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《Labour economics》2000,7(2):117-134
This paper considers the likely impact that European Union (EU) will have on the labor compact. It is argued that, despite increased economic integration in Europe, countries will still be able to maintain distinct labor practices if they are willing to bear the cost of those practices. The incidence of many social protections probably already falls on workers. In addition, it is argued that imperfect mobility of capital, labor, goods and services will limit the pressure that integration will place on the labor compact. Evidence is presented suggesting that labor mobility among EU countries has not increased after the elimination of remaining restrictions on intra-EU labor mobility in 1993. Moreover, immigration from non-EU countries, which is much larger than intra-EU migration, has declined since 1993. Evidence is also reviewed suggesting that the demand for social protection rises when countries are more open, and therefore subject to more severe external shocks. This finding suggests that increased economic integration and European Monetary Union (EMU) could lead to greater demand for social protection. The U.S. experience with state workers' compensation insurance programs is offered as an example of enduring differences in labor market protections in highly integrated regional economies with a common currency.  相似文献   

Beveridge versus Bismarck public-pension systems in integrated markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The two basic systems according to which pay-as-you-go-financed public-pension systems can be organized are the (Anglo-Saxon) Beveridge system and the (continental) Bismarck system. An ideal Beveridge system provides flat-rate benefits, whereas an ideal Bismarck system provides earnings-related benefits. This paper analyzes the circumstances under which a Beveridge system can be sustainable in systems competition with a Bismarck system. The analysis reveals a much more complicated redistributive structure of the pension systems than only between high and low incomes. As a consequence, the sustainability depends on growth rates, and equilibria can exist where, contrary to the first intuition, even poor individuals prefer a Bismarck and rich individuals prefer a Beveridge system.  相似文献   

A bstract . Bismarck is supposed to have said that the making of neither policy , nor sausages, should be watched. Today, because the electronic media allow the public-and statisticians-to watch the Congresses it deliberates, the process of formulating policy is more open. The authors discuss two important bills and the differences in approach. In debating a bill on hate crimes , the Senate Judiciary Committee proposed a sensible data collection policy and analysis; in debating a bill on drug education , these same senators relied on opinion rather than on available data which might have provided valuable statistical input to the discussion and the eventual decisions the senators agreed upon. The authors ask why the policy-makers chose to use such different approaches to data collection.  相似文献   

abstract This paper examines the situation of firms that have two objectives: profit maximization and social performance. By looking comparatively at the cases of altruism, coerced egoism, and strategy, this paper uses the tools of microeconomics to define the optimal level of social output that should be produced in each case. We show that it is wiser for the firm to act strategically than to be coerced into making investments in corporate social responsibility. In addition, we argue that greater overall social output will be achieved by the strategic approach, than by the altruistic approach.  相似文献   

Monetary policy in an economy with both downwardly rigid wages and a transaction motive for money demand is studied using a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model. The two key features of the model imply that both Tobin's “inflation grease” argument and Friedman's rule are operative, and so optimal inflation may be positive or negative. The Simulated Method of Moments is used to estimate the nonlinear model based on its second-order approximation. Results indicate that the Ramsey policy that maximizes social welfare involves an average inflation rate of about 0.4% per year. In the more realistic case where a central banker follows a simple targeting policy, the optimal inflation target is about 1% per year. We view this result as providing support for the low, but strictly positive, inflation targets used in many countries.  相似文献   

刘武安 《价值工程》2011,30(21):291-291
汉字从其产生初期到东汉末年书法艺术的产生,再到以硬笔电脑取代毛笔书写的今天,用毛笔进行书写可以说是从未中断。但今天的书法家和爱好者们,执笔创作时的心态以及书写状态已经有了很大的不同。俗语有言"有心栽花花不活,无心插柳柳成荫。"而自古书法创作理论中又有"无意于佳乃佳"的论断,因此,提出书法创作应该是在具有良好书法基础之上的自然书写。  相似文献   

走进胜利油田,你便会真切地感到个体的渺小;走进胜利油田,你必须张大理路,拓展想象.因为,位于齐鲁大地东北角、紧邻黄河入海口的胜利油田是如此地气势磅礴!  相似文献   

从经济学到幸福学   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
传统的经济学认为,增加财富是增加幸福最主要的方法。但是,研究发现,增加财富并不一定能增加幸福。文章分别从适应性理论、可评价性理论和比较、以及时间模式三个方面给出解释。最后,文章将展望经济学新的发展方向。  相似文献   

A bstract . Nobel Laureate James Buchanan and his colleagues and followers have applied the tools and methods of neoclassical economics to the study of politics , developing the theory of Public Choice , the economic study of non market decision-making. In an effort to subject this hypothetical system to empirical validation, it is confronted with the phenomena of Ayatollah Khomeini's "ideal" Islamic State as described in the leader of Iranian theocracy's writings and as developed in contemporary Iran. The prophet Muhammad recognized no separation of politics and religion , of church and state. Faith in Islam required faith not only in the oneness of God and Muhammad's prophethood but also in the prophet's religious, moral, legal and political commands. Khomeini's revolutionary heterodoxy views his theocratic despotism as establishing the rule of the "just jurists"—the upper echelons of the clergy—and makes them and property owners the beneficiaries. Thus it is not "class neutral" as Public Choice theory requires.  相似文献   

索罗斯先生本来已经退休了,去年重出江湖.在本次金融危机中又大赚了一把.令人叹服。还是和过去一样,索罗斯先生赚了钱就写书,他的每一部新书几乎都是一半理论.一半经验.而且理论部分的分析也总是特立独行.一半是非常严谨的逻辑推理,一半是非常模糊的直觉判断。如果用数学理论的发展来比喻索罗斯先生的理论,可以说.他的理论分析既有基础数学的简单.又有模糊数学的睿智。  相似文献   

Abstract  The tables for the Friedman rank-test arc extended using a sampling method. A table is given for the traditional significance levels .01, .025, .05 and .10 for number of blocks equal to 7 and 8 and for treatments of size 6 and 7. A brief discussion of available tables is also included along with an example of an application.  相似文献   

ISO14001是目前应用最为广泛的环境管理体系标准,而EMAS是欧盟法令发布的自愿性环境管理工具。本文围绕环境绩效、环境评审、环境因素、信息公开、全面合规性、员工参与等方面,分析ISO14001和EMAS两种环境管理工具的相关性和主要差异,为组织从ISO14001升级至EMAS提供参考。  相似文献   

A simple model of cost innovation in a monetary economy is presented that illustrates the essentially dynamic model of Schumpeter involving breaking the circular flow of capital is logically consistent with the General Equilibrium (GE) model of an exchange and production economy. The GE model as presented by Arrow, Debreu and McKenzie is a non-process model; and the original theory deals with the non-constructive proofs of existence of competitive equilibria (CEs). To associate this theory with GE it is necessary to recast the basic model as a process model. The GE model is enlarged and specified as a playable game by adding rules to describe the mechanisms that carry process.Although we believe that GE was a great intellectual achievement, it strangled dynamics and the type of low dimensional equilibrium dynamics of the rational expectations school is profoundly misleading. It turns out that, by remodeling GE as a process model even with only one or two strategic moves, Pandora׳s Box of mechanisms appears and the functions of markets, money and default conditions all emerge as logical necessities.It is shown that the opportunity for process innovation can be described minimally and formally modeled by considering the availability of a new process as a function of a controlled stochastic variable where success depends on chance modified by the level of investment. The Schumpeterian concept of “breaking the circular flow of capital” appears naturally as a disequilibrium phenomenon where the extra resources are captured by a strategic disequilibrating allocation of money.  相似文献   

如今生产高质量的产品在技术上已不是十分困难的事,困难反而是:在高度竞争的环境下,所提供的产品和服务质量令顾客满意、使企业盈利,并实现  相似文献   

This paper is intended for those who are interested in the didactics of multivariate analysis. The problem studied is: how can the transition from univariate - to multivariate analysis be made as simple as possible? Here we provide a simple “codingkey”, which works logically and is easy to remember and to handle. Some of the notations are adopted from lecture-notes by L. C. A. Corsten .  相似文献   

Friedrich Hayek is often credited with the resurgence of interest in alternative monetary systems. His own proposal, however, received sharp criticism from Milton Friedman, Stanley Fischer, and others at the outset, and never gained much support among academic economists or the wider population. According to Friedman, Hayek erred in believing that the mere admission of competing private currencies will spontaneously generate a more stable monetary system. In Friedman's view, network effects and switching costs discourage alternative systems in general from emerging and prevent Hayek's system in particular from functioning as desired. I offer new evidence provided by events in Somalia since the 1990s as support for Friedman's initial doubts.  相似文献   

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