based marketing assets.  相似文献   

The integration of R&D and marketing in new product development (NPD) is an important contributor to NPD performance. Of the mechanisms developed to aid functional integration, many have been developed in western cultural environments and may not have applicability in other national cultural settings. Using a sample of NPD workgroup personnel in New Zealand (NZ), the western cultural environment, and Singapore, quantitative and qualitative data have been used to measure national culture and determine the applicability of different organization integration mechanisms. Results show key differences between the two samples, indicating a link between formalization, centralization, role flexibility and interfunctional climate mechanisms with the Hofstede dimensions of Power Distance, Masculinity and Uncertainty Avoidance of national culture. Managerial implications are that national cultural values and settings of the respondents are important when determining best integration mechanisms.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between a support group (electronic fabrication) and the internal users of its services in a large government research laboratory recently converted to a matrix structure. The results reveal complex user decisions for selecting sources of support services and a frequent lack of knowledge of the support group's capabilities. Common usage of external sources of services suggests a need for more aggressive "marketing" by the internal group. Use of market research techniques reveals user decision criteria, decision-maker participation and perceptions of the support unit. It is concluded that results of the study provide management of the support group with information necessary to improve services and group image.  相似文献   

This study extends the new product development (NPD) process research to a new environmental context (Taiwan's IT industry) and a new business type (original design manufacturing, ODM). Taiwan's IT industry has achieved a very outstanding performance during the last two decades. The island's experience is quite valuable for those emerging countries that are struggling to transform themselves from producing low-value goods to making high-technology products. After analyzing the data collected from 153 research and development (R&D) and marketing managers in Taiwanese IT firms, this study finds that the higher the perceived importance of R&D-marketing cooperation is, the higher the attained level of R&D-marketing cooperation will be. Consequently, a better NPD performance can be achieved. This study additionally reports that a firm that has adopted a Defender innovation strategy attains a lower level of R&D-marketing cooperation, and has a poorer NPD performance than those firms that adopted either Prospector or Analyzer innovation strategies. Finally, environmental uncertainty has no significant impacts on the perceived importance and the attained level of R&D-marketing cooperation.  相似文献   

Complex issues in today's highly technological society continue to demand an effective relationship between industrial marketing and engineering. Nevertheless, we may frequently see counter productive and contradictory behavior between the two professions. To broaden and enhance marketing thinking, this article explores a number of relevant challenges, opportunities, and possible solutions for managing potential conflict between industrial marketing and engineering.  相似文献   

Aspects of communications between people working in R&D laboratories and their customers in the operating divisions of a company have been analysed, based on a series of in-depth interviews with people working in British Telecommunications plc (BT) Laboratories. Formal and informal communication channels interact to some extent, and their use is affected substantially by the type of customer for a particular project. Senior managers use informal networks to a greater extent than managers at lower levels, and are more likely to communicate about process rather than project matters.  相似文献   

Intelligent systems have particular potentialities and strengths to support decisional situations faced by companies, especially those of a strategic nature, where good strategic intelligence is necessary. In this paper, we carry out an historical literature review of artificial intelligence-based systems applied to marketing, covering a time period of several decades (from the 1970s to the present day), with special focus on applications to industrial marketing. A detailed review is presented, along with conclusions and some future insights. Then, we briefly introduce the set of papers in this special issue.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce empirical evidence showing how mental simulation was used as a heuristic strategy in an industrial network context. The mental network simulations observed are consistent with the Recognition-Primed Decision (RPD) model, according to which intuitive thinking allows managerial experience to be translated into focal network action, without resorting to a “rational” or comparative decision strategy. We identify the main business significance of mental network simulations in terms of their utility to clarify ambiguous or only partially known focal network situations, to develop coherent focal net plans and tactics, and to mentally preview how specific focal net tactics/strategies are likely to play out in reality. In short, mental network simulations were observed as being useful in generating focal net action through cognitively meeting the complex environmental challenges in dynamic focal net interaction between companies.  相似文献   

Strategic alliances between competitors (coopetition) is perceived to be full of tensions that needs to be managed. This study explore the evolution of a Norwegian coopetition alliance, through how firms handle tensions over time. The study finds that the firms experience a mutual dependence towards one another and that this dependence evolves over time. In the early phases of a coopetition alliance firms handle tension by relying on a structural dependence with their partners whereas firms move towards a more harmonious relationship with their partners by building a psychological dependence through trust and generosity. Further, the results indicate these dependencies might reduce the possible tensions related to asymmetries in size and knowledge between firms.  相似文献   

基于低碳设计的创新产品研发契约激励机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在创新产品市场中低碳环保的产品设计受到消费者的极大关注,本文通过构建生产者和研发方之间的研发合作契约机制,激励研发方在设计中提高零部件的绿色度,从而为企业供应链获得更多的市场利润。在研发方绿色研发成本信息为公共信息和私有信息的不同情景下,生产者作为Stackelberg博弈的领导者设计了包含版权支付和版权收益分成两个契约条款的激励机制。研究比较发现,当研发方的绿色研发能力为低水平的概率超过一定比值时,采用不对称信息下的版权甄别契约组合比对称信息下的单一契约更有效,这时生产商和供应链整体能获得更多利润;反之,采用单一契约效果更好。同时,契约激励机制使低碳研发能力水平高的研发方在甄别契约中获得更多利润,而低水平研发方只获得保留利润。  相似文献   

Zhongqi Jin 《R&D Management》2001,31(3):275-285
This study investigated the mutual learning process between marketing and R&D in the context of the information and communications technology industry. The relationship between product newness and role flexibility of R&D/marketing was examined via correlation analysis and multiple regression against a stratified sample of 171 new products. The results showed that different aspects of product newness are associated in a different way to role flexibility of R&D/marketing. Management should therefore be aware of such differences when planning their product development portfolio so that effective integration between R&D and marketing can be achieved.  相似文献   

We explore transaction cost economics (TCE) and real option (RO) rationales for alliance governance and find the predictive power of each depends upon the type of uncertainty confronted. Our review of alliance activity from 1995 through 2000 for 642 alliances confirms that governance is influenced directly by partner, task, and technological uncertainty and by interactions among asset co‐specialization, partner uncertainty, and task uncertainty. Consistent with TCE, co‐specialized assets increased the likelihood of hierarchical governance. Partner and task uncertainty increased this effect. Consistent with RO, we find technological uncertainty decreased the likelihood of hierarchical governance. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While there is increasing evidence that involving suppliers in new product development (NPD) is important, and for many firms even inevitable, there is also evidence that not all such efforts are successful. Firms aiming at implementing this strategy effectively have to pay close attention to several contingency factors on the organizational level and properly manage supplier involvement on the project level. The exploratory case study research underlying this article explores key issues to be considered when involving suppliers in NPD and the counter measures they can take. Our research shows that companies differentiate between so-called “know-how” and “capacity” projects, and that they manage them differently. Furthermore, this research shows that firms outside the automotive and high-tech manufacturing industries are likely to intensify supplier involvement in the future.  相似文献   

A career plateau is defined as that point in a person's career which represents a cessation of both lateral and upward movement between jobs. The present study elaborates the idea that a fuller understanding of individual reactions to the career plateau can be achieved by considering supervisory behaviours and job characteristics as variables transmitting the influence of career plateauing to behavioural and attitudinal reaction measures. It is suggested that supervisors invest less attention and resources in plateaued employees and that plateaued employees are assigned to jobs with less motivating potential. Analyses of questionnaire data from 618 R&D professionals in 11 large West German firms show that there are significant differences between plateaued R&D professionals (i. e. those subjects with at least 10 years of job tenure) and a nonplateaued comparison group (i. e. respondents with not more than 6 years of job tenure) controlling for age as a potential confounding influence. Specifically, plateaued R&D professionals indicate less working hours, to be less satisfied with their career and their work, to be less involved in their work, and they tend to produce less publications and patents per year of company tenure. Furthermore, considerable differences are found between one's immediate supervisor's behaviours (e. g. provision of job-related performance feedback) reported by plateaued professionals and their non-plateaued counterparts. However, even after controlling the mediating effects of supervisory behaviours and job characteristics variables plateauing still had a small, but significant detrimental effect on 3 out of 6 reaction measures. Implications are outlined for organizational career management activities.  相似文献   

Based on an empirical study of more than 200 R & D and marketing managers from high-technology companies, we conclude that (1) there is a great deal of consensus between R & D and marketing managers on the relative importance of the areas requiring integrated efforts; (2) companies successful in their new product program achieve a significantly greater degree of R & D marketing integration; (3) company size does not affect the level of integration achieved; and (4) the companies that achieve a high degree of R & D/ marketing integration do so by concentrating on all 19 areas proposed in the article and do not merely focus on a few key areas.  相似文献   

The present study considers joint learning as a relational dynamic capability and examines the role of relational practices as enablers of joint learning in R&D collaboration between suppliers and their customers. The study applies a qualitative comparative case method to analyze seven dyadic cases, selected based on a quantitative dataset and cluster analysis. Our results indicate that in dyadic relationships, firms would benefit from developing practices related to relational investments, relational structures, and relational capital that facilitate joint learning and yield collaborative advantages from R&D interactions. This paper contributes to the existing literature on joint learning in R&D collaborations by defining joint learning as a relational dynamic capability and by focusing on the practices that facilitate it in R&D collaboration.  相似文献   

技术创新主要源自于具有导向性的研究和开发活动,是影响企业竞争力和可持续发展至关重要的因素。本文以中美范围内工业制造行业的 209家上市工业企业为样本,结合企业 2009~2015 年相关数据,实证分析了R&D投入与企业绩效的关系。研究结果表明研发支出和企业经济绩效之间具有非线性关系,可用倒U型曲线来描述,R&D 投入具有动态边际效应,研发投入为销售额的4%时,企业相应的经济效益达到最优水平。最后,本文建议企业应该加大R&D投入力度,同时注重研发投入的最佳阈值,以获得最大的产出效益,提高企业技术创新的竞争能力。  相似文献   

“一带一路”战略的深入推进为沿线各省高技术产业发展带来重大机遇,紧抓机遇提升R&D 效率是关键。本文以2009~2015 年“一带一路”沿线15 省高技术产业R&D 活动为研究对象,采用DEA-Malmquist 指数法对其R&D 效率进行测度分析。结果显示:“一带一路”沿线省份高技术产业整体R&D 效率有待提升;技术进步指数基本呈现下降趋势,而全要素生产率变动与技术进步指数变动情况趋于一致;不同省份推动或阻碍高技术产业R&D 效率提升的原因各异。最后,根据研究结论,结合“一带一路”战略,给出有助于R&D 效率提升的政策建议。  相似文献   

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