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The welfare effects of U.S. antidumping duties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antidumping duties are among the most frequently used nontariff barriers to trade. Despite this, empirical analysis of the welfare effects of antidumping duties has been very limited. This paper helps close this gap by computing the welfare effects of 30 U.S. antidumping duties. These effects are computed using a Dixit-Stiglitz type model of preferences in conjunction with data from the International Trade Commission. The paper finds that the import relief provided by antidumping duties is small in comparison to the losses imposed on U.S. consumers.  相似文献   

企业使命管理探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
“入世”以后 ,伴随着我国对外贸易和国内贸易的快速发展 ,中国的反倾销问题有可能渐趋突出并引起关注。因此 ,中国需要对现有的反倾销条例进行修改 ,使其与WTO的规则接轨 ;需要注意有理有节地开拓外贸市场 ,防范可能产生的数量反倾销风险 ;需要认真地规范和指导企业应对反倾  相似文献   

Is European Antidumping Protection against Central Europe Too High? —In this paper, the author finds that the average level of European antidumping protection against Central Europe in 1985-1990 was by 14 to 20 percentage points too high. Her simulation results on the Central European antidumping cases show only ‘de minimis’ injury margins. Hence, the European Commission would have dismissed all European antidumping complaints against Central European imports and no antidumping measures would have been imposed. In view of these results, the author feels that European antidumping legislation and its implementation seriously undermine the credibility of the Association Agreements recently signed between the European Union and the countries of Central Europe.  相似文献   

Contingent protection measures were originally intended to protect domestic producers from what were considered to be “unfairly” cheap imports. However, due to the way in which these policies are designed and implemented, they have been heavily criticised for their greatly disruptive effects on markets, and particularly on competition. The analysis presented in this paper contributes to the debate by studying the impact of US antidumping (AD) and countervailing (CV) duties on domestic producers’ price-cost margins (PCM). To this end, the study takes advantage of a long panel of 4-digit industries in the United States covering 26 years of AD/CV activity, including the periods before and after the changes to AD/CV laws introduced following the Uruguay Round (UR). It finds evidence of a positive effect of AD/CV duties on PCM for the period prior to the UR, but the effect seems to disappear in the years following the UR. The analysis accounts for potential endogeneity in AD/CV duties, as well as the intensity of the protection granted.  相似文献   

The economic and strategic motives for antidumping filings   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
The Economic and Strategic Motives for Antidumping Filings. — This paper looks at worldwide antidumping activity during the last two decades. We examine the motives for AD filings by countries in an attempt to identify whether economic or strategic concerns are driving the recent upsurge in AD use. We begin by providing a comprehensive overview of the data on cases initiated in the 1980–1998 period. We then use nonparametric methods to identify motivations for the use of antidumping and find considerable support for strategic motivations. This suggests that the rise in AD activity cannot be solely explained by an increase in unfair trading practices.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Antidumpingregeln der EG: Eine erste Bewertung für die Jahre {dy1980} bis 1985. - Der Aufsatz enth?lt systematische Belege dafür, da\ die gegenw?rtigen GATT-konformen Antidumpinggesetze wie z. B. die entsprechenden EG-Bestimmungen einen stark protektionistischen Inhalt haben. Die Antidumpingma\nahmen, die einem durchschnittlichen Wertzoll von ungef?hr 23 vH entsprechen, vermindern die Importmengen um 40 vH. Die dadurch hervorgerufenen Renten erscheinen Firmen in Industriel?ndern als hoch, Firmen in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenl?ndern aber als niedrig. Einige Absprachen zwischen EG-Unternehmen scheinen „effizient” zu sein, wenn es darum geht, Protektion zu erlangen oder Marktstrukturen zu gestalten. Als Ergebnis ist festzuhalten, da\ L?nder, die eine Protektionspolitik verfolgen, anstelle von „freiwilligen Exportbeschr?nkungen” Antidumpingma\nahmen vorziehen sollten.
Resumen El reglamento antidumping de las CC.EE.: una primera evaluación económica del período 1980–85. - Este trabajo provee evidencia sistemática que demuestra que los reglamentos antidumping actuates consistentes con el GATT, como el de las CC.EE., tienen un fuerte contenido proteccionista. Las medidas antidumping que representan un arancel ad valorem medio equivalente a aproximadamente un 23 por ciento redujeron las cantidades importadas en un 40 por ciento. Las rentas creadas parecen ser substanciales para empresas de los países industrializados, mas modestas para empresas de países en desarrollo o de los NICs. Algunas coaliciones de empresas de las CC.EE. parecen ser “eficientes” en cuanto a la obtención de protection y de influencia sobre las estructuras de los mercados. Como consecuencia, los países en búsqueda de protección prodrían preferir medidas antidumping en vez de “contingentes voluntarios de exportation”.

Résumé Les règlements antidumping de la CE: Une première évaluation économique, 1980-85. - Cette étude fournit l’évidence systématique que les antidumping lois actuelles qui sont conformes aux règles de GATT telles que les règlements de la CE ont un contenu très protectioniste. Les mesures antidumping qui représentent un ad valorem équivalent de 23 pour cent en moyenne réduisent les importations (en volume) par 40 pour cent. Les profits créés sont hauts pour les entreprises aux pays industrialisés, mais modérés pour les entreprises aux PVD et aux NPI. Quelques coalitions des entreprises de la CE semblent être efficientes si elles veulent obtenir une protection et former la structure d’un marché. Le résultat est que les pays en faveur du protectionisme devraient préférer des actions antidumping aux restrictions volontaires à l’exportation.

本文主要分析外国对我国出口产品反倾销的特点及原因 ,阐述如何应对反倾销。  相似文献   


Tracing the origin of the national security argument for protection of domestic industries to Adam Smith, Alexander Hamilton, and Friedrich List, we study its post-GATT applications with reference to Article XXI of the WTO and highlight some recent abuses. We compare the use of tariff, production/input subsidy, and government procurement as alternative instruments of protection from the perspective of economic efficiency and study the disapproval of inward FDI to gain insights into the underlying national security concerns. The case studies of a) the US tariffs on aluminum and steel, b) German disapproval of the acquisition of a technology firm Leifeld Metal Spinning by a Chinese firm, and c) US’ all out global effort to cripple China’s telecom equipment giant Huawei are presented for illustration.  相似文献   

We review factor weight assumptions used in four studies of trends in total factor productivity (TFP) in Chinese agriculture, and factor elasticities estimated in 12 Chinese agricultural production function studies. We find that econometric estimates of the output elasticity of land typically exceed the upper bound weight for that factor used in the TFP studies. We illustrate the sensitivity of TFP trends to factor assumptions by showing that adopting average elasticities as factor weights leads to a less negative assessment of TFP performance in the collective period. We suggest directions for further progress in these studies.  相似文献   

机制第一 经理第二──台湾券商考察随记   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据《通过清洁生产来加强企业管理者在环境保护中的作用》项目调查报告分析结果 ,对中国企业家的环保意识进行了综合评价和分析。  相似文献   

丁杨鑫 《特区经济》2013,(2):165-168
对环境进行保护是政府的一个基本职能,但在现实中由于存在着不同层级的政府,在环境保护上就存在一国在环境保护上是应该采取集权还是应该分权好的问题。本文对目前有关环境保护分权和集权的的相关研究作了较为详细的综述,以及分权对我国环境保护产生的影响。  相似文献   

G. Criel 《De Economist》1985,133(2):199-217
Summary Despite its importance as an exception to the free trade case, the argument for infant industry protection has only sporadically been subjected to close theoretical scrutiny. This article helps to fill this gap by evaluating the various traditional and modern perceptions of the topic. The paper concludes that none of the existing formulations of the infant industry theory are fully satisfactory. The classical view on the argument seems too static and too restrictive, whereas the modern approaches fail to provide a convincing theoretical framework. The proposed reappraisal of the infant industry idea is based on the classical principle of comparative advantage, but places the argument in the dynamic context of modern theories.  相似文献   

Summary This research has explored management and financial characteristics within mature black banks over the period of 1978–81. In general, although loan loss management remains a key variable in successful financial performance, other variables often argued to explain profitability differences between black and nonminority banks were not so helpful in explaining profit variation among black banks. It appears that a new model of successful black banking must be developed.  相似文献   

李晓兵 《特区经济》2006,(12):260-262
反倾销是世界贸易组织赋予缔约国抵制不公平贸易行为的主要措施之一,是进口国可以采取的保护本国工业免受进口产品冲击、实现对本国贸易保护的合法手段。随着国际贸易自由化进程的推进,世贸组织允许单边使用的控制进口措施已寥寥无几,而反倾销措施却越来越成为各国极力寻求使用的贸易保护武器。国外对我国出口产品的反倾销案件数量逐年上升,涉及金额也不断增加。对我国企业来说加强应诉工作,争取胜诉是十分现实的问题。  相似文献   

This paper uses a transformation of the period-by-period index proposed by Cerqueira and Martins (2009), to overcome some of its shortcomings, in a non-parametric estimation to analyze how business cycle synchronization for a sample of 111 countries evolved in the period 1960–2007. The period-by-period index is able to distinguish between negative correlations due to episodes in single years, asynchronous behavior in turbulent times and synchronous behavior over stable periods and the non-parametric approach provides a more detailed analysis than the use of a parametric approach. The results show that since the nineties the synchronization at the world level, within and between country groups, experienced a dramatic increase reaching the highest values ever at the sample end.  相似文献   

Antidumping jumping: Reciprocal antidumping and industrial location   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antidumping Jumping: Reciprocal Antidumping and Industrial Location. — Antidumping policies are often justified as legitimate actions by governments in their efforts to protect domestic producers from unfair foreign competition. The authors investigate the impact of antidumping rules on firms’ production decisions as to how much and where to produce. Antidumping measures may have unforeseen effects if they induce direct foreign investment and consequently increase domestic competition. The authors therefore focus on location choice and consider the strategies of national governments attempting to advance the interests of their citizens through antidumping legislation. The analysis also has implications for the effects of market integration policies, such as Europe 1992.  相似文献   

The definition of filial piety has become a public issue in Korea because of the significant impact filial piety has on the welfare of the elderly as on the morality of the young. The study explored how filial piety is practiced in Korea. Compiled from three national institutions awarding filial piety prizes in Korea, stories about Korean adults who had exemplified filial piety during the recent two decades are analyzed using the content analysis method. As a resulf of this analysis, a set of eleven indicators of filial piety emerged, including respect for parents, filial sacrifice, etc. The fundamental value of filial piety is still under preservation even while its manifestation is changing in modem times. These indicators will be useful in understanding the concept of filial piety and constructing a measure that might be used to assess caring relationships between adult children and elderly parents.  相似文献   

《World development》1987,15(9):1151-1161
This paper reconsiders some of the traditional arguments made against indirect taxes on consumption. Such taxes, despite the extensive criticism to which they have been subjected in the academic literature, remain the mainstay of public finance in most developing countries and are likely to continue to do so. Brief discussions of the design of excise taxes and the incidence of indirect taxes on the poor illustrate the sorts of issues where more detailed tax-specific and country-specific research is needed to replace conventional generalizations about the effects of indirect taxes.  相似文献   

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