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Maquiladora industries, composed of assembly plants, play a central role in Mexico's development strategy. The author establishes that current low usage of domestic inputs by the maquiladora industries prevents Mexico from enginning the rest of the economy through secondary impacts to expand the national market. Furthermore, the economy is also affected, through diminished domestic linkages, from increasing the value added in Mexico and tax collection. An interindustry input-output model for the Mexican economy with emphasis on the maquiladora industries was developed. Among the findings, it is stressed that input purchases linkages are more effective than worker spending as a way to generate secondary output, income and jobs. This implies that increasing domestic input purchases by maquiladora industries could represent important potential advantages for the Mexican economy.  相似文献   

Sino-Indian Liberalization: The Role of Trade and Foreign Investment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two major factors account for a country’s growing integration with the global economy: trade and foreign investment; expansion of exports, and foreign direct investment (FDI). Growth of exports became a dominant source of industrial growth during the 1980s in most developing countries (see Helleiner, 1995). Most of these countries including China and India, have replaced the old import-substitution policy by an export promotion strategy. Both domestic and international factors played an important role in the shift of national policies to repay debts. The process of globalization already underway necessitated export orientation for improving technology, management practices, marketing and international competitiveness. This paper aims at exploring the contributions of exports and FDI to growth and economic liberalization in China and lndia. The first section briefly reviews similarities and differences in the two economies. The second section deals with growth, composition and direction of foreign trade. The third section examines the role of FDI, and its sources and composition by sector, industry, and by overseas ethnic Chinese and Indians. Trade and FDI linkages are examined in the fourth section which also contains a brief case study of Guangdong (China). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper questions the impact of the globalization of the retail sector on the export activity of origin country agri‐food firms. We use an original firm‐level database of French agri‐food exports that identifies the domestic suppliers of French retailers through certification with the private International Featured Standard (IFS). The results show that IFS certified French firms are more likely to export and export larger volumes than noncertified firms to markets where French retailers have established outlets. We also show that when French retailers stop their activities in a market, certified firms reduce their exports to this market in the following years. The results are robust to the use of different sets of firm‐year‐ and country‐year‐specific controls and fixed effects, and are not affected by possible selection and endogeneity biases. The difference in the behavior of certified and noncertified exporting firms on markets where French retailers operate confirms the network effect that benefits retailers’ suppliers, which is lost when French retailers exit from the destination country.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of trade cost reductions on the geographical concentration of manufacturing in the presence of intermediate input linkages, firm heterogeneity and fixed export costs. The presence of non-exporting firms in this Melitz-like model hampers full agglomeration by weakening the forward and backward linkages and fortifying market-crowding effect. Gradual trade liberalisation causes gradual agglomeration rather than the catastrophic agglomeration that economic geography models have long suggested. Also, trade liberalisation produces divergent welfare effects with the periphery losing and the core gaining; even costless trade fails to equalise welfare in the core and periphery due to non-exported intermediate inputs.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of industrial concentration, subcontract and other control variables on export behavior in Japan's manufacturing industry for 1976–80. The primary findings are: (1) concentration has a positive and significant impact on exports; (2) subcontract has a positive and significant effect on exports; (3) research and development activity has no impact on exports.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to analyze compositional structural change in Chile, especially during the period around 1974–90, when the most overt ‘neo-liberal’ experiment was forced on the country's economy and society. The main conclusion is that, while the service sector has moved in the correct direction, setting up important industries for the dynamic development of the country, the manufacturing sector has not performed equally well. The manufacturing sector has significantly shrunk its most sophisticated base, and relies mostly on traditional manufacturing that grows sluggishly. Export expansion is in manufacturing still a small proportion of exports. The primary sector is still the main export earner, but has significantly diversified. It appears that the economy has not moved fast enough towards, and does not appear to be geared by, the type of exports that may sustain a dynamic industrial development, based on external markets.  相似文献   

Vertical specialization (VS) is quantified by the VS share, which measures the average import content per dollar of exports. A characteristic of China’s export trade is its strong dependence on assembly and processing activities. To take proper account of this, China’s VS shares should explicitly distinguish processing export production from other production. We estimate China’s annual VS shares from 2000 to 2012—the latest year for which a special input–output table is available that makes such an explicit distinction. We find that VS shares increased from 2000 to 2004 and subsequently started to decrease. To explore why it has declined, we introduce a new structural decomposition approach. We find that the decrease of the VS share appears to have been driven mainly by the substitution of imported intermediates by domestic products. This occurred in particular in the production of exports, which implies an upgrading of China’s position in global value chains.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the system-wide impact of increased efficiency of ports in Japan using a computable general equilibrium model developed for 1995. The Japanese Ministry of Transport has been implementing programs of the Ninth Seven-year Port Development Plan to improve port efficiency. The technological efficiency in the ports reduces the cost of shipping transportation, and the forward and backward linkages of imports and exports introduce some positive gains in the national GDP. Our analysis proves that the spillover effects are substantial on shipping transportation and to a lesser extent on the Japanese economy.  相似文献   

谢少安 《价值工程》2010,29(17):42-43
一流企业卖品牌,二流企业卖技术,三流的企业卖产品,四流企业卖苦力。我国是服装制造大国,但不是服装创造大国。为了应对国际金融危机,国际贸易贸易摩擦和纠纷、提高国际化经营的效益,必须改变90%靠贴牌生产出口的局面,亟待发展服装自主品牌出口,转变服装出口增长方式。本文通过服装自主品牌识势、品牌蓄势、品牌造势、努力提升打造品牌的执行力,不仅要打造服装自主品牌出口,而且要形成服装自主品牌国际化经营之势,从而实现由OEM向OBM的转变,实现由服装生产大国向服装品牌大国的跨越。  相似文献   

钱廷仙  戴德颐 《物流技术》2012,(17):268-271
为了更好的研究物流业与国民经济之间的互动关系,为制定相关政策措施提供参考,引入投入产出分析,来量化计算两者之间的具体影响关系。数据研究表明,无论是在宏观产业层面,还是在细分的行业层面,物流业对国民经济的前向牵引作用和后向推动作用都比较大,也是提高我国制造业水平和竞争力的关键环节之一。  相似文献   

The maquiladora program has been in existence for nearly three decades. Understanding the concept of maquiladoras, how they are established, their benefits and harms to the US., Mexico and to other countries and how they are impacted by the Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Canada and Mexico, are of utmost importance to international marketers and policy makers all over the world In this paper, the history, the present state and the future potential of the maquiladora program is discussed and the process of establishing a maguiladora is presented. Maquiladoras influence the process of Mexican-American-Canadian multilaleral invesanent and trade relationshin Even though the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) is expected to reduce their importance for American and Canadian companies, we argue here that maquiladoras will remain a significant part of the Mexican manufacturing sector and will continue to attract Pacific and European investments seeking inexpensive labor, oil and other basic resources, god manufacturing environment and significant consumers markets, all in one place. Maquiladuras may indeed change ownership but will remain a significant contributor to the economy of Mexico for years to come.  相似文献   

旅游业作为一个综合性产业,与国民经济众多产业部门都存在直接或间接的技术经济关联。本文运用投入产出模型,以我国最近的2007年投入产出表为依据,通过旅游产业的中间需求率、中间投入率、消耗系数和分配系数等指标的计算,定量分析我国旅游业的产业关联效应,揭示我国旅游业与国民经济其他产业之间的相互作用和影响。研究结果表明,我国旅游业的产业关联具有中间需求率小、中间投入率大和后向关联度较强、前向关联度较弱等特点。  相似文献   

The development and use of information and communication technologies is one of the key drivers of the ‘knowledge economy.’ In this paper, we investigate the impact of information technology on the output growth of the Singapore economy using the input–output framework. The input–output framework allows us to understand the impact of information sector in an integrated framework in terms of its linkages to the manufacturing and service sectors. In particular, we adopt the input–output approach to shed light on both production and diffusion activities of the information sector on the Singapore economy. The results indicate that the ICT sector provided the key linkages for the expansion of high-value added manufacturing activities and electronics export for the Singapore economy.  相似文献   

随着产业结构由"工业型经济"向"服务型经济"转变,生产者服务业对制造业和国民经济增长的促进作用愈发明显.为此,基于产业互动视角下研究生产者服务业具有较强的现实意义与理论价值.研究表明,发展生产者服务业有利于地区产业结构优化,推动产业竞争力提升和加快地区经济发展;生产者服务业与制造业之间相互影响、相互依存,呈现唇齿相依的双向互动关系;生产者服务业集聚化和制造业服务外包能够更好地带动各产业的发展,促进地区经济快速增长.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2014,38(3):397-414
We provide evidence on the effects of the 2009 crisis on Turkish manufacturing. The exploration of firm and firm-product extensive and intensive margins confirms the prevalence of the latter in the fall of export sales and discloses the former's relevance in the dramatic import contraction. The analysis of firm and product heterogeneity reveals that productivity drove the negative evolution of the export intensive margin to such an extent that it significantly affected trade extensive margins and postponable goods were the most affected products. In addition, the foreign demand shock suffered by exporters propagated to their import demand. Interestingly, we show that the crisis hit produced exports less than the carry-along ones and that the domestic market cushioned the downturn effects especially for larger firms. This hints at the importance of domestic counter-cyclical policies.  相似文献   

赵会霞 《价值工程》2014,(36):201-202
文章以宁夏清真产业发展为例,在分析西北地区清真产业现状的基础上,提出通过清真产业招商解决西北地区清真产业生产工艺落后、技术含量低、研发创新能力弱的问题,构建了基于产业招商的清真循环经济产业链模型。  相似文献   

张严 《价值工程》2011,30(8):91-92
受金融危机的影响,国内许多对外出口企业尤其是附加值很低的一些建材和家具生产企业纷纷陷入困境。一方面是外部需求的萎缩,传统出口市场对我国出口建材商品的需求减少;另一方面是人民币对美元升值后的效应开始显现,人民币升值改变了我国经济的发展结构,产业结构的调整和重新布局给经济带来动荡和不稳定因素。与此同时国内大量的出口型建材家居企业则将国内市场看做必争之地,因此也加剧了国内建材家居行业的市场竞争。  相似文献   

The paper argues that exchange rate reform is a vital supply-side factor in China's export growth. It contributes to China's export expansion by affording a realistic exchange rate and allowing freer access to foreign exchange, thereby leading to the reduction of anti-export bias and strong supply response. In an imperfect substitutes model, China's long-run export supply and demand functions are estimated in a system context. Evidence is found that the exchange rate reform is one of the most influential factors in China's long-run export expansion, inducing significant response of exports supply. In the short-run, the exchange rate reform and the export volume are also cross-linked through the error-correction process. China's exchange rate policy adjusts speedily to ensure the long-run equilibrium of the supply-side relationship and is likely to have played a dominant role in the adjustment. The study confirms, thanks to the exchange rate reform, China's exchange rate policy has benefited China's remarkable growth of exports before 1994.  相似文献   

尹朔琨  王冬  施丹 《价值工程》2011,30(27):107-109
机电产品技术应用占比较高、我国技术相较发达国家存在差距、国际贸易保护主义抬头这三个因素共同决定了我国机电产品出口频频遭遇发达国家的技术性贸易壁垒。这些技术性贸易壁垒对我国机电产品的出口量造成严重影响。在应对过程中,通常采用的被动内销、出口退税和补贴存在诸多弊端,与之相比,双边对话和利用争端解决机制、降低信息不对称水平、开拓新市场、提高生产效率和发展国内技术市场则是的更好应对方案。  相似文献   

制造业是实体经济的重要组成部分,制造业质量的提高对巩固我国的经济基础非常重要。金融业被认为是继“互联网+”概念之后促进制造业高质量发展的另一重要力量,因为资本市场具有分配要素的能力。最近,金融业已被视为制造业的高质量发展。论文分析了数字经济背景下金融业和制造业一体化的现状以及存在的问题,并提出解决方案,力争引导资本更有效地流向制造业。  相似文献   

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