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The development of China's iron and steel industry (ISI) is an important indication of China's industrialization. This paper analyses the industry from the perspectives of historical retrospect, international comparison and sustainable development. We find that China's ISI has made huge progress at the technical level. During the same period of time its over-consumption of resources and impact on the environment has dropped. However, compared with other main developed steel producers, there is still a big gap. Besides, its openness is still much lower than those of other countries.  相似文献   

本文运用DEA数据包络分析的BCC模型,对2001-2010年浙江与沿海省份海洋渔业的综合效率、纯技术效率和规模效益进行了测度和比较。研究结果表明,浙江省海洋渔业效率在沿海省份中处于领先地位,并且效率值在逐年提高。结合研究结论为提高浙江省海洋渔业效率提出了合理调整企业规模、提高人力资源水平、合理控制资产负债率以及加快国有企业改革等政策建议。  相似文献   

王雨佳 《新财经》2009,(3):42-45
中国汽车业比发达国家起步晚,却持续了二十年的高速增长。这种增长速度是在借鉴国外先进技术的基础上,以近乎赌博的心态无限制地扩张促成的。尽管中国有庞大的市场,但面对世界汽车巨头的竞争,中国汽车业应该从原来的扩张战略转变为提高核心竞争力战略  相似文献   

在中关村科技园区永丰产业基地,安泰科技可谓一枝独秀、实力超群,因为这家高新技术企业2010年营收达到35亿元。安泰科技是以金属新材料及制品为主业的上市公司,这些新材料包括钨,钼,镍,稀土等,安泰科技2000年刚上市的时候销售额是2.17亿,2010年是35亿,10年里翻了近15倍!而了解安泰科技的人都清楚,这家高科技企业并非一味追求跨越式发展,他们更尊重科学和经济发展规律。  相似文献   

Summary This article contains a survey of empirical evidence as regards the revealed comparative advantage of Dutch manufacturing industry. Besides, a comparison of the factors influencing comparative advantage is made for the Netherlands, Belgium and West Germany. From this review it seems rather clear the the Netherlands' industry has a revealed comparative advantage in skill-intensive products and in natural-resource intensive products. Economies of scale also seem to contribute to Dutch industry's revealed comparative advantage. The role of R&D is less clear, while physical-capital intensity apparently does not contribute to Dutch indutry's revealed comparative advantage. Also it looks like the Netherlands and West Germany have adjusted their industrial structure by moving away from simple products towards respectively skill-intensive products and fundamental products, while Belgium is rather behind in this process. The authors want to thank J. Kol for his valuable comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

前世界银行副行长兼首席经济学家林毅夫日前在复旦大学演讲时表示:实现中国梦需要政府有选择性地扶持中国的比较优势产业.他谈到,在发展经济学的第三波思潮前,还有两拨思潮,分别兴起于二战后和上世纪八十年代.前者强调落后的发展中国家应在政府的把控下建设发达国家的大产业,调整市场结构,以期追上发达国家.后者强调欲拉近发展中国家与发达国家之间的差距,政府应建立完善的市场经济体制,并完全放弃使用经济调控的手段.  相似文献   

《World development》1987,15(3):387-398
A case study of technological innovation in agricultural machinery for Nigeria shows there is a surprising amount of activity. It should be supported by reducing the barriers to technical entrepreneurs, the people who invent or take up inventions, and by setting up profit oriented firms to develop and commercialize them. Public policy changes to support entrepreneurship and innovation are suggested that could yield improvements to industrial development at little cost.  相似文献   

While many developed nations and newly industrializing economies have major initiatives to promote information technology (IT), Singapore has perhaps had the most comprehensive and coordinated effort of all. Singapore's experience represents a good example of a very proactive government strategy. Elements of the government strategy include: skills development; state-of-the-art telecommunications; funding for small to medium-sized IT companies; an international approach to standardization, and special demonstration projects. Singapore's success with IT could be largely attributed to its compactness; however, one can also take the view that Singapore's highly sophisticated IT infrastracture is an early indication of the infrastructure requirements in developing countries.  相似文献   

This article analyses the concept of mini farming on tea estates in South Africa from the point of view of the farmer and the estate. Although mint farmers who participate in these schemes are subjected to strict controls, they enjoy more freedom than labourers. The article shows the relative merit of the mini farming concept in the tea industry, and thereby contributes to the current debate on agricultural restructuring in South Africa.  相似文献   

The role that patents play in Third World economic development has been a subject of growing debate during the last two decades. The empirical evidence, however, has been insufficient to allow a closer evaluation of the contending arguments.The objective of this article is to reconsider the main issues of the debate on patents on the basis of the relatively long experience of non-patentability, that is since 1961, in the Turkish pharmaceutical industry. It is argued here that there is no simple and straightforward relationship between patents and Third World industrialization, either in the way that the supporters of the systems have perceived or on the grounds that the critics have raised their objections.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that recent organisational change centred on functional integration, outsourcing and upskilling has raised prospects of economic development in peripheral regions. This paper examines the character of a new industry in an older industrial region for signs of such upgrading and increased local embeddedness. The paper discusses recent organisational change in the South Wales automotive component industry. Despite some organisational innovation, the main elements of the branch plant syndrome remain apparent in the South Wales automotive components industry.  相似文献   

Investment and Institutional Uncertainty: A Comparative Study of Different Uncertainty Measures. — There is ample empirical evidence of a negative relationship between aspects of institutional uncertainty and investment. Most studies, however, do not allow a comparison between different dimensions of such uncertainty because they focus on specific indicators, particular regions or different periods. The paper concludes with an evaluation of the quantitative effects of the significant uncertainty indicators on investment finding that a lack of rule of law, high corruption, and volatility in real exchange rate distortions are the most detrimental for investment.  相似文献   

This paper develops a welfare-theoretic argument for regional policy makers to subsidize an industry that has access to superior production technology in another region. The analytical framework is based on a standard general equilibrium model where two regions operating within a federal system are connected by goods trade and capital mobility. Optimal regional policy is designed to improve the capital terms of trade and depends on regional production patterns. Only when the technologically deficient region is diversified in production will optimal policy involve subsidization of an industry that has access to superior technology in another region.  相似文献   

Given the relative reduction in the rate of innovation of the large TNCs operating in the pharmaceutical field and the reduced interest in the Argentine market by most of the TNCs in the late 1960s and the early 1970s, domestic firms have been able to challenge the domination of the pharmaceutical industry by foreign enterprises. Using the techniques of product differentiation, they have been able to launch more new medicines into the market than foreign enterprises. This was done through transfer of technology agreements in a number of cases, relying on non-patented sources for the provision of active components in other cases and devoting some resources to local R and D. As a result of the challenge, foreign participation in the market for finished products in Argentina was not high by international standards (57% in 1972), the majority of the pharmaceutical sub-markets showed a medium degree of business concentration and the ranking of the leading firms included 6 local enterprises among the 15 leaders of the country.  相似文献   

Importing technology from multinational corporations (MNCs) has certain disadvantages for the less developed countries (LDCs) and there is a need for such countries to seek alternative sources of technology. One such source might be non-multinational firms but little is known of the relative merits of non-multinationals. This paper describes a comparison of non-multinational with multinationals in 47 transfers of technology from the UK to India.For a number of important factors, we found little difference between the roles of MNCs and non-MNCs. It is suggested that this lack of difference may be due to the non-MNCs in the sample having some of the same advantages in negotiation as the MNCs — namely a high prestige in the Indian market and possession of some specialist technological expertise. In other words, the multinationality of MNCs may not be as important as is sometimes suggested. Other factors, such as prestige, may be of greater importance. This makes the search for alternative suppliers of technology more difficult since non-MNCs with no prestige are, almost by definition, not known to the LDC.  相似文献   

论国际产业转移与我国新型工业化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
<正> 在经济全球化的今天,发达国家经济知识化和信息化与发展中国家经济工业化和现代化这两股潮流相互交融,相互影响。在这种背景这下,党的十六大提出“坚持以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,走出一条科技含量高、经济效益好、资源耗费低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的新型工业化的路子。”新世纪新阶段我国最主要的任务就是实现新型工业化。走新型工业化道路是一个很大的课题,诸多方面值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

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