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International bodies have started addressing the problem of cross‐border insolvency of corporate groups fairly recently. The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law has adopted a set of recommendations and the European Commission may tackle the matter in the near future, in the process of revising the European Insolvency Regulation (the ‘Regulation’). It is, therefore, timely to evaluate major proposals for the Regulation's amendment regarding groups, suggested by INSOL Europe. The paper critically evaluates the proposals regarding coordination of group cases and the concept of substantive consolidation. This evaluation takes account of both the variety of possible group structures and the goals the insolvency regime would aim to achieve. Copyright © 2012 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

引言 破产重整程序是指对已具破产原因或有破产原因之虞而又有再生希望的债务人实施的旨在挽救其生存的积极程序,是破产法中与以清理债务人财产为目的的破产清算和破产和解程序相区别的独立程序。破产重整程序通过其对重整企业的特殊法律救济帮助企业摆脱破产危机,实现多方共赢的结局。建立破产重整制度,经营困……  相似文献   

The movement towards liberalization of world trade laws and the increasing economic interdependence between nations has increased the potential for international insolvencies. This article examines the extent to which Canadian courts recognize foreign insolvency proceedings and contrasts the Canadian approach with the approaches taken in the United Kingdom and the United States. La libéralisation des lois commerciales internationales et l'interdépendance économique croissante entre les pays ont augmenté les possibilités de faillites. Cet article examine dans quelle mesure les tribunaux candiens reconnaissent les procédures étrangères relatives à la faillite et contraste l'approche canadienne avec celles du Royaume-Uni at des États-Unis.  相似文献   

Since 1993 an increasing number of listed German companies have been publishing their consolidated financial statements in accordance with either IFRS or US GAAP. In 1998 this was approved as a substitute for the consolidated German GAAP financial statements of listed companies (§292a HGB). Our study surveys the motives that led these companies to opt for international reporting systems (IFRS or US GAAP) rather than German GAAP and considers whether these objectives have been achieved. Rather surprisingly, we find that even though companies state that their overall expectations have been met to a satisfactory degree, a detailed analysis shows that several of the ex-ante objectives have not been achieved from an ex-post point of view. Additionally, we use logistic regression analysis to show that companies choosing IFRS rather than US GAAP and vice versa differ distinctly in the objectives they pursue with their choice of international GAAP.  相似文献   

This paper explores carbon management accounting (CMA) by examining the practices of leading German companies with pronounced policies and histories. Using interview data, field notes, documentary evidence, and questionnaires, this research identifies the CMA behaviour of 10 companies and grounds it in a theoretical framework to categorise the practices. With climate change to the forefront CMA provides an opportunity to (re)gain competitive advantage by exceeding the legislative requirements for reporting on carbon and carbon‐equivalent emissions, CMA, when properly understood and contextualised, provides an ability to increase both effectiveness and efficiency of information collection and dissemination, and may assist in overcoming the currently uncoordinated approaches evident in the sample companies, and thus contribute to improved carbon management performance.  相似文献   

The introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in 2005 marked a significant departure from Germany's traditional financial accounting practices. This paper questions whether this change may have consequential effects on the distinctive traditional management accounting practices in the field of Controlling. We examine the possible impact on manufacturing companies drawing upon perceptions and expectations of managers in three Bavarian companies and two management consultancy firms. We consider whether financial accounting will assume an increased importance within firms, and whether this may lead to abandonment of some traditional management accounting practices and the adoption of different techniques in internal reporting compatible with the new IFRS regime for external reporting. This prompts consideration of whether such changes would lead to financial accounting domination of management accounting in Germany analogous to that argued by Johnson and Kaplan in 1987 in their ‘Relevance Lost’ thesis. We conclude that, at this juncture in the development of their information systems, German managers face an important choice between integrating external and internal reporting in ways that might fundamentally change established Controlling practices, or of continuing to operate dual accounting systems in much the same way as in the past so that adoption of IFRS is restricted to external reporting.  相似文献   

我国非寿险公司目前普遍存在的低估准备金、快速扩张、恶性竞争等问题,恰是欧美非寿险公司20世纪90年代破产的主要原因,从而对监管问题提出巨大挑战.目前,我国非寿险偿付能力监管模式存在结构上的缺陷,使其在很大程度上无法识别预警上述问题,并且结构上的缺陷不能通过修正计算比率、临界点加以弥补.因此,我国非寿险监管有必要借鉴美国风险基础资本RBC监管模式,探求以风险为导向的偿付能力监管的模式.  相似文献   

《Africa Research Bulletin》2011,48(6):19160A-19160A

Procedural consolidation, as a solution to the rescue of insolvent multinational corporate groups (‘MCGs’), is said to be able to preserve group value for creditors. This article explores the desirability of procedural consolidation in the EU in the light of theories of corporate rescue law, cross‐border insolvency law, multinational enterprises and relevant EU cases with reference to the European Insolvency Regulation. It argues that, based on current cross‐border insolvency rules in the EU, there is an inherent difficulty for procedural consolidation in balancing the goal of preservation of group value and the goal of certainty. The article also considers the new ‘group procedural coordination proceedings’ offered by the Recast European Insolvency Regulation and argues that it may help to supplement the gap left by the procedural consolidation in the EU. Copyright © 2017 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

企业集团特征与成员企业价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为外部市场机制的一种替代形式,企业集团在发展中国家广泛存在。一方面,企业集团通过建立内部市场降低成员企业(Group-affiliated Com- panies)之间的交易成本,能够提高企业的价值;另一方面,企业集团内部控股股东与其他股东之间的代理问题相对于独立经营的公司更加严重,对其成员企业价值存在负面影响。本文以我国A股上市公司中的集团成员企业为样本,采用实证的方法研究了集团化经营方式对其成员企业价值的影响。结果表明:集团成员企业的经营效率和市场价值总体上均显著优于其所在行业的中值;同时,集团内上市公司数量的增多、集团层面的多元化经营都会显著提高成员企业的市场价值;但是,政府作为集团最终控股人或者控股股东持股比例过高时,集团产生的代理问题对成员公司价值存在显著的负面影响。  相似文献   

Shipping has always been a volatile and cyclical business. The extreme changes in revenues, operating cash flows, and asset values during the recent financial crises have upset the usual means of financing shipping companies. While bank debt will remain important in the future, the new regulatory environment has been forcing shipping banks to shift these risks from their balance sheets to capital markets through instruments such as loan securitization. As a result, the shipping industry will increasingly look to capital markets for external funds. And shipping banks are likely to change from being commercial bank lending institutions to becoming more like investment banks that arrange a variety of financing solutions, including high yield bonds or public equity. Risk management will be central to shipping companies in this new environment. Shipping companies can manage their own risks by modifying operations, employing freight and vessel price derivatives, or adjusting their capital structures. To arrive at the value‐maximizing combination of these three basic methods, they must decide which risks to bear, which to manage internally, and which to transfer to the capital markets. These decisions require shipping financial managers to assess the effect of each risk on firm value, understand how each contributes to total risk, and determine the most cost‐effective way to limit that risk to an acceptable level.  相似文献   

我国企业集团财务公司发展现状与完善建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着我国入世的日益临近,外资金融机构纷至沓来,积极开拓中国市场;另一方面,国内企业资源整合的步伐日益加快。在这种背景下,国内财务公司如何应对?对此,孙莉娜同志通过对我国财务公司所处经济环境、发展现状及面临的主要风险等方面进行了分析,提出了发展完善的对策建议。  相似文献   

德国公司违约概率预测及其对我国信用风险管理的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
内部信用评级是新巴塞尔资本协议的核心,而违约概率的预测又是内部评级的基础。本文利用具有出色分类功能的非线性支持向量分类(SVC)方法来预测德国公司的违约概率,识别其信用风险。结果显示,SVC模型的预测能力优于基准的logit模型;而且非线性SVC模型能够捕捉线性logit模型所不能识别的影响信用风险的重要变量。本文虽然分析的是德国公司数据,但是同样对我国商业银行和公司构建全面风险管理体系有着直接的指导意义。  相似文献   

企业集团财务公司在增强企业集团的凝聚力、提供金融服务、促进产业资本和金融资本的相互融合等方面起到了积极的作用.但企业集团财务公司在具体运作过程中仍然存在许多不容忽视的问题:功能定位不准、行政干预过多、融资环境显紧、服务范围有限、人员素质低等.为此,需要对财务公司进行准确功能定位,减少不合理行政干预,改善融资环境,积极拓展服务范围,努力提高从业人员素质,提高企业集团财务公司的运营效益,增强财务公司对企业集团发展的支持力度.  相似文献   

本文在介绍因子分析方法的基础上,利用其从众多的财务指标中提炼出对经营绩效最具解释力的少数几个指标,以此来评价管理层的经营成效和行为取向.  相似文献   

Regulation (EU) 2015/848 (Recast European Insolvency Regulation/Recast EIR) contains a set of articles dedicated to the insolvency proceedings relative to members of groups of companies. No substantial consolidation or any procedural nature is envisaged. Article 2(13) of Regulation 2015/848 clarifies that, for the purposes of the same, a “group of companies” must be understood as “a parent undertaking and all its subsidiary undertakings.” However, many doubts arise when one goes deeper into that definition. The author deals with some of those problems and gives some suggestions to overcome them.  相似文献   

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