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Top-k-lists are introduced as sequences of k-dimensional random vectors with ordered components being k largest observations from a sequence of independent identically distributed random variables. Such lists changing in time are natural stochastic models of ranking tables which appear in many situations in real life, when one wants to keep a track of several best results in a given field. Here we study basic properties of top-k-lists as joint distributions, conditional structures, representations, driving examples of top-k-lists from exponential and uniform distributions, asymptotics and a relation to generalized order statistics.  相似文献   

Mike Jacroux 《Metrika》2007,65(2):235-242
Two level regular fractional factorial designs are often used in industry as screening designs to help identify early on in an experimental process those experimental or system variables which have significant effects on the process being studied. In a recent paper, Li and Lin (2003) suggested a strategy for constructing optimal follow up designs using the well known foldover technique and the minimum aberration criterion. In this paper, we extend the results of Li and Lin (2003) by giving an alternate technique for constructing optimal follow up designs using the foldover technique in conjunction with the maximal rank–minimum aberration criterion suggested in Jacroux (2003).  相似文献   

The link between martingales and arbitrage is well-known in financial theory: arbitrage is not available if and only if there exists an equivalent measure such that the discounted prices are martingales with respect to this measure (MME). As a consequence, under MME, any previsible (non-anticipative) strategy cannot have secure (without risk) profit. Moreover, a careful reading of a bootstrap proof of the first fundamental theorem of asset pricing (see Schachermeier (1992)) underlines the fact that, if there is no possibility of arbitrage during any unit interval, then no arbitrage is allowed with any finite temporal horizon strategy. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): Primary: 60G48; Secondary: 60G40, 60G07 Journal of Economic Literature Classification: C50, C72, D84  相似文献   

Supersaturated designs (SSDs) constitute an important class of fractional factorial designs that could be extremely useful in factor screening experiments. Most of the existing studies have focused on balanced designs. This paper provides a new lower bound for the \(E(f_{NOD})\)-optimality measure of SSDs with general run sizes. This bound is a generalization of existing bounds since it is applicable to both balanced and unbalanced designs. Optimal multi and mixed-level, balanced and nearly balanced SSDs are constructed by applying a k-circulant type methodology. Necessary and sufficient conditions are introduced for the generator vectors, in order to pre-ensure the optimality of the constructed k-circulant SSDs. The provided lower bounds were used to measure the efficiency of the generated designs. The presented methodology leads to a number of new families of improved SSDs, providing tools for directly constructing optimal or nearly-optimal k-circulant designs by just checking the corresponding generator vector.  相似文献   

In continuous time, we study a financial market which is free of arbitrage opportunities but incomplete under the physical probability measure P. Thus one has several choices of equivalent martingale measures. In the present paper, the (unique) martingale measure P * is studied which is defined by the concept of the numeraire portfolio. The choice of P * can be justified by a change of numeraire in place of a change of measure. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 90A09, 91B28, 91B62, 93E20, 62P05 Journal of Economic Literature Classification: G10, G12, G13  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to establish recurrence relations satisfied by product moments and covariances of kth records arising from discrete distributions. They will be evaluated for geometric underlying distribution. Then we use these results to obtain formulas for correlation coefficients of geometric kth records. We consider all three known types of kth records: strong, ordinary, and weak.  相似文献   

Public policy seeks an equitable balance between the rights and duties of both employers and employees in creating a workplace free of sexual harassment. This goal is particularly difficult to achieve when supervisors create a hostile work environment. The U.S. Supreme Courts decisions in Ellerth and Faragher created an affirmative defense against vicarious liability for employers, but subsequent applications of these rulings have been inconsistent and problematic. Courts and legislators need to (1) choose the appropriate standard of employer liability for sexual harassment committed by supervisors, and (2) decide what, if any, defenses are available to employers when employees bring claims of sexual harassment. We conclude that holding employers strictly liable while allowing for the limitation of damages based on avoidable consequences, as recently adopted by the California Supreme Court in McGinnis, is preferable to other liability standards and defenses.  相似文献   

We study the problem of predicting future k-records based on k-record data for a large class of distributions, which includes several well-known distributions such as: Exponential, Weibull (one parameter), Pareto, Burr type XII, among others. With both Bayesian and non-Bayesian approaches being investigated here, we pay more attention to Bayesian predictors under balanced type loss functions as introduced by Jafari Jozani et al. (Stat Probab Lett 76:773–780, 2006a). The results are presented under the balanced versions of some well-known loss functions, namely squared error loss, Varian’s linear-exponential loss and absolute error loss or L 1 loss functions. Some of the previous results in the literatures such as Ahmadi et al. (Commun Stat Theory Methods 34:795–805, 2005), and Raqab et al. (Statistics 41:105–108, 2007) can be achieved as special cases of our results. Partial support from Ordered and Spatial Data Center of Excellence of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad is acknowledged by J. Ahmadi. M. J. Jozani’s research supported partially by a grant of Statistical Research and Training Center. é. Marchand’s research supported by NSERC of Canada. A. Parsian’s research supported by a grant of the Research Council of the University of Tehran.  相似文献   

This paper studies minimally-supported D-optimal designs for polynomial regression model with logarithmically concave (log-concave) weight functions. Many commonly used weight functions in the design literature are log-concave. For example, and exp(−x 2) in Theorem 2.3.2 of Fedorov (Theory of optimal experiments, 1972) are all log-concave. We show that the determinant of information matrix of minimally-supported design is a log-concave function of ordered support points and the D-optimal design is unique. Therefore, the numerically D-optimal designs can be constructed efficiently by cyclic exchange algorithm.  相似文献   

Tashiro (Ann Inst Stat Math 29:295–300, 1977) studied methods for generating unform points on the surface of the regular unit sphere. The L p -norm unit sphere is a generalization of the regular unit sphere. In this paper we propose a method associated with an algorithm for generating uniformly scattered points on the L p -norm unit sphere and discuss its applications in statistical simulation, representative points of a wide class of multivariate probability distributions and optimization problems. Some examples are illustrated for these applications. This research was supported by The University of Hong Kong Research Grant and a University of New Haven 2005 and 2006 Summer Faculty Fellowships.  相似文献   

In this article, the author of Employment with a Human Face: Balancing Efficiency, Equity, and Voice responds to the four commentary essays that appeared in the June 2005 issue of this journal.  相似文献   

Statistical hypothesis testing is very important for finding decisions in practical problems. Usually, the underlying data are assumed to be precise numbers, but it is much more realistic in general to consider fuzzy values which are non-precise numbers. In this case the test statistic will also yield a non-precise number. This article presents an approach for statistical testing at the basis of fuzzy values by introducing the fuzzy p-value. It turns out that clear decisions can be made outside a certain interval which is determined by the characterizing function of the fuzzy p-values.  相似文献   

A multivariate measurement error model AXB is considered. The errors in [A,B] are rowwise independent, but within each row the errors may be correlated. Some of the columns are observed without errors, and in addition the error covariance matrices may differ from row to row. The total covariance structure of the errors is supposed to be known up to a scalar factor. The fully weighted total least squares estimator of X is studied, which in the case of normal errors coincides with the maximum likelihood estimator. We give mild conditions for weak and strong consistency of the estimator, when the number of rows in A increases. The results generalize the conditions of Gallo given for a univariate homoscedastic model (where B is a vector), and extend the conditions of Gleser given for the multivariate homoscedastic model. We derive the objective function for the estimator and propose an iteratively reweighted numerical procedure.Acknowledgements.A. Kukush is supported by a postdoctoral research fellowship of the Belgian office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs, promoting Scientific and Technical Collaboration with Central and Eastern Europe. S. Van Huffel is a full professor with the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. This paper presents research results of the Belgian Programme on Interuniversity Poles of Attraction (IUAP Phase V-22), initiated by the Belgian State, Prime Ministers Office-Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs, of the Concerted Research Action (GOA) projects of the Flemish Government MEFISTO-666 (Mathematical Engineering for Information and Communication Systems Technology), of the IDO/99/03 project (K.U. Leuven) Predictive computer models for medical classification problems using patient data and expert knowledge, of the FWO projects G.0200.00, G.0078.01 and G.0270.02. The scientific responsibility is assumed by its authors. The authors would like to thank Maria Luisa Rastello and Amedeo Premoli for bringing the EW-TLS problem to their attention. The authors are grateful to two anonymous referees for the valuable comments.  相似文献   

The role of uniformity measured by the centered L 2-discrepancy (Hickernell 1998a) has been studied in fractional factorial designs. The issue of a lower bound for the centered L 2-discrepancy is crucial in the construction of uniform designs. Fang and Mukerjee (2000) and Fang et al. (2002, 2003b) derived lower bounds for fractions of two- and three-level factorials. In this paper we report some new lower bounds for the centered L 2-discrepancy for a set of asymmetric fraction factorials. Using these lower bounds helps to measure uniformity of a given design. In addition, as an application of these lower bounds, we propose a method to construct uniform designs or nearly uniform designs with asymmetric factorials.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to better understand how cooperation mechanisms work in the context of a Q-learning model. We apply a learning reinforcement model to analyse the conditions needed to have a stable cooperative equilibrium when people take part in a common project and could take advantages of free-riding. Our results show that a stable equilibrium can be reached thank to mechanisms of punishment, but the final result strongly depends on the risk-taking individuals’ preferences. In particular, we find that the penalties will be effective only with people having high exploration rates,namely with people able to adapt their strategies and learn to cooperate. Otherwise, it is possible to have an unstable equilibrium with cooperation until individuals have a very high intrinsic motivation to cooperate, whatever the others do.  相似文献   

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