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经济中存在着大量的不确定性,人们在不确定情况下的决策行为是公司资本结构、期权定价等问题的理论基础.自从冯?诺伊曼和摩根斯坦的经典著作《博弈论和经济行为》问世以来,期望效用理论一直被奉为理性人在不确定情况下进行决策的准则,在期望效用理论的基础上,建立起了资本资产定价模型、有效市场等一系列经济理论.然而随着实验经济学的发展,经济学家发现人们在实际决策中会出现一些违反期望效用准则的异象.1979年,卡尼曼和特沃斯基的论文前景理论,解释了这些异象,并成为行为金融学的理论基础.该文在介绍这两种理论主要思想的基础上证明,在一个理性人应当遵循的代数结合律公理的条件下,前景理论和期望效用理论的结论是一样的.  相似文献   

新消费者效用理论及实证检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
期望效用理论以财富最终值作为消费者的决策依据,但效用函数形式不明确;前景理论以财富变化值作为消费者的决策依据,但是主观概率不确定。将变化量与最终持有量的比例值作为效用值将得出更全面的结论,并且适用于不确定条件下的决策和确定性条件下决策。同时,比例值效用理论使得消费者的效用量可以明确的计算,可以用于人民生活福利水平的评估。  相似文献   

本文分析的是期望效用理论和等级依赖效用理论下的零效用保费。文章从简述期望效用理论出发 ,从效用原理角度阐述了保险定价的基本原则 ,以及零效用下保费的计算 ,介绍了等级依赖效用理论下的保险定价的零效用保费及其基本特征  相似文献   

前景理论:风险决策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文批评了风险决策的描述性模型期望效用理论,并提出了一种替代性模型,称为前景理论。风险前景中的选择显示出几种与效用理论的基本原则不一致的普遍效应。特别是,相  相似文献   

笔者利用合期望效用理论与二阶随机占优理论,选取2000年~2011年的彩票、存款、股票等数据样本,对中国居民投资偏好变化规律进行剖析,结果发现当前中国居民投资日趋理性,风险偏好呈现出"风险中性占主导;风险偏好居中;风险回避减弱"的现象,进而指出需要完善和规范资本市场的重要性。  相似文献   

假定保险公司既可以投资在风险资产上,同时又允许混合再保险。用经典的Cramér-Lundberg模型来近似保险公司的盈余过程,考虑在期望效用最大限制下保险公司的最优投资和再保策略满足的方程,证明了解的存在性和最优性。  相似文献   

徐恺 《经济研究导刊》2013,(11):273-275
在国际关系理论中,外交决策是一个重要的领域。作为经济学的一个重要分支的前景理论,与预期效用理论一样是分析有风险情形的决策。因此,前景理论对于国际关系的决策研究具有重要的借鉴意义。国际关系中,理性选择理论是国际决策的理论基础,而前景理论是对理性选择理论的一次修正,那么,前景理论也就是外交决策中以理性预期为基础的理论进行的一次修正。前景理论在外交决策中的主要贡献在于对预期损失和预期收益各自行为采取的不同态度、损失厌恶、财富效应、确定性效应、对问题的解读方式等都与原来预期效用理论有很大的差别。  相似文献   

人们对事件发生的可能性存在着主观判断。在不同的概率区间,人们对概率变化的敏感度是不一样的。传统的期望效用理论忽视了决策者对概率的主观反应,无法准确描述风险决策行为。基于信息修正的非期望效用模型,将客观概率转换成主观决策权重,可以弥补期望效用模型在捕捉决策者对概率主观反应方面的缺陷;同时,利用基于信息修正的非期望效用模型,通过量化人们在购买保险或股票时对风险的主观概率判断,可以对人们的保险需求和证券投资行为作出更好的解释或预测。  相似文献   

预期效用理论一直是微观经济领域的重要支柱之一,也是现代金融理论的重要理论基础,它给出了不确定性条件下理性行为的描述。期望理论是新近兴起的一种非预期效用理论,对很多预期效用理论无法解释的现象提供了合理解释。  相似文献   

以“期望理论”为指导,制定切实可行的奋斗目标,发挥目标对人的行为的导向和激励作用,提高学生数学学习兴趣,达到期望成果。  相似文献   

1944年,冯诺依曼(von Neumann)和摩根斯坦(Morgenstein)提出的预期效用(EU)理论以及随后萨维奇(Savage,1954)提出的主观预期效用(SEU)理论,为“理性人”在风险和不确定性条件下的决策建立了完美的公理化体系。  相似文献   

This paper extends Savage′s subjective expected utility theory to include state-dependent preferences. The dependence of the decision maker′s preferences over consequences on the states of nature is represented by state-specific mappings of the set of consequences onto itself. Within this framework Savage′s postulates are reformulated and it is shown that there exist subjective expected utility representations of the preference relation over acts with unique, nonatomic, probability measure on the algebra of all events, and a state-dependent utility function over the set of consequences. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Number: D81.  相似文献   

The endowment effect, which is well documented in the contingent valuation literature, alters people's preferences according to a reference point established in an elicitation question. In particular, the utility that people place on a bundle is both a positive function of the quantities of the goods comprising the bundle, and a negative function of any loss (real or hypothetical) that the elicitation question asks them to incur. Biases such as this have lead some to reject the contingent valuation method as a means of quantifying costs and benefits in favour of other methods of preference elicitation such as standard gambles. But, most preference elicitation methods used by economists require people to express their preferences for one good in terms of their willingness to forego some of another good. Consequently, it is reasonable to expect that, and prudent to check whether, an endowment effect is also evident in other methods of preference elicitation such as von Neumann-Morgenstern's standard gambles. Internal inconsistencies in the standard gamble method from the experimental economics literature and from a study into the value of non-fatal road injuries are shown to be evidence that an endowment effect is also at work in standard gambles.  相似文献   

The notion of a mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium suffers from three inherent difficulties. First, given the equilibrium strategies of other players, there are many best replies. Second, the equilibrium is unstable. Third, comparative statics results are counterintuitive. We demonstrate that these difficulties all have their origin in von Neumann and Morgenstern′s expected utility. In contrast, players with "quadratic utility" have unique best replies and the Nash equilibrium appears to yield intuitive comparative statics results. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Number: C72.  相似文献   

As a result of an oversight and narrow assumption, Kohn and Hollenhorst (1988) Derive an equation that does not hold in general and that leads to some erroneous Inferences when relied upon in Kohn (1999). The purpose of this note is to identify And clarify the problem and its source, and to draw the appropriate inferences. [D80, Q25]  相似文献   

Professor Horowitz correctly identifies the limitation of my assuming separable utility functions to derive a marginal condition for efficiency under uncertainty. Correction this limitation, he provides a simple but powerful condition that encompasses the nonseparable as well as the separable case. This condition replaces the dubious Equation (14) derived in Kohn (1999). In a departure from von Neumann-Morgenstern theory, for cases in which the decisions of a risk-averse community are compared with those it would make were it risk-neutral, it is proposed here that the same utility function holds for risk-neutrality as for risk-aversion, but that the stochastic quantities be replaced by their expected value in the former. [Q25]  相似文献   

劳动价值论与效用价值论的区别联系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过对劳动价值论与效用价值论主要观点、理论目的和适用性等分析和对比,从而得出两者之间的区别和联系,得出效用价值论比劳动价值论更有适用性,同时两者在许多方面又有相通性等结论。  相似文献   

Utility in Case-Based Decision Theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides two axiomatic derivations of a case-based decision rule. Each axiomatization shows that, if preference orders over available acts in various contexts satisfy certain consistency requirements, then these orders can be numerically represented by maximization of a similarity-weighted utility function. In each axiomatization, both the similarity function and the utility function are simultaneously derived from preferences, and the axiomatic derivation also suggests a way to elicit these theoretical concepts from in-principle observable preferences. The two axiomatizations differ in the type of decisions that they assume as data. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Number: D80.  相似文献   

效用价值论的四个矛盾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
效用价值论存在四个矛盾,即商品价值需要精确计量与效用不可精确计量的矛盾,商品价值反映生产成本与效用不反映生产成本的矛盾,商品价值转移与效用不转移的矛盾,商品价值在生产交换中决定与效用在消费中决定的矛盾。效用价值论不是一种科学的价值理论。  相似文献   

从政府的角度出发,以排污企业作为研究对象,合理改进累计前景理论的价值函数,建立村民参与监督下政府和排污企业的农村环境治理决策行为演化博弈模型,进而得到使排污企业积极治理农村环境的约束条件。在综合考虑双方前景价值感知的基础上引入环境治理补贴,构建环境补贴对排污企业价值感知与环境治理决策行为的影响模型,最后运用系统动力学分析村民参与下政府和排污企业环境治理前景价值感知与治理决策行为。解决了传统博弈论完全理性假设和均衡分析方法的局限性,考虑政府和排污企业前景价值感知与环境治理补贴下积极参与农村环境治理的行为特征与规律,以及村民参与监督对政府和排污企业环境治理决策行为的影响,为构建我国农村环境多主体治理机制提供决策参考。  相似文献   

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