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岳芃 《当代经济科学》2011,33(2):99-105,127
本文基于行动者—网络理论从技术变化、媒介信息融合导致产业利益冲突的这一视角出发,分析由国家、产业管理部门、产业的企事业单位以及社会公众围绕媒介信息技术的变化所构成的网络关系,在此基础上认为在国家、产业管理部门、产业的企事业单位以及社会公众与媒介信息技术的互动过程中有效实现各方利益的有机整合是实现"三网融合"的充分必要条件,而对广播电视和电信产业进行产业规制制度改革是有机整合各方利益的关键所在。  相似文献   

A recent development in the UK television industry has been the emergence of satellite coverage of sporting events. This paper examines the relationship between broadcasting and football, culminating in the 1992 joint BBC and BSkyB contract to televise the English Premier League. A demand function is estimated which exteds the familiar model of attendance to incorporate television together with quadratic functions. We find that, although live transmission reduces attendance, the net financial consequences are positive for Premier League teams. Moreover, significant estimators are found for the quadratic functions of pricel earnings, distance, seasonal trend and length of Premier League status.  相似文献   

江苏有线电视台成立于1994年4月,章剑华任台长。1994年12月28日,江苏有线电视台正式播出,1998年8月8日开播大型互动式综艺电视节目《非常周末》,最高收视率42.38%,该节目一直办到2010年5月,是江苏电视史上收视率最高的综艺节目。2000年,江苏有线电视台广告创收1.8亿元,江苏市场占有率55%,利润近亿元,进入全国省级有线媒体前三强。2001年6月,江苏有线台并入江苏省广播电视总台,章剑华任总台台长。江苏有线电视台的台训、台歌与台标体现新媒体时代的精神,其组织体系、频道结构、节目样式、基本建设、经营创收、技术实施、网络建设顺应潮流,技术支撑、品牌特色、机制创新、管理体制领先行业,业绩显著,成为中国广播电视行业的标杆之一。  相似文献   

广播影视企业是否存在规模经济效应直接反映了公司资源利用效率以及整体经营状况,基于16家广播影视业上市公司财务数据,建立超越对数生产函数模型,通过计算规模弹性系数判断广播影视企业是否存在规模经济效应。研究表明:现阶段我国广播影视业上市公司的经营均不存在规模经济效应,资产规模与规模收益弹性之间有极强的正相关性。  相似文献   

New technologies are deeply transforming the broadcasting industry. What we have seen so far is only the beginning of a long story. Inevitably, industry regulations must adapt, which means that a wide-ranging rethink of current practices is required. In order to assess the likely evolution of the industry, this article decomposes it into a number of components, from conception of programmes to their broadcasting, including distribution, storage and licensing. Contrary to popular expectations, the analysis suggests that the current high degree of concentration will, if anything, increase. The policy implication is that regulation, so far driven by now obsolete technological constraints, should increasingly emphasize promoting competition.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine and attempt to solve a longstanding “puzzle” in national economic accounting. Radio and television broadcasting are services clearly designed for and used by consumers but not purchased by them and, consequently, not counted in personal consumption expenditures (PCE); the costs of broadcasting (and a part of the costs of newspaper and magazine publication) are not counted in final product but are counted as intermediate expenses in the manufacture and distribution of advertised products. An important result of this treatment is that an increase in broadcasting services will not increase real product, but will be reflected as price increases in advertised goods. Are consumer services provided by advertisers properly handled in the conventional accounts? How should they be valued? If their value is to be added to PCE, where does the offsetting income originate? The paper argues that the puzzle is resolved by recognizing the nonmarket exchange between the consumer and the broadcaster; the consumer provides the reception and display of audiovisual advertisements in his home in return for broadcast entertainment. The exchange rate-e.g. 501/2 minutes of entertainment for 91 minutes of commercial messages in “prime time”-is established in the United States by the National Association of Broadcasters. Similar exchanges occur between consumers and radio broadcasters, newspaper and magazine publishers. This concept is used as the basis for a new treatment shown in abbreviated sample accounts. Estimates for the U.S. in 1976 are included.  相似文献   

This study examines how information broadcasting through television (TV) media influences stock market activities. Consistent with the effect of TV information to attract investor attention, we find that increased information flow through TV is significantly associated with greater trading volume and larger price change. For information type, hard news from business-oriented programmes and earnings-related news strongly contributes to the attention effect, while the effect of soft news is weaker. Bid–ask spread widens for more TV information flows, suggesting that new information arrival in the market expands information asymmetry. Finally, the impact of TV is more influential for stocks with more individual shareholders than those with institutional shareholders.  相似文献   

广播电视在新农村建设中占据举足轻重的地位和作用,在城乡统筹新时期,提升农村广播电视功能对于构建社会主义核心价值体系,推进农村"三个文明"建设具有重要的战略意义。其基本思路是提升农村广电事业的公共服务能力、农村广电的高清传播能力、农村广电产业发展能力和城乡广电节目的创新能力,其宏观调控措施是完善工作体系、建立专业队伍、落实政策法规、加强组织领导。  相似文献   

Questions concerning the effects of regulation on stock returns are important to regulators and investors. Analysts must carefully design and interpret tests of hypotheses regarding these effects because of the nature of the regulatory process and financial markets. I discuss the way to test for the impact of regulation on firm value and required return in an event study. I illustrate with an examination of the 1971 radio and television cigarette advertising ban, and find results at odds with those of an earlier study.  相似文献   

Cable television reregulation in October 1992 did succeed in constraining subscriber bills about 9% below trend by October 1994. Yet, the growth rate of basic cable television subscribership fell sharply during the period of rate reductions. Only when real rates began rising in the period following October 1994—after an explicit relaxation of controls—did reliable industry output measures return to the pre-regulation growth trend. These data suggest that rate regulation becomes substantially less viable as the complexity of the regulated good increases.  相似文献   

Between the mid-1980s and early 1990s, cable television rates increased substantially. Simple price comparisons over the regulated and deregulated eras are difficult as the programming changed simultaneously. Using a modified hedonic framework to allow for the lack of competition on the supply side of the industry, this paper imputes the price for regulation era cable packages using consumers’ estimated willingness to pay for individual satellite networks during the unregulated period. Then a ‘quality adjusted’ price for the cable package offered in 1985 is estimated. On average, regulation benefited consumers by keeping prices below monopolist's profit maximizing price.  相似文献   

针对三网融合进程中规制机构应采取分业规制还是统一规制的问题,利用国际电联的规制机构问卷调查数据,建立规制机构设置模式的Probit选择模型。实证结果表明,产业技术经济特征和国家制度环境是影响规制体制设计的关键因素,同时经济和社会因素也对此有重要影响,这验证了规制制度设计需满足技术理性和制度理性的基本原则。基于基准比较方法得出的选择概率预测结果,得到我国应该对电信与广电业实施统一规制的政策结论。  相似文献   

旅行费用法(TCM)是目前应用较为广泛的游憩价值评估方法。选取宁夏影视类典型旅游景区——西部影视城作为研究案例,在国内外相关研究综述的基础上,运用TCM法对该景区淡旺季游客的综合问卷调查数据的评价分析,评估出2010年西部影视城的游憩价值为829.4万元,并针对分析结果提出了一些浅显的观点,以期为宁夏旅游景区制定营销规划和策略提供参考。  相似文献   

In this study, two levels of path dependence in the television technological system are examined: (1) How does the development of television (TV) core components affect the development of peripheral components? and (2) How does the development of complementary and substitute technologies affect the development of television technology? Results from the empirical analysis using patents from 1975 to 2004 indicate that: (a) the development of TV periphery technologies is path-dependent on the development of TV core technologies and (b) even after controlling for its own prior history, the development of the TV system is path-dependent on the development of its complementary technologies. However, there is weak evidence of the path dependence of the TV system on the development of its substitute technologies.  相似文献   

谢加力  陈月兰 《经济研究导刊》2010,(24):295-296,F0003
校园外语广播电台的开播突破了时空限制,成为学习外语技能和技巧的有效补充。探索外语电台对学习者文化输入的影响。通过电台播音员的个案研究,发现外语电台实践是获得外语文化的有效途径之一。但是外语物质文化易于制度文化、艺术形式文化及文化意识的习得。最后,提出文化选材动态化和文化输入常规化的观点。  相似文献   

自谈话类节目引进国内以来便得到了突飞猛进的发展与提升。随着市场经济的飞速发展与电视节目类型的不断变化,谈话类节目也存在着不可回避的现实困境。基于此,对我国电视谈话类节目现实境遇进行梳理,结合凤凰卫视《锵锵三人行》差异化传播策略成功之处,可以寻求我国电视谈话类节目的发展图景。  相似文献   

Television rights are the largest component of revenues for major sports in large, rich nations. Among these nations, the market structure for rights varies due to different competition policies toward sports and television. This essay examines how game coverage, revenues, and competitive balance are affected by competition in commercial television and sales of rights. It argues that consumers are better off if television is competitive and leagues do not centralize rights sales. We conclude that centralization of rights sales does not improve competitive balance or benefit financially weak teams. Finally, while digital telecommunications are making television competitive, ending centralization of sales by leagues requires policy intervention.  相似文献   

I study the effect of access to local television on citizens' political knowledge. I do so by utilizing the mismatch between U.S. television markets and state borders, causing some citizens to receive local television which primarily covers neighboring state politics. I find that access to relevant local television causes citizens to be more informed about their senators' roll-call votes, and more likely to hold opinions about these senators. I also find that citizens with access to relevant local television are more likely to assess their senators based on how well the senators' roll-call votes align with the citizens' policy preferences. These results suggest that passively acquired information through television can help individuals evaluate their elected representatives.  相似文献   


Shock events are often pivotal moments in geopolitics and objects of intense disagreement among conflicting parties. This paper examines the downing of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet over eastern Ukraine in July 2014 and the divergent blame storylines produced on Russian and Ukrainian television about the event. It then examines results of a question asking why MH17 crashed in a simultaneous survey conducted in December 2014 in six oblasts in Southeastern Ukraine, Crimea, and the de facto states of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria. An analysis of the surveys shows that blame attribution was driven more by television viewing habits than by any other factor.  相似文献   


How do people form beliefs about the factual content of major events when established geopolitical orders are violently challenged? Here, we address the tragic events of 2 May 2014, in Odesa, Ukraine. There, Euromaidan protest movement supporters and opponents clashed following Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the onset of the Donbas conflict, culminating in the worst civilian death toll the city had seen since World War II. Shortly after, we surveyed Ukraine’s population about who they thought had actually perpetrated the killings and relate people’s answers to alternative narratives (frames) that an original content analysis finds were available to Ukrainian citizens through different media. We find evidence, consistent with theories of hot cognition and motivated reasoning, that the Odesa violence triggered emotional responses linked to ethnic, regional, and partisan identity, which then activated attitudes associated with these identities that, in turn, led people to adopt very different (sometimes highly improbable) beliefs about who carried out the killings. Ethnic identity in particular is found to have strongly moderated the effects of television, with Ukrainian television greatly influencing Ukrainians but backfiring among Russians, and Russian television mainly impacting non-Ukrainians. Education and local information are found to reduce susceptibility to televised factual narratives.  相似文献   

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