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After reaching a peak in 2004,now the world economic growth is turning to a downward process of 8-year-round economic cycle in which the rate of growth appears to slow down distinctly. Hence the global international trade and investment risks will also generate new changes.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of 2008, rising prices of raw materials, labor cost and RMB value have caused sharply decreased profits of export enterprises in China. And the last straw seems to be the plunging demand in foreign markets which results from the financial crisis. Hit by the dual-shock, a large number of small and medium-sized export enterprises have Closed down. Apparently export as an important driving force for China's economic growth is now faced with an unprecedented crisis.  相似文献   

Zhejiang Province China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Zhejiang sub-council visited and researched nearly a hundred companies in 9 cities and 31 counties. It found that the impact of financial crisis is far from over, and still spreading. In January this year, Zhejiang's exports continued to decline with 10.7% down, while imports decreased by 36.8%. At the same time, the decline in the export of processing trade is greater than the general decline in trade. For a considerable period of time, it is rather difficult to reverse the decline in processing trade exports.  相似文献   

Jamaica is one of China's important trade partners in the English-speaking Caribbean, in recent years, bilateral trade has developed rapidly, although last year, because of the economic crisis, bilateral trade has been greatly affected.According to China Customs statistics, bilateral trade in 2008 amounted to US$291 million. Influenced by the financial crisis, bilateral trade between China and Jamaica in 2009 was US$2.19 million, down 25.7% when compared with the same period in 2008. However, with the continuous development of the two economies, bilateral economic and trade has great potential. Dur- ing the state visit of the Jamaican Prime Minister to China,  相似文献   

Located in central Jiangsu Prov- ince,Yangzhou is situated north of the Yangtze River and south of the Huai River.The Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal runs down from the north,right through the center of Yangzhou,and continues due south.  相似文献   

Dragged by the U.S. subprime crisis and the soaring oil price, the global economy is slowing down, causing problems to China, the country which has continuously achieved miraculous economic growth. Apart from the accumulation of high inflation and risks of overheated economy, China is attacked by serious natural disasters ever since the beginning of 2008, including the snow disaster, the earthquake and the flood. It is obviously that China's priority now is to bring inflation under control so as to maintain the stable growth of economy.  相似文献   

Dragged by the U.S.subprime crisis and the soaring oil price,the global economy is slowing down,causing problems to China,the country which has continuously achieved miraculous economic growth.Apart from the ac- cumulation of high inflation and risks of overheated economy,China is attacked by serious natural disasters ever since the beginning of 2008,including the snow disaster,the earthquake and the flood.It is obviously that China's priority now is to bring inflation under control  相似文献   

Since January 2004, the sales of autos are slowing down. It is mature for the fast developing Chinese auto industry to go out to the international market. Meanwhile, the “early harvest“ scheme is implemented in China and ASEAN Free Trade Area and the exchange visits of high-ranking officials are more frequently. After the ASEAN  相似文献   

The fifth edition of China Outbound Travel and Tourism Mar- ket was held in Beijing on April 22, 2009. The past twelve months since the last COTTM turned to be a huge challenge for the travel and tourism industry. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the growth in international tourist arrivals has slowed down considerably due to the volatile and turbulent global economy. The final result for 2008 was an estimated growth of 2%, down from 7% in the previous year, but the forecast for 2009 is that the arrivals will be fiat at best and a few percent down at worst.  相似文献   

Kunming is the political, economic and cultural center of Yunnan province and the most popular center for tourism in Southwest China. Kunming enjoys a pleasant climate and does its best to liveup to its title of "the City of Spring". Whenever you are planning to go, the temperature is always pleasant. With its convenient transport links in and out of the city, Kunming welcomes tens of thousands of tourists every day.  相似文献   

欧盟是当今世界上最发达的区域经济集团,同时又是我国出口贸易三个主要的区域市场之一欧洲市场的主体。当前,美国经济减缓,日本经济下滑,我国与欧盟贸易成为我国对外贸易发展的一个重要因素。目前欧盟已成为我国最大的贸易伙伴,但同时两个经济体之间也出现了越来越多的贸易摩擦。鉴于欧盟经济非单一的国别经济,本文试将欧盟分成若干经济板块,联系各个板块的特点分析中欧贸易摩擦状况,进一步探究目前贸易摩擦频发的经济根源,并提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

孙文祥 《中国市场》2009,(30):50-53
<正>在昆明,越来越多的"螺蛳湾市场"正面临被外迁或拆除的命运。昆明版"义乌商城"僵局上世纪80年代末,由于昆明商业区的拆迁,大批个体工商户搬迁到老螺蛳湾市场,在几年后,这里成为了云南省最大的日用百货批发市场。但在昆明大力招商引资的背景下,2008年5月,浙  相似文献   

Last year, I have interviewed with you here. So I wonder what further development has been achieved for trade exchanges between China and Georgia.  相似文献   

Price can be dated back to mankind's earliest forms of barter or trade,when our ancient ancestors were counting small seashells used for exchanging goods amongst one another,from these primitive origins price has passed down to today's society.
And now in the modern era,we could never live without a tiny label that has an item's price on it.Everything has a price,and with large price fluctuations from changes in the market,a price problem has been produced.  相似文献   

全球化是世界经济发展不可逆转的潮流,为贸易的自由化奠定了基础,有助于全球性市场的形成。贸易自由化是经济全球化最重要的表现之一,也正是自由贸易加速了经济全球化的进程。金融危机爆发以来,自由贸易受到冲击。世界各国经济走势低迷发展放缓。为摆脱经济困境,走出危机的阴影,个别国家采取贸易保护政策势所必然,最直接的体现是国际贸易领域的动荡和摩擦。我国应趋自由贸易之利,避贸易保护之害。  相似文献   

近年来行业电子商务发展越来越成熟,但是由于艺术品行业本身所具有的特殊性,发展电子商务困难重重。作为Web2.0时代重要应用之一:SNS(社会化网络网站,社会化网络软件,社会化网络服务),通过其真实网络注册信息,用户将真实的人际关系从线下搬到线上,能有效为发展电子商务聚集人气和信任度。将SNS与艺术品行业电子商务结合起来,构建一种新型的电子商务营销模式:SNS社区与交易商城结合。试图建立艺术品行业社区化电子商务,来带动艺术品行业电子商务的立体化、多元化的发展。  相似文献   

On the origins of comparative advantage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes a simple theory of international trade with endogenous productivity differences across countries. The core of our analysis lies in the determinants of the division of labor. We consider a world economy comprising two large countries, with a continuum of goods and one factor of production, labor. Each good is characterized by its complexity, defined as the number of tasks that must be performed to produce one unit. There are increasing returns to scale in the performance of each task, which creates gains from specialization, and uncertainty in the enforcement of each contract, which create transaction costs. The trade-off between these two forces pins down the size of productive teams across sectors in each country. Under free trade, the country where teams are larger specializes in the more complex goods. In our model, it is the country where the product of institutional quality and human per worker capital is larger. Hence, better institutions and more educated workers are complementary sources of comparative advantage in the more complex industries.  相似文献   

On the conservation of distance in international trade   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using disaggregated bilateral trade data, we find that the elasticity of trade to distance increased (in absolute value) by about 10% since 1985. To explore the reasons for this shift, we decompose the change in the distance elasticity of trade into the part due to a shift in the composition of trade among industries and the part due to a change in the distance sensitivity within industries. We find that adjustment in the composition of trade had little effect, but for 40% of industries distance became more important, with nearly all of the remaining industries showing no significant change. We explore alternative hypotheses as to why the elasticity of trade to distance increased in some industries. We find that homogeneous goods, bulky goods, and high tariff goods became significantly more distance sensitive. In contrast, the evidence implies that changes in tariffs and freight costs have reduced the importance of distance on trade. We conclude that the increase in the importance of distance over time is related to the substitutability of goods and the level of trade costs, but not to changes in tariffs or freight costs.  相似文献   

我国西南地区与东盟对外贸易的发展与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入21世纪,我国西南地区对东盟进出口保持较快增长的同时,其增长率出现了波动,对东盟进出口占我国对东盟进出口的比重还呈现出下降的趋势。西南地区对东盟的贸易主要集中在新加坡、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、泰国这4个经济较为发达的东盟老成员国以及越南、缅甸2个与广西壮族自台区、云南省接壤的新成员国。出口东盟的商品以制成品为主,进口的产品以初级产品为主。西南地区经济发展长期存在交通落后、产业结构低下、产品竞争力不强等问题,随着中国-东盟自由贸易区的发展将面临部分产业冲击大、边境贸易优势减弱和企业竞争日趋激烈等挑战。  相似文献   

This paper documents the behavior of output and its association with other macroeconomic variables in 195 episodes of currency crises in developing countries during 1970-2000. We find that about 60% of the crises are contractionary, while the rest are expansionary. Crises are one and a half times more likely to be contractionary in emerging markets than in other developing economies. The number of contractionary crises or their severity does not increase in the 1990s. Economies which experience capital inflows in the years prior to the crisis or an increase in external debt burden during the crisis are more likely to slow down during crises, while those with restrictions on capital flows prior to the crisis or are more open to international trade are less likely to do so. The results are robust to different ways of measuring changes in output during crises.  相似文献   

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