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东亚区域宏观经济政策协调与合作博弈的理论探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于博弈论知识对国际经济政策协调的理论基础及可行性、协调收益进行了研究,说明国际宏观经济政策协调能够提升参与其中国家的得益.文章最后提出了东亚区域经济进行国际宏观经济体政策协调的机制.  相似文献   

始于美国的次贷危机为世界经济特别是东亚经济发展带来的巨大冲击的同时也为东亚地区货币合作的深化带来的机遇.此次金融危机后,东亚各国、各地区加快了货币合作的进程.在概括了东亚货币合作现状的基础上,分析了金融危机后东亚货币合作的面临的主要问题,并对其今后的路径选择进行了分析.  相似文献   

从高朋云集的亚欧财长会议到友好亲和的大湄公河次区域经济合作首脑会议,从思想昂扬的东亚投资论坛到寄予未来的上海合作组织峰会,近期一系列区域性的国际会议几乎同时释放出了加强金融合作的声音。特别是当人们将目光转移到经济互相依赖强烈但在抵御金融风险上相当脆弱的东亚经济身上时,对于金融合作的感知就变得更加强烈。  相似文献   

东亚区域的货币金融合作与中国的制度选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
东亚金融危机的爆发,使人们深刻体会到国际货币体系的无政府状态给东亚经济和金融造成的伤害。随着欧元的启动和美洲国家对美元化的探讨,加强东亚域风各成员的货币金融合作,构建属于自己的货币金融体系,就成为一项紧迫的任务。而作为东亚乃至世界上最大的发展中国家,中国的参与又是必不可少的,针对金融区域化趋势及时作出相应的调整也是必需的。  相似文献   

吴锋 《经济论坛》2010,(4):35-37
面对现行国际货币制度的缺陷,东亚国家对地区货币合作和地区经济稳定之间的相关性已经达成共识,存在货币合作的现实基础。但在合作的国际机制、经济发展水平及政治因素等方面仍存在问题甚至冲突。推动东亚货币合作应注重其中三个关键性阶段,其中,中国的积极推动将具有重要影响力。对我国来说,应在东亚货币合作中发挥积极推动的作用。  相似文献   

张延良 《经济论坛》2006,(17):37-38
自从1997年东亚经济金融危机发生之后,为使东亚地区的经济社会重新走向发展之路,东亚地区已对危机中所暴露出来的问题进行了调整或改革,其中东亚地区的货币合作问题已成为东亚地区理论界与决策层高度关注的一个紧迫性议题,并且已经提出了很多富有积极性与建设性的政策建议。迄今为止,关于建立东亚货币合作机制或制度的构想可以归纳为以下几种:强化钉住美元的汇率制度;建立日元货币区;建立由美元、欧元、日元等数种货币组成的货币篮子联动的汇率制度;建立人民币货币区等。一、强化钉住美元的汇率制度(一)方案的提出背景与政策主张为使东亚地…  相似文献   

何慧刚 《经济前沿》2005,(11):49-52
20世纪的最后20年,国际金融领域危机四起,为应对冲击、避免金融动荡,区域贷币合作和货币一体化成为国际货币制度的发展趋向,欧洲单一货币——欧元的诞生和拉美国家美元化实践了区域货币合作的两种模式:欧元模式和美元化模式。比较这两种模式对东亚货币合作具有非常有益的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

根据最优货币区、货币危机和货币竞争等理论和东亚经济以及世界经济的发展情况,东亚货币合作的必要性是显而易见的。针对东亚货币合作的需要,结合货币合作理论和现实依据,东亚货币合作进程大致可分为三个阶段,第一建立东亚货币基金,第二建立完善的东亚汇率制度,第三建立单一货币区,启动东亚元。最后论述东亚货币合作存在的问题,并提出笔者的隐忧。  相似文献   

张力 《经济问题》2005,(12):65-67
随着经济全球化的不断深入和发展,随着欧元作为欧盟单一货币取得的成功,特别是东亚金融危机给人的深刻教训,东亚各国和地区普遍认识到加强区域内货币合作的重要意义。通过分析指出:虽然存在一定的障碍,但是东亚各国和地区加强货币合作,有助于推进亚洲经济一体化,从而为建立新的国际经济秩序作出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

郭岚 《经济咨询》2007,(3):47-51
一、东亚货币合作产生的背景及其内涵 二战后,随着科技和生产力的发展,国际分工的日益深化,世界经济呈现出全球化的趋势。经济的全球化就使得一国的国内经济乃至跨国经济中的金融活动极其不稳定。因此,区域经济一体化由于其一体化程度较高以及相对经济差异不大成为而成为民族国家应对经济全球化的理性选择。  相似文献   

Carlo Carraro 《Empirica》1997,24(3):163-177
Most international monetary policy games are modelled as prisoners' dilemma games. Political scientists suggest however that other game-theoretic structures (chicken, stag-hunt and deadlock games) could be more appropriate to describe international monetary coordination. This paper provides some empirical evidence on this issue, by studying the case of European monetary coordination from 1979 to 1989. First, central banks' and governments' preferences are revealed through an analysis of their actual behaviour. Then, the dynamic game describing policymakers' interactions is simulated under alternative institutional arrangements: coordination, defection, sub-group coalitions, etc. The main conclusion is that the stylised facts derived from those experiments seem not to be consistent with the implications of the prisoners' dilemma framework. Consistency is instead found with the features of a stag-hunt game. CEPR and FEEM This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Euro and Internal Economic Policy Coordination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews, mainly from an institutional angle, the objectives, forms, scope, levels, implementation and challenges involved for internal economic policy coordination after the introduction of the euro on 1 January 1999. In particular, it identifies six different aspects of coordination (procedures, exchange of information, analytical framework, monitoring, policy interactions and joint determination of policies) and analyses the rationale for coordination in eight different policy areas. After presenting some of the challenges lying ahead, the paper concludes that although an appropriate institutional framework seems in place, it still has to undergo its baptism of fire.  相似文献   

财政货币政策配合与农业可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业可持续发展是国民经济可持续发展的重要组成部分。要实现农业的可持续发展其根本途径在于实现农业经济增长方式的转变。财政货币政策要促进农业经济增长方式的转变,实现农业可持续发展,必须完善财政金融与农业运行机制,建立财政金融与农业发展的良性循环关系。论文旨在研究农业经济增长方式与农业可持续发展的关系,农业可持续发展中的财政货币政策配合模式及财政货币政策的配合运用  相似文献   

Kurt Bayer 《Empirica》1999,26(3):271-279
While rules, procedures and institutions for economic policy-making in EMU have been put in place, their functioning is still open to the tests of reality. The singular mix of a centralized monetary policy and decentralized fiscal (and structural) policies makes coordination procedures a necessity, if an optimal policy mix pursuing the objectives of Art. 2 TEU is to be achieved. Inclusion of social partners into macro-policy coordination, as proposed in the new European Employment Pact, is a necessary complement, if wage policy is to play its role as a shock absorber for asymmetric shocks, but also in order to align policy orientations of all actors. While during the start-up phase of EMU each policy actor focuses on his own independence and autonomy, in the future the everyday task of conducting economic policy will lead to a more pragmatic cooperation by all actors.  相似文献   

新形势下我国货币政策的传导绩效及其优化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本课题坚持货币政策短期有效的命题,同时也强调,影响我国货币政策绩效的主要是长期因素。未到位的制度转轨引致包括短期因素在内的综合因素积累,在经济转型期以内生性通货萎缩为释解。其根源在于经济结构和投融资体制广泛存在的结构性矛盾和扭曲,削弱了货币政策的传导绩效。一方面,传统的货币政策传导途径处于梗阻状态;另一方面,现有货币政策传导架难以适应资本市场迅速发展、广泛的货币替代等新形势发展,货币政策的外部约束加强。提高货币政策有效性首先要解决的是通货萎缩的内生性问题,其核心在于重建适应于经济结构变化的投融资制度,在政策层面,应该搭配好财政政策与货币政策。  相似文献   


This article expands on the debate of whether merely controlling inflation can be considered a good outcome in terms of monetary policy, discussing proposals for adopting alternative monetary targets (e.g., price level, nominal GDP), alternative instruments (e.g., monetary finance, central bank digital currencies), for enlarging central banks' mandates (e.g., incorporating employment, wages, inequality, environmental objectives) and for the design of future monetary policy frameworks.

We argue that in the coming years, central banks should not simply maintain their pre-2008 standards by de-implementing unconventional monetary policies. Instead, they must take advantage of their past and recent experiences in order to improve, under an evolutionary perspective, future monetary policy and financial stability frameworks. Based on this, measures implemented since the 2008 crisis would have three possible treatments in new frameworks: i) be discarded, due to their predominantly adverse effects; ii) not be regularly implemented, but be used as backstop mechanisms if needed; iii) be incorporated as regular measures of monetary policy/financial stability frameworks. Accordingly, monetary and financial stability authorities will increasingly need to evolve and engage in a continuously adaptive and innovative process in order to face challenges posed by financial markets that are becoming more dynamic, innovative, complex, interconnected and globalised.  相似文献   

Lodovico Pizzati 《Empirica》2000,27(4):389-409
This paper uses the Canzoneri-Henderson benchmark framework of monetary policy coordination in interdependent economies to analyze how high levels of national debt affect monetary policy interactions. Using a two-country model, I first study how central banks interact in a flexible exchange-rate regime. I find that a low-debt country is better off interacting with a country with high debt, when both economies are affected by an aggregate inflationary shock. I also consider a political dependence scenario, in which central banks are subject to political pressure. In the case of a debt-burdened country, the political incentive to reduce interest payments on debt will spur a Gordon–Barro like inflation bias. However, under a flexible exchange-rate regime, the low-debt country will not be affected. Under a monetary union instead, political pressure may affect the low-debt country as well, and possibly create an inflation bias even greaterthan in the flexible exchange-rate regime. This scenario presents another example of how Rogoff's counterproductive monetary cooperation may arise under European Monetary Union.  相似文献   

京津冀协同发展的根本取向是低碳绿色发展。以治理大气污染为导向,以能源革命为保障条件,带动经济社会全面、协调、持续发展,是京津冀协同发展的客观要求。治理京津冀大气污染,需要按照节能减排目标,淘汰落后产能,改造提升产业结构,调整优化能源结构,提高能源利用效率,控制和减少污染物排放。实现“治污带动发展,发展促进治污”的京津冀协同发展,不仅需要技术支持,更需要资金支持。在多渠道资金投入保障机制方面,必须搞好财政金融政策协同配合,在注重发挥财政政策引导能力和支持作用的同时,更加注重发挥市场的决定作用,发挥多层次资本市场融资功能,多渠道引导金融机构、实体企业、社会资金,积极投入到节能减排和产业结构改造升级中,为治理京津冀大气污染,实现京津冀协同发展提供相应的资金保障。  相似文献   

金融创新与货币政策:冲击与变革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本结合国际上己有的经历,分析了金融创新对传统货币供求机制与贷币政策操作体系的深刻影响,并根据我国目前金融改革与发展和实际,提出了我国货币政策操作体系在应对入世与金融创新冲击等方面所应当进行的调整和适应性准备。  相似文献   

各国家工程技术研究中心的运作与经营模式具有不同的特点。本文从利益博弈机制和产权分析的角度,对国家工程技术研究中心的不同运行模式进行了理论阐述,并对其与依托单位、下游企业、科技部等相关利益主体的关系及路径选择基础进行了充分论证,指出当前研究中心的运行机制和模式是各利益相关主体利益博弈取得均衡后的结果,最后在此基础上从产权改革和外部支撑环境两方面提出政策建议。  相似文献   

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