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国际国家公园管理的成功之处在于:注重为社区居民生存发展预留空间、明确边界两侧发展强度、并承认社区主人身份、与社区达成管理契约。中国保护地社区管理普遍采取了异地搬迁、生态补偿、社区共管等措施。尽管中国保护地与国际国家公园社区管理措施方面存在较多相似之处,然而实施效果差异明显,原因在于:中国保护地并未从根本上将社区居民视为保护地的管理主体,或未严格履行社区管理契约。尽管中国保护地采取了类似的管理措施,如生态补偿、社区扶贫等,然而在践行一些关键性问题时仍然力度不足。因此,国家公园体制试点区应当明确社区管理的核心问题,落实国际成功经验,妥善处理好保护与发展关系,为其他保护地转型为国家公园提供参照样板。  相似文献   

“加强长江经济带生物多样性就地保护”子项目获批全球环境基金(GEF)秘书处主席近日致函世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)代表,批准中国国家林业和草原局对外合作项目中心与IUCN共同申报的“加强长江经济带生物多样性就地保护”子项目。该项目涉及8个国家级或省级自然保护区。建设内容包括3个方面:一是通过加强和改善项目保护地治理管护能力,提升生物多样性保护水平和成效;二是科学保护和利用生物多样性价值在内的自然资本,在长江经济带保护和发展中探索自然资本价值补偿和实现机制,开展相关试点;三是提升保护地机构人员能力,促进相关知识经验的分享、传播和推广。项目实施期6年,2023年开始,2028年结束。  相似文献   

我国自然保护地土地权属管理中存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地权属问题是推进我国自然保护地建设所面临的根本性问题.目前,自然保护地土地权属管理中存在的问题严重阻碍着自然保护地土地生态公益性的发挥.通过梳理和分析我国自然保护地土地权属立法和管理实践可以发现我国自然保护地土地权属在立法、集体土地权益保护和管理实践方面存在着突出问题.立法机关应当通过立法明确相关主体在自然保护地土地...  相似文献   

通过分析自然保护地的森林文化特征和森林文化体系,从物质(经济)、精神、制度(习俗)3个层面选取22个指标,构建自然保护地森林文化价值评价指标体系,并选择3种不同自然保护地的典型形态为例,采用问卷调查的方式对自然保护地森林文化价值评价进行实证研究。结果表明:所构建的自然保护地森林文化价值评价指标体系具有一定的科学性和适用性,可以有效地评价自然保护地的森林文化价值,继而明确自然保护地森林文化保护与开发的重点。最后,从提升森林文化资源质量、打造森林文化共同体、加强森林文化资源挖掘等方面提出提升自然保护地森林文化价值的策略。  相似文献   

我国建立国家公园体制的提出,目前国家公园及自然保护地的研究主要从管理体制、法律问题、利益相关者的识别与冲突、社区协调机制等方面展开。通过对国内外相关文献的梳理,发现存在只关注国家公园及自然保护地的优势以及存在问题,对于国家公园与自然保护地衔接研究不够深入、对社区协调机制片面关注国外经验忽略中国国情、一味追求高位阶法、追求"一区一法"忽视立法成本等问题。因此未来研究要更多关注国家公园与保护地衔接、中国国情下社区协调机制构建以及保护地法律完善、替代性解决机制效益问题。  相似文献   

有效的社区保护路径是当前探讨生物多样性保护和社会经济发展的重要议题。协议保护作为一种模式,更具长远计划性地强调以提高社区保护权能为项目执行的核心理念。通过引入政府部门与社区平等协商的方式探索自然资源保护与社区发展共建的可能路径。通过激励、约束、能力建设、制度建设等行动策略培育和提升社区保护权能,以达到有效保护目的。该模式示范了一种更具长远眼光的社区保护方法。  相似文献   

由全球环境基金资助的"林业持续发展项目"保护地区管理部分于2003年元月正式生效实施.该项目总投资2 285万美元,其中赠款资金1 600万美元,配套资金685万美元.2009年项目结束.湖北、湖南、海南、四川、贵州、云南、甘肃七省及所属的十三个保护区是直接受益者.该项目旨在建立先进的自然保护区管理模式,加强生物多样性保护.其主要内容是自然保护规划与管理、以社区为基础的自然保护、培训与能力建设、项目管理、监测和评估.该项目是全球环境基金在中国实施七年已成功结束的自然保护区管理项目的延续和扩展,它的实施必将对我国的生物多样性保护工作起到进一步的推动作用,使自然保护区的建设达到更高层次.  相似文献   

完善生态补偿机制是构建以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系建设的重要内容。基于我国自然保护地体系建设对生态补偿的要求,以辽宁省为研究对象,深入分析自然保护地生态补偿工作面临的现实困境,提出通过拓宽资金来源渠道、创新生态补偿方式、科学提高补偿标准、推进生态补偿立法、强化生态补偿理论研究等路径,不断完善自然保护地生态补偿机制,为辽宁省资源环境的可持续开发利用提供科学参考。  相似文献   

自然保护区生态保护与发展研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立自然保护区是保护自然资源和生物多样性、维护生态平衡、促进人类与自然协调发展的有效途径。文章从自然保护区建设与管理的重要性出发,对学者们关于社区发展视角下的生物多样性保护、自然保护区生态补偿机制、自然保护区保护成效以及中国自然保护区管理体制4个方面进行了全面综述。在此基础上,分析了保护与发展研究领域的发展趋势,包括自然保护区建设与周边社区居民福祉的关系、自然保护区政策的有效性以及多学科交叉、研究方法组合运用3个方面。通过跟踪保护与发展的研究进展,认为中国自然保护区的建设与管理既要不断健全管理体制,又要创新符合中国国情的运行机制。  相似文献   

自然保护区周边社区兽害情况调查分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自然保护区已经成为中国生物多样性保护的重要区域,从目前的实践来看,生物多样性保护不能仅仅依靠保护区的力量,它也需要周边社区和农户的主动参与。当前保护区周边社区的兽害问题得不到有效解决直接影响了当地农户在生物多样性保护方面的积极性,应当能立法明确兽害补偿中的权责,并通过税收减免等一系列综合措施对保护区周边社区农户进行兽害补偿。  相似文献   

Systematic conservation planning (SCP) seeks to propose new reserves through a scientifically rigorous process using databases and research selection algorithims. However, SCP exercises have been criticized for “knowing but not doing”, i.e. not implementing the proposed reserve. But there is an additional problem that can be called “knowing but not knowing”, knowing things from databases, but not knowing crucial contextual information about community-based social processes that have supported the high forest cover and biodiversity detected. Examined here is how a common property region of the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca, Mexico has maintained high forest cover in the absence of public protected areas, while multiple SCP exercises have advocated for the creation of public protected areas in communal tropical montane cloud forests and pine forests as strategies for biodiversity conservation and resilience to climate change. Methods included archival research, review of community documents, focus group interviews, semi-structured interviews, participant observation, land use transects, and GIS analysis and remote sensing. Conservation in the region originally occurred because of low population densities, steep slopes and a lack of agricultural subsidies, supported by locally adapted agricultural practices. In the 1990s, a transition from passive to active conservation took place with land use zoning plans, community conservation rules, community forestry enterprises and payments for environmental service programs that consolidated a trend towards high, unthreatened forest cover. Today, the study communities have an average of 88.3% forest cover, with 61% of that in informal conservation based on community land use zoning and rules and another 14% governed by forest management plans approved by the Mexican government. We argue that truly systematic conservation plans would seek to understand how communities in the region are already managing forests for conservation. It is pointless and uninformed to advocate for top-down conservation interventions of forests that are already robustly conserved and resilient to climate change due to community action.  相似文献   

Protecting and enhancing biodiversity is one of the most important ecological goals of community forestry. Meeting this goal depends on a complex interaction of ecological as well as social and economic factors. With this paper we ask, whether the power of actors has a strong influence on the ecological outcomes of community forestry and if so, how such alliances for biodiversity look like. For empirical evidence we use our database compiled of research on 84 international community forestry cases of both developed and developing countries, taken from 2009 to 2016. The results show that the powerful actors are driving biodiversity in community forestry. With a small number of powerful actors interested in enhancing biodiversity we were able to identify only little substantial support for this goal. The widespread public announcements of biodiversity goals are mostly symbolic. Dominant information and financial incentives are the most common instruments for protecting the ecological equilibrium. This indicates a “soft” policy for biodiversity in contrast to the hard coercive instruments which protect the forest area as such. We conclude that the analysis of power can be a valuable factor in explaining the outcomes of community forestry in practice.  相似文献   

This paper describes the economic policies that have transformed the pastoral sector in post-socialist Mongolia, and their impact on pastoral land use. These policies reflect the influence of development economists from the Asian Development Bank who have been advising the Mongolian government, and their conviction that exclusive private rights to land are a necessary precondition of an efficient rural market economy. These assumptions stand in marked contrast to indigenous Mongolian conceptions of rights over land, and the policy debate reflects the contested nature of knowledge of the Mongolian environment. However, far from preventing damage to the resource base, evidence suggests that these policies of land allocations may actually be exacerbating problems of pasture degradation. This paper argues that policies of this kind reveal a misunderstanding of the nature of Mongolian pastoralism and the conditions that have made it viable in the past. Although international development agencies lionize a romanticized notion of Mongolian “traditions” as reflecting a “respect for nature”, there is little appreciation of the actual institutions that successfully conducted pastoralism until recently, the concrete embodiment of Mongolian pastoral knowledge. Environmentalist agendas reflect a familiar western interest in promoting western conservationist ideology and establishing and expanding protected areas to harbour wildlife and biodiversity. Mongolian practices tend to be cast as “traditions” to be utilized for the greater goal of conservation as conceived of in western terms, rather than seen as part of wider social and political institutions of land use.  相似文献   

Marcus B. Lane   《Land use policy》2006,23(4):385-394
This paper suggests that the capacity of indigenous groups to engage effectively in a range of planning activities is crucial to achieving land justice and community goals. This argument is relevant in the face of long-standing tensions between indigenous peoples residing in post-settler societies and nation-states such as Australia, Canada, and New Zealand over questions of land and natural resource use. The paper argues that effective planning is crucial for (i) protecting indigenous interests by engaging the planning activities of the state, (ii) the successful acquisition of lands through legal land claim processes, and (iii) helping indigenous communities achieve their goals by implementing effective community-based planning processes.  相似文献   

In Central Africa, most cacao is still cultivated in low-input agroforests where cacao associated trees are traditionally valued by farmers. These systems are sustainable on the long run, support biodiversity conservation and carbon storage. Yet, little knowledge exists on the contribution of tree community management to explain such results. In Central Cameroon, we investigated cacao agroforest associated tree community contributions to the long-term (i) maintenance of tree species encountering a conservation issue and (ii) carbon storage. We further simulated the simplification of these systems by checking for the effect of tree density decrease on community functional groups or traits. Finally, we linked farmers’ use of associated trees to their functional features and conservation status. Cacao agroforestry systems were able to combine high levels of species richness with long-term conservation abilities and carbon storage. Simplification emphasized consistent shifts of functional traits/groups that will change the way they function and alter the existing balances between different associated tree uses. Since traditional agroforests are now foreseen as providers of timber/non-timber forest products, our study argues that this paradigm change in such low-input systems - if carried improperly - is likely to impair the provision of the services they currently provide as well as their sustainability.  相似文献   

云南国家级自然保护区存在问题研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
云南是我国生物多样性丰富的地区,在生物多样性保护中扮演着重要角色;而云南国家级自然保护区在云南省自然保护区中又拥有较大比重,分布在云南生物多样性关键地区,对多种生态系统和大量动植物的保护起到了至关重要的作用。经过多年的努力,一些重要珍稀濒危动物种群数量有所增加。但这些保护区仍然存在一系列问题,主要包括三方面,一是客观因素,大多数保护区地处边远落后山区;二是来自于周边村寨巨大的人口压力;三是来自于当地政府和保护区,主要是缺乏长远规划、大力投资等问题。保护区资源受到如此多种因素的威胁,保护效果得不到充分发挥。只有采取强有力的保护措施,如加强社区共管、拓宽投资渠道、进行科学规划管理等,才能使保护区走上可持续发展的轨道。  相似文献   

Strict regulations, such as the EU Nature Directives, remain pivotal for halting the downward spiral for some protected species. In recent years, though, it has become clear that nature protection rules, are also generating perverse incentives, especially when rigidly applied to areas that have already been transformed by human use, such as agricultural land, quarries and port sites. With the arrival of novel incentive concepts, such as temporary nature in several EU Member States, an unprecedented window of opportunity exists to reframe current nature protection rules. Temporary nature fosters private landowners, ranchers and project developers to actively participate in the recovery of endangered species, also in urban and industrial environments. In return for allowing nature to develop on their undeveloped and vacant lands, the project developers are provided with the legal guarantee that they can still subsequently develop their lands at a later stage. These newly founded conservation policies, which are increasingly endorsed by stand out as striking illustrations of the recently emerged branch of reconciliation ecology, since they aim at increasing biodiversity by opting for win-win scenarios in human-dominated landscapes. It is concluded that a more reconciliatory approach towards nature conservation, which goes beyond the ambit of protected areas, can serve as a catalyst for biodiversity recovery across the wider landscape. Further research will need to underpin whether the ambitious presumptions with regard to these well-intentioned and innovative approaches to nature conservation are justified.  相似文献   

Environmental and conservation decisions are often complex, which results in complexity also in policy assessments. Conservation decisions have implications for different stakeholders and typically draw on multidisciplinary knowledge bases, incorporating natural, physical and social sciences, politics and ethics. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) is a potentially important tool for supporting conservation policy decisions. This article reports a spatially referenced MCDA of policy instrument scenarios for conserving forest biodiversity in Southwestern Finland. The effects of the realistic policy instruments designed in dialogue with stakeholders included voluntary permanent conservation, enforced spatially concentrated permanent conservation, voluntary permanent conservation with active nature management, and voluntary temporary conservation. These instruments were compared by combining forest-owner survey, MCDA and ex ante impact evaluation. The main objective was to find the forest biodiversity conservation instrument that would produce the highest total benefit. The effects of the different instruments were evaluated with ecological, economic, social, and institutional criteria after a 20-year time period. The results showed minor differences between the instruments, with voluntary permanent and voluntary temporary conservation producing the largest total benefit. Despite the small differences, the analysis was robust in showing that voluntary instruments were more favourable than enforced permanent conservation.  相似文献   

浙江森林生物多样性保护与可持续发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
森林生物多样性丰富,但森林生物多样性资源利用与保护的协调存在许多问题。原因在于:人类中心论的观念、保护的“外部性”特点、国家宏观调控能力和财力不足、经济利益驱动。因此,必须从理念、法规、制度、方法、手段等各层面上改进,加强各保护环节的工作,才能使森林生物多样性得到更有效的保护。  相似文献   

Building resilience is critical for metropolitan land use planning to strengthen the ability to cope with and minimize climatic disaster risks. Challenges still remain for metropolitan agencies in identifying the components or metrics for measuring resilience. Particularly, uncertainties in climate change and diversification in local contexts compel urban planners to mainstream community participation, indigenous knowledge and local attributes into the resilience assessment. This article aims to propose a novel methodology for assessing resilience, which can encourage stakeholder participation and communicate planners in shaping metropolitan land use policies. Using the Taichung metropolis, Taiwan as the study area, this article created a resilience metric called the Climatic Hazard Resilience Indicators for Localities (CHRIL) that is appropriate for use in a policy context. Then, this metric combined a fuzzy multicriteria decision analysis with a participatory geographic information system approach to measure and map resilience to climatic hazards. Through the participation of experts, local officers and community members, a multivariate analysis was applied to explain why low resilience areas occur in specific locations. Moreover, we performed a cluster analysis to group the areas into several types of resilience and revealed the relationship between the resilience factors and overall local development patterns. Results show that conflicts and tradeoffs may exist between some resilience factors, especially socioeconomic vulnerability and adaptive capacity. The findings provide stakeholders and policy-makers with a better governance structure to design and synthesize appropriate patchworks of planning measures for different types of resilience areas to reduce climatic hazard risks.  相似文献   

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