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We investigate the effect of uncertainty on home durable purchase decisions, and empirically evaluate the efficacy of consumer durable policies under uncertainty. A model of lumpy home capital adjustment shows that elevated uncertainty leads households to adopt a cautionary perspective and postpone their capital adjustment. We test this prediction using microevidence from China where both uncertainty and home production are substantial. We exploit a wide‐scale rebate program funded by the Chinese government as a natural experiment, and examine the impact on household investment. We find strong, significant, and robust evidence that greater income uncertainty inhibits durable adjustment. Our findings highlight the impediment that income uncertainty poses to investment in home durables, which are often considered as “engines of liberation” in emerging economies. (JEL E21, E64, J22, O16, O23, D91)  相似文献   

Academic and policy debate has centered around an apparent "underinvestment in conservation." This paper outlines traditional explanations for underinvestment and presents a prospect theory analysis of individual conservation behavior. On the basis of investment criteria, individuals seem to discriminate against conservation investments. While these decisions might appear rational as life style decisions, individual choice across different household appliances shows little consistency. For policymaking purposes, understanding and modeling actual behavior is crucial to maximizing social welfare. The insight of certain positive models of human behavior supports economic efficiency arguments for marketplace intervention. This paper argues that because individuals making conservation investment decisions apparently do not act according to the dictates of utilitarian economics, utility sponsored conservation programs are justified on economic efficiency grounds. Finally, in light of prospect theory considerations, the paper suggests marketing guidelines for conservation investments sponsored by electric utilities.  相似文献   

Recent contributions by Brookes (1990), Saunders (1992), and Inhaber and Saunders (1994) argue that cost-effective improvements in energy efficiency may, in the long run, lead energy use to grow more rapidly than it would in a world of fixed technologies. Since efficiency improvements may be viewed as a form of technological change that both reduces the effective cost of energy services and stimulates economic activity, energy demand may, under some circumstances, rise even as energy productivity improves. This paper examines this hypothesis using a simple model that distinguishes the roles of energy and energy services in production activities. In this model, improved energy efficiency can-not give rise to increased energy use unless: (i) energy costs dominate the total cost of energy services and (ii) expenditures on energy services constitute a large share of economic activity. Since neither of these assumptions is empirically plausible, the paper concludes that energy efficiency improvements will yield long-run reductions in energy use under the assumptions of the model.  相似文献   

Empirical studies provide compelling evidence that economic agents do not adopt the complete range of energy-efficient technologies that are cost-effective under prevailing prices and market conditions. Analysts commonly attribute this anomaly to the use of high discount rates in energy-related decisions-an interpretation that is difficult to reconcile with standard models of rational choice. This paper recasts the controversy from the perspective of economic theory and finds that market failures related to asymmetric information, bounded rationality, and transaction costs are major contributors to the so-called "efficiency gap."  相似文献   

In this paper, we construct a three‐sector endogenous growth model in which long‐run growth is propelled by human capital accumulation. We show that although the addition of a home sector to the standard two‐sector endogenous growth model preserves the well‐behaved balanced growth equilibrium properties, it generates new transitional dynamics around the balanced growth path. It is shown that, when there is a positive shock to physical capital, our model is more likely to exhibit paradoxical growth than are standard multisector endogenous growth models that exclude home production. Our analysis adds new results to those from the related literature on leisure.  相似文献   

Despite disincentive effects, it is more efficient to tackle inequality by general equality promotion policies, including tax/transfers, than by trying to pursue equality in specific issues or policies. The latter policy also has the same degree of disincentive effects as the general policy but has additional distortive effects. While Piketty' concern with inequality is well taken and his proposal to reduce inequality has merits, his argument on the inevitability of increasing capital share under capitalism and the condition of rate of returns to capital being larger than the rate of growth in incomes (r > g) is not correct. (JEL D3, D6, H)  相似文献   

The article develops and estimates a dynamic structural model of girls' school-going decisions and mother's labor market participation. It seeks to determine the causes of low school participation and to evaluate alternative public policies. The model incorporates mother's education, school availability, the productivity of the girl when engaged in household production, and the potential trade-off between mother's and daughter's housework decisions. Our findings suggest that school construction is the most cost-effective program. When using monetary incentives, our results highlight the effectiveness of conditionality, as opposed to unconditional transfers, and the existence of a trade-off between maternal employment and daughter's schooling.  相似文献   

This paper defines entrepreneurship as firms' activities to predict and adapt to changes in the environment, and derives an aggregate production function as a result of entrepreneurship. An increase in firms' prediction ability improves allocative efficiency in a competitive economy, but can reduce it when opportunities are distorted. It is shown that prediction ability can aggravate distortions in the presence of political risk. Because efficiency affects the total factor productivity of an economy, the model can explain how entrepreneurship influences total factor productivity.  相似文献   

Research supports the efficacy of prospect theory over utility maximization for consumer investment in electricity saving equipment. The findings have implications for designing electric utility programs to promote electricity conservation. Prospect theory describes, explains and organizes consumer behavior that is contrary to consumers maximizing a stable utility function. The results are similar across three ethnic groups.  相似文献   

This paper develops and tests a model that predicts a positive relationship between absolute levels of capital stock and how favourable are policies toward capital. The theoretical model we use is a model of campaign contributions and electoral competition, extended to consider the implications for factor mobility and hence the structure of production. There are two main predictions. First, countries with more capital stock tend to implement more pro‐capital policies. Second, in a two‐country model, the country that initially has more capital will be able to attract capital inflows from the other country. Given additional assumptions on the production side, this yields the prediction that the more different are countries' policies, the more different will be the set of goods that they produce. These predictions of the model are confirmed using panel data on cross‐state differences in policies and economic outcomes in India.  相似文献   

中国省际能源效率差异及其影响因素分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
我国东、中、西部三大地区能源效率呈现明显的"东高西低"现象,能源利用效率高的省份几乎都集中在东南沿海地区,能源利用效率低的省份主要集中在中西部经济落后地区。技术进步、第三产业增加值比重、能源价格、制度因素等都对东部地区能源效率改进有积极作用,而中部地区同样因素的影响较弱,西部最小;制度因素对西部地区(除广西、重庆、四川外)大多数省份能源效率改进有一定的阻碍作用。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,很多学者基于增长模型的角度对能源消耗和经济增长的关系进行了研究,但所得到的结论都较为悲观。近年来,经济学者开始考虑通过政府管制、技术进步和能源替代来纠正污染问题和资源过度消费带来的经济扭曲。本文基于新经济增长理论的视角,从三个方面(不同环境管制工具的政策效果及其对经济体和能源系统的影响,能源技术创新对经济增长的影响,能源替代对实现可持续发展的作用)对国内外涉及能源、环境和经济增长的研究进行梳理。  相似文献   

This study estimates an aggregate production function of manufacturing industry using panel data of 11 Korean regions covering 1977–1992. While the previous studies regard infrastructure as a direct input for production, the present study proposes that infrastructure has an effect on actual output by enhancing technical efficiency thereby, reducing the gap between maximum potential output and actual output. To investigate the relationship between infrastructure and technical efficiency, a stochastic frontier approach is applied to Korean manufacturing industry. Confirming the presence of substantial technical inefficiency in production, this study shows that an increase in infrastructure reduces the technical inefficiency level. The study also finds that, contrary to expectation, the industrialized regions are less efficient than the less industrialized ones. (JEL O20, H54, C23)  相似文献   

This study contains a simulation of a coal-fired electric plant subject to multiple pollutant standards for SO2 and NO x . It shows that firms may not choose the lowest cost technology. The firm's cost-minimizing choice is compared for three increasingly stringent standards: the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, the 1997 New Source Performance Standards, and the 2002 North Carolina Clean Smokestacks Act. The study finds support on cost-benefit grounds for the 2002 North Carolina standard, which is the most stringent standard, but not for the 1997 NSPS. (JEL Q28 , Q25 , L94 )  相似文献   

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