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随着1994年汇率制度改革以来,人民币实际有效汇率升值对我国商品出口的影响逐渐显现,分析汇率波动与我国出口商品结构关系具有重要的现实意义。本文在人民币汇率波动情况下,分析人民币实际有效汇率波动对我国出口商品结构的影响,提出了在人民币实际有效汇率升值趋势下,转变出口商品结构的政策建议。  相似文献   

张丽杰 《北方经济》2011,(12):82-83
自2005年7月21日人民币汇率改革以来,人民币兑美元的汇率表现出持续升值的态势,特别是进入2009年以来,人民币更是呈现出持续升值的趋势。本文分析了人民币持续升值对中国经济发展产生的影响,同时指出面对人民币升值带来的压力及风险必须制定有效的风险防范对策。  相似文献   

人民币自1994年汇率改革以来,汇率不断上升,直至2015年才有缓解趋势。本文将从汇率变动的角度分析我国进出口贸易受到的影响。  相似文献   

人民币升值的FDI波动效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年7月汇率改革以来,人民币从此告别了固定汇率的时代,其升值的趋势将伴随着更大的波动。人民币升值是否会导致FDI趋势的逆转成为国内争论的焦点。结合国内外相关理论,文章通过实证分析,建立FDI与实际有效汇率水平和汇率波动的模型,得出结论:人民币汇率升值对外商直接投资具有促进作用,而汇率波动对外商直接投资具有抑制作用。  相似文献   

人民币汇率制度的改革取向及退出战略   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
2000年以来.对人民币汇率的研究从升值和贬值的争论转向人民币汇率制度安排的总体设计与构想。很多学者建议,现在是人民币汇率制度改革的大好时机,应当增强人民币汇率的灵  相似文献   

本文对我国1994年人民币汇率制度改革以及此次改革对我国经济发展的影响作了系统分析;并对出口退税政策作了评述;对人民币汇率的未来走向作了分析,随我国经济实力的增强,人民币出现升值趋势;最后对汇率改革提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

本文对我国1994年人民币汇率制度改革以及此次改革时我国经济发展的影响作了系统分析;并对出口退税政策作了评述;对人民币汇率的未来走向作了分析,随我国经济实力的增强,人民币出现升值趋势;最后时汇率改革提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

王铮 《上海国资》2012,(1):54-56
在新旧年交替之际,长期单边升值的人民币汇率一改前期趋势,大幅异动。2011年12月,人民币对美元即期汇率罕见地连续下跌12天,盘中均触及0.5%的交易上限市场称为“12连跌”。而其后,人民币汇率又大幅攀升。2011年12月27日,中国外汇交易中心公布的数据显示,人民币对美元汇率中间价报6.3152,盘中汇价则达到1993年汇改以来的最高水平。自此,人民币中间价延续上升趋势,1月4日,进入新年后的第一个交易日,人民币兑美元汇率中间价报6.3001,再创汇改以来的新高,即期汇率报6.2943,亦刷新历史高点。目前,人民币汇率仍维持上升势头。  相似文献   

何璇 《中国经贸》2014,(5):210-210
自汇率改革实施以来,人民币汇率不断上升的趋势一致没有得到有效扭转,对我国经济带来的影响既有积极的也有消极的,本文即从正面和负面两个角度分析了人民币汇率上升对我国经济带来的影响,并探讨研究了有关如何应对的建议措施。  相似文献   

姜娟  徐畅 《特区经济》2010,(2):273-274
人民币汇率自2005年汇制改革以来,一直呈现持续攀升的态势,中国企业生存艰难;全球性金融危机对中国企业无疑是雪上加霜。在这样的情况下,中国企业如何寻求生存和发展之道,并成功应对人民币汇率的变动所带来的不利影响。本文描述统计了人民币近几年来的变动趋势,分析给中国企业带来的影响,并从中国企业自身的角度提出应对建议。  相似文献   

The present paper studies China's national level currency exposure since 2005 when the country adopted a new exchange rate regime allowing the renminbi (RMB) to move towards greater flexibility. Using generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic and constant conditional correlation‐generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic methods to estimate the augmented capital asset pricing models with orthogonalized stock returns, we find that China equity indexes are significantly exposed to exchange rate movements. In a static setting, there is strong sensitivity of stock returns to movements of China's tradeweighted exchange rate, and to the bilateral exchange rates except the RMB/dollar rate. However, in a dynamic framework, exposure to all the bilateral currency pairs under examination is significant. The results indicate that under the new exchange rate regime, China's gradualist approach to moving towards greater exchange rate flexibility has managed to keep exposure to a moderate level. However, we find evidence that in a dynamic setting, the exposure of the RMB to the dollar and other major currencies is significant. For China, the challenge of managing currency risk exposure is looming greater.  相似文献   

I. IntroductionOn July 21, 2005, China unexpectedly appreciated the RMB by 2 percent, and declared themoving of the RMB exchang rate regime into a managed floating regime, with reference toa basket of currencies. This brought respite to the long, ongoing debate over RMB’sappreciation. Due to the fact that the exchange rate is always considered a technical matter,best left to economists to handle, the mainstream approach of the RMB discussion is theeconomic approach. Although reviewing d…  相似文献   

This paper investigates sensitivity of stock returns of industry-sorted Chinese firms with respect to renminbi exchange rate movements. Strong evidence of significant exposure is documented for 7 out of 16 Chinese industries. Evidence is also found of the size asymmetry effects. In addition, we explore the characteristics of the exposure, and detect evidence of significant exposure among non-exporters in some of the industries. Special attention is given to examining the time-varying exposure under the impact of the new Chinese exchange rate regime in place since 2005, in which even stronger exchange rate exposure is reported. The conditional exposure estimated in this paper also reveals the close relation between stock returns and changes of the renminbi exchange rate.  相似文献   

Pegging the renminbi (RMB) to the US dollar since 1994 has characterised China's exchange rate policy under a fixed peg or appreciating crawling peg. The current policy, announced in June 2010, of ‘floating with reference to a basket’ made the RMB 25 per cent stronger against a trade‐weighted basket by early August 2015, while it was 10 per cent stronger against the US dollar. Thus, 14 percentage points arose from changes in the cross rates of the other currencies, notably from the fall of the euro since December 2014. Devaluation of the RMB by 3 per cent in August 2015 just covered the effective appreciation since December 2014. Effects of the cross rates of other currencies could be eliminated by managing the external value of the RMB with reference to a genuine trade‐weighted basket. This could be a suitable intermediary exchange rate regime for China, as the risks associated with free floating are still great. Diversifying further the currency composition of the foreign exchange reserves and other foreign assets of the Chinese government, from US dollars towards euro and yen assets, would be a natural parallel shift. The euro–US dollar–yen exchange rates in late summer 2015 may offer a good opportunity to carry out this move.  相似文献   

人民币汇率制度改革与发展战略及相关政策调整   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章首先回顾了建国以来人民币汇率制度改革进程;然后考察了人民币汇率的现状,认为人民币在汇率制度改革后仍然存在一定的升值压力,并从经济基本面、制度层面、政策层面和外部因素等四方面对分析升值压力成因的有关文献进行综述,得出人民币升值压力分近期升值压力和长期升值趋势的结论;进而提出纾缓人民币近期升值压力的思路和对策.  相似文献   

相瑞  陶士贵   《华东经济管理》2010,24(7):32-34,38
文章在总结了国内已有的关于人民币均衡汇率水平研究的基础上,以均衡实际汇率理论为依据,考虑中国实际国情和已有相关文献研究的结论,对均衡实际汇率模型进行了部分修正,筛选出人民币实际有效汇率的最优解释变量,并采用协整方法和H-P滤波技术,实证测算人民币均衡汇率水平,在此基础上,对改革开放以来尤其是2005年汇改之后人民币汇率失调情况进行深入分析,并对2005年汇改后央行出台的人民币汇率政策进行简单评估。  相似文献   

Persistent renminbi (RMB) devaluation expectations are one of the greatest threats to China's macroeconomic stability. Market interventions backed by huge foreign exchange reserves and capital controls are not sufficient to eliminate the expectations of devaluation. Creating a market‐based and flexible RMB exchange rate regime holds the key to the elimination of devaluation expectations. The present paper compares the pros and cons of several policy options, and proposes to introduce, as a transition to free floating, a new exchange rate regime pegged to a currency basket with a wide band. The new regime should be able to give the RMB exchange rate enough flexibility to eliminate devaluation expectations as well as prevent excessive overshooting. To ensure a smooth transition, the new regime needs to be supported by controlling cross‐border capital flows.  相似文献   

自人民币汇率改革以来,人民币汇率波动与国际贸易的关系,受到了国内外学者的广泛关注。本文通过协整模型和误差修正模型探讨了中美农产品贸易与人民币兑美元汇率间的关系。研究表明从长期看,人民币兑美元汇率变化与中美农产品贸易存在着均衡关系,但在短期内,中美农产品贸易与人民币汇率变化的均衡关系并不明显。为此,中国应采取切实可行的措施,规避中美农产品贸易的短期风险。  相似文献   

Many argue that the renminbi needs to appreciate to rebalance China’s trade. However, empirical evidence on the effects of an RMB appreciation on China’s exports has been mixed for the largest category of exports, processed exports. Since much of the value-added of these goods comes from parts and components produced in Japan, South Korea, and other East Asian supply chain countries, it is important to control for exchange rate changes in these countries. Employing DOLS techniques and quarterly data, this paper finds that exchange rate appreciations across supply chain countries would cause a much larger drop in processed exports than a unilateral appreciation of the RMB.  相似文献   

On 19 June 2010, the Chinese authorities announced that the renminbi (RMB) was henceforth to be managed with reference to a currency basket. Yet, it has subsequently quite closely followed the USD, although having appreciated gradually by 7.7 per cent up to the time of writing. The details of the composition of the basket have not been announced. Despite having appreciated against the USD, the RMB became first significantly weaker against a broad trade‐weighted basket, and the EUR and the JPY, and this situation held until September 2011. China has announced at international forums that the RMB exchange rate regime will be reformed further. We discuss here what a transparent basket peg could mean for China. To reduce the overall volatility of the RMB exchange rate, the weight for the EUR should be significantly increased, with the special drawing right basket being one option for practical implementation. This would also have a positive impact on the EU. China's currency reform has possible implications for its USD‐dominated asset holdings. Reducing them could trigger a further depreciation of the USD. The potentially costly consequences call for new rules for the global financial architecture. However, China's economic expansion will inevitably lead to a diminishing international role for the USD.  相似文献   

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