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在定金合同中,定金作为履行合同的担保,可以起到合同成立的证明作用,同时还具有惩罚性.由于合同是到期才执行,这种实物期权属于一种欧式期权.合理的定金往往成为吸引客户的重要手段.定金太高会造成有价值客户的流失;定金太低又达不到锁定客户的目的一客户也许会放弃买权.科学合理地量化定金标准显得很重要.在商业交易中,定金合同成立的同时,即出现了买权价值和卖权价值.根据合同的期权特征,引入Black-Scholes定价模型对其价值进行估计,买权受双方利益的限制而发生变异,即其价值被限定在某个最高值之内;卖权却在这个利益的竞争过程中被虚化.  相似文献   

北京的合同示范文本更多地体现的是对居住者的质量保证,对商品房交付的条件进行了细化,提供了多种方案供当事人选择,并要求必须满足四大条件的楼盘才能交房:该商品房已取得规划验收批准文件和建筑工程竣工验收备案表;  相似文献   

高亚星 《商》2015,(4):209
在商品房买卖活动中,往往会在签订正式的商品房买卖合同之前签订认购书或者认购协议等,以此来约定商品房买卖的主要事项,尤其是约定“定金”问题。认购书的签订是为了保留交易机会,将来签订正式的商品房买卖合同。其中定金罚则的正确适用能够在合意不一致时更好地保护当事人的权益。  相似文献   

刘文杰 《商》2013,(22):272-274
定金制度作为重要的债的担保方式在适用中越来越频繁的发生效力争议问题,如何体现定金罚则的惩罚性与明晰定金与类似制度的效力边界及协同适用实有必要。本文从定金本身的种类加以分析其惩罚性因素,结合民法中惩罚性赔偿制度相关原理对在私法领域适用惩罚性赔偿的理由加以分析。通过对定金罚则与类似制度的惩罚性因素为着眼点对完善定金罚则并体现惩罚性提出合理建议。  相似文献   

基本案情 2006年4月19日,申请人与被申请人签订了2006-20号"嘉庆"轮航次租船合同,约定由申请人向被申请人租用"嘉庆"轮,以完成天津港至上海港单航次的煤炭运输合同.  相似文献   

对于定金的理解,一般都限于违约定金,立约定金也是定金的一种形式。本文主要结合我国立法及司法实践,探讨立约定金的立法情况、具体适用。  相似文献   

建造合同会计处理的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了与国际会计准则接轨,适应市场经济发展,财政部颁布了<企业会计准则--建造合同>,并制定了相应的指南.本文简要理顺建造合同会计处理流程,通过这个流程,分析影响建造合同会计处理的因素,最后对提高建造合同会计处理准确性提出了解决对策.  相似文献   

在国外承接大型石油石化、路桥、水电等建设项目的中国企业,由于项目建造周期较长,往往跨越一个或几个会计期间,建造产品价值较大。在项目实施之前,建造施工企业与产品的需求方要签订建造合同。一般情况下,所签订的建造合同的合同币种为外币,币种通常使用项目所在国货币或双方均认可的世界通用货币,如美元、欧元、英镑等。我国现有的《企业会计准则第15号——建造合同》并没有对外币建造合同的会计处理进行相关规定。本文就如何进行外币建造合同的会计核算,以更加公允地反映企业会计信息进行探讨。  相似文献   

在市场发展的今天.经济的发展离不开双方的互相诚信,而互相诚信又必须有合同的约定。尽管企业、公民在市场经济发展中,在合同的约定下,都能按时、按质、按量履行自己的义务,但也应看到,在市场中,仍有一些不法分子和上用合同采取不正当手段,诱骗、欺诈他人。在市场中上演着种种合同骗局。  相似文献   

李满  杨丹卉 《商》2014,(2):146-146
合同能源管理是一种新型的节能管理模式,伴随着我国节能减排的急切需求,这种模式会日益得到广泛的认可和推广,但是在这种新型的能源管理模式如何进行会计核算,至今尚无定论。本文旨在对合同能源管理模式进行概述和分类的基础上,总结了业内对合同能源管理的会计处理的几种观点,希望能够对这个问题的解决有所裨益。  相似文献   

An ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of cure when the cure for a dispute between buyer and seller in the international arena is litigation in a foreign courtroom. Resolution may be time consuming and expensive, appeal impossible, and the outcome unpredictable.  相似文献   

The increasing frequency and complexity of transnational business relationships has been commensurate with an increase in contractual disputes. In such situations, home country cultural norms will often influence how MNEs resolve contractual disputes in foreign markets. This begs the question: does fit between an MNE's choice of conflict strategy and its home country cultural norms affect monetary payouts (costs) in transnational business contract disputes? We apply organizational imprinting theory and the fit paradigm to a model employing data from U.S. court cases involving 316 MNEs from 47 countries. We find that choosing a conflict strategy that fits home country cultural norms will result in higher monetary payouts for MNEs. Additionally, cultural distance, but not legal distance, enhances the positive relationship between MNE conflict strategy fit and monetary payouts. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

劳动合同方面发生的大量争议,大多是由于解除合同而引起的.有的企业片面强调其用人自主权,随意解除劳动合同,损害了劳动者的合法权益.同时,也不有少劳动者误解择业自由,任意跳槽,甚至不辞而别,影响了企业劳动力的正常流动.因此,了解并切实执行有关劳动合同解除上的规定和制度,有助于理顺劳动关系,规范劳动合同管理,维护劳动关系双方的正当权益.  相似文献   

The purpose of this semiotic approach is to improve the media plan when placing an advertising campaign. It derives from the most recent research in linguistics, that of pragmatics and the theory of enunciation, and is based on an analysis of the enunciative contract of each of the media vehicles and the campaign to be placed. This is of course an additional approach and is not intended to replace those commonly used in media planning. It proves to be particularly useful when certain media offer equivalent performances in terms of coverage, frequency, and balance. The example of the medical press, for which the usual, traditional criteria have proven insufficient, demonstrates how this new approach enables a rational choice to be made based on the compatibility or incompatibility of the enunciative contract. The medical press is used as a model for the approach and provides a preliminary field of investigation. This new approach can be applied to other types of media vehicles and surely to other media.  相似文献   

“We have a great incentive system around here; make one mistake and you're fired.” Until recently, executives would have found no meaning in what is now a cliche. The traditional concept, however, of an employer-employee lifetime contract has under-gone discernible alteration since the 1950s. This article explores this growing trend toward “journeymen executives.” All the factors contributing to this new management lifestyle-fluctuations in the economy, demands for innovations, attitudes of employers, expectations of employees—are considered. The implications in the changes are explored and questions raised on how the new assumptions are working.  相似文献   

While it is widely accepted that managing customer complaints is crucial for companies, the question of how best to manage these complaints is still a matter of debate. A growing number of studies highlight the effectiveness of digital complaint channels on customer behaviour and satisfaction, suggesting that direct human interaction is no longer necessary in the recovery process. Building on this observation, our research questions the interest of maintaining or not direct human interactions in the management of customer complaints. We carry a quantitative study on 427 respondents, which shows that when the recovery process involves human interaction, customers have a better perception of justice and of the company's relational efforts and are more satisfied with the resolution process. Customers are responsive to human interaction in the service recovery process. Thus, from a managerial point of view, complaint management should be part of a consumer centric approach that includes verbal exchanges (face to face or by phone). As tempting as it may seem to companies to completely digitize complaint management, we believe that maintaining direct human interactions is beneficial to customer relationships.  相似文献   

作者从事公路工程建设的工程管理多年,对工程建设阶段的合同管理做了分析和研究,合同管理只是工程管理的其中的一个方面.积极做好合同管理工作,对建设单位的发展显得至关重要.  相似文献   

管理者与员工间心理契约的价值在于它考虑了个体的实际问题和需要,通过了解管理者和员工之间真正的相互期望,为管理者在动态中进行管理提供强有力的管理工具,帮助员工更好的进行组织社会化,增强对企业的忠诚度和归属感,进而对提高员工绩效起到积极的促进作用.  相似文献   

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