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Book reviewed in this article: Agricultural Policy in Britain. By E. F. NASH, late Professor of Agricultural Economics at University College of Wales. Edited by Gavin McCrone and E. A. Attwood The Economics of Agricultural Development. By JOHN W. MELLOR Methods for Land Economics Research. Edited by W. L. GIBSON, JR., R. J. HILDRETH, and GENE WUNDERLICH Agriculture: The Cost of Joining the Common Market. By T. K. WARLEY Agricultural Geography. By DR. LESLIE SYMONS Agricultural Insurance: Principles and Organisation and Application to Developing Countries. By P. K. RAY Food Marketing. By L. B. DARRAH Beet Sugar in the West. A History of the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, 1891–1966. By L. J. ARRINGTON Economic Development and Social Change in a South Gujarat Village. By V. H. JOSHI Economic Development: Issues and Policies. A Commemoration Volume presented to Dr. P. S. Lokanathan on his 72nd Birthday. Twenty-four contributors. Editors D. H. BUTANI and PRITAM SINGH Irish Agricultural Production-Its Volume and Structure. By RAYMOND D. CROTTY Agricultural Production and the Economic Development of Japan, 1873–1922 By JAMES I. NAKAMURA The Egyptian Agarian Reform 1952-62. By GABRIEL S. SAAB, R.I.I.A. Claus Spreckels: The Sugar King in Hawaii. By JACOB ADLER Agricultural Financing in India. By S. N. GHOSAL  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: British Farming in the Great Depression: 1870–1914. By P. J. PERRY. David & Charles, Newton Abbot Agricultural Resources— an introduction to the farming industry of the U.K. Edited by ANGELA EDWARDS and ALAN ROGERS. Faber and Faber Agricultural Geography. By J. R. TARRANT. David and Charles, Newton Abbot The Organic Resources of Scotland: their nature and evaluation. Edited by JOY TIVY. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh. The Value of Agricultural Land. By COLIN CLARK. Pergamon Press, Oxford. Terrain Evaluation. By C. W. MITCHELL. Longman, London. Land Reform — the Italian experience. By RUSSELL KING. Butterworth, London. 1973 The King's Vista. By D. R. DENMAN. Geographical Publications, Berkhamsted Tropical Farming Economics. By M. R. HASWELL. Longman, London. Intensive Crop Economics. By R. R. W. FOLLEY. Heinemann, London. Milk to Market— Forty Years of Milk Marketing. By STANLEY BAKER. Heinemann, London. Rural Life— patterns and processes. By GWYN E. JONES. Longman, London. RASAR: a Resource Allocation System for Agricultural Research. By D. G. RUSSELL. University of Stirling, Department of Industrial Science.  相似文献   

Reviews in this article: World Prospects for Natural Resources: some projections of demand and indicators of supply to the year 2000. By Joseph L. Fisher and Neal Potter Farming and Food Supplies—The case for expansion of British Agriculture. By Margaret Bramley The Agricultural Revolution in South Lincolnshire. By David Grigg Economic Planning in Peasant Agriculture. By Eric Clayton Die Nachfrage nach Agrarprodukten. By Hans Stamer and Rudolf Wolffram Soviet Agriculture: The Permanent Crisis. By Roy D. Laird and Edward L. Crowley Land and Caste in South India: Agricultural Labour in Madras Presidency in the Nineteenth Century. By Dr. Dharma Kumar The Impact of Price Movements on Areas Under Selected Crops in India, 1900-39. By Dharm Narain Producers' Response to Changes in Prices and Marketing Policies. By S. C. Gupta and A. Majid Agricultural Demonstration and Extension Communication. By Ram Krishan The African Husbandman. By W. Allan. Oliver and Boyd Ghana: Projected Level of Demand, Supply and Imports of Agricultural Products in 1965, 1970 and 1975. By H. W. Ord, I. G. Smith et al. The Northern Myth. By B. R. Davidson A Report on the Economic Position of the Fresh Vegetable Industry in New Zealand. L. M. Enting, B. P. Philpott and D. Ridler The Economic Development of The Territory of Papua and New Guinea. By A Mission of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Japan's Economic Expansion. By G. C. Allen A Gyümölcs Útja a Fától a Fogyasztóig. (Handling Fruit from the Tree to the Consumer). Mohacsy, Tomcsanji and Peregi Die Bodenfruchtbarkeit in den Tropen. (Problems of soil fertility in the Tropics). By B. Andreae  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Anaman, K. A. (1988). African Farm Management: Principles and Applications with Examples. Grigg, D. (1989). English Agriculture — An Historical Perspective. Blunden, J. and Curry, N. (1988). A Future for our Countryside. HEDLUND , S. (1989). Private Agriculture in the Soviet Union. HITIRIS , T. (1988). European Community Economics. HOLLINGHAM , M. A. and HOWARTH , R. W. (1989). British Milk Marketing and the Common Agricultural Policy: The Origins of Confusion and Crisis. LIPTON , M. with LONGHURST , R. (1989). New Seeds and Poor People. PADMANABHAN , K. P. (1988). Rural Credit: Lessons for Rural Bankers and Policy Makers. PRICE , C. (1989). The Theory and Application of Forest Economics.. Brief Notes: BENNETT , R. M. (ed.) (1989). Brief Notes: GREENSHIELDS , B. and BELLAMY , Brief Notes: RAEBURN , J. R. and JONES Brief Notes: WHITBY , M. C. and DAWSON , P. J. (eds.) Brief Notes: WHITBY , M., ROWLINSON , P., TOPHAM , M. and YOUNGER  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Welsh Cattle Drovers. By J. Colyer. University of Wales Press, Cardiff Agricultural Production Economics and Resource-Use. By Martin Upton. Oxford University Press Agricultural Policy and Economic Growth in Nigeria, 1962–1968. By J. C. Wells. Oxford University Press Agriculture and the State. Edited by Brian Davey, T. E. Josling and A. MacFarquhar Food and Poverty. By Radha Sinha. Croom Helm, London. 1976. 196 pages Rice and Risk— Decision Making among Low Income Farmers. By J. A. Bournassett  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Weed Control Economics. By B. A. Auld , K. M. Menz and C. A. Tisdell . Rural Russia under the New Regime. By V. P. Danilov , The Economics of Agricultural Policies. By B. L. Gardner . The Global Forest Sector: An Analytical Perspective. Edited by M. Kallio , D. Dykstra and C. Binkley . The Economics of Afforestation: A Case Study in Africa. By D. Anderson . Economic Efficiency in Agricultural and Food Marketing. Edited by R. L. Kilmer and W. J. Armbruster . The Law of the Land: Two Hundred Years of American Farmland Policy. By J. Opie . Peasants and Classes: A Study in Differentiation in Bangladesh. By A. Rahman . Agrarian Impasse in Bengal: Agricultural Growth in Bangladesh and West Bengal. By J. K. Boyce . Sustainable Development: Exploring the Contradictions. By M. Redclift . The Food Consumer. Edited by C. Ritson , L. Gofton and J. Mc Kenzie . This Land is Our Land: The Struggle for Britain's Countryside. By M. Shoard . Software Review: RMTCM: Rocky Mountain Station Travel Cost Model: Available from Dennis M. Donnelly,  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Political Economy of Agrarian Change. An Essay on the Green Rovolution. BY KEITH GRIFFIN. Macmillan Agricultural Policy Reports (new series). Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Marketing Boards and Ministers. By P. J. GIDDINGS. Saxon House, D. C. Heath Models for Spatial Agricultural Development Planning. By F. K. BISHAY Rotterdam Mwea-an Irrigated Rice Settlement Scheme in Kenya. Edited by R. CHAMBERS and J. MORIS. Weltforum Verlag Economics and Management Planning of Range Ecosystems. By D. A. JAMESON, S. D'AQUINO and E. T. BARTLFTT. A. A. Balkema Mobility of Farm Workers. By RUTH GASSOND. Department of Land Economy The Advance of American Co-operarive Enterprise: 1992–1945. By JOSEPH G. KNAPP  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Brouwer, F. M. and van Berkum, S. (1996). CAP and Environment in the European Union: Analysis of the Effects of CAP on the Environment and an Assessment of Existing Environmental Conditions in Policy Smith, L. D. and Spooner, N. (1996). Cereals Sector Reform in the Former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe Thiesenhusen, W. C. (1995). Broken Promises: Agrarian Reform and the Latin American Campesino  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Speculation, Hedging and Commodity Price Forecasts. By W. C. Labys and C. W. J. Granges Fields of Conflict in European Farm Policy. By Hermann Priebe, Denis Bergmann and Jan Horring The Common Market and World Agriculture— Trade Patterns in Temperate-Zone Foodstuffs. By Francis Knox Systems Analysis in Agricultural Management. Edited by J. B. Dent and J. R. Anderson. John Wiley Wells and Welfare. By Deepak Lal An Appraisal of Tea Production on Smallholdings in Kenya. By N. H. Stern Change and Uncertainty in a Peasant Economy. The Maya Corn Farmers of Zinacantan. By Frank Cancian. Stanford University Press Basic Concepts of Rural Sociology. By Boguslaw Galeski. xvi + 209 pages Farming and Food Supply. The Interdependence of Countryside and Town. By Sir Joseph Hutchinson. Cambridge University Press  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Atkin, M. (1993). Snouts in the Trough: European Farmers, the Common Agricultural Policy and the Public Purse. Bassett , T. J. and Crummey , D. E. (eds.) (1993). Land in African Agrarian Systems. Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press. D'Antonio , W. V., Sasaki , M. and Yonebayashi , Y. (eds.) (1994). Ecology, Society and the Quality of Social Life. Gibbon , P., Havnevik , K. J. and Hermele , K. (1993). Blighted Harvest- The World Bank and African Agriculture in the 1980s. London: James Currey Ltd and New Jersey: Africa World Press. Hamdar , B. C. (1993). The Relationship Between Agricultural Policy and Forestry in the Southern Region of the United States. Hoff , K., Braverman , A. and Stiglitz , J. (eds.) (1993). The Economics of Rural Organisation: Mac Arthur , J. D. and Weiss , J. (eds.) (1994). Mori , H. and Lin , B-H. (1994). Japanese Beef Market: Distinctly Unique. Senshu University Press. Taylor , C. R., Reichelderfer , K. H. and Johnson , S. R. (eds.) (1993).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Rural Change and Public Policy: Eastern Europe, Latin America and Australia. Edited by W. P. AVERY, R. E. LONSDALE and I. VOLGYES National Food Policy in the UK. By CENTRE FOR AGRICULTURAL STRATEGY The Land and People of Northeast Brazil. By MANUEL CORREIA DE ANDRADE. (Translated by Dennis V. Johnson) Uxpanapa: Agricultural Development in the Mexican Tropics. By P. T. EWELL and T. T. POLEMAN The Waste of Nations. The Economic Utilisation of Human Waste in Agriculture. By LATTEE A. FAHM. Allenheld, Osmun & Co., New Jersey The Farmer as Manager. By TONY GILES and MALCOLM STANSFIELD. George Allen and Unwin Pesticides: Contemporary Roles in Agriculture, Health, and the Environment. Edited by T. J. SHEETS and D. PIMENTEL Prospects for Agriculture in the European Economic Community. Edited by M. TRACY and I. HODAC Agriculture and Society in Seventeenth Century Scotland. By IAN WHYTE. John Donald, Edinburgh  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Innovator's Situation: Upper-Middle-Class Conservatism in Agricultural Communities. By FRANK CANCIAN The Efficiency of British Agriculture. By CENTRE FOR AGRICULTURAL STRATEGY The Development of American Agriculture: A Historical Analysis. By WILLARD W. COCHRANE Agricultural Policies in the USSR and Eastern Europe. Edited by R. A. FRANCISCO, B. A. LAIRD and R. D. LAIRD India's Rural Development: An Assessment of Alternatives. By MARCUS FRANDA Optimal Stockpiling of Grain. By BRUCE L. GARDNER Political Investment in Food Production. National and International Case Studies. Edited by BARBARA HUDDLESTON and JON McLiN Farm and Food Policy: Issues of the 1980s. By DON PAARLBERG Part Time Family Farming. By RYOHEI KADA Food and Agriculture in Global Perspective: Discussion in the Committee of the Whole of the United Nations. Edited by Toivo MILJAN Radioscopie des Communes de France, Ruralite et Relations Villes-Campagnes. By ANDRE PIATIER Livestock and Equality in East Africa. By HAROLD K. SCHNEIDER Peasants of Costa Rica and the Development of Agrarian Capitalism. By MITCHEL; A. SELIGSON The Economics of Town and Country Planning. By K. G. WILLIS  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Co-operation in World Agriculture: Experiences, Problems and Perspectives. Edited by Theodor Bergmann and Takekazu B. Ogura Alternative Enterprises for Agriculture in the UK. Edited by S. P. Carruthers Confrontation or Negotiation: United States Policy and European Agriculture. By Agricultural Policy and Trade: Adjusting Domestic Programs in an International Framework. By D. Gale Johnson, Kenzo Hemmi and Pierre Lardinois Rural Development, Employment and Incomes in Kenya. By Ian Livingstone Agricultural Development in Southern Africa: Farm Household Economics and the Food Crisis. By Allan Low The Economics of Tropical Farm Management. By J. P. Makeham and L. R. Malcolm Subjective Equilibrium Theory of the Farm Household. By C. Nakajima Agricultural Household Models: Extensions, Applications, and Policy. Edited by Inderjit Singh, Lyn Squire and John Strauss The Farm Business. By Leonard Norman, Richard Turner and Kenneth Wilson World Trade in Forest Products 2. Edited by Gerard F. Schreuder Economics of Irish Agriculture. By Seamus J. Sheehy and Robert O'Connor Collective Farms which Work? By Nigel Swain Historical Farm Buildings of Wales. By Eurwen Wiliam. John Donald Range Economics. By John P. Workman  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: VAN DEN Ban , A. W. and Hawkins , H. S. (1988). Colman , D. and Lee , Cooper , A. F. (1989). British Agricultural Policy 1912-36: A Study in Conservative Politics. Dooney , S. (1988). Irish Agriculture: Lee , R. D., Arthur , W. B., Kelley , A. C., Rodgers , G., and Srinivasan , T. N. (eds.) (1988). Nadkarni , M. V. with Syed Ajmal Pasha and Prabhakar , L. S. (1989). Repetto , R. and Gillis , M. (eds.) (1988). Public Policies and the Misuse of Forest Resources. Sagoff , M. (1988). The Economy of the Earth: Philosophy, Law and the Environment. Tarditi , S., Thomson , K. J., Pierani , P. and Croci -Angelini , E. (eds.) (1989). Brief Note: Anderson , J. R. and Hazell , P. B. R. (eds.) (1989). Variability in Grain Yields: Implications for Agricultural Research and Policy in Developing Countries. Brief Note: Crittenden , R. and Lea , D. A. M. (1989). Integrated Rural Development Programmes in Papua New Guinea. Brief Note: Longworth , J. W. (ed.) (1989). China's Rural Development Miracle, With International Comparisons. Brief Note: OECD (1989). Agricultural Policies, Markets and Trade: Monitoring and Outlook 1989.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Agricuhre and Economic Growth in England 1650–1815. Edited by E. L. JONES. London, Methuen & Co. Ltd. New York. Barnes & Noble Inc. xi+ 193 pages. 1967. Price 25s. The Agriculturul Revolution. By ERIC KERRIDCE. George Allen and Unwin. 1967.428 pages. Bibliography. Price 84s. Farm Accounting and Management. (Fifth Edition). By FORD STURROCK. Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd., London. 1967. xi+226 pages. Price 27s. 6d. Aspects of Dairy Economics 1962–1965. Edited by V. H. BEYNON. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. H.M.S.O., London. 1967. 58 pages, including Bibliography. Price 6s. Od. French und E.E.C. Gruin Policies und Their Price Egrets, 1920–1970: By HELEN C. FARNSWORTH and KAREN J. FRIEDMANN. Food Research Institute Studies, Vol. VII. No. 1 Themes in Econorrtic Anthropology. Edited by RAYMOND FIRTH. London: Tavistock Publications. New York: Barnes and Noble. 1967. xi+292 pages. Price 45s. The Pesticide Probleiii: An Economic Approach to Public Policy. By J. C. HEADLEY and J. N. LEWIS Loiidwirtschaftliche Marktforschrrng iii Deutschland. Editor: GUNTHER SCHMITT. Bayerischer Landwirtschaftsverlag, Munchen, Basel, Wien. 1967. 339 pages. Price DM.49. The Story of Tobacco in America. By JOSEPH C. ROBERT. The University of North Carolina Press, 1967. xviii +282 pages. Bibliographical Notes. Price 48s. Conflict and Decision-Making in Soviet Riissia. A Case Study of Agricultural Policy 1953–1963. By SIDNEY PLOSS  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Gaull , G. E. and Goldberg , R. A. (eds.) (1993) Geping , Q. and JINCHANG, L. Murray, M. and Greer, J. (eds.) (1993). Rural Development in Ireland. Aldershot: Avebury (Gower). BRIEF NOTES: Cook , E. and Hill , BRIEF NOTES: Desai , B. M. and Mellor , J. W. (1993). BRIEF NOTES: Kettunen , L. and Niemi , J. (1994). BRIEF NOTES: OECD (1994). Agricultural Policies, Markets and Trade: Monitoring and Outlook 1994. BRIEF NOTES: Richards , S. (1993). Wye College and its World: A Centenary History.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Statistics for the Social Scientist: Vol. I Introducing Statistics, Vol. 11 Applied Statistics. By K. A. YEOMAN Agrarmarkrpolitik, Band I Grundlagen. By RODERICH PLATE Agricultural Development: Planning and Implementation (Israel Case Study). By RAANAN WEITZ and AVSHALOM ROKACH Economic Development in the Tropics. By B. W. HODDE Allocative Eficiency in Economic Development. By P. A. YOTOPOULOS Mobility of Farm Families-a study of occupational and residential mobility in an upland area of England. By J. S. NALSON Forest Planning. By D. R. JOHNSTON, A. J. GRAYSON and R. T. BRADLEY Milk Production and Marketing in the Tropics-A case study based on Khartoum Province, Sudan. By M. SIMPSON and A. R. EL-HADARI Agriculture in the Congo Basin. By MARVIN P. MIRACLE. Food, Farmingand the Common Marker. By MICHAEL BUITERWICK and EDMUND NEVILLE ROLE.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Aggregate Supply Response of Crops in a Developing Region. By S. L. Bapna. Sultan Chand & Sons, Land Use and Living Space. By Robin H. Best. Methuen, Population and Technology. By ESTER Boserup. Innovation Diffusion: A New Perspective. By Lawrence A. Brown. Methuen, Science and Agricultural Development. Edited by Lawrence Busch . Data Collection in Developing Countries. By D. J. Casley and D. A. Lury . The Economic Theory of Agricultural Land Tenure. By J. M. Currie . Marketing Behaviour: Issues in Managerial and Buyer Decision-Making. By Gordon Foxall . Manufacturing Green Gold: Capital, Labor and Technology in the Lettuce Industry. By W. H. Friedland , A. E. Barton and R. J. Thomas . Rural Employment: Trends, Options, Choices. By Ian Hodge and Martin Whitby . Maidens, Meal and Money: Capitalism and the Domestic Economy. By Claude Meillassoux . Maidens, Meal and Money: Capitalism and the Domestic Economy. By Claude Meillassoux . Implications of Tractorisation for Farm Employment, Productivity and Income (volumes I and II). Performance of Futures Markets: The Case of Potatoes. By A. B. Paul , K. H. Kahl and W. G. Tomek . Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation. By Amartya Sen . Biological Efficiency in Agriculture. By C. R. W. Spedding , J. M. Walsingham and A. M. Hoxey .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: National Farmers' Union (1998). Farming Economy 1998: Is UK Agriculture Competitive? A European Perspective. Pearson, S., Monke, E., Argwings-Kodhek, G., Avillez, F., Mukumbu, M., Pagiola, S., Sellen, D. and Winter-Nelson, A. (1995). Peet, R. and Watts, M. (eds.) (1996). Liberation Ecologies: Environment, Development, Social Movements. Sanders, J. H., Shapiro, B. I and Ramaswamy, S. (1996). The Economics of Agricultural Technology in Semi-arid Sub-Saharan Africa. Sereni, E. (1997). History of the Italian Agricultural Landscape (translated with an introduction by R. Burr Litchfield). Swinnen, J. F. M. (1997). Political Economy of Agrarian Reform in Central and Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

Barrett, A., Lawlor, J. and Scott, S. The Fiscal System and the Polluter Pays Principle. A Case Study of Ireland Eyzaguirre, P. (1996). Agricultural and Environmental Research in Small Countries: Innovative Approaches to Strategic Planning, John Wiley & Sons Hanley, N. And Folmer, H. (EDS.) (1998). Game Theory and the Environment. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Matthews, A. (2000). Farm Incomes: Myths and Reality. Cork: Cork University Press Short, B., Watkins, C., Foot, W. and Kinsman, P. (1999). The National Farm Survey 1941–1943: State Surveillance and the Countryside in England and Wales in the Second World War.  相似文献   

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