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State-owned (SO) multinational enterprises (MNEs) from emerging economies face two contradictory effects on their foreign operations due to their linkage with their home-country governments. Although home governments provide SO MNEs with resources, the affiliation also exposes SO MNEs to the legitimacy challenges in the host countries. Given this theoretical debate, we propose that home government support may facilitate SO MNEs’ post-entry operations in the host markets. Furthermore, because the legitimacy pressures directed at SO MNEs may be contingent on the interstate relations between the host and home governments facilitated by China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the BRI cooperative relations may shift the effect of home government support. Using survey and archival data, we find that home government support has a positive impact on the foreign performance of SO subsidiaries. This effect is weaker in countries that are cooperating with the BRI than in those that are not. Moreover, institutional distance weakens the negative interactive effect between BRI cooperation and home government support on the performance of SO MNEs’ foreign subsidiaries. These findings extend the institutional perspective by highlighting an alternative source of legitimacy for MNEs with distinctive attributes and in various host conditions.


This paper examines ownership decision of Chinese outward foreign direct investment (FDI) with a focus on the choice between a wholly owned subsidiary and a joint venture entry mode. Based on literature review and findings from our case study of ten Chinese outward investing firms, we develop a conceptual framework that integrates the resource-based and institution-based views of international business strategy. The framework reflects special characteristics of Chinese outward FDI. On the resource side, Chinese outward FDI is both asset exploiting and asset augmenting, and accordingly, both transaction costs and strategic intents have an impact on the FDI ownership decision of Chinese firms. On the institution side, when investing overseas, Chinese firms adjust their entry strategies to attain regulative and normative institutional legitimacy in host countries. Meanwhile, they also need to comply with the rules set by the Chinese government, which provide incentives to and impose restrictions on Chinese firms’ FDI ownership decisions.  相似文献   

Asia Pacific Journal of Management - A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10490-021-09766-w  相似文献   


This paper examines the impact of home country institutions on corporate social responsibility (CSR) of multinational enterprises from emerging markets (EM-MNEs). Taking the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as an example and using a sample with 2052 firm-year observations from China over the period 2008–2018, we find that the BRI exerts a positive and significant effect on overall CSR of Chinese MNEs involved in the BRI and the positive effect is stronger for Chinese state-owned MNEs. In addition, only two dimensions of CSR (Employee Relations and Products) are improved significantly under the pressure of BRI. Finally, we examine the interactive effect of home- and host- country institutions on Chinese MNEs’ CSR and find the positive impact of the BRI on MNEs’ CSR performance is stronger in host countries with a higher level of CSR related institutional pressure. These results provide practical suggestions for the Chinese government and MNEs to further improve CSR under the BRI, and enrich our understanding of the interactive effect between home- and host-country institutions on enhancing Chinese MNEs’ reputation and promoting regional cooperation with countries along the BRI.


宇欣 《中国纺织》2009,(7):12-12
战战兢兢中,半年过去了。尽管上半年经济运行数据还没有公布,仅就当前的一些指标来看,行业仍处在糟糕的阶段,整体复苏回暖尚需时日。  相似文献   


The extant literature offers inconsistent predictions and conflicting evidence regarding the relationship between state ownership and the internationalization of emerging market firms (EMFs). Drawing on institutional theory, we examine the moderating roles of political and economic institutions at the subnational and national levels in the link between state ownership and EMFs’ outward foreign direct investment (OFDI). Based on a sample of 1421 OFDI projects involving 286 Chinese listed firms in 115 host countries between 2003 and 2016, we find that state ownership can scale up OFDI when Chinese firms are headquartered in subnational regions with high institutional development or low economic development, or when political relationships between home and host countries are amicable or market growth in a host country is slow; otherwise, state ownership hinders OFDI. These findings offer new insights into the relationship between state ownership and the internationalization of EMFs.


“一带一路”是新时期中国深化对外合作的倡议,油气合作是“一带一路”倡议的重要组成部分,这为中国石油企业带来了历史性发展契机.分析“一带一路”区域内油气资源和消费情况、油气工业发展程度、工程技术服务和装备制造能力等,提出中国石油企业在油气田勘探开发、管道建设、工程技术服务以及装备出口等领域,与“一带一路”区内国家有很多合作机遇,指出面临“一带一路”国家资源民族主义,以及项目经济性、安全、技术适用性等方面的挑战.建议以互连互通为抓手,促进区域油气资源与市场融合,推动全产业链融合,促进国内油气产业升级,按资本输出规律推动油气合作.  相似文献   

截至2014年底, “一带一路”区域的石油可采资源量为3077.1亿吨,天然气可采资源量为325.7万亿立方米,分别约占全球石油、天然气可采资源量的56.3%、58.2%.基于油气资源潜力和重大油气新发现,优选出“一带一路”油气勘探开发合作的重点含油气盆地,并进一步优选有利于勘探开发的目标区.“一带一路”是目前和未来中国油气进口最现实、最主要的来源区,是中国境外油气合作的优先目标区.应聚焦重点地区、重点国家、重点项目,加强与国内油气发展战略的对接,带动形成国内外、东中西联动的油气发展新格局.  相似文献   

丝绸之路经济带倡议下的俄罗斯中亚油气投资风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文通过建立回归模型,分析了吸引外资与青岛市进出口总额、出口额、进口额之间的关系,总结出吸引对外投资对青岛市外贸行业有较大贡献,且对出口的贡献大于对进口的贡献。因此,认为青岛市应进一步加大吸引优质外资的力度。文章最后分析了现阶段青岛在吸引外资方面存在的问题并给出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

8月初,国内首个海绵宝宝主题商场闪亮登陆广州天河城百货北京路店,这是海绵宝宝首次在国内商场登陆,为此活动专门打造的10个1.5米高的海绵宝宝塑胶公仔也是首次亮相,同时还有全球首发的海绵宝宝限量版产品现身,共同传递出海绵宝宝的快乐精神。  相似文献   

FDI的地区聚集及其空间演化--以江苏为例的研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
外商直接投资(FDI)在空间分布上有特定的规律,形成地区性聚集是绝大多数外资企业的归宿。在聚集的空间演化过程中,FDI呈现出扩散和聚集的不同历史特征。本文以江苏省FDI的历史数据为样本,分析FDI聚集过程的空间演化模式。加总的数据分析显示,FDI的空间分布经历了随机扩散—扩散向聚集转化—聚集的三个演化阶段;行业层面的进一步考察显示,传统行业由最初的聚集逐渐向扩散演化,而新兴行业则由最初的随机分布逐渐向聚集演化。回归分析证明,成本因素、聚集经济的外部性和路径依赖作用在空间演化过程中起到了决定性的作用。  相似文献   

反倾销是目前研究的热点之一,本文从中国反倾销与外商对华直接投资相关性这个角度,利用企业水平的模型进行回归实证分析,并结合案例,得出中国反倾销与外商对华直接投资之间存在正的相关性。结果表明,中国的反倾销会引起外商对华直接投资的增加,特别是跨国公司对华直接投资的增加。  相似文献   

中国水利水电科学研究院经过40多年的发展,已成为专业门类齐全、人才结构合理的国家级水利水电研究和开发中心。作为我国水利水电方面的权威研究机构,在我国社会经济建设的不同历史时期发挥了不可替代的重要作用。中国水科院依据国家需求和科学技术的发展变化,不断调整和加强学科建设,已形成的主要专业覆盖了水利水电领域及火、核电站的冷却水工程等方面。  相似文献   

作为国际投资领域的前沿问题之一,理解信息对于外商直接投资(FDI)的影响至关重要,然而由于信息因素具有难以被捕捉、识别以及内生性等问题,使得对二者之间进行因果推断变得格外困难。鉴于此,本文以中国2007年出台的环境信息披露制度作为一个天然外生冲击,并基于2004—2013年286个地级市与2004—2010年微观企业数据构造准自然实验,使用双重差分法和三重差分法系统评估信息披露对该地区FDI流入的影响。结果发现:环境信息披露显著阻碍了地区整体FDI的流入,并且存在着明显的时滞及长期性;同时,阻碍作用在地区外资饱和度与环境规制强度上呈现出递增规律,即随着外资饱和度与规制强度的提高,环境信息披露对地区FDI的阻碍作用也将越强;此外,环境信息披露对流入本地的FDI具有显著性影响,增强了污染型企业的市场退出与清洁型企业的投资增加,促进外资结构的生态转型与优化。本文基于环境信息披露对外资企业成本、投资、创新和转移等潜在影响机制的考察来对以上现象进行合理解释,并利用工具变量、反事实分析等稳健性检验方法对实证结果进行验证。研究结论对于当前环境治理与进一步利用外资提供了现实可行路径,并为外资结构转型提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

通过利用外资、引进技术来发展区域经济,历来是国际上的成功经验,山东省经济得以在改革开放后迅速腾飞原因也在于此。随着经济生活日益全球化,如何吸引更多的外商投资,推动本区域的经济发展,是各地区改革开放的重要内容。本文将对山东省FDI的国别构成、产业分布、地区分布进行分析,从而提出针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

“一带一路”能源投资政治风险评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2017年中国人民大学能源投资政治风险指数在2016年的基础上加以完善,注重从广义的政治风险角度对能源对外投资风险进行分析.从经济基础、社会风险、政治风险、中国因素、能源因素和环境风险6个维度,用37个子指标对“一带一路”沿途国家进行评估.2017年最新评估结果显示,高风险和较高风险国家增多,低风险和较低风险国家减少.南亚和西亚北非仍为较高风险投资地区,中东欧和独联体国家投资风险升高明显.  相似文献   

This article analyses the microeconomic determinants of effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Singapore by seven propositions, using the available secondary data. Variables discussed are related to the areas of industrial structure, economic growth, trade, international competitiveness, productivity and skill intensity. It attempts to draw a pattern on the determinants and effects of inward and outward FDI in Singapore.The research for this paper was partially funded by the Centre for International Business Studies, The University of Western Ontario. This paper is a revised version of a paper presented in Bellagio, Italy in October 1983 which will appear in Dunning (1985).The author is a Professor at the School of Business Administration, The University of Western Ontario.  相似文献   

在经济全球化过程中,利用外资已成为经济快速增长的重要方式。FDI的进入对我国的经济发展起到了积极作用,同时也严重污染了环境。文章分析我国在利用FDI过程中出现的环境方面的问题,有针对性地提出一系列措施和建议。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the development of shareholder clienteles in response to the introduction of the Dividend Imputation (Integrated Tax System) into the Australian capital market. It is found that companies paying franked dividends have significantly increased dividend payments relative to companies paying little or no imputation tax credit. It is also shown that the use of dividend reinvestment plans has increased significantly post-imputation. This is interpreted as support for the existence of shareholder clienteles related to companies' imputation policies.The author is Lecturer in the Department of Commerce, the University of Queensland. This paper has benefited from financial assistance provided by the Department of Commerce at the University of Queensland. Comments made by Jamal Munshi and participants at the Third International Conference on Asian-Pacific Financial Markets are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

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