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经济越是发展,作为有效配置资源、调整产业布局经济形式的企业破产越是盛行,以企业主体资格终止生产经营为基本前提的破产会计逐渐发展起来,并随我国破产法律制度的发展而不断完善。深入研究企业破产会计,合理揭示破产企业价值运动的最终阶段,提供正确的会计信息,对于维护债权人与债务人的合法权益,提高经济效益和保证正常的经济秩序具有重大意义。文章主要对破产会计的定义和特点进行了论述,针对目前我国破产会计现存的问题进行了分析研究,并提出了相应的改进意见。  相似文献   

一、有关法律法规在破产国有企业划拨土地使用权上的冲突 破产企业国有划拨土地使用权是否属于破产财产,从《土地法》及《最高人民法院关于破产企业国有划拨土地使用权应否列入破产财产等问题的批复》(法释[2003]6号)(下称《批复》)判定,  相似文献   

杨晖  柳青 《征信》2020,38(4):76-78
在市场经济活动中,破产重整企业是一类重要的市场主体,其债权债务特点以及由此反映的信用状况与常态企业不相同,产生了破产重整企业融资难、重整企业征信误区等诸多问题。通过比较破产重整企业与普通企业在债务转让方面的异同,论述破产重整企业不良信用信息因形成时间不同导致可参考性的区别,以及信贷机构认可重整计划与免除破产重整企业债务的关系,并在借鉴国外破产重整企业征信机制特点的基础上,提出构建我国破产重整企业征信制度的政策建议,最终为我国市场经济中企业发展营造更加良性的融资环境。  相似文献   

在许多国人心目中.银行破产似乎是一件很遥远的事情。但是,银行毕竟还是企业.破产作为一种优胜劣汰的机制自然可以应用于银行身上。  相似文献   

时下,破产企业的税款流失现象十分严重。据调查,有的企业已经破产了,而税务机关还根本不知道音信,致使破产企业所欠的税款成为死欠;有的破产企业为逃避税收,在职工安置费用上作“文章”,甚至擅自调增资产损失、呆帐、坏帐损失和期初存货等,冲减欠税;有的假破产、真逃税,亦即借破产之名,行甩掉欠税和负债包袱之实。其中,有些企业宣布破产后并未关门走人,而是更名重新登记后又继续生产同样的产品,还向税务机关要求享受税收优惠政策。还有的是由于行政干预,颠倒清偿顺序,使破产企业的欠税成为泡影。凡此种种,不一而足。如某市…  相似文献   

试论破产会计主体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王建玲 《上海会计》2000,(2):56-56,55
随着我国企业破产制度的逐步规范,企业因经营不善导致破产将不可避免,适应破产企业的需要,构建区别于传统财务会计的破产会计理论体系,成为会计理论界亟需解决的问题之一。鉴于此,本文拟对破产会计主体这一问题作粗浅探讨,以期能够对破产会计理论的研究有所助益。关于破产会计主体,在会计界存在着多种不同的看法,较有代表性的观点有“一元化会计主体说”和“二元化会计主体说”两种。“一元化会计主体说”认为破产会计主体是向人民法院负责的清算组;“二元化会计主体说”则认为“破产企业会计主体和清算组会计主体”两者兼有。笔者认为,之所…  相似文献   

孙爱莲 《理财》2004,(8):27-28
随着我国企业破产制度的逐步规范.企业因经营不善导致破产将不可避免,适应破产企业的需要,构建区别于传统财务会计的破产会计理论体系成为必然。本文拟对破产会汁期间有关问题作粗浅探讨,以期对破产会计理论的研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

张睿 《上海会计》2000,(3):53-54
一、只要存在产权的分割 ,使财产的所有者不能完全占有产权 ,产权的维护便是一个永恒的主题。在此主题下 ,审计的作用受到了重视 ,事实上 ,审计也在维护产权方面发挥了不可磨灭的作用。在本文中 ,主要讨论为维护债权人的产权利益而进行的破产审计。笔者认为 ,根据破产前后应对债权人的产权利益承担责任的责任人的不同 ,可把破产审计分为两个层面 :破产条件审计和破产清算审计。(一)破产条件审计破产条件是指审查申请破产的企业是否真正具备破产条件。依据《破产法》的规定 ,要宣告企业破产须具备下列三个条件之一 :(1)《破产法》第三条…  相似文献   

在破产清算期间 ,也会发生一些零星的正常的产品销售行为(如尚未执行完的销售合同等) ,有关破产财产处置的会计核算是清算会计的主要内容之一。关于破产财产的界定 ,《破产法》以及有关的法规中作了明确的规定。破产财产是指破产企业在破产程序终结前拥有的全部财产以及应当由破产企业行使的其他财产权利。具体包括三方面的内容 :第一 ,宣告破产时破产企业经营管理的全部财产 ,包括各种流动资产、固定资产、对外投资以及无形资产等。第二 ,破产企业在破产宣告后至破产程序终结前所取得的财产 ,包括债权人放弃优先受偿权利 ;破产财产转让价…  相似文献   

一、加强有关法规、制度的宣传力度。我们把全总《关于破产企业工会资产处置意见》和省市工会关于破产企业工会资产处理的文件进行翻印 ,企业一宣布破产 ,马上把这些文件送到破产清算组人员和单位工会干部手中 ,并及时向他们说明工会财产不能列为破产财产的理由 ,使清算组增强工会资产应上交上级工会的意识 ,为工会财产的移交打下了基础。二、以审计为手段 ,搞清破产企业工会财产的底数。在搞好宣传的基础上 ,我们及时深入破产企业 ,对该企业的工会资产进行依法审计 ,并与破产清算组、原企业工会主席一起 ,共同界定哪些属于工会资产 ,列出详…  相似文献   

论破产清算企业的内部控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业内部控制无处不在,无论持续经营企业还是破产清算企业都是如此。本文以我国企业破产清算过程中暴露出的内控问题为背景,以新破产法和企业内部控制基本规范为依托,探讨了构建破产清算企业内部控制制度的必要性,总结了我国企业破产清算中所出现的问题,提出了基于广义和狭义角度的我国破产清算企业内控架构,分析了破产清算企业内部控制的主要难点及其对策。  相似文献   

This study examines classification and prediction of the bankruptcy resolution event. Filing of bankruptcy is resolved through one of three alternative resolutions: acquisition, emergence or liquidation. Predicting the final bankruptcy resolution has not been examined in the prior accounting and finance literature. This post-bankruptcy classification and prediction of the final resolution is harder than discriminating between healthy and bankrupt firms because all filing firms are already in financial distress. Motivation for predicting the final resolution is developed and enhanced. A sample of 237 firms filing for bankruptcy is used. Classification and prediction accuracies are determined using a logit model. A ten-variable, three-group resolution logit model, which includes five accounting and five non-accounting variables is developed. The model correctly classifies 62 percent of the firms, significantly better than a random classification. We conclude that non-accounting data add relevant information to financial accounting data for predicting post bankruptcy resolution. Further, public policy implications for investors, researchers, bankruptcy judges, claimants and other stakeholders are discussed.  相似文献   

雷曼兄弟事件中的会计问题及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2008年9月15日美国第四大投行雷曼兄弟宣告破产,其中暴露出来的风险管理、公司治理、会计政策选择等问题受到广泛关注。本文在介绍投行的回购业务和会计处理的基础上,重点介绍了雷曼兄弟面临的资产负债表压力和回购政策选择,并在分析回购105交易的会计处理及相关问题后,从会计原则的遵循、高管的诚信、信息披露的完善和中介服务水平的提高等方面总结了雷曼事件的启示。  相似文献   

Prior research has shown that accounting information available prior to a bankruptcy is associated with the likelihood of bankruptcy. We show that additionally, the accounting information available prior to bankruptcy is associated with whether or not a firm will emerge from bankruptcy. We predict that firms that exhibit low solvency risk and high liquidity risk are most likely to emerge from bankruptcy. Firms that exhibit high solvency risk and high liquidity risk are predicted to be least likely to emerge from bankruptcy. Cross–sectionally, our results support these predictions, but our findings differ across large and small firms.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new methodology, quasilinear estimation, for efficiently estimating economic variables reflected in the prices of corporate securities. For example, ex ante bankruptcy costs are not directly observable, however, if these costs are sufficiently large, then current security prices are affected and bankruptcy costs can be indirectly measured. When bankruptcy costs and other relevant parameters are known, there are many numerical solution techniques that can be used to determine security prices. One technique, the method of lines, is compatible with quasilinear estimation, which has been employed extensively in the physical sciences for the estimation of coefficients in differential equation models. We demonstrate that quasilinear estimation is a potentially reliable and efficient technique for the estimation of corporate bankruptcy costs and the asset variance from security prices.  相似文献   

商品经济产生了企业的优胜劣汰、产生了企业破产制度,进而产生了企业破产会计的理论和实践。本文以1978年为起点,重点回顾了1978年以来我国企业破产会计研究的简要历程,分析了不同时期相关的政治、经济、法律等环境影响,总结了破产会计研究的主要成果和存在的问题,提出了改进我国企业破产会计研究的相关建议。  相似文献   

A series of corporate failures in which auditors failed to warn about impending bankruptcy led to widespread criticism of the UK auditing profession during the last recession. For a sample of 976 quoted companies (1987–94), this paper shows that there are two reasons why audit reports were not accurate or informative indicators of bankruptcy. First, audit reports poorly reflected publicly available information about the probability of bankruptcy. Secondly, strong persistence in audit reporting reduced the accuracy of audit reports  相似文献   

Bankruptcy Prediction with Industry Effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the forecasting accuracy of bankruptcy hazard rate models for U.S. companies over the time period 1962–1999 using both yearly and monthly observation intervals. The contribution of this paper is multiple-fold. One, using an expanded bankruptcy database we validate the superior forecasting performance of Shumway's (2001) model as opposed to Altman (1968) and Zmijewski (1984). Two, we demonstrate the importance of including industry effects in hazard rate estimation. Industry groupings are shown to significantly affect both the intercept and slope coefficients in the forecasting equations. Three, we extend the hazard rate model to apply to financial firms and monthly observation intervals. Due to data limitations, most of the existing literature employs only yearly observations. We show that bankruptcy prediction is markedly improved using monthly observation intervals. Fourth, consistent with the notion of market efficiency with respect to publicly available information, we demonstrate that accounting variables add little predictive power when market variables are already included in the bankruptcy model.  相似文献   

We investigate whether insiders of bankrupt firms hold less stock or reduce their stockholdings compared to what we observed for insiders of similar firms that do not go bankrupt. We find little evidence of such time-series and cross-sectional differences in spite of the fact that the stock value of bankrupt firms falls by more than ninety percent in the five years preceding bankruptcy. One implication of our results is that the amount of stock owned and the magnitude of the trades undertaken by corporate insiders of both bankrupt and nonbankrupt firms appear to provide no information about firm value.  相似文献   

Although Chinese banks are the major creditors for companies in China, their role in bankruptcy is often neglected. Even if this may be justified in the past, as banks did not assume an important role, it is not the case now as banks have become more proactive in the bankruptcy procedure and begin to conduct debt‐for‐equity swaps under the initiative of the government. This article considers the role of Chinese banks in bankruptcy both in and out of formal bankruptcy procedure. It argues that based on the reality of the country, especially its corporate governance structure, bank intervention is feasible for corporate rescues in China. The debt‐for‐equity swap scheme could be the start. Copyright © 2018 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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