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目前我国国际工程承包采用的融资方式较为单一,加强对融资方式选择的研究显得更加迫切和需要。以下从几个方面探讨不同融资方式的比较。买方信贷的适用条件对承包商而言,买方信贷是一种低风险的融资方式,可以作为其首选的融资方式之一。其特点如下:1.不影响对于承包商的资产负债率,资产负债表中不会反映出流动负债比率的削弱,因而不会影响承包商的进一步融资能力。2.有利于加速资金周转。采用买方信贷,业主是按照工程进度用现汇向承包商支付工程进度款。3.承包商的风险最小化。承包商收入的是现汇,在国际工程承包中是风险最小的支付方式。业…  相似文献   

本论述了我国对外工程承包公司面曲的挑战和对策,并系统地分析了两种生产组织方式优缺点。针对我国对外工程承包公司的自身特点,指出了今后应采用的生产组织方式。详细论述了电子商务是实施横向联合生产模式的有效战略。对于增强我国承包公司的竞争力有重要的理论意义和较大的实用价值。  相似文献   

章针对国际工程招揽决策过程中所要依据的决策变量和决策模型进行了分析,提出了企业自身状况的决策变量与国际工程项目的决策变量。从而有助于我国国际工程承包企业在国际工程招揽中做出正确决策。  相似文献   

白明 《中国石化》1996,(6):21-22
石化国际工程承包的形势与对策白明在世界六大承包市场中,亚洲(尤其是东亚和东南亚发展中国家和地区)经济保持高速增长,促进了内外投资的增加,几年来一直保持全球最大承包市场的地位。中东地区在海湾战争后,虽没像人们想象的那样形成建设高潮,但恢复重建工程耗资巨...  相似文献   

虚拟经营是近年来较为热门的世界性话题之一,是企业管理经过“产品经营”和“资本经营”后的新阶段,被奉为21世纪最新的经营管理模式。  相似文献   

这些年来,集团注重发挥整体优势,树“上海建工”品牌,积极参与国际工程承包市场的竞争,已在新加坡、美国、苏丹、孟加拉、科摩罗、贝宁、朝鲜、越南等国家和香港、澳门地区承接了30多项工程,合同金额近8亿美元,完成国际工程营业额2.01亿美元,在美国《工程新闻记录》杂志世界最大225家国际工程承包商排名中,完成境外营业额名列第44位,是进入其中的33家国内企业的前10名,连续3年被评为全国外经行业50强。  相似文献   

■在有些发展中国家,人治和法治同样重要,只有和政府官员及宗教领袖建立良好的关系,很多事情才能灵活解决。■对于重复性较强且劳动密集型的工作,包工形式可规避某些劳工问题并促进管理本土化。  相似文献   

参与国际工程实施的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际工程承包与国内工程承包内涵不同,它包含了工程项目融资、设计和咨询、项目实施过程中的管理和竣工后的运行管理等:同际工程承包有众多社会部门的介入,涉及的法律、标准繁杂,货币和支付方式具多样性,国际政治经济环境的影响权重较大。冈此,要在激烈的市场竞争中取胜,有必要成立国际工程公司,走规模型、效益型道路.即以设计、咨询为龙头的总承包道路,最终向项目管理公司的模式发展。  相似文献   

国际工程承包市场分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
受国际经济和政治环境变化的影响,国际工程承包市场呈现了一系列新的发展趋势和特点。通过对ENR公布的全球最大的225家国际承包商的数据的简要分析,对国际工程承包市场的概况、行业特点、区域特点以及发展趋势进行了探讨,有助于工程承包企业更好地拓展国际市场。  相似文献   

据统计,我国目前有对外经营权的企业2000多家。大量的工程承包企业涌向国际建筑市场,显示了我们强大的国力,但同时,许多企业由于自身问题,兴致冲冲地出去,垂头丧气地回来,不但经济利益受损,很大程度上也影响了国家的形象。本文主要对目前我国企业在国际工程管理中存在的若干问题及对策加以探讨,旨在同相关企业共同努力,提高我国国际工程承包企业的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

Asian management in the 21st century   总被引:19,自引:14,他引:5  
Contrary to popular opinion, the crucial elements of the management process show strong continuity over time, but differ from one country to another, as a function of the local culture. Recent research reveals fundamental differences in the goals of business leaders from different societies. The article explores general characteristics of Asian management as opposed to management elsewhere, and what the study of Asian management and its cultural origins mean for the emerging Asian multinationals and for the state of the art in management research worldwide in the twenty-first century.
Geert HofstedeEmail:

Geert Hofstede   (PhD, University of Groningen) is a Professor Emeritus of the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands. Since the publication of his book Culture’s Consequences (1980, 2001), he has been a pioneer of comparative intercultural research; his ideas are used worldwide. A student-level book Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind (1991, new edition 2005 with Gert Jan Hofstede) has so far appeared in 17 languages. He is one of the most cited European authors in the Social Sciences Citation Index. He is a Doctor Honoris Causa of four European Universities, a Honorary Fellow of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, and a Fellow of the Academy of Management as well as of the Center for Economic Research at the University of Tilburg. This is Professor Hofstede’s third contribution to APJM after Hofstede (1984a, 1984b). His website is www.geerthofstede.nl  相似文献   

创新和节约能源与计量有着极其密切的关系。阐述了计量技术的基本单位及相互转换方式,介绍了实物计量基准的局限性和量子计量基准的重要性以及计量标准在国际上的发展趋势。  相似文献   

国际工程项目管理新模式-Partnering模式研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
项目管理模式是影响工程项目成功的关键因素,传统工程项目管理模式存在不足,近年来在发达国家和地区常用伙伴关系(Partnering模式)。在分析Partnering模式基本要素和类型的基础上,研究了Partnering模式的组织结构、工作流程和主要运作内容。  相似文献   

项目管理:二十一世纪的最佳职业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本阐述了项目管理在国际上的发展过程,特别是流行性,介绍了项目管理培训在我国的开展培训和培训内容,郑重指出项目管理培训对于提高我国项目管理水平的重要意义,以及迫切性。  相似文献   

We argue that compositional gaps in international joint venture (IJV) management groups, along parent company lines, will accentuate distinct managerial coalitions. Such gaps can occur on dimensions of observable demography, less apparent demography, or psychological characteristics. While compositional gaps in IJV management groups can provide the basis for healthy substantive conflict, such gaps—particularly if they are large—also tend to induce relationship conflict and heighten substantive conflict beyond its beneficial range. This can set off a downward spiral of relationship conflict, substantive conflict, and behavioral disintegration in the group. These harmful group processes further interact reciprocally with any tensions that might exist between the IJV parents, engendering a second downward spiral. Our model has implications for the performance of international joint ventures, and it serves as a foundation for designing interventions to avoid the downward spirals we portray. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

者在《中国纺织》2000年第6 期的一篇文章中明确提出:“21世纪,中国纺织业再铸辉煌的历史阶段已经临近”。为创造这个辉煌的阶段,必须认真研究纺织企业的革命问题。 研究中国纺织企业的革命问题,首先要找到革命的起点。中国纺织工业作为中国现代产业里最有悠久历史的产业之一,曾经铸就的辉煌,在几代人的思维中,对新世纪纺织企业的革命问题产生着不同的认识,尤其是对寻找革命的起点,仍然难于跳出传统计划经济体制所形成的束缚。近期笔者到西安、兰州、上海、南京、厦门、武汉等市作国有企业改革与发展调研时,有相当一部分人还…  相似文献   

Dragon multinationals: New players in 21st century globalization   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
This review article starts from the question: how does the global business system appear to a challenger firm, and how have challenger Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) from formerly peripheral areas such as the Asia Pacific established themselves successfully, against the sometimes fierce resistance of incumbents? To answer this question, the review develops an argument concerning the pluralistic character of the process of globalization, as contrasted with the conventional account that sees global processes creating uniformity and convergence. This alternative account is based on a review of the experiences of latecomer and newcomer MNEs, particularly those from the Asia Pacific—such as Acer, Ispat International, Li &; Fung and the Hong Leong Group—that are dubbed “Dragon Multinationals.” I argue that the innovative features that these MNEs share, such as their accelerated internationalization, strategic innovation and organizational innovation, fit particularly well with the characteristics of the emergent global economy as one of complex inter-firm linkages. The core proposition of the review is that this complementarity between the characteristics of the emergent global economy and latecomer and newcomer strategic and organizational innovations is what drives the remarkable success of these Asia Pacific firms in establishing themselves as serious international players. Such a proposition carries implications for the process of globalization as well as for the dominant frameworks utilized in International Business. The review argues that Dragon Multinationals adopt a different perspective to the resources accessed through internationalization, and that this requires a rethink of the criteria normally utilized in resource-based accounts of strategy. The challenger firm internationalizing in order to access resources also poses a challenge to the dominant OLI (ownership, locational, internalization) account of multinational advantage. Thus it is argued that the question posed at the outset goes to the core of the IB frameworks, and thereby counts as one of the ‘big questions’ that should guide research in IB in the 21st century.  相似文献   

虚拟建设—新型的工程项目管理组织模式   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
现代信息技术和通讯技术的高速发展对工程项目管理的思想,组织,方法和手段产生了深远的影响,并且已逐渐在改变着工程项目管理的组织模式,章分析了虚拟建设产生的背景,提出了虚拟建设的概念和内涵,概述了虚拟建设实施过程的方法和手段,以期对虚拟建设这种新型的工程项目管理模式的实践起指导作用。  相似文献   

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