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文章以生产函数为模型框架,以我国2013年连锁零售百强企业部分企业为样本,实证检验了零售企业连锁经营规模对产出效率的影响。结果显示,虽然零售企业连锁经营规模的适度扩张是企业产出效率得以提高的一个重要因素,但当前我国零售企业连锁经营规模扩张带来的效率提升效应也面临一系列的瓶颈,连锁零售企业的规模报酬正处于递减状态。根据分析结论,最后提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

随着连锁门店数量的不断增加和销售规模的不断扩大,如何有效地组织物流配送活动来保障商品低成本、高质量的供应成为我国连锁零售企业越来越重视的问题。但是,由于很多连锁零售企业物流配送模式选择不当,导致了物流配送活动开展的效率低、成本高,不仅影响连锁门店的正常经营,也影响连锁零售企业的自身发展。因此,本文对我国连锁零售企业物流配送模式选择问题进行研究,介绍了不同物流配送模式的特点以及我国连锁零售企业物流配送模式选择的现状,分析了连锁零售物流配送模式选择的主要影响因素,提出了连锁零售企业物流配送模式的选择方法,希望能够对我国连锁零售企业有效解决物流配送模式的选择问题有所帮助。  相似文献   

文章运用实体零售的上市公司数据,对全渠道商业模式创新如何影响实体零售经营绩效进行理论分析,运用实体零售开展全渠道商业模式创新时间的差异构建双重差分模型,实证分析实体零售全渠道商业模式创新对经营绩效的影响。研究结果表明,全渠道商业模式创新显著促进实体零售经营绩效的提升。进一步的微观作用机制分析表明,全渠道商业模式创新对实体零售的市场价值、盈利能力和运营效率均产生显著的影响。  相似文献   

本文应用有关面板数据和适当的计量分析方法,对连锁零售企业经营效益与门店数量、营业面积之间的关系进行了经验性研究,研究结果表明连锁零售企业经营效益与门店数量、营业面积之间呈正相关的关系,而且门店数量比营业面积对经营效益的影响更为显著。同时还发现我国连锁零售企业普遍存在规模过小的问题。  相似文献   

零售企业横向并购,是增强了其市场势力还是提高了其规模效率?对这一问题的不同解读,既会影响我国零售产业政策安排,也会影响我国零售企业发展的战略抉择。基于此,文章利用2005-2011年零售上市企业横向并购的面板数据,运用双向随机效应GMM估计方法,估计了上市公司并购前后的市场势力和规模弹性变化,从而对零售企业横向并购的"效率论"和"市场势力论"假说进行了实证检验,结果表明:在样本观察期内企业通过横向并购规模弹性有一定上升,但市场溢价能力却显著下降了;企业通过横向并购扩张有利于实现协同效应和规模经济,横向并购行为在短期内和长期内都有利于运营现金流收益率的增加。  相似文献   

本文基于2005年至2008年我国上市房地产企业发起8起行业内并购事件,运用数据包络分析DEA与随机前沿分析SFA方法,实证检验8项外生因素:干中学,运营规模、所有制结构、股权结构、信贷预算约束,行业竞争、区域市场以及宏观经济发展对企业并购技术效率的影响.结果发现,并购交易并未显著提升主并购方企业的技术效率.  相似文献   

11月3日第八届中国连锁业大会在北京展览馆隆重召开。本届大会的主题是“做强才能做大——信心、能力、策略”,提高零售门店运营效率成为零售商的重中之重。作为本次会议的一项重要环节,由IBM公司协办的以“当金牌店长并不是梦想”为主题的店长分会同日召开。此次店长分会充分体现了IBM努力帮助零售商回归零售业根本,提供全面高效的创新的举措和解决方案,帮助不同业态的零售业客户提升门店运营效率和经营业绩,增强核心竞争力和服务水平,打造一流的零售门店。  相似文献   

基于面板随机前沿模型,利用2006—2013年我国零售业省级面板数据,结合我国零售业近年来发展现实,对连锁化经营程度、外资进入及网络购物兴起对我国零售业技术效率的影响进行实证研究可以发现,连锁化经营程度的提高对零售业技术效率呈现负面效应,规模不足制约了连锁化经营组织化与规模化优势的发挥;外资进入对零售业技术效率的总体影响显著为正,溢出效应大于挤占效应,但挤占效应为主的省份逐年攀升,溢出效应为主的省份逐年递减;网络购物的冲击提升了传统零售业技术效率,且其边际效应呈现出先减后增的趋势,传统零售业开始逐渐摆脱粗放式增长路径。为更好地推动我国零售业发展,各地政府应注意避免地方保护主义对连锁零售企业发展的限制,鼓励连锁零售企业有序有度扩张;积极推进企业兼并重组审批制度改革,推动零售连锁企业做大做强,提升规模化程度;建立完善的外资引进评估体系与快速响应的预警系统,注重外资政策灵活性,在确保产业安全前提下,发挥外资在供应链管理、信息系统构建、新型业态拓展等方面的技术溢出效应;厘清行业内部技术效率动态变化来源,引导传统零售业回归"经营消费者、经营商品"的零售本质。  相似文献   

刘伟  凌唱 《财经论丛》2015,(1):107-112
2003年前垂直一体化的国家电力公司,分割成11家公司包括5家发电集团和两家电网公司,2004年东北区域电力市场进行试点改革.在此背景下本文选取中国工业企业数据库东北三省55家热电企业2003-2010年财务数据,运用部分非参数前沿方法分析了热电企业的规模效率,并对热电企业是否实现横向范围经济进行了实证检验.结果表明,厂网分离改革提升了热电企业的生产效率,并没有损害五大集团热电企业实现规模经济.大多数五大集团热电企业处于规模报酬递减阶段,而大多数独立热电企业处于规模报酬递增阶段.相对于单独火力发电和单独供热企业大多数热电企业都实现了范围经济.其中相对五大集团热电企业,独立热电企业的范围经济指数更低.  相似文献   

卫欣 《致富时代》2011,(7):46-46
该文运用数据包络方法实证分析中国石油行业的技术效率、纯技术效率、规模效率以及规模报酬情况。并且总结了企业效率的分类以及测度方法。结果表明:我国石油行业目前整体效率比较高。大部分公司处于规模报酬不变状态,只有少部分规模报酬递减或递增。  相似文献   

The emergence of online-to-offline (O2O) has been changing the business environment of the retail industry and making businesses more competitive. Since the relationship between O2O and productivity is of interest, this study examines whether adoption of the O2O platform is effective in improving the efficiency of small-sized online stores. A two-stage approach consisting of stochastic frontier analysis and meta-frontier analysis is applied to estimate and compare the efficiencies between firms using the O2O platform and firms using other methods. Based on stochastic frontier analysis and meta-frontier analysis, our findings show that adopting the O2O platform is an innovative and competitive strategy for small-sized online stores.  相似文献   

Struggling retail chains often try to recover profitability by closing some of their stores. The challenge in this strategy lies in determining how many stores to close, as store exit has implications for both the customers and the supply chain. After a store closes, its customers are lost forever to the competition, unless there is a surviving open store nearby or an electronic alternative such as an e-store. From the supply chain perspective, after a store closes, its supporting regional distribution center is left with less business, and thus reduced viability. This paper develops a decision support model to study the profitability of alternative retail network structures by varying the proportion of stores that are closed, the average price sensitivity of demand, the price difference between the online store and the traditional retailers, and customer retention rates.  相似文献   

互联网与移动互联网技术迅速发展,带动了许多实体零售企业投身于电子商务的创新实践,但也不乏亚马逊、阿里巴巴等网络零售企业通过投资、并购等方式积极涉足实体零售企业。文章试图解释企业进行不同战略选择的原因,采取“互联网+”或是“回归实体”的依据。在分析互联网对零售企业影响的基础上,文章建立了包括消费者与零售企业在内的一般均衡模型,分析了消费者选择不同零售企业的依据,以及零售企业的应对之策。分析结果表明,消费者在不同零售商店的相对支出比例取决于零售商店提供服务组合的相对效率。因此,基于“有限商圈”与“有限品类”的经营战略成为企业扩大销售收入的关键,现网络零售与实体零售战略选择本质上可以归纳为品类专业化与区域专业化之间的收益比较。  相似文献   

We explore the value of recently released workplace geographies and accompanying census-based workplace zone statistics (WZS) and an associated classification of workplace zones (COWZ). We consider how these data could support retailers in their operational and strategic decision-making, including the evaluation of retail demand and retail store performance in localities where trade is driven by non-residential demand. In collaboration with major UK grocery retailer The Co-operative Group we explore the relationship between workplace population composition and store trading characteristics using a series of case study stores within Inner London. We use empirical store trading data to identify store and product category level temporal sales fluctuations attributable to workplace populations. We also use census-derived flow data to identify the spatial origins of workplace population inflow. We identify that store performance exhibits characteristics attributable to demand driven by these populations. We conclude that workplace population geographies, WZS and the COWZ afford considerable potential for understanding drivers of store performance, observed store trading patterns and evaluation of retail store performance. We suggest that the next step is to build these populations and their micro geography spatial and temporal characteristics into predictive models and evaluate their potential for store performance evaluation and location-based store and network decision-making within this sector.  相似文献   

自营式电商是传统零售自营模式基于互联网情境的拓展,然而其原有的痛点与瓶颈依然存在。探讨自营式电商如何更好地发挥商业资本职能具有理论和实践的双重意义。不同于电商发展的早期阶段,数字化为自营式电商跳出传统的盈利困境、摆脱单一的平台化转型思路、回归自营并最终驱动流通效率变革提供了广阔可能。为了揭示自营式电商如何实现数字化升级,文章首先从理论视角出发,归纳了自营式电商的本质属性和数字化作用的可能路径。而后选取了两家典型的案例企业,结合微观情境刻画了其内在机制。研究发现:利用数字技术,自营式电商可以通过强化商业资本职能提升商品经营效率,通过供应链反向整合实现流通效率与生产效率的同步改进,更能以数字化赋能的方式加速市场扩张并提升线下实体门店的运行效率。以上机理为自营式电商及其数字化零售创新提供了一定启发。  相似文献   

互联网时代电子商务企业有望凭借强大的数据资源优势快速实现规模扩张,实体零售企业面临严峻的生存压力。一方面是传统店铺式企业被迫调整转型,另一方面消费需求的多样性又对电商企业落地经营提出要求。文章以互联网、大数据资源为纽带重构生产、流通、消费关系结构,推进线上线下零售业相关资源的整合与合作,构建交叉型零售渠道模式,是未来中国零售业优化资源配置,提升渠道整体运行效率的有效路径。  相似文献   

The flagship brand store is an increasingly popular venue used by marketers to build relationships with consumers. As we move further into an experience economy in the new millennium, retailers are refining the flagship brand store into new forms such as the themed retail brand store. This new form not only promotes a more engaging experience of the brand’s essence but also satisfies consumers looking for entertainment alongside their shopping. In this article, we conceptualize and explore themed flagship brand stores in terms of the mythological appeal of the narratives conveyed by their physical and symbolic structure. We utilize a field study of ESPN Zone Chicago to examine these features in a sports-themed retail brand store. Finally, we offer some projections, based on our research, of the possible transformations of the flagship brand store as the new century unfolds. We conclude that mindscape-related themes, which combine entertainment, therapeutics, and spiritual growth, are at the frontier of retail theming.  相似文献   

This study examined the impacts of retail promotions on the demand for five brands of orange juices for a retail chain (referred to as Retailer X) and its competitors using the Rotterdam model. Results show that the combination of feature ads and displays had the largest impacts on retail revenue among the four promotional tactics considered, whereas temporary price reductions had no advertising impacts on retail revenue. Results also show that when Retailer X promotes an orange juice (OJ) brand using any of the tactics, a larger portion of the increased demand for the promoted brand comes from reduced demand for other brands of OJ in the same store or chain.A smaller portion comes from the decreased demand in Retailer X's competing stores in the same trading area.  相似文献   

This article applies a configurational approach to study the fit between retail format, business strategy, and multi-channel setup. Its empirical material consists of five case studies, and a data set of 74 sporting goods retailers in Sweden. Our results show that a retailer can create strategic advantages when its multi-channel setup fits with its business strategy, and that retail format is important for explaining differences in growth and profit, the former being assigned to e-commerce and the latter to physical stores. Moreover, the study reveals that to some extent online channels also have positive performance implications for physical store retailers.  相似文献   

Prior research indicates that consumers may base their retail decisions (e.g., store choice, purchase quantity) on price image, which has been defined as consumer perceptions “of the aggregate price level of a retailer” (Hamilton and Chernev 2013, p. 2). The present research shows that consumers associate different price images not only with specific retailers, but more broadly with various store formats — such as grocery stores, convenience stores, and specialty stores. Six studies provide evidence that store-format price image exerts influence on consumer price expectations and store choice decisions, and that these retailer categorization effects are distinct from the effects of retailer price image.  相似文献   

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