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随着创新驱动战略的深入推进,手工艺非遗的知识产权保护也成为江苏省关注的焦点。从基于江苏省实施创新驱动战略的背景,选取手工艺非遗这一具体研究对象,探讨其在知识产权保护中存在的问题,倡导建立健全江苏手工艺非遗知识产权制度体系,多维多主体合作以及提高知识产权保护意识,旨在提高江苏省手工艺非遗知识产权保护水平,促进手工艺非遗的发展与创新,同时进一步提高我国文化软实力。  相似文献   

舞龙运动是具有民族特色的传统文化活动,1995年中国龙狮运动协会和国际龙狮总会的正式成立,标志着我国的舞龙运动进入规范、有序的管理轨道。自国家颁布《国务院关于加强文化遗产保护的通知》作为具有地方特色的非物质文化遗产的龙舞运动越来越受到人们关注。本文从舞龙运动的市场化发展,综合研究了1999年至2008年有关我国舞龙运动发展以及传统文化市场化管理、发展的文献,从三个主要方面整理归纳,首先介绍舞龙运动市场化涵义;其次,归纳总结舞龙运动市场化过程中存在问题;最后,总结提出舞龙运动市场化发展的几点对策。  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产保护问题是当前我国文化遗产研究的热点,旅游开发则是保护传承的重要途径。南京非物质文化遗产数量丰富,种类多样,地域特色鲜明,文化内涵深厚,具有较高的历史文化和艺术价值。然而在旅游开发中存在着保护意识淡薄、人才基础薄弱、法律法规不健全、开发模式单一、原真性破坏严重等问题。对南京非物质文化遗产进行保护性旅游开发,必须坚持增强保护意识、重视人才培养、完善法律法规、丰富开发模式、分类适度发展等措施,实现南京非物质文化遗产旅游开发的可持续发展。  相似文献   

贾鸿雁 《商业研究》2013,(1):195-199
20世纪末到21世纪初的10余年间,澳大利亚的文化旅游稳步发展,文化旅游目的地形象逐渐得到认可。从供给角度看,澳大利亚的文化旅游包括博物馆、美术馆、演出、节庆以及历史遗迹、遗产和土著遗迹,为推动文化旅游的发展,当地政府主导了一系列的研究项目和资助项目。澳大利亚的经验启示我们应进行务实的文化旅游研究,加大对文化产业的投入,政府应扶持与指导文化旅游发展。  相似文献   

张丽 《北方经贸》2010,(3):119-121
我国满族文化遗产资源丰富完整,民族特色鲜明,地域文化浓厚。同时又兼具开放、包容等显著的特征,具有很高的旅游价值。应深入挖掘满族文化内涵、整合满族文化遗产资源、对其进行品牌建设、开发具有满族特色的体验型旅游产品等。  相似文献   

传统手工艺类非物质文化遗产是非物质文化遗产中的一种重要分类。以苏绣为例,在其保护、传承与发展过程中,存在着保护意识淡薄、法律法规不完善、保护人才缺乏、传承机制不健全、宣传力度不够和保护资金的来源不足等问题。对手工艺类非物质文化遗产保护,要构建一个完善的保护机制,建设一个展览馆,做好保护传承人工作,以实现可持续发展。同时,要将传统手工艺类非物质文化遗产与旅游业相结合,最终实现手工艺类非物质文化遗产的开发。  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区旅游资源丰富,区位优势明显,交通便利,经济发达,其旅游经济也是全国最发达地区之一。但是,在区域内部,由于行政区划、旅游资源分布不均衡、地方经济发展水平存在差距等原因,使得各城市旅游经济发展差异显著。区域旅游协同发展是区域旅游合作的高级形式,长三角地区由于地域相邻,文化同源,经济发达,旅游资源在存在相似性与共生性的同时又具有差异性与互补性,且整个区域旅游线路呈网络化布局,贯穿性优良,具备区域旅游协同发展的可行性。为此,需要通过政府部门发挥协同发展的引导作用,旅游企业产品实施差异化开发,各地实行联合营销,共塑旅游形象,加快信息化建设,协同发展智慧旅游等途径,加强区域内16个城市之间的交流与协作,促进区域旅游协同发展。  相似文献   

Cultural tourism has traditionally been approached in terms of its appeal to visitors wishing to find out about or get involved in places or to extend their education or to enjoy historical buildings and heritage managed for tourism. This is tourism that has most encouraged activities to preserve the environment and historical/artistic heritage, getting away from mass tourist models, destination impact and seasonality. The aim of this study is to develop a model to identify the elements that help modify the cultural tourist's motivations: the structure of the tourism industry (enterprise infrastructure factors, city infrastructure factors, tourist mobility and tourist resources) and value for money. The use of partial least square method allows us to confirm the proposed correlations and to validate a model.  相似文献   

许汝贞 《商业研究》2006,(15):156-158
诸葛亮文化作为一份厚重文化遗产,对其开发更有助于当前的文化建设和经济建设。而诸葛亮文化开发的最佳方式则是旅游开发。鉴于诸葛亮文化具有明显的区域分布特征,且不同区域的诸葛亮文化有不同的内涵,于是,开辟文化专题旅游线应成为可能。  相似文献   

Creation of Biotech SMEs in France   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper examines the determinants of the creation of high tech SMEs at a regional level. Relations between the scientific and technical profile of a region, the size of the local market for biotech products and services, and economic development are explored in the French biotech industry during the 1990’s. Empirical analysis shows that a high level of scientific activity within a region is necessary to sustain a continuous flow of new business creation. The likelihood of firm creation depends on scientific and technological organizational factors like cooperation between academic and private organizations. Regional policies can have positive impact on firm creation, especially by promoting diversity and excellence in science. However, contrasting with the U.S. results, the size of the local market for biotech products and services matters in the industry development.  相似文献   

What are the entrepreneurial places in the USA? Although seminal theorizing on the determinants of entrepreneurship gives culture a unique and important role, systematic empirical evidence linking the distinct cultural identity of regions to their local entrepreneurial spirit and vitality is still scarce. This study offers a first, systematic overview on the nexus between regional cultural identity and latent and manifest entrepreneurship across the USA. To directly assess regional cultural identity, we apply the American Nations and Patchwork Community Types approaches and explore in which way these distinct spatially based cultural regions are reflected by significant differences in entrepreneurial activity and underlying biologically based propensities. We combine annual entrepreneurship rates at the county level with personality data collected in a large-scale, Internet-based study of 3,457,270 US residents. The findings suggest that entrepreneurship culture reflects the dynamic interplay between the region’s cultural identity and its latent and manifest entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

在经济危机背景下,发展闽台文化创意产业对于福建发展战略性新兴产业、转变经济发展方式,带动区域经济发展具有启示意义。福建发展文化创意产业的重点在于闽台文化产业的对接合作。福建省应切实解决好阻碍闽台文化创意产业的市场瓶颈问题以及投资与创新环境问题,为闽台文化创意产业深度合作创造良好条件;充分整合闽台文化资源,挖掘闽台共同的价值;联手加强知识产权保护,构建良好的区域环境;充分发挥地缘优势和两岸和平发展优势,共建文化创意产业的信息平台,走出一条闽台文化创意产业互利双赢、共同发展的新路。  相似文献   

This article examines the concept of cooperative marketing and reviews the wider range of elements that constitute cooperative marketing. Subsequently, the article considers its potential for small‐ and medium‐sized hotels (SMHs) in Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey, and suggests strategies that might stimulate such cooperation. Finally, the article concludes with the implications of cooperative marketing for tourism destinations in general. It is expected that this analysis will help to explore the possibilities of cooperative marketing in the hotel subsector within the limits of the local economies, as well as offering lessons for other countries in the Mediterranean region. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

宁安“渤海国”旅游景区可持续发展策略分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宁安市“渤海国”旅游景区经过十余年的发展对推动当地经济与文化的发展起到了重要作用。然而,从可持续发展角度来看,景区在其发展过程中仍存在着市场适应性不强、利益群体间关系无法理顺以及游客体验质量无法保障等问题。在市场经济体制下,景区只有转变管理模式、重新整合旅游资源、科学评价各利益群体间的价值创造关系,才能逐步确立竞争优势力量,参与到国内、国际旅游市场竞争中来。  相似文献   

A tourism live performance is a critical carrier of localism. It condenses local symbols and creates a significant approach to building a destination brand. However, to date, few studies have investigated this significant topic. To address the unresolved problem of the function and mechanism of the effect of a live performance on destination brand equity, this study employed a quantitative-dominant, concurrent nested mixed-method approach using 507 questionnaires (Study 1) and 14 semistructured interviews (Study 2). Based on symbolic interaction theory, the results confirmed that tourism live performance enhanced the destination brand equity, and the key link is for tourists to achieve a flow experience. Further, creative performance, visual appeal, cultural contact and authenticity created tourists' flow experience. The original findings of this study provide potential contributions to the development of destination brand equity.  相似文献   


Despite a growing body of work on destination branding, there are few studies to look at culture at the individual level and examine the potential impact of personal cultural orientation on destination brand equity. Based on Social Identity Theory, this study investigates tourists' personal cultural orientation (independent vs. interdependent) and its effect on destination brand equity (destination brand image, destination brand value, and destination brand quality) and revisit intention. All data were collected in Quepos, Costa Rica, using both person-administrated and online surveys. Results of this study reveal that personal cultural orientation impacts the destination brand image, destination brand value, and destination brand quality. In addition, the destination's brand value is positively related to the revisit intention. The theoretical and practical implications, as well as the future research directions, conclude the article.  相似文献   

侯芳 《江苏商论》2013,(4):53-57
旅游同城化不仅是同城化的重要方面,也是区域旅游合作的一种创新思维。旅游业的性质要求旅游目的地突破行政区域加强与周边旅游城市的合作,提高旅游地的核心竞争力与旅游整体形象。本文通过构建同城化旅游竞争力评价指标,将广佛与厦漳泉进行对比,指出广佛旅游同城化中存在的问题,并提出相应的发展建议,以实现广佛旅游业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

在世界区域一体化的进程中,亚洲各国已意识到了区域一体化的必然性和必要性,区域内合作日益紧密,构建一个亚洲区域共同体也越来越引人关注。从国际区域组织的经验来看,一个高效的组织机构体系是推动区域合作发展的重要因素之一。根据欧盟与北美自由贸易区的实践经验,结合亚洲的实际情况,亚洲共同体应从局部领域突破带动整体统一,从松散性合作发展为紧密性联合,并不断完善法律化和司法化建设,提高公平性和合理性。  相似文献   

The goal of the present paper is to integrate five types of literature related to the innovation process (i.e. cluster theory, innovation systems, network relations, knowledge management, and innovation types) and apply them to the local tourism destination to build a destination innovation process model with macro and micro perspectives. The suggested models intend to broaden the thinking on destination innovation process for tourism-related agents at the local and national level. The paper undertakes a careful review of the relevant literature before creating the conceptual models. The paper’s novelty and uniqueness lies in suggesting a new conceptual model of addressing how innovation competence of tourism destinations can be developed, and offering insight for tourism-related agents at the local and national level into how to effectively create and manage innovations. Future research should undertake empirical studies to test the integrated models presented in this conceptual paper.  相似文献   

为了实现广西左江花山岩画文化景观直观、多角度和全方位的展现,并将左江花山岩画数字文化遗产空间数据和非空间数据进行有效管理,提出在使用三维GIS、虚拟现实、空间数据库、3S和纹理映射等技术的基础上,基于Skyline平台设计并开发左江花山岩画数字文化遗产三维可视化系统,该系统能够实现多源空间数据的融合、浏览、查询及数据的有效管理等功能,为左江花山岩画数字文化遗产的保护提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

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