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林原  曹提 《生产力研究》2012,(8):174-175,253
由于缺乏科学的最低工资标准决定机制,我国地方政府部门垄断了最低工资标准的调整,使我国各地的最低工资标准一直偏低,未实现制度设计的初衷。文章对国外成熟市场经济国家最低工资标准的决定机制进行了研究,对政府主导型、立法机关主导型和专业委员会主导型三种不同的最低工资标准决定模式进行了具体的分析,并总结了不同模式对于完善我国最低工资标准决定机制的借鉴意义,以探寻优化我国最低工资保障制度的路径。  相似文献   

作为一项工资保障制度,最低工资制度是政府干预劳动力市场的手段,维护了劳动者取得劳动报酬的合法权益,保障了劳动者的基本生活。美国最低工资制度发展较为完善,对我国进一步完善最低工资制度具有一定启示。  相似文献   

本文回顾了美国最低工资制度的历史,介绍了相关的基本理论和研究,总结了施行这一制度的经验以及这种经验对中国实行类似制度的参考价值。最低工资制度是大部分发达国家社会福利体系的一部分。中国最低工资制度刚处于起步阶段,其最低工资政策有其特殊背景,要建立合理有效的最低工资制度,首先要从法律上加强其效力;其次应考虑将最低工资制度与最低生活费制度合并,并细划最低工资层次和范围,根据政策目标计算最低工资标准。  相似文献   

我国目前最低工资标准的制定是一种地方政府主导型模式,但各省、市、自治区地方政府在最低工资标准制定中所重点考察的因素却比较模糊,这使得目前我国最低工资标准的调整缺乏一定的科学性。文章采用T型关联度分析方法,具体分析各因素对北京市最低工资标准调整的影响,并对其合理性进行研究,以探寻科学的最低工资标准调整机制。  相似文献   

最低工资制度是政府调整劳动者福利状况的重要政策工具,对于保障劳动者的基本权益具有非常重要的作用。在劳动力供给不足的情况下,政府应该在企业能够承受的范围内尽可能提高最低工资标准,这不仅有利于增加劳动力市场的供给,而且可以降低企业的劳动者流失率,更可以利用最低工资制度的倒逼机制,促进我国产业结构的转型升级。最低工资制度是劳动者获得最低生活水平的重要保障,在我国劳动力供给即将减缓并逐步降低的情况下,适当提高劳动者最低工资水平不仅是调节收入差距的重要途径,而且是提高劳动者福利水平、进而扩大内需的必要措施,也是实现社会资源合理分配的重要手段。  相似文献   

2012年新春伊始,我国各地最低工资标准又开始了又一轮的调整,引起社会各方密切关注。本文对我国最低工资标准在制定和执行过程中存在的一些问题进行分析,对最低工资标准的调整机制进行研究,并提出完善的建议,为各级政府在最低工资调整机制方面的决策提供了一定的实践依据。  相似文献   

吴慧萍 《经济论坛》2012,(2):134-135
本文对我国最低工资标准在制定和执行过程中存在的一些问题进行分析,对最低工资标准的调整机制进行研究,并提出完善的建议,为各级政府在最低工资调整机制方面的决策提供一定的实践依据.  相似文献   

农村外出劳动力工资决定机制研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从刘-费-拉二元经济模型来看,我国农村外出劳动力获得的工资仅为制度工资(生存工资),而制度工资在实践中主要表现为最低工资标准,其制定和调整取决于地方政府和企业利益博弈的均衡.深圳和龙岗最低工资制度的实践也表明,最低工资标准对农村外出劳动力的工资水平有显著影响,但其制定和调整更多的是迎合企业的偏好.解决农村外出劳动力工资问题的根本途径就必须改变现有的工资决定机制,在劳动者、企业以及政府利益一致性原则下通过新一轮的博弈实现利益均衡.  相似文献   

常玉梅  李莉 《时代经贸》2013,(24):169-169
最低限价是种保护价,雨最低工资是最低限价的一个实际应用。最低工资制度是商品经济和现代工资制度发展到一定阶段的必然产物,它已经成为世界各国政府对劳动力市场进行宏观调控、藓补市场缺陷所通用的法律手段之一。与此同时,最低工资也是是一种国际通行的基本劳动保障制度,从诞生时起就一直饱受争议。本文的基础观点还是同意存在最低工资制度。并在此基础上重新阐释最低限价的理论知识,由此介绍最低工资,并针对目前提高最低工资标准的社会时事问题给出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

经济转型期我国最低工资制度实施的必要性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林原  袁伦渠 《生产力研究》2007,46(5):76-77,139
文章将围绕经济转型期我国最低工资制度实施的必要性问题,从最低工资制度与劳动者权益保护、最低工资制度与就业、最低工资制度与公平收入分配、最低工资制度与产业结构升级、最低工资制度与人力资本投资五个角度展开分析。  相似文献   

The public sectors in the Scandinavian countries have been prominent examples of centralized wage-setting systems. In Norway, more room for local flexibility was implemented by a wage frame system introduced in 1990 in which the national wage scale system merely works like a minimum wage system. We analyze the effect of this reform using a unique database where we can track employees and their local government over time and explore the consequences of controlling for fixed individual effects and fixed employer effects. We find that the wage dispersion increased across local governments after 1990, and that wages to some extent became more responsive to local government income, monopsony power and other local government characteristics after the reform. However, the numerical effects of the reform are estimated to be quite small.  相似文献   

最低工资对中国就业和工资水平的影响   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
马双  张劼  朱喜 《经济研究》2012,(5):132-146
本文以1998—2007年全国各市(地区、自治州、盟)最低工资标准随时间变化的外生差异来识别最低工资上涨与企业平均工资、企业雇佣人数的关系。利用1998—2007年规模以上制造业企业报表数据进行的分析显示,最低工资每上涨10%,制造业企业平均工资将整体上涨0.4%—0.5%。借助2006—2007年福建省最低工资上涨的"准自然实验"本文也证实了该结论。对于不同行业、不同人均资本水平的企业,最低工资上涨的影响也存在异质性。最低工资将更多地增加劳动密集型或人均资本较低企业的平均工资。研究还发现,最低工资每增加10%,制造业企业雇佣人数将显著减少0.6%左右。政府在制定最低工资时应权衡其在收入分配上的积极效果以及其对就业的负面影响。  相似文献   

国有企业支付了更高的职工工资吗?   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
对职工个人层面的研究表明,股权性质显著影响职工平均工资,但已有文献对于企业层面上股权性质如何影响职工平均工资尚缺乏深入探讨。以1999—2009年间我国A股上市企业为样本,本文深入考察了国有股权性质对职工平均工资的影响。研究结果表明,从整体上看,样本期间国有企业支付了更高的职工工资,而且这一结论在控制了行政垄断、企业规模和职工教育背景等因素之后依然成立。进一步区分国有企业控制级别和职工工资类别后发现,与非国有企业相比,国有企业普通职工工资显著更高。其中,中央政府控制的国有企业普通职工工资显著高于地方政府控制的国有企业,而地方政府控制的国有企业又显著高于非国有企业;国有企业高管薪酬与非国有企业并无显著差异,但中央政府控制的国有企业高管薪酬显著高于地方政府控制的国有企业和非国有企业。上述研究结论有助于理解转轨经济背景下国有股权性质对职工工资的影响,丰富了职工工资的相关研究,并对推进我国国有企业工资体制改革具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Out-of-sample employment forecasts for 33 U.S. industries which are likely to be sensitive to the federal minimum wage are, more often than not, more accurate when information about the minimum wage is not taken into account. This is true even in instances where this information improves wage forecasts. When employment forecasts conditional on the minimum wage are better, the improvement is typically small. These results are invariant to the number of workers previously making less than the new minimum wage, and to the value of the minimum wage relative to industry average wages. First version received: August 1999/Final version received: July 2000  相似文献   

本文以最低工资标准提升作为自然实验,应用回归调整的差中差方法分析了最低工资标准提升对青年和中年低技能劳动力就业的影响。研究结果表明,最低工资标准提升对低技能群体中的男性和青年女性的就业没有产生显著影响;但对低技能群体中的中年女性就业却产生显著的消极影响,且最低工资标准提升幅度越大,对就业的消极影响越大。因此,政府适当的提升最低工资标准将有助于低技能劳动力整体工资水平的增长。  相似文献   

We show that wage setting in the Colombian manufacturing industry is not fundamentally driven by labour productivity in contrast to the standard theoretical prediction. On the contrary, internal institutional arrangements – payroll taxation, the minimum wage or the price wedge between manufacturing and consumption prices – together with a higher exposure to international trade – connected to the increasing globalization of the Colombian economy – appear as the crucial drivers. These findings lead us to question the political strategy followed to attain cost competitiveness in a context of growing exposure to international trade. Implementation of a true wage bargaining system is suggested as a critical policy target to prevent the disruptive economic consequences of the current wage‐setting mechanism and help rebalance the trade deficit.  相似文献   

For two different regulatory standards, we examine the optimal minimum wage in a competitive labor market when the government is uncertain about supply and demand. Solutions are related to underlying supply and demand conditions, and to the extent of uncertainty and of rationing efficiency. With expected earnings maximization, greater uncertainty widens the range of parameter values for which a minimum wage should be set. With expected worker surplus maximization and sufficiently efficient rationing, a minimum wage should always be set. However, in both cases regulatory uncertainty may require a low minimum wage that may not bind in equilibrium.  相似文献   

Lars Calmfors 《Empirica》2001,28(4):325-351
The paper distinguishes between the impact of the EMU on nominal wage flexibility and on equilibrium real wage and unemployment levels. A perceived need to increase nominal wage flexibility as a substitute for domestic monetary policy and a tendency to less real wage moderation in the EMU are likely to promote informal bargaining coordination and social pacts in the medium run. But such coordination is not likely to be sustainable in the long run, as it conflicts with other forces working in the direction of decentralization and deunionization. This could lead to more government intervention in wage setting during a transitional period. Although monetary unification will strengthen the incentives for higher-level transnational coordination of wage bargaining, such a development is improbable in view of the coordination costs involved. If transnational coordination develops, it is most likely to occur within multinational firms.  相似文献   

We evaluate a wage subsidy program that is targeted at long‐term unemployed workers in Germany. We use an alternative identification procedure compared to empirical studies conducted so far. Exploiting the particular program regulations and large administrative data we estimate the impact of program availability using a regression discontinuity framework. Our results suggest no significant impact of the availability of the subsidy on labor market outcomes of the target group. Even though our analysis lacks some statistical power, our findings do not support the substantial positive effects obtained from matching studies. As our approach does not require observability of all drivers of selection, previous empirical studies justifying government expenditures on wage subsidies based on matching methods should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

The Vietnam ‘renovation’ reforms were implemented during the 1990s, but their full effect was only felt several years later. We present evidence on the developments in real wage growth and inequality in Vietnam from 1998 to 2008. Using a variety of approaches (traditional measures of inequality, comparison of density functions, decomposition of the change in real wage by sector as well as a detailed decomposition of the change in the Gini), we present a consistent picture: contrary to what one might have expected given the nature of the reforms, inequality declined sharply in the private sector (but not in the state sector). This study links these developments to the policy of aggressively increasing the minimum wage over the past several years, differences in implementation by sector as well as variation in the over‐time changes in minimum wage.  相似文献   

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