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This paper examines the integration between U.S. and Canadian grain prices using cointegration and error correction approach. Price relationships are examined in four different subperiods: pre-NAFTA (January 1986 to December 1993), post-NAFTA (January 1994 to July 1999), pre-WGTA (January 1986 to July 1995) and post-WGTA (August 1995 to July 1999). A free trade agreement implemented in 1989 that later folded into NAFTA affected price integration in the North American grain market, but Canada's elimination of freight subsidies in 1995 strengthened it. Empirical results indicate that longterm relationships exist among the price series. Prices are found to be first-difference stationary and cointegrated during the four subperiods. However, cointegration analysis shows significant post-WGTA improvement in market integration, particularly in the speed at which the market adjusts to departures from its long-run equilibrium.  相似文献   

This article explores the drivers of regional stock market integration with a focus on the agribusiness sector across relevant regional trade blocs around the world. We implement panel cointegration models to analyze the stock indices of agribusiness firms in the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR), European Union (EU), Asia‐Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Based on the literature on market integration and stock return pricing, we identify nine possible determinants of stock market integration, which we separate into three categories: individual market performance, macroeconomic conditions, and agricultural trade. In our analysis, we account for agriculture‐specific factors to control for possible structural shifts in financial markets regimes by including the two main commodity price bubbles during last 20 years. Our results show that most of the variables included in our categories have been important factors in promoting regional stock market integration. Moreover, integration among regional stock markets was strengthened by the implementation of trade agreements. This effect is stronger in trade blocs with fewer members, such as NAFTA and MERCOSUR, compared with larger and more heterogeneous blocs, such as the EU and APEC.  相似文献   

Existing tests of spatial market integration are commonly based on statistical criteria without an explicit link to an economic model of price determination. This article proposes new measures of market integration defined directly in terms of a well-known spatial price determination model and develops an econometric methodology for estimating these measures. Due to the intractability of the conditional density function of prices, we use indirect inference to estimate the model parameters and market integration measures. The methodology is illustrated with simulated data and is applied to soybean price data for the United States, Brazil, and the EU.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to test for price integration in the British-French markets for lamb in the period after the introduction of the EC sheepmeat regime in 1980. A Holmes-Hutton rank order procedure is used to determine if price changes in one market cause price changes in the other market and thus define an integrated market. Using weekly price data for the period 1983-86, the results indicate that the British-French lamb markets are integrated in that a price change in one market is fully reflected in price changes in the other. However, there is considerable lag time in response to price changes. This may be attributed to less than perfect substitution between the British and French product, to the ex post nature of the clawback provision that existed in the British price support system during the period of analysis, and to informal trade barriers.  相似文献   

In order to study short‐run price shock propagation, we model twenty seven Sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA) domestic maize markets within a Global Vector Autoregression framework. The main purpose is to fully embed multilateral trade flows as a way to better structure local price transmission dynamics and interdependencies, and get a more comprehensive picture of food price shocks propagation. We found significant between‐country market contagion and prompt regional price shock propagation when trade connection exists. Yet, the integration of SSA domestic maize markets within the continent and with global markets remains generally weak. Furthermore, under regular market conditions, most local price series appear to be more responsive to regional neighbors than to global shocks.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a system of tradable Water Saving Certificates to improve the efficiency of water allocation between Drinking Water Utilities at river basin level. A market institutional set‐up, inspired from recent policy developments in the energy sector, is proposed. An original analytical price‐endogenous model is developed to simulate trade intensity, equilibrium price and efficiency gains in this urban water market. The economic model is implemented in a French case study using mathematical programming. It is used for conducting an ex‐ante evaluation of trade possibilities and efficiency gains, considering different spatial restrictions aimed at controlling environmental externalities. Our modelling exercise provides evidence of the benefits of the proposed Water Saving Certificate scheme.  相似文献   

Using a generalized error correction model, this article measures and compares market integration for export cash crops versus imported food crops for Mali and Nicaragua, and computes transmission elasticities between changes in the goods’ border and domestic prices. Both Mali and Nicaragua obtain the bulk of their export revenue from a particular agricultural commodity—cotton for Mali and coffee for Nicaragua—and both import the same key staple food of rice. To reap the economic gains from this trade specialization, the two countries’ agriculture must be well‐integrated into world markets. The two countries present an important policy contrast that affects their degree of world market integration and price transmission. In Mali, a parastatal enterprise controls its cotton industry, while Nicaragua has less state direction over agriculture. Reflecting this difference, the results show that for both its main export and import commodity, Nicaragua is more integrated into world markets and has higher price transmission than Mali. The results for Nicaragua also show much higher integration and price transmission for its main agricultural export (coffee) than its major import (rice).  相似文献   

The establishment of the Economic and Monetary Union was expected to determine price convergence in the market of the European Union, leading to the equilibrium theorized by the law of one price. This article investigates prices convergence in the coffee market among European importers. Coffee is not only a tradable and traded good, but also one of the most valuable traded commodities. We account for different qualities of coffee in a hedonic regression model, which isolate and remove the effects of factors that might affect price dispersion. Adjusted import prices result to be significantly different between European Member States, and do not support the hypothesis of a deepening European market integration.  相似文献   

The linkage between macroeconomic policies and agricultural commodity trade has become an important research issue of agricultural economists. This paper investigates the macroeconomic linkage of soybean trade competition between the exporting countries of the United States, Brazil, and Argentina in the EC-12 and Japan import markets. It is argued that U.S. monetary growth may have important impacts on the competitive position of U.S. soybean exports through exchange rates. Two relationships are investigated: (a) the effects of U.S. monetary growth on the agricultural trade weighted exchange rates, and (b) the responsiveness of agricultural commodity prices and U.S. exports to exchange rate movements. Results indicate that a weak dollar increases imports of soybeans and soymeal significantly which serves to increase the equilibrium world price and increase both U.S. and Brazil/Argentina exports in the long run. However, during periods of more expansionary U.S. monetary policy there is little evidence of significant increases in market share position for U.S. soybeans and soymeal in world markets.  相似文献   

中国苹果国际竞争力实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文采用国际市场占有率和贸易竞争指数两个状态指标,以3个苹果出口贸易大国为参照,考察了10年间(1994~2003)中国苹果的国际竞争力。结果表明,中国的苹果在国际市场上有一定竞争力,但是与其他苹果大国相比还有很大差距。中国苹果在国际市场上一直具有价格优势,出口价格并不是影响中国苹果国际竞争力的主要因素,影响中国苹果国际竞争力的因素主要是非价格因素,包括苹果质量、品种、流通和营销等。文章最后提出了增强中国苹果国际竞争力的几点建议。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the efficiency of partial market liberalization and policy reform with an application to the European dairy sector. In a second best world, partial moves toward market liberalization are not always efficiency improving. We develop a general equilibrium model to investigate the efficiency implications of discrete changes in government policy. The analysis covers price and quantity instruments used in both domestic and trade policy. We derive simple conditions under which partial market liberalization is efficiency improving. We apply the approach to agricultural policy reform in the European dairy sector and identify market liberalization scenarios that are "not" efficiency improving.  相似文献   

This article examines the Japanese market for salmon. This market is of interest, since it is the largest and most diversified salmon market in the world with wild and farmed species, from Europe and South and North America, competing in the same market. In contrast to the European Union (EU)‐ and U.S.‐markets, there have been neither trade conflicts nor trade restrictions. The Japanese market can hence provide information about the impact of bringing substantial quantities of a new product into a market, and the effect of large‐scale aquaculture on traditional fisheries. In this article, market integration between wild and farmed salmon on the Japanese market is examined, using both bivariate and multivariate cointegration analysis. Tests for the Law of One Price are also conducted. The results indicate that the species are close substitutes on the market, and that the expansion of farmed salmon has resulted in price decreases for all salmon species.  相似文献   

This paper examines market integration between fish species in Europe, taking international market integration into account. Based on Juselius (2006) , market integration is found both on the fresh and frozen markets. The Law of One Price is in force on the fresh market within the segments of flatfish and pelagic fish. Assuming transitivity, a loose form of market integration is identified between 13 fresh and seven frozen fish species, and the relative prices are found fairly stable. The policy implication is that catch limitation measures implemented through the Common Fisheries Policy have limited and conditional effects on prices, because of the large size of the market and varying market integration. Therefore, many fishermen are not ‘compensated’ by price increases as a result of catch limitation measures.  相似文献   

Measuring Integration and Efficiency in International Agricultural Markets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper critiques the methods used to investigate integration and efficiency in international markets. Integration is best reflected by flow-based indicators of tradability, while efficiency is related to price-based notions of market equilibrium. Data insufficiency poses a serious constraint because empirical tests that rely on just prices cannot separate tests of the market efficiency hypothesis from tests of the strong assumptions underpinning model specification. Finally, even if market efficiency holds, there may nonetheless be considerable social inefficiency remaining due to trade barriers and excessive costs of commerce.  相似文献   

The extent, pattern, and degree of integration are analyzed in a multivariate system with cointegrating restrictions. The extent of the market is found by identifying locations that are linked by trade and where prices share identical long run information (permanent component). The pattern of integration characterizes interdependence and is analyzed by estimating a vector error correction model. The degree of integration is calculated with persistence profiles of the long run relations. We demonstrate that bivariate models are inadequate for capturing the spatial dynamics of price adjustment. The methodology is applied to the Brazilian rice market and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

We examine the performance of the threshold cointegration approach, specifically Band‐TVECM, to price transmission analysis in an explicit context where trade decisions are made based on expectation of final prices, because trade takes time. We find that, following a standard inference strategy, a large portion of three‐regime cases are not identified as such. Results show that transfer costs are systematically underestimated, particularly in three‐regime models. The speed of price transmission is also biased in three‐regime models. Furthermore, inferences about occurrence of trade are poor, with estimated models suggesting far lower market integration than is true in the data‐generating process.  相似文献   

Spatial and seasonal price differences for sorghum and sesame in the Sudan are investigated. A conceptual model of competitive market behavior in time and space dimensions is adopted to test the spatial and the seasonal price differences as compared to transportation and storage costs, respectively. The large differences in sorghum prices among regions indicate a lack of market integration between producing and consuming regions. Monthly price changes for sorghum and sesame compared to storage costs indicate an opportunity to capture above normal returns to storage. Causes of these large price differences are inadequate transportation and marketing infrastructure and government policy.  相似文献   

Ten years after the end of central planning, enormous interregional price differences indicate that Russian food markets are not well integrated spatially. Trade potentials are thus not exploited, most probably because of high trade costs. Besides transport costs, transaction costs seem to play an important role as an impediment to interregional arbitrage. These transaction costs can be very high in transition countries due to underdeveloped market structures and weak public institutions. After subtracting transport costs from interregional price differences, large differences remain, particularly in the case of high‐value products. It is assumed that these residual price differences constitute the transaction cost component of total trade costs. The regional economic impact of different trade cost components is quantified using a bi‐regional computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. Simulations show that the results are quite different between the two stylized regions (East and West), depending on which trade cost component is reduced. While the welfare effects of varying customs tariffs and transport margins are rather limited, lower transaction costs of trade seem to be a promising way to achieve a better functioning food market in Russia.  相似文献   

We examine the extent of spatial market integration in Colombia using consumer price index data for 153 consumer goods in 13 cities. An econometric analysis of the time‐series properties of all the possible city price differentials reveals that market integration tends to occur more frequently in unprocessed food products, as opposed to processed foods, other traded and nontraded products. The results also support the view that, except for nontraded products, the speed at which prices adjust to the long‐run equilibrium is slower for cities that are farther apart.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how some aspects of agrimonetary system of the Common Agricultural Policy may be analysed using spatial equilibrium diagrams, modified to include foreign exchange sectors. The model analyses the effects of monetary compensatory amounts on intra-Community trade. The results are: first, when the intervention price is below the market price, both the importing and the exporting country gain in social welfare; and second, when the intervention price is effective, only the importing country gains. In each case the cost of the MCA's exceeds these welfare gains. From a budgetary viewpoint there is a trade-off between the cost of intervention buying and the cost of the trade subsidy.  相似文献   

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