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We propose a class of nonparametric tests for testing non-stochasticity of the regression parameterβ in the regression modely i =βx i +ɛ i ,i=1, ...,n. We prove that the test statistics are asymptotically normally distributed both underH 0 and under contiguous alternatives. The asymptotic relative efficiencies (in the Pitman sense) with respect to the best parametric test have also been computed and they are quite high. Some simulation studies are carried out to illustrate the results. Research was supported by the University Grants Commission, India.  相似文献   

Bayesian Hypothesis Testing: a Reference Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For any probability model M={p(x|θ, ω), θεΘ, ωεΩ} assumed to describe the probabilistic behaviour of data xεX, it is argued that testing whether or not the available data are compatible with the hypothesis H0={θ=θ0} is best considered as a formal decision problem on whether to use (a0), or not to use (a0), the simpler probability model (or null model) M0={p(x0, ω), ωεΩ}, where the loss difference L(a0, θ, ω) –L(a0, θ, ω) is proportional to the amount of information δ(θ0, ω), which would be lost if the simplified model M0 were used as a proxy for the assumed model M. For any prior distribution π(θ, ω), the appropriate normative solution is obtained by rejecting the null model M0 whenever the corresponding posterior expectation ∫∫δ(θ0, θ, ω)π(θ, ω|x)dθdω is sufficiently large. Specification of a subjective prior is always difficult, and often polemical, in scientific communication. Information theory may be used to specify a prior, the reference prior, which only depends on the assumed model M, and mathematically describes a situation where no prior information is available about the quantity of interest. The reference posterior expectation, d0, x) =∫δπ(δ|x)dδ, of the amount of information δ(θ0, θ, ω) which could be lost if the null model were used, provides an attractive nonnegative test function, the intrinsic statistic, which is invariant under reparametrization. The intrinsic statistic d0, x) is measured in units of information, and it is easily calibrated (for any sample size and any dimensionality) in terms of some average log‐likelihood ratios. The corresponding Bayes decision rule, the Bayesian reference criterion (BRC), indicates that the null model M0 should only be rejected if the posterior expected loss of information from using the simplified model M0 is too large or, equivalently, if the associated expected average log‐likelihood ratio is large enough. The BRC criterion provides a general reference Bayesian solution to hypothesis testing which does not assume a probability mass concentrated on M0 and, hence, it is immune to Lindley's paradox. The theory is illustrated within the context of multivariate normal data, where it is shown to avoid Rao's paradox on the inconsistency between univariate and multivariate frequentist hypothesis testing.  相似文献   

Let (W n ,n ≥ 0) denote the sequence of weak records from a distribution with support S = { α01,...,α N }. In this paper, we consider regression functions of the form ψ n (x) = E(h(W n ) |W n+1 = x), where h(·) is some strictly increasing function. We show that a single function ψ n (·) determines F uniquely up to F0). Then we derive an inversion formula which enables us to obtain F from knowledge of ψ n (·), ψ n-1(·), h(·) and F0).  相似文献   

We prove the following non-linear generalization of the Perron-Frobenius theorem. Let A:Rm+Rm+ be continuous, homogeneous of degree 1 and primitive (i.e., for some integer l, xyAlxAly); then A has a positive eigenvector x0, unique up to multiplication by a positive scalar, and for all x0, Anx/|Anx| converges to x0/|x0|.  相似文献   

For a (k×k) square contingency table with ordered categories, letX(Y) denote the row (column) number. The conditional symmetry model is given byP(X=i, Y=j|X<Y)=P(X=j, Y=i |X>Y), ∀i<j. In this paper, we study the likelihood ratio tests of conditional symmetry in a square contingency table against two particular classes of one-sided alternatives. We obtain the maximum likelihood estimators under each alternative. The asymptotic null distributions of the likelihood ratio statistics are shown to have chi-bar square type distributions. A simulation study is performed by comparing the powers of different tests. The theory developed is illustrated by using the famous eye vision data from Stuart (1953).  相似文献   

A distributionF is said to be “more IFR” than another distributionG ifG −1 F is convex. WhenF(0) =G(0) = 0, the problem of testingH 0 :F(x) =G (θx) for someθ > 0 andx ⩾ 0, against the alternativeH A:F is more IFR thanG, is considered in this paper. Both cases, whenG is completely specified (one-sample case) and when it is not specified but a random sample form it is available (two-sample case) are considered. The proposed tests are based onU-statistics. The asymptotic relative efficiency of the tests are compared with several other tests and the test statistics remain asymptotically normal under certain dependency assumptions. Research supported in part by a grant from the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research.  相似文献   

The center of a univariate data set {x 1,…,x n} can be defined as the point μ that minimizes the norm of the vector of distances y′=(|x 1−μ|,…,|x n−μ|). As the median and the mean are the minimizers of respectively the L 1- and the L 2-norm of y, they are two alternatives to describe the center of a univariate data set. The center μ of a multivariate data set {x 1,…,x n} can also be defined as minimizer of the norm of a vector of distances. In multivariate situations however, there are several kinds of distances. In this note, we consider the vector of L 1-distances y1=(∥x 1- μ1,…,∥x n- μ1) and the vector of L 2-distances y2=(∥x 1- μ2,…,∥x n-μ2). We define the L 1-median and the L 1-mean as the minimizers of respectively the L 1- and the L 2-norm of y 1; and then the L 2-median and the L 2-mean as the minimizers of respectively the L 1- and the L 2-norm of y 2. In doing so, we obtain four alternatives to describe the center of a multivariate data set. While three of them have been already investigated in the statistical literature, the L 1-mean appears to be a new concept. Received January 1999  相似文献   

In a paper byMathai/Saxena [1968, 21–39], the present authors found some entries with error and others with lack of precision. Recently,Conde/Kalla [1979] have tabulated2 F 1 (a, b; c; x) fora=0.5 (0.5) 5.0,b=0.5 (0.5) 5.0,c=0.5 (0.5) 12 andx=–2.50 (0.05) 0.95. The present note explains the method of computation and checks applied, Wronskians, continuation formulae, special cases etc. to insure the stated accuracy.  相似文献   

Abstract Some theory of linear congruential pseudo random number generators xn+1= (axn+c) mod m is summarized for the case in which the modulus m is a power of 10. These generators are especially suitable for implementation on both programmable and non-programmable pocket calculators. Results are presented of extensive statistical testing of two specific generators.  相似文献   

MIDZUNO'S sampling procedure is considered where the first (n – 1) draws are carried out with simple random sampling without replacement and the nth draw with varying probabilities. It is shown that for this scheme, the best estimator in the HORVITZ–THOMPSON (1952) Tt–class of linear estimators exists and rejects the last draw. When MURTHY'S technique of unordering of an ordered estimator is employed, the rejected draw is restored and the unordered estimator is obtained. Surprisingly, this unordered estimator is the same as the unordered best estimator in the T1–class, derived for IKEDA–SEN'S sampling procedure.  相似文献   

Bernhard Klar 《Metrika》1999,49(1):53-69
This paper presents a new widely applicable omnibus test for discrete distributions which is based on the difference between the integrated distribution function Ψ(t)=∫t (1−F(x))dx and its empirical counterpart. A bootstrap version of the test for common lattice models has accurate error rates even for small samples and exhibits high power with respect to competitive procedures over a large range of alternatives. Received: July 1998  相似文献   

We consider dynamic optimization problems on one-dimensional state spaces. Under standard smoothness and convexity assumptions, the optimal solutions are characterized by an optimal policy function h mapping the state space into itself. There exists an extensive literature on the relation between the size of the discount factor of the dynamic optimization problem on the one hand and the properties of the dynamical system xt+1=h(xt) on the other hand. The purpose of this paper is to survey some of the most important contributions of this literature and to modify or improve them in various directions. We deal in particular with the topological entropy of the dynamical system, with its Lyapunov exponents, and with its periodic orbits.  相似文献   

LetY k,n denote the nth (upper) k-record value of an infinite sequence of independent, identically distributed random variables with common continuous distribution function F. We show that if the nth k-record valueY k,n has an increasing failure rate (IFR), thenY l,n (l<k) andY k+1,n+1(nk+1) also have IFR distributions. On the other hand, ifY k,n has a decreasing failure rate (DFR), thenY l,n (1>k) has also a DFR distribution. We also present some results concerning log convexity and log concavity ofY k,n .  相似文献   

Consider the heteroscedastic regression model Y (j)(x in , t in ) = t in βg(x in ) + σ in e (j)(x in ), 1 ≤ j ≤ m, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, where sin2=f(uin){\sigma_{in}^{2}=f(u_{in})}, (x in , t in , u in ) are fixed design points, β is an unknown parameter, g(·) and f(·) are unknown functions, and the errors {e (j)(x in )} are mean zero NA random variables. The moment consistency for least-squares estimators and weighted least-squares estimators of β is studied. In addition, the moment consistency for estimators of g(·) and f(·) is investigated.  相似文献   

Schlu?bemerkungen Die 7 Weizensorten lassen sich bezüglich der Ergebnisse des Phenoltests in 3 Gruppen einteilen. Die Sorte F ergibt einen sehr niedrigen Punktwert; die Sorten A und D weisen einen Punktwert in der N?he von 0,5 auf; die Sorten B, C, E und G haben Punktwerte in der N?he von 1. Diese Ergebnisse lassen sich mit einer Trennformel für quantitative Merkmale leicht in Verbindung bringen, was eine weitere Aufgliederung der sieben Sorten gestattet. Wenn sich dies als notwendig erweist, kann durch eine Streuungszerlegung geprüft werden, ob zwischen den durchschnittlichen Punktwertenx j gesicherte Unterschiede bestehen. Zudem kann auch untersucht werden, ob der berechnete Punktwertz=0,530 von irgendeinem andern Wert wesentlich abweicht; das Vorgehen ist beiR. A. Fisher (1954) undA. Linder (1960, § 643) beschrieben.   相似文献   

Let P = {F,G,…} be the set of all probability distribution functions with support (0, ). An unrestricted stochastic dominance relation> is defined on P for each real 1, where F > G means that xy = 0 (x - y) - 1 dG(y) xn = 0(xy)−1 dG(y) for all 0, with < for some x. These relations are partial orders that increase as increases with limit relation>. A class U of utility functions u on (0, ∞) is defined in such a way that F > G iff udF > udG for all u ε U. The U decrease as increases and have a non-empty intersection U. Each u ε U is an increasing function that has derivatives of all orders that alternate in sign. Criteria which tell when F eventually dominates G in the sense of F > G are noted. Comparisons with bounded stochastic dominance results are made in several places.  相似文献   

Rainer Göb 《Metrika》1997,45(1):131-169
Consider lots of discrete items 1, 2, …,N with quality characteristicsx 1,x 2, …,x N . Leta be a target value for item quality. Lot quality is identified with the average square deviation from target per item in the lot (lot average square deviation from target). Under economic considerations this is an appropriate lot quality indicator if the loss respectively the profit incurred from an item is a quadratic function ofx i −a. The present paper investigates tests of significance on the lot average square deviationz under the following assumptions: The lot is a subsequence of a process of production, storage, transport; the random quality characteristics of items resulting from this process are i.i.d. with normal distributionN(μ, σ 2); the target valuea coincides with the process meanμ.  相似文献   

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