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近年来国外学术界对于商业地产相关理论与实证研究越发广泛。本文以商业地产的内涵及相关理论为基础,梳理了近三十年国外商业地产风险问题的文献研究成果,讨论了商业地产研究范围及主要研究内容,认为未来研究可在考虑我国独特的经济和金融制度背景下,通过行业数据挖掘探讨特殊类型的商业地产系统风险与非系统风险动态影响与耦合关系,以为商业地产风险性问题的理论研究和实践活动提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

知识经济时代我国房地产业的可持续发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
知识经济时代 ,知识已经逐渐成为房地产经济增长的主要驱动力量 ,房地产业的可持续发展 ,不仅意味着对自然资源的集约利用 ,也意味着房产品生产过程的绿色化、房产品的绿色化和居民住房消费观念的绿色化。  相似文献   

刘圣欢 《商业研究》2002,(7):112-115
交易成本是品牌产生、创建与品牌价值形成的关键要素。房地产商品特性和政策约束,使房地产交易成本呈现“部分刚性”,从而加大了房地产品牌创建的难度。房地产企业应在经营规模、产权确认、信息供给和交易执行机制上作出努力,通过降低购房者的交易成本,方可有效创建房地产品牌。  相似文献   

Building on the organizational capabilities view, this study explores the impact of network and managerial capabilities on the performance of entrepreneurial firms in the architecture and real estate sector. We apply an extended organizational capabilities model by integrating Porter’s value chain model and Grant’s hierarchy of organizational capabilities. Starting from differences in entrepreneurial orientation between architecture and real estate development firms, we argue that under higher environmental uncertainty, network capabilities are more important for the performance of architecture firms whereas managerial capabilities are more important for the performance of real estate development firms. Employing data from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, the research results support the hypotheses. This study integrates Porter’s value chain concept and the organizational capabilities model and delivers a contribution to the organizational capability theory. In addition, it contributes to the entrepreneurship literature by showing that network capabilities are more important for creating competitive advantage in entrepreneurial firms than in other firms.  相似文献   

Putting Ethics on the Agenda for Real Estate Agents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article uses sociological role theory to help understand ethical challenges faced by Norwegian real estate agents. The article begins with an introductory case, and then briefly examines the strengths and limitations of using legal definitions and rules for understanding real estate agency and real estate agent ethics. It goes on to argue that the ethical challenges of real estate agency can be described and understood as a system of conflicting roles with associated rights and duties, in particular sales agent, intermediary and adviser sub-roles. The arguments are developed using exploratory findings from a survey of Norwegian real estate agents and from several focus groups. The article then suggests the use of various intranet tools as a kind of action research aimed at putting ethics on the real estate agents’ agenda, working to develop a collective conscience and collective self- criticism among the agents, and, in doing so, building bridges between academic research and the practical working world of the agents.  相似文献   

房地产与商业银行两者的发展直接影响到我国整个国民经济的发展趋势。而房地产与商业银行又是共生共存的依赖体,商业银行是房地产资金来源的重要提供者,房地产是商业银行资金的主要投资领域。通过对我国房价、对策、宏观调控及风险管理的研究,探讨房地产与商业银行的关系;明确博弈分析是研究房地产与商业银行关系的重要方法等方面文献的回顾和整理,以期能够为进一步的研究提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

商业地产涉及到集中商业、专业市场、街区商业、社区商业四种类型。株洲作为典型的三线城市。四种商业类型发展大相径庭。纵观株洲的商业地产开发。部分企业在没有了解商业地产的特性和株洲城市属性的情况下就盲目开发。最终面临经营惨淡的局面。株洲市在今后发展商业地产过程中。应加强对“集中商业”后期统一运营管理;在“专业市场”方面必须开拓市场。做大交易额;在“街区商业”方面要引导商家,形成主题;在“社区商业”方面,要合理规划,控制布局。  相似文献   

为了严格控制房价过快上涨,国家相继出台了一系列的房地产调控政策,房地产企业普遍感到资金链越来越紧。在新形势下,房地产开发企业的出路在于向商业地产转型。应采取向保障性住房建设、商业地产、旅游地产等领域投资的策略。在融资方面,必须改变长期以来单纯依靠银行贷款的筹资模式,走多元化融资道路。通过资产证券化,发展房地产投资信托基金(REITs)则是当前可优先选择的模式。REITs可以拓宽房企的融资渠道和广大投资者的投资渠道,有利于促进房地产开发企业向商业地产转型。政府应尽快明确REITs的合法地位;加快培育优质商业资源;公开市场交易,促进多元化投资主体的形成。  相似文献   

蒋开屏  陈建 《北方经贸》2013,(12):87-88
随着城市现代化进程的加快,传统的商业发展模式极大地阻碍了现代商业经济的发展.近年来,国内商业地产发展异常迅速,逐渐从传统商业发展模式的束缚中解放出来,走向现代化的商业发展模式,以达到现代化商业经济发展的要求.我国商业地产总体发展趋势良好,但其中也有许多共性问题的存在.重庆市涪陵区商业地产发展存在一些问题,解决问题的方法是:转变开发理念;充分论证,准确定位;实行差异化策略;引进专业人才或中介商辅助运作;政府加强宏观调控及引导.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the relationship between reverse capital deepening and instability of the equilibrium between investments and savings. It is shown for a model with n commodities, infinitely many linear technique of production, and overlapping generations that a badly behaved real Wicksell effect, as in the case of a ‘reswitching of techniques’, can involve instability.  相似文献   

Despite the rapid growth of technology and Internet-based markets, many of the current systems limit themselves to price as the single dimension variable and offer, if at all, only minimal negotiation support to the consumer. In the real world, commercial transactions take into account many other parameters both quantitative and qualitative such as product quality, speed, reputation, after sales service, etc. This paper discusses how these multiple attributes can be captured to augment standard negotiation processes in order to support electronic market transactions. Using a combination of utility theory and multicriteria decision-making, we propose heuristic algorithms to discover potential trades. In addition, the approach is included within a larger framework that incorporates market-signaling mechanisms. This not only allows for the systematic evolution of negotiation positions among buyers and sellers but can ultimately lead towards improving both market transparency and efficiency. To illustrate the multiple criteria model coupled with the dynamic market signaling framework, we report in this paper the implementation of a Web-based clearinghouse that serves the real estate market.  相似文献   

目前,由于投资购房与投资购房日益兴起,我国的楼市房价日趋上涨,房地产税制陈旧的弊端日益突显,而只有一个比较完整的房地产税制的体制,才能真正帮助解决现行房产所面临的主要问题.因此,改革现行房地产税制,开征物业税是我国未来税制改革的一项重要举措.本文针对此次我国房产税制改革进行分析,并研究试点城市的实验效果.  相似文献   

不动产投资信托是依照商业信托原理设计出的投资工具。依照其原理,首先由信托机构面向公众公开发行或定向私募发行房地产投资信托受益凭证筹集资金,将其投向房地产项目、房地产相关权利或房地产证券等,投资所得利润按比例分配给投资者。与其他投资手段相比,不动产投资信托具有流动性强、稳定性好、收益水平高、风险分散等优点。因此,不动产投资信托在短短的几十年间风靡全球20多个国家。文章以美国不动产投资信托的历史发展作为分析基础,主要就欧盟各国的不动产投资信托制度进行了比较研究,最后就未来欧盟建立统一的不动产投资信托的必要性和可能性进行了评价,并指出了其面临的困难和需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

促进中国商业地产的健康发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
商业地产是一个跨学科的,高度技术化、知识化、商业化、专业化的一个综合性问题。解决商业地产健康发展是要推进多学科跨领域高度的融合,从更加综合、更加系统的角度来研究商业地产的健康发展,提升商业地产发展的质量和水平。  相似文献   

商业地产项目建筑创作的经济分析与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商业地产项目既然是"商业"的,就必然将经济性放在极其重要的地位,成功的地产项目设计,必须满足人们消费习惯,具有可持续经营能力,在设计上具有适应未来发展变化的建筑空间。商业地产项目的空间效果营造,应着重于空间尺度、空间气氛的表现。在室内外空间的结合以及建筑与环境景观的结合等方面达到丰富性、多样性、趣味性的综合协调,并促进人与建筑及空间环境的互动。  相似文献   

本文在房地产市场局部均衡的框架下,探讨了金融支持过度与房地产泡沫生成和演化的过程,提出了金融支持过度假说,认为如果房地产开发商和置业者都可以从银行取得贷款,当房地产市场存在群体投机行为时,房地产价格将高于基础价格,并且会随着金融支持力度的增加而不断上升,这一上升的部分我们称之为泡沫.此时,如果房地产借款者违约行为迅速蔓延,房地产泡沫将随之破灭,并有引发金融危机的危险.本文最后利用文中所确定的衡量金融支持过度的临界值,对我国房地产金融支持程度进行了实证分析.  相似文献   

各类房地产金融创新为开发商和购房者提供了充足的金融支持,出现这一局面的根本原因在于房地产市场是一个生产者主权市场。这些金融创新不仅抑制了房地产金融调控效果,还在商品房供给增加的同时推动房价不断上升,使得房地产市场和房地产金融市场风险加速聚集。对此应改变房地产调控思路,增加供给,管理预期,转变银行的信贷管理思路,加强对非银行金融机构的房地产金融业务监管。  相似文献   

世界各国房地产税改革的多样性及其炯然不同的改革绩效,为中国房地产税制的现代化转型提供了丰富的学习素材。本文考察、比较了各国有代表性的房地产税税率制度,研究在中国建立市场价值体系房地产税以及税率设计方面可供借鉴的经验,围绕谁决定税率、税率是否有差别或差别是怎样的、税率应定在何等水平这三个关键问题,对我国房地产税税率设计提出政策建议。  相似文献   

It is ubiquitous for non-real estate firms to conduct real estate business in China. Home purchase restriction (HPR) affects corporate innovation by dampening the real estate investment of non-real estate firms. The extant literature has examined the impact of HPR on corporate innovation, but it has not focused on the expectation of HPR and the endogeneity problem. Employing a dataset of 1830 listed non-real estate firms over the period 2009–2016, this research explores the expectation of HPR on corporate innovation based on the motivations for real estate investment in non-real estate firms. We demonstrate that HPR facilitates the enhancement of research and development (R&D) investment in non-real estate listed firms by hindering real estate investment, particularly for non-high-tech firms. The effects of HPR arrive at the crest in the third implementation year and remain steady thereafter. The real estate investment of non-real estate firms rebounds and the R&D investment declines along with the cancellation of HPR. Tackling the selection bias and endogeneity problems, the baseline results are also robust. Hence, HPR should serve as a long-term vehicle to improving corporate innovation, in addition to preventing housing speculation.  相似文献   

浅析房地产业“企业公民”建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
房地产业越来越成为国民经济的重要支柱产业,对国民经济和社会发展具有相当大的影响,但是其却面临社会责任感弱和行业形象不佳的现状。因此需要在房地产业树立“企业公民”理念,将公民观引申到房地产企业的社会责任范畴。  相似文献   

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