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Laten T1 en T2 twee toetsen zijn voor dezelfde hypothese θ=θ0betreffende de waarde van een parameter θ, Zij verder de onbetrouwbaarheidsdrempel van beide toetsen gelijk aan α en het onderscheidingsvermogen tegen de alternatieve hypothese θ=θ1 geliik aan 1-β. Indien toets T1 nu n1 waarnemingen vergt en toets T2n2 waarnemingen, dan wordt de relatieve doeltreffendheid (Eng.: efficiency) van toets T1 ten opzichte van toets T2 (als toetsen voor θ=θ0 tegen θ=θ1 gegeven door: e = n2/n1. Indien men de waarde van θ1 op een bepaalde wijze naar θ0 laat convergeren bij toenemende n1, is het in vele gevallen, door gebruik te maken van een stelling van α en β Deze limiet-waarde wordt de asymptotische relatieve doeltreffendheid (volgens Pitman) genoemd. In dit artikel wordt een overzicht gegeven van hetgeen bekend is over de asymptotische relatieve doeltreffendheid van een aantal verdelingsvrije toetsen ten opzichte van de corresponderende standaardtoetsen.
De conclusie van de schrijver is, dat men bij het gebruik van verdelingsvrije methoden met een hoge doeltreffendheid (bijv. de symmetrietoets en de twee-steek-proeven-toets van Wilcoxon, de toets van Kruskal voor k steekproeven en de methode van m rangschikkingen) slechts zeer weinig informatie kan verliezen en dat zelfs het gebruik van minder doeltreffende verdelingsvrije methoden gerechtvaardigd kan zijn.  相似文献   

We develop three corrected score tests for generalized linear models with dispersion covariates, thus generalizing the results of Cordeiro , Ferrari and Paula (1993) and Cribari-Neto and Ferrari (1995) . We present, in matrix notation, general formulae for the coefficients which define the corrected statistics. The formulae only require simple operations on matrices and can be used to obtain analytically closed-form corrections for score test statistics in a variety of special generalized linear models with dispersion covariates. They also have advantages for numerical purposes since our formulae are readily computable using a language supporting numerical linear algebra. Two examples, namely, iid sampling without covariates on the mean or dispersion parameter oand one-way classification models, are given. We also present some simulations where the three corrected tests perform better than the usual score test, the likelihood ratio test and its Bartlett corrected version. Finally, we present a numerical example for a data set discussed by Simonoff and Tsai (1994) .  相似文献   

Multivariate one-sided hypothesis-testing problems are very common in clinical trials with multiple endpoints. The likelihood ratio test (LRT) and union-intersection test (UIT) are widely used for testing such problems. It is argued that, for many important multivariate one-sided testing problems, the LRT and UIT fail to adapt to the presence of subregions of varying dimensionalities on the boundary of the null parameter space and thus give undesirable results. Several improved tests are proposed that do adapt to the varying dimensionalities and hence reflect the evidence provided by the data more accurately than the LRT and UIT. Moreover, the proposed tests are often less biased and more powerful than the LRT and UIT.  相似文献   

利用蒙特卡洛分析方法,对目前文献中八种不同跳跃检验方法的检验水平和检验功效进行综合比较分析,并特别关注跳跃类型、市场微观结构噪声、零日内收益、日内周期性波动模式等对各种检验方法的影响。同时,为了克服直接利用非参数统计量进行检验时,因为多重检验而高估跳跃发生的次数的难题,将FDR阈值理论扩展到全部跳跃检验八种方法中,采用FDR阈值理论对价格跳跃检验中错误检验问题进行研究,发现FDR阈值方法能一定程度上减少错误检验问题,将错误检验率控制在FDR值内。  相似文献   

We analyze the search problem of a consumer who derives information only from the sequential search process. This paper considers the case of a consumer who uses a nonparametric procedure to estimate the probability distribution. It is shown that a solution to the consumer's problem is a very simple strategy which depends only on the order statistics, on the discounting factor, and on the duration of the search. It leads to a finite search almost surely. This optimal strategy is a myopic rule which is computable and which is characterized by a sequence of strictly increasing reservation prices.  相似文献   

Elliott, Rothenberg and Stock (1996), (ERS), present a 'GLS' variant of the Dickey-Fuller (DF) unit root test. Their statistic is approximately point-optimal invariant at a chosen local alternative, and usually displays better finite sample power than the DF test. Following the usual efficiency motive for GLS estimation, the higher finite sample power of the ERS test has often been attributed to the greater accuracy of the estimate of the series' non-stochastic component under stationary alternatives close to the null. This paper shows that the GLS estimates of the non-stochastic component are not, in general, more accurate. The power gain arises from the fact that the GLS statistic's null distribution has a greater positive shift relative to the DF test, than its distribution under relevant alternatives, and this persists even when the GLS estimates of the non stochastics have higher variance than the OLS estimates.  相似文献   

Empirical research on the validity of the purchasing power parity (PPP) condition is generally based on real exchange rates built using the consumer price index (CPI), but fails to provide clear support to PPP. In this paper we show theoretically that, even if the law of one price (LOP) holds for traded goods, CPI‐based real exchange rates are not mean reverting, and are neither stationary nor integrated. Therefore, both unit root and stationarity tests should reject their null. Our theoretical results are validated both by simulations and an empirical application. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nonparametric Employment Subcenter Identification   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A two-stage procedure is proposed for identifying urban employment subcenters. The first stage identifies candidate subcenters as significant positive residuals in a smoothed employment density function. Subcenters are those sites that provide significant explanatory power in the second-stage, semiparametric employment density function estimation. The procedure can be applied to either aggregated or disaggregated data, does not require detailed knowledge of the study area, and is easily reproducible by other researchers. Results are presented for five previously studied cities—Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco—and a new one, New Orleans.  相似文献   

S. Wang 《Metrika》1991,38(1):259-267
Summary Using Silverman and Young’s (1987) idea of rescaling a rescaled smoothed empirical distribution function is defined and investigated when the smoothing parameter depends on the data. The rescaled smoothed estimator is shown to be often better than the commonly used ordinary smoothed estimator.  相似文献   

Nonparametric transfer function models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper a class of nonparametric transfer function models is proposed to model nonlinear relationships between ‘input’ and ‘output’ time series. The transfer function is smooth with unknown functional forms, and the noise is assumed to be a stationary autoregressive-moving average (ARMA) process. The nonparametric transfer function is estimated jointly with the ARMA parameters. By modeling the correlation in the noise, the transfer function can be estimated more efficiently. The parsimonious ARMA structure improves the estimation efficiency in finite samples. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are investigated. The finite-sample properties are illustrated through simulations and one empirical example.  相似文献   

In Davidson and MacKinnon (1981), two of the present authors proposed a novel and very simple procedure for testing the specification of a nonlinear regression model against the evidence provided by a non-nested alternative. In this paper we extend their results in several directions. First, we relax a number of the assumptions of the previous paper; we admit the possibility that the nonlinear regression functions may depend on lagged dependent variables, and we do not require that the error terms be normally distributed. Second, we show how the earlier procedure may straightforwardly be generalized to the case where the two non-nested models involve different transformations of the dependent variable. Finally, we propose a simple procedure for testing non-nested linear regression models which have endogenous variables on the right-hand side, and have therefore been estimated by two-stage least squares.  相似文献   

A normality assumption is usually made for the discrimination between two stationary time series processes. A nonparametric approach is desirable whenever there is doubt concerning the validity of this normality assumption. In this paper a nonparametric approach is suggested based on kernel density estimation firstly on (p+1) sample autocorrelations and secondly on (p+1) consecutive observations. A numerical comparison is made between Fishers linear discrimination based on sample autocorrelations and kernel density discrimination for AR and MA processes with and without Gaussian noise. The methods are applied to some seismological data.  相似文献   

运用Copula模型研究金融变量之间的相关结构,是近年来金融分析中的一个热点,如何估计Copula模型中的时变参数则是一个重点和难点问题。本文从非参数建模思想为切入点,提出经验分布函数—局部极大似然法(ECDF-LML)估计Copula函数中的时变参数,研究了Copula模型参数是否时变的统计假设检验问题。最后通过大量随机模拟研究验证了本文所提出的方法较DCC-MGARCH方法在刻画随机变量动态相关性方面更具优越性且很稳健。  相似文献   

Hinkley (1977) derived two tests for testing the mean of a normal distribution with known coefficient of variation (c.v.) for right alternatives. They are the locally most powerful (LMP) and the conditional tests based on the ancillary statistic for μ. In this paper, the likelihood ratio (LR) and Wald tests are derived for the one‐ and two‐sided alternatives, as well as the two‐sided version of the LMP test. The performances of these tests are compared with those of the classical t, sign and Wilcoxon signed rank tests. The latter three tests do not use the information on c.v. Normal approximation is used to approximate the null distribution of the test statistics except for the t test. Simulation results indicate that all the tests maintain the type‐I error rates, that is, the attained level is close to the nominal level of significance of the tests. The power functions of the tests are estimated through simulation. The power comparison indicates that for one‐sided alternatives the LMP test is the best test whereas for the two‐sided alternatives the LR or the Wald test is the best test. The t, sign and Wilcoxon signed rank tests have lower power than the LMP, LR and Wald tests at various alternative values of μ. The power difference is quite large in several simulation configurations. Further, it is observed that the t, sign and Wilcoxon signed rank tests have considerably lower power even for the alternatives which are far away from the null hypothesis when the c.v. is large. To study the sensitivity of the tests for the violation of the normality assumption, the type I error rates are estimated on the observations of lognormal, gamma and uniform distributions. The newly derived tests maintain the type I error rates for moderate values of c.v.  相似文献   

Kim, Belaire‐Franch and Amador [Journal of Econometrics (2002) Vol. 109, pp. 389–392] and Busetti and Taylor [Journal of Econometrics (2004) Vol. 123, pp. 33–66] present different percentiles for the same mean score test statistic. We find that the difference by a factor 0.6 is due to systematically different sample analogues. Furthermore, we clarify which sample versions of the mean‐exponential test statistic should be correctly used with which set of critical values. At the same time, we correct some of the limiting distributions found in the literature.  相似文献   

Statistical theory aims to provide a foundation for studying the collection and interpretation of data, a foundation that does not depend on the particular details of the substantive field in which the data are being considered. This gives a systematic way to approach new problems, and a common language for summarising results; ideally, the foundations and common language ensure that statistical aspects of one study, or of several studies on closely related phenomena, can be broadly accessible. We discuss some principles of statistical inference, to outline how these are, or could be, used to inform the interpretation of results, and to provide a greater degree of coherence for the foundations of statistics.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a fully nonparametric procedure to evaluate the effect of a counterfactual change in the distribution of some covariates on the unconditional distribution of an outcome variable of interest. In contrast to other methods, we do not restrict attention to the effect on the mean. In particular, our method can be used to conduct inference on the change of the distribution function as a whole, its moments and quantiles, inequality measures such as the Lorenz curve or Gini coefficient, and to test for stochastic dominance. The practical applicability of our procedure is illustrated via a simulation study and an empirical example.  相似文献   

We consider a semiparametric distributed lag model in which the “news impact curve” m is nonparametric but the response is dynamic through some linear filters. A special case of this is a nonparametric regression with serially correlated errors. We propose an estimator of the news impact curve based on a dynamic transformation that produces white noise errors. This yields an estimating equation for m that is a type two linear integral equation. We investigate both the stationary case and the case where the error has a unit root. In the stationary case we establish the pointwise asymptotic normality. In the special case of a nonparametric regression subject to time series errors our estimator achieves efficiency improvements over the usual estimators, see Xiao et al. [2003. More efficient local polynomial estimation in nonparametric regression with autocorrelated errors. Journal of the American Statistical Association 98, 980–992]. In the unit root case our procedure is consistent and asymptotically normal unlike the standard regression smoother. We also present the distribution theory for the parameter estimates, which is nonstandard in the unit root case. We also investigate its finite sample performance through simulation experiments.  相似文献   

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