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Our computational economic analysis investigates the relationship between inequality, mobility and the financial accumulation process. Extending the baseline model by Levy et al., we characterise the economic process through stylised return structures generating alternative evolutions of income and wealth through time. First, we explore the limited heuristic contribution of one and two-factors models comprising one single stock (capital wealth) and one single flow factor (labour) as pure drivers of income and wealth generation and allocation over time. Second, we introduce heuristic modes of taxation in line with the baseline approach. Our computational economic analysis corroborates that the financial accumulation process featuring compound returns plays a significant role as source of inequality, while institutional arrangements including taxation play a significant role in framing and shaping the aggregate economic process that evolves over socioeconomic space and time.


Economists have studied the effect of diversity on the provision of social goods and the stock of social capital. In parallel, management scholars have studied the effect of diversity in the workplace on firm performance. We integrate these two growing literatures and explore these questions with a unique dataset. A firm provided eight years of individual‐level employee survey data, which include measures of the stock of social capital, plus office‐level measures of diversity and performance. We find some evidence that more gender‐homogeneous offices enjoy higher levels of social goods provision but those offices do not perform any better and may actually perform worse.  相似文献   

This paper presents a generic model to include public capital accumulation and the services of international public goods provided by a neighbor country. It examines the long-run and short-run responses of private and public capital accumulation in the home country to an anticipated increase in international public goods. It is found that the home economy in effect cuts its public capital stock, but keeps an unchanged private capital stock in the long run when a neighbor commits itself to expanding the stock of public goods in the future. The key factor determining the short-run responses of the home country is the extent to which it will match its government spending with a neighbor country's policy, which is associated with the relative difference between the marginal utility of consumption and that of home public capital affected by an increase in international public goods.  相似文献   

Lu  Chong 《Quality and Quantity》2022,56(5):3279-3308

Using China Labor-Force Dynamics Survey data, we evaluate the effect of migration on rural residents’ intergenerational subjective social status mobility. Intergenerational subjective social status mobility of Chinese rural migrants shows a significant upward trend between 2007 and 2021. Overall, a significant positive effect of migration on the rural residents’ intergenerational subjective social status mobility. In particular, the 1950s birth cohort and middle-western region of China rural residents’ migration has a stronger positive effect on the intergenerational subjective social status mobility. Migration affects rural residents’ intergenerational subjective social status mobility through increased economic satisfactory, increased social capital, increased employment ratio and degree of hard work.


This paper develops an endogenous growth model with spillovers of public goods, Leviathan taxation, and mobile capital to examine the relative merits of centralized and decentralized fiscal systems for economic growth and social welfare. We show that a decentralized system dominates a centralized system in terms of economic growth; however, the difference in social welfare between a decentralized and a centralized system is non-monotonic and displays a hump-shaped relationship with respect to capital mobility. Since higher capital mobility induces stronger tax competition, this finding implies that there is an optimal degree of tax competition; some tax competition is desirable, but fierce tax competition may be harmful. We also show that there is a critical level of spillovers of public goods above which centralization dominates decentralization in terms of social welfare, as in previous studies; however, if spillovers are below this critical level, capital mobility also matters in the welfare comparison between centralized and decentralized systems.  相似文献   


This article analyses the impact of social capital on regional economic growth in Spain during the 1985–2005 period. The literature in this context is virtually nonexistent and, in addition, whereas most studies, regardless of their context, have used survey data in order to measure social capital, we use a measure whose construction is based on similar criteria to other measures of capital stock. Compared with more standard measures of social capital and trust, our measure is available with a high level of disaggregation, and with annual frequency for a long time period. Following a panel data approach, our findings indicate that social capital has a positive impact on GDP per capita growth in the context of Spanish provinces, implying that ‘social features’ are important for explaining the differences in wealth that one might find across Spanish provinces. We also explore the transmission mechanisms from social capital to growth, finding a highly positive relation between social capital and private physical investment.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on global stock sectors from two perspectives. First, to measure the effect of the COVID-19 on the volatility connectedness among global stock sectors in the time–frequency domain, we combine the time-varying connectedness and frequency connectedness method and focus on the total, directional, and net connectedness. The empirical results indicate a dramatic rise in the total connectedness among the global stock sectors following the outbreak of COVID-19. However, the high level of the total connectedness lasted only about two months, representing that the impact of COVID-19 is significant but not durable. Furthermore, we observe that the directional and net connectedness changes of different stock sectors during the COVID-19 pandemic are heterogeneous, and the diverse possible driving factors. In addition, the transmission of spillovers among sectors is driven mainly by the high-frequency component (short-term spillovers) during the full sample time. However, the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak also persisted in the long term. Second, we explore how the changing COVID-19 pandemic intensity (represented by the daily new COVID-19 confirmed cases and the daily new COVID-19 death cases worldwide) affect the daily returns of the global stock sectors by using the Quantile-on-Quantile Regression (QQR) methodology of Sim and Zhou (2015). The results indicate the different characteristics in responses of the stock sectors to the pandemic intensity. Specifically, most sectors are severely impacted by the COVID-19. In contrast, some sectors (Necessary Consume and Medical & Health) that are least affected by the COVID-19 pandemic (especially in the milder stage of the COVID-19 pandemic) are those that are related to the provision of goods and services which can be considered as necessities and substitutes. These results also hold after several robustness checks. Our findings may help understand the sectoral dynamics in the global stock market and provide significant implications for portfolio managers, investors, and government agencies in times of highly stressful events like the COVID-19 crisis.  相似文献   

A large body of research shows that the migration of managers from one professional service firm to another weakens the old employer’s relationship with its clients, because migrating managers remove their relationship-specific knowledge and expertise – i.e., human and social capital – from their old employers, redeploying it to their new employers. This study extends this research by introducing a bi-directional perspective of social capital in which both firms and managers may exploit these relationship-specific resources. We use theory on social capital to build arguments about how one form of manager mobility, manager migration between two service providers in a single market, can both lead and lag the movement of client ties between those providers, and signaling theory to hypothesize the conditions under which this is likely to occur. Analyses using longitudinal data on New York City advertising agencies generally support our arguments. Our findings contribute to theory and research on manager migration, social capital, and signaling, and raise new questions for how the portability of relationship-specific social capital shapes markets.  相似文献   

A model of capital accumulation is considered and the relation between the optimal path and the initial capital stock is analyzed. Mathematically speaking, the model is a convex model of infinite horizon in continuous time. The existence of optimal paths of capital accumulation is proved. By using the continuity of the value function, it is proved that the optimal path of capital accumulation is a continuous function of the initial capital stock. The analysis is so general that neither the smoothness of the model nor the interiority of the optimal path are made.  相似文献   


The aim of this study is to explain the determinants of entrepreneurship in agriculture industry. What are the drivers of early stage entrepreneurial activity of agri-business entrepreneur and how it is influenced by various cognitive and social capital factors? To answers these questions various driving factors of entrepreneurial activity have been explored from the literature. To achieve the objective, the study uses APS (Adult Population Survey) 2013 data of 69 countries provided by GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor). Total number of respondents 1470, those who are alone or with others, currently trying to start a new business, including any self-employment or selling any goods or services to others in Agriculture Industry, were selected from the data set. To measure the influence of cognitive and social capital factors on early stage entrepreneurial activity logistic regression was employed. The findings show that those who see entrepreneurial opportunities, are confident in their own skills and ability, having personal relationship or social networks with existing entrepreneurs, and have invested in others business as business angels are more likely to become an entrepreneur. Additionally, fear of failure or risk perception does not prevent people to become entrepreneur. Policy implications have been discussed. This is one the first study of its kind and contributes to the existing literature by explaining agricultural entrepreneurship through an integrated approach of entrepreneurial cognition and social networking.


This paper empirically investigates the role of social capital in households' residential mobility behavior by considering its spatial dimension. This study focuses on a household's social ties with people living nearby, which we refer to as its “local social capital.” Local social capital may deter residential mobility, because the resources stemming from them are location-specific and will be less valuable if a household moves. We conjecture that a household's possession of local social capital has a negative effect on its residential mobility, and this negative effect of local social capital may be stronger on long-distance mobility than on short-distance mobility. Our empirical investigation is based on data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. We obtain evidence which is supportive of these conjectures.  相似文献   

A single region's optimal property tax policy is examined in a model with interregional capital mobility. In this model, property taxation is used to finance local public expenditures. Different tax rates may be imposed on property used to produce goods which are traded between regions and property used to produce nontraded goods (e.g., residential property). The key determinants of the difference between the optimal tax rates are identified, and it is argued that there exists a bias towards relatively low tax rates on property used to produce traded goods. The role of labor mobility is also investigated.  相似文献   


This paper develops an economic geography framework with positive trade costs in both manufacturing and traditional sectors, mobile skilled workers, and unequal shares of unskilled labour in regions. It shows that partial agglomeration always features the Home-Market Effect (HME) regardless of whether regions trade only the manufacturing good or both. Moreover, spatial factor mobility is significant for the HME to arise, while intersectoral mobility does not play a crucial role. Furthermore, a decrease in the traditional sector trade costs makes the HME weaker and increases the likelihood of full agglomeration in the larger region. Finally, the paper shows that a small departure from Cobb–Douglas upper-tier utility towards gross substitutability of manufacturing and traditional goods reinforces the HME, while the opposite holds for gross complementarity of goods.  相似文献   

National income statistics take into account the values of market goods and completely ignore the environmental goods. The purpose of this paper is to suggest the integration of environmental goods into the framework of Leontiefs input–output analysis. It is suggested that environmental goods, such as clean air, fresh water, quiet, etc., be treated as sectors in the same way as market goods sectors. The final deliveries of the sectors may be positive, zero or negative, depending on the scarcity of the environ mental goods and political decisions. The paper gives a numerical illustration of how the environmental goods can be valued from an input–output analysis. It is recommended that a system should be devised to adjust the national income estimators of individual countries for the changes in the environmental goods caused by the economic activities of these countries.  相似文献   

We consider a two-sector endogenous growth model where the productions of the final good and human capital require economy-wide external effects. Assuming constant returns to scale at the private and social levels, we show that local and global indeterminacy of equilibrium paths are compatible with any values for the elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption and any sign for the capital intensity difference across the two sectors. We also show that for any value of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption, poverty traps may occur when the final good sector is capital intensive in human capital.  相似文献   


This essay is intended as a self-reflective, auto-critique of the ‘social accounting community’. The essay is directed at the academic community of accountants concerned with social accounting. This `community' is predominantly concerned with English language accounting journals and is preoccupied with the social and environmental practices of the larger private sector organisations. The essay is motivated by a concern over our responsibilities as academics in a world in crisis and a concern that social accounting is losing its energy and revolutionary zeal. This community's social accounting endeavours have taken place in almost complete ignorance of the activities and developments in non accounting communities and, in particular, developments in the public and third sectors. The essay reaches out to the public and third sector work and literature as an illustration of one of the ways in which ‘our’ social accounting can try to prevent itself from becoming moribund.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of imperfect international capital mobility on an industrial location when increasing returns are present. When the international capital mobility is perfect, agglomeration of manufacturing firms progresses with a decline in transportation costs of manufactured goods, and full-agglomeration in a large-market country is observed at low transportation costs. In contrast, when international capital mobility is imperfect, agglomeration in a large-market country progresses with capital trade integration. When the transportation costs of manufactured goods are low, all capital holders in two countries invest their capital into a home market.  相似文献   


This paper provides new evidence on the quantification of economic losses and/or gains from skilled human capital mobility in terms of GDP and productivity in several EU countries during and after the Great Recession. We construct two novel indicators to quantify and compare the economic effects of human capital mobility across EU countries in 2008, 2012, and 2016. Through hierarchical clustering, we created groups of countries to perform a non-parametric MANOVA. The results suggest the existence of three groups of countries aggregated by similar economic and mobility patterns. The differences between these groups are significant and allow us to delineate the countries’ gains and losses.


伏虎 《企业经济》2020,(1):19-25
重庆市委党校(重庆行政学院);中央党校(国家行政学院);摘要本文以虚拟品牌社群社会资本为研究对象,考察其与消费者溢价购买行为之间的关联性及其影响路径。构建了消费者溢价购买行为与虚拟品牌社群社会资本各维度的影响假设模型,并讨论了各维度之间的中介效应。研究发现:消费者信息价值感知通过社会资本各维度影响溢价购买行为,消费者社会价值感知通过结构性维度和认知性维度影响溢价购买行为,社会价值感知在关系性维度上对消费者溢价购买行为不具有显著影响。研究还发现了消费者对大宗耐用消费品与低价快速消费品在溢价购买行为中的差异规律。研究建议:大宗耐用消费品的企业需要在品牌社群运营中引导成员开展"体验性知识"的分享;企业在虚拟品牌社群运营中需要改善社会价值感知;企业应聚焦虚拟品牌社群的社会资本培育,获取溢价定价权,从而提升企业利润。  相似文献   

In this paper we present the physics of the city, a new approach in order to investigate the urban dynamics. In particular we focus on the citizens’ mobility observation and modeling. Being in principle the social dynamics not directly observable, our main idea is that observing the human mobility processes we can deduce some features and characteristics of social dynamics. We define the automata gas paradigm and we write a crowding equation able to predict, in a statistical sense, the threshold between a selforganized crowd and a chaotic one, which we interpret as the emergence of a possible panic scenario. We show also some specific results obtained on the Venezia pedestrian network. Firstly, analyzing the network we estimate the Venice complexity, secondly measuring the pedestrian flow on some bridges we find significant statistical correlations, and by the experimental data we design two different bridges flow profiles depending from the pedestrian populations. Furthermore considering a reduced portion of the city, i.e. Punta della Dogana, we build up a theoretical model via a Markov approach, with a stationary state solution. Finally implementing some individual characteristics of pedestrians, we simulate the flows finding a good agreement with the empirical distributions. We underline that these results can be the basis to construct an E-governance mobility system.  相似文献   

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