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逐步剥离:我国铁路重组合理组织边界的初步探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
引入竞争、提高效率是我国铁路重组改革的重要目标指向,因此组织边界的确定以及与之相配套的竞争激励措施已成为重组模式选择的关键议题。本文以自然垄断和交易成本理论为指导,以竞争激励促进企业运行效率为依据,通过对世界各国多种重组模式的垄断与竞争格局进行比较分析,提出了用逐步剥离的方式逼近我国铁路重组合理组织边界的改革思路。  相似文献   

中国铁路重组的企业边界问题分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
中国铁路的重组问题实际上是一个企业边界重新划分的问题,本文试图根据科斯关于交易成本的概念和威廉姆森关于规制结构随交易性质而变化的观点,提出分析中国铁路重组中企业边界问题的思路。  相似文献   

推进垄断行业改革,是当前经济体制改革的重要方面。国务院已经制定了电信、电力和民航管理体制改革方案,有关部门正在积极实施改革方案,铁路管理体制改革方案也在抓紧制定之中。垄断行业改革的方向是,“通过政企分开和企业重组,打破行业垄断,形成适度竞争的市场格局”。  相似文献   

刘斌 《工业技术经济》2001,20(1):30-31,35
从80年代以来,铁路虽然从改革中获得短期效益,但是,从长远来看,前期改革策略逐渐使铁路陷入制度锁定状态,阻碍了铁路进一步改革的深入。从铁路改革的经验来看,无论主动的还是被动的,中央政府的介入都是铁路改革获得实质性突存的关键所在。根据我国现状,铁路改革还不能从外部开始,而是应该从内部着手,从引入竞争、运网分离的资产重组开始,然后可以实行特许经营,把改革逐渐扩展开,并为实现政企分开,理顺政府与铁路的关系创造条件,从制度锁定中解脱出来。  相似文献   

随着企业改革重组步伐的加快,工程局已经顺利融人中国能建集团有限公司,这为我局今后的发展与壮大提供了坚强后盾和更广阔舞台,也给员工带来了福祉。然而,企业在改革发展过程中,广大员工的心理发生了很大变化,  相似文献   

中铁八局集团昆明铁路建设有限公司始建于1953年,公司前身为昆明铁路局工程总公司,2002年10月改制为昆明铁路建设集团有限责任公司;2003年12月,国家相关部门、铁道部门推进铁路设计、施工企业改革重组,整体划转中国铁路工程总公司;2004年3月,公司更名为中铁八局集团昆明铁路建设有限公司。2007年12月作为中国中铁股份有限公司旗下企业整体上市。  相似文献   

经过20多年的实践,世界电力市场化改革逐步积累了成功的经验和失败的教训,虽然各国电力改革的赴模式不尽相同,但是在电力产业重组模式和市场设计等方面,都已形成一定的共识。电力市场化改革的首要步骤是力力产业结构重组。  相似文献   

中国企业大重组的态势正在形成据专家分析,中国企业大重组的态势正在形成,彩电、冰箱、电脑、汽车等行业的价格之战即是其前奏。专家预计,彩电行业1997年有可能进入购并高潮,其他行业将紧随其后。中国国有企业的资产重组已成为改革的重要环节,它得到中国政府的推...  相似文献   

BOT是当前国际上较为流行的吸引社会资金加强基础设施建设的一种投资经营模式,把BOT引入到部队营区经营性基建工程建设领域是破解“科技强军”与营区改造基金短缺窘境的有效方式。着重分析了PBOT模式在部队后勤社会化改革中的必要性与可行性,以及存在的问题,并提出了相应的建议和对策,为部队后勤社会化改革提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

随着中国石油天然气股份公司的成立和海外上市,中国石油的业务战略作了相当大的调整。在彩的机遇与挑战面前,中国石油提出了以提高效率增强竞争力和经营一体化为目标,致力于经营模式的改革与重组。与之相适应,大港油田公司也作了相应的业务战略调整,提出了:通过降低成本和严格的资金管理,提高勘探与生产的效益,探索可捎续发展和跨越式发展的新途径。  相似文献   

英国电信产业的放松管制和对主导运营商BT的再管制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
自 1 980年起 ,英国电信产业先后实施了邮政、电信分离 ,建立独立的管制机构 ,对开放市场准入和私有化以后仍然居于主导地位的运营商———英国电信公司 (BT)实施包括价格上限管制在内的一系列管制 ,促进了英国电信产业向竞争性结构的转化。目前 ,我国电信产业同样面临着放松管制以及放松管制以后如何重组和再管制主导运营商的棘手难题。本文拟对英国电信产业 2 0余年的改革经验进行比较系统的回顾和评析 ,以期对我国电信产业的下一步改革有所启示。  相似文献   

彩票市场的竞争性质与我国彩票监管体制的重构   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
世界各国的彩票产业都处于政府的监管之下,但监管模式主要是从“预防犯罪”等角度来设计的,没有考虑这一市场的产业组织特征。本文认为,间接竞争是彩票产业理想市场结构。基于彩票市场的产业组织特征及其与彩票监管体制的相互关系,本文在分析了英国、美国和法国彩票市场结构的特点与问题,以及我国彩票市场存在问题的基础上,提出了我国彩票市场结构重构的方向与彩票监管体制改革的目标模式。  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2001,25(1-2):101-123
Four new nationwide entrants were introduced into the Korean mobile telephone industry provoking intense competition among the five carriers by late 1997. Some assert that there is excessive competition and industry restructuring is needed. In this paper, we analyze the profitability of mobile telephone carriers and the degree to which cost is reduced through M&A, thereby obtaining principal information on the economic incentives for industry restructuring.  相似文献   

It has been widely argued that the purpose of corporate restructuring during the 1980s was to produce a population of more industry-specialized, competitive firms in response to intensifying global competition. A number of studies show that corporate restructuring resulted in increased corporate focus during the 1980s. However, no study has yet examined whether corporate restructuring resulted in increased specialization at the industry level during the 1980s. This study examines this issue. First, we examine whether or not aggregate industry specialization increased during the 1980s. That is, we ask: did the average firm in any given U.S. industry become more or less specialized to that industry during the 1980s? Second, we examine whether corporate restructuring was a significant determinant of change in aggregate industry specialization during the 1980s. Using a sample of 686 four-digit SIC industries and 64 two-digit industry groups, this study finds that aggregate industry specialization declined very slightly at both the four-digit and two-digit level between 1981 and 1989. This study also finds that sell-offs of establishments through corporate control transactions or interfirm asset sales had no significant effect on aggregate industry specialization.  相似文献   

United States efforts to open the Korean telecommunications market have been incessant and tenacious, to the extent that Korea is the only country to be twice designated by the US as a priority foreign country (PFC). Through major restructuring driven by the Korean government, the telecommunications infrastructure of Korea has been strengthened and expanded, and in the process has posed a threat to the US telecommunications industry. Thus, since the late 1980s, the Korean telecommunications industry has been monitored and threatened with trade sanctions by the United States Trade Representative, and all internal restructuring has been closely related to bilateral negotiations with the US, and multilateral negotiations in the Uruguay Round. Based on interviews with key Korean telecommunications personnel and analyses of public documents, this research examines the Korean telecommunications market, telecommunications policies relative to the US and WTO, and the recent economic crisis that has affected the stability of the industry. The paper also offers five major recommendations to government and industry policymakers, including a more active and positive stance toward liberalisation, the relinquishing by bureaucrats of their monopolistic power over policymaking, the securing of an open and transparent policymaking process, and, in relations with the US, and the mobilisation of regional and multilateral organisations to ensure fair competition in telecommunications.  相似文献   

To date no clear consensus has emerged about how industrial relations scholars ought to conceptualize union responses to workplace restructuring. Yet, local union responses to management‐initiated workplace change can differ markedly and can have important implications for the outcomes of restructuring. This study examines the experiences of three local unions engaged in workplace restructuring in the North American steel industry and suggests a reconceptualization of local union responses, away from a simple 'militant'–'cooperative' dichotomy towards a conceptualization based on the process by which local unions engage with management over restructuring.  相似文献   

This article examines the implications of the restructuring of the textile industry. In particular, the interlinked themes of technical change, employment restructuring and gender divisions are explored. The tensions which exist between production process and labour process transformations are considered, and a possible policy framework is offered.  相似文献   

The restructuring of the U.S. electric power industry has been described as “one of the largest single industrial reorganizations in the history of the world.” As with deregulation and reform of other industries, electricity restructuring was intended to produce cost efficiencies and price benefits to consumers. Whether it has achieved its stated objective is the focus of a number of recent studies that are examined in this review. The studies differ in numerous important ways – most importantly, in their methodologies and their conclusions. The focus of this review is on the strengths and limitations of their specific methodologies and, hence, on the confidence one might place in their conclusions. The article begins by setting out the basic methodological approaches employed in public policy evaluation. It then illustrates these points with examples from methodologies employed in several studies of electricity restructuring, concluding that several methodological deficiencies call into question the study results. In particular, despite much advocacy, there is little reliable and convincing evidence that consumers are better off as a result of the restructuring of the U.S. electric power industry.  相似文献   

The trade unions in the steel industry have faced two waves of restructuring, the first centring on closures, capacity reductions and mass redundancies, the second involving fundamental changes to patterns of work organization, labour utilization and industrial relations. Overall, the trade unions involved have failed to develop an adequate response to management-led change, relying instead on traditional methods and lines of interest representation. The challenges embodied in such developments as teamworking and craft restructuring are considered, together with union responses and the structural and ideological constraints on those responses. Contrasts are drawn with more successful union involvement in comparable changes in the German steel industry. In the conclusion, the authors review the dilemmas facing the UK unions in the steel industry and the main areas for a new agenda.  相似文献   

加入WTO对中国钢铁企业的影响及策略分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
中国加入WTO,使国内钢铁企业的生存环境发生新的变化,本文通过引用大量数据资料,结合WTO的相关条款,认真分析了加入WTO给国内钢铁企业带来的机遇和挑战,根据国内钢铁企业发现状以及与国外先进企业的差距,就如何推进企业管理,机制和技术创新,实施联合重组,提高竞争实力,阐述了自己的观点。  相似文献   

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