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于飞 《商业时代》2012,(28):9-10
民生是民众最关心、最现实的问题,科学判断和评价中国各省(区、市)的民生状况具有重要意义。本文从反映民生质量的生活水平、教育、健康、社会环境四大主要领域选择具体指标,采用改进的功效指数函数方法和基于主成分的因子分析方法,编制了中国民生质量指数,并对中国2010年31个省(区、市)(不包括港澳台地区)的民生质量指数进行测算和排序,发现中国社会经济发展具有区域结构性特点。  相似文献   

我们多年讲国计民生,往往是国计压倒了民生。但是现在的治国理念变了,讲以人为本,国计就是民生,民生就是国计,民生压倒一切,这可以说是一个根本性的变化。同时,会引发中国人生活质量的革命。这几年常讲幸福指数。有钱就幸福吗?多少钱才叫幸福?我们看到的经常是有钱人反而不快乐。这是个涉及到国民幸福指数的问  相似文献   

当“十面霾伏”“PM2.5”成为新闻热词,大众的目光越来越聚焦在环境保护上,环保新闻成为人们了解身边环境的主要途径之一。保护生态环境就是保障民生,改善生态环境就是改善民生。因此,环保新闻的写作.是否从民生角度出发,成为广大新闻工作者面临的挑战。做好环保新闻与写好民生新闻一样,生搬照抄政府文件、统计数字不可取,现代传媒要用“群众的眼睛”看世界,通过科学的态度、生动的语言、身边的故事,向大众传达正确的时代精神与价值取向,让环保新闻充满“人情味”,更加贴近民生。  相似文献   

翟华云  普微 《商业时代》2012,(31):65-66
企业所面临的自然资源和环境方面的严峻形势需要企业积极地履行环保责任,主动进行环保投资。本文对环境保护投资的内在和外延价值进行了理论分析,又采用具体的指数——泰达指数,对其投资价值运用比较分析法进行研究,从而为环境保护投资的价值寻找实际依据。  相似文献   

日本社会责任投资评价标准催生责任投资影响力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
耳闻最近中国也出现了SRI(Social Responsible Investment社会责任投资)指数。日本于1999年设立了第一个环保投资基金,今年正好是第10个年头,偿还期限到期。这个环保投资基金的业绩虽比日经平均指数稍高了一点,但是并没有利润。  相似文献   

陈玺 《中国广告》2007,(10):162-164
"民生新闻"是近几年来中国电视新闻界的热门话题之一。一般来说,民生新闻就是关注普通人的生存和生活状态以及与他们切身利益息息相关的新闻。《百姓关注》这一新闻栏目在不断创造收视奇迹的同时,也创造了多个国内第一:国内时长最长的民生类新闻栏目,播出时段收视份额最高的民生类新闻栏目。这个深受贵州老百姓热爱的新闻品牌正在以它的力量培育着更多的企业品牌,通过各类的植入使得企业品牌找到了绝佳的宣传推广阵地。  相似文献   

中国社科院城市发展与环境研究所8月14日发布的2012年城市蓝皮书《中国城市发展报告(2012)》公布了2011年度城市科学发展指数综合排名,深圳位居榜首,上海、北京紧随其后,分别居第二名、第三名。据悉,城市科学发展指数由民生指数、居民生活指数、就业与收入分配指数、人居环境指数、社会保障指数等分项指数构成。  相似文献   

<正>零点研究咨询集团发布的《2007’零点中国公众环保指数》表明:中国的老百姓虽然有较强的环保意识和环保个人责任感,但缺乏相关的环境保护知识,具体表现在:对污染源的认知度不足、对法律规定的公民应享有的环保权利不够了解,对环境问题免费举报电话和环境日较为陌生等等。  相似文献   

陈玺 《广告大观》2007,(10S):82-84
“民生新闻”是近几年来中国电视新闻界的热门话题之一。一般来说,民生新闻就是关注普通人的生存状态以及与他们切身利益息息相关的新闻。《百姓关注》这一新闻栏目在不断创造收视奇迹的同时,也创造了多个国内第一:国内时长最长的民生类新闻栏目,播出时段收视份额最高的民生类新闻栏目。这个深受贵州老百姓热爱的新闻品牌正在以它的力量培育着更多的企业品牌,通过各类植入使得企业品牌找到了绝佳的宣传推广阵地。[第一段]  相似文献   

被誉为中国环保产业之乡的中国宜兴环保科技工业园是全国唯一以环境保护为专业特色的高新技术开发区,位于景色秀丽的太湖名域——江苏省宜兴市,是规划中宜兴市新城区的主要组成部分。 宜兴环保科技工作园的建立,旨在引导我国环保产业的发展方向,将高新技术应用于环境保护,促进全国环保行业技术的更新换代和整体水平的提高,推动我国环保产业的发展。同时,园区还将通过消化吸收国外的先进技术,创新生产替代进口产品,成为环保技术和产品的出口创汇基地以及对外交流合作的窗口。  相似文献   

Sequential decision-making principles are introduced which can be applied to mutual fund investing. Specific attention is given to the nature of the mutual fund market and the expected pay-off from a low-cost information search. Empirical results are based on historical returns and information that is readily available in popular press sources. Substantial variation in historical performance was found and the pay-off from a market search was positive and substantial in many cases.  相似文献   

Data from the 1989 Survey of Consumer Finances1 were analysed to find factors related to credit card use in U.S. households. Factors associated with the probability of using only retail cards were being a female-headed household, being older and being in a blue collar occupation. The use of bank cards only was associated with male heads of households, renting and a negative attitude toward credit. The use of both retail and bank cards was associated with a positive attitude toward credit, being in a professional or managerial occupation and home ownership. The results provide insight into credit card use and should help target educational efforts to those most likely to experience debt problems related to extensive use of credit cards.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of consumer complaint behaviour in the children's wear market. Based upon an economic framework of complaint behaviour, the relationship between selected consumer and product characteristics and complaint behaviour for children's wear was examined by estimating separate logistic regression equations for private and public complaint actions. Variables found to be associated with complaint actions included the price of the item, income, level of dissatisfaction, garment type, family size and age of the youngest child. The results have specific implications for apparel marketers and provide an application of the complaint model to a product category that has not been investigated previously.  相似文献   

China is showing interest in joint ventures in the oil, coal and nonferrous metals sector, in electricity generation, steel and building materials production, in the mechanical engineering, textile and electrical industries, in the transport sector and in the hotel trade. Our article gives an outline of the problems which the future joint ventures in China will encounter.  相似文献   

The great concern exercised over the accuracy of estimates of the net direct investment position as a part of the U.S. international net worth is largely misplaced. By focusing on additions to the U.S. international net worth embodied in real assets owned in foreign countries, analysts divert attention from the large and growing volume of foreign-owned claims in private U.S. financial markets and the implications of those claims for instability in the foreign exchange market and for financial crisis.  相似文献   

This paper explores three questions: (1) Why should Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), as a group, adhere to their code of ethics? (2) Why should an individual CPA adhere to the code? (3) Of what significance are the answers to these questions in regards to possible changes in the accounting curriculum and the CPA profession's present concern for self-regulation through quality control reviews? The paper concludes that all college accounting majors should be required to take an ethics course and that the current quality review program should be mandatory, not voluntary.  相似文献   

物流包括运输、仓储、包装、装卸搬运、流通加工、配送、信息等职能,社会经济运行中生产、流通、消费等环节均涉及到物流.随着经济全球化、一体化的发展和现代科学技术、管理技术在物流行业的应用,使原来分散于不同经济领域和环节的相对独立的物流功能发生了密切的联系,统一为综合物流系统,这不仅提高了物流本身的运作效率,而且更好地适应了市场上用户对物流的要求,使物流业发展成为综合传统运输、仓储行业的新兴产业.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ingredients that stimulated the development of the biotechnology industry in the US and contrasts conditions with those in Europe. It examines relationships between established firms and new start-ups; the financing and managerial environment and the organizational environment, whereby firms were able to set up networks of alliances. Its main findings are that: 1) The funding of the medical science research base has been substantially more generous in the U.S. than Europe. It is the funding of the science base rather than of the biotechnology industry directly that has provided the foundations for start-ups to be created out of the science base. 2) It has been easier for U.S. academics to found start-ups, close to their research establishment, and to retain their academic posts and status as well as be involved in a commercial enterprise. In Europe, the scientific/academic and commercial worlds have a wider divide. 3) Start-ups have been concentrated in the therapeutics and agricultural fields, with strong scientific research inputs into their commercialization, in contrast to other sectors where downstream processing innovations have been more important, which have been undertaken in-house by the large incumbent companies. 4) Financing and managerial conditions have been significantly easier in the U.S. for start-ups, in terms of access to venture capital specialising in high technology, ability to use the stock market to raise capital, and access to people able to forge links between scientists and entrepreneurs, and to introduce managerial expertise into new companies. 5) There has been a greater facility in the U.S. than in Europe for alliances to be formed between incumbent companies and indigenous U.S. start-ups; European start-ups have not found similar backing from European incumbent companies.  相似文献   

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