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上海对外贸易学院入世研创学会(SWORD)是经校长办公会议批准,在有关各方大力支持下成立的主要从事中国入世应对策略研创的校内学术组织.学会本着植根于博,力求于精的方针,对中国入世进行全方位、宽领域的学习、研究与创新,力争在上海乃至全国树立上海对外贸易学院入世研创的制高点.学会由上海对外贸易学院院长王新奎博士任会长,WTO专家刘光溪博士任执行会长.  相似文献   

2001年3月15日下午,正值上海对外贸易学院“入世研创学会”成立揭牌之际,劳拉女士欣然应邀与会,并在会上做了题为“变化中的美国经济对中国的影响”的学术报告。她从一位经济学家的角度出发高屋建瓴地分析了中国入世是经济发展的必然结果,同时又基于其深厚的从政经验提出美国在小布什政府期间也必然采取支持中国入世的经济政策。本文根据该演讲的录音编译整理而成,未经本人审阅。  相似文献   

2011年11月22日.由上海对外贸易学院、世界贸易组织联合主办,上海市经济学会、上海市国际贸易学会协办的“第十一届WTO年度论坛——中国‘入世’十周年:回顾与展望”高层国际研讨会在上海隆重举行。上海市政协副主席.上海WTO事务咨询中心总裁王新奎.上海市政协副主席周汉民,原对外经济贸易部副部长、  相似文献   

<正>由上海对外贸易学院(SIFT)和世界贸易组织(WTO)主办、上海市经济学会和上海市国际贸易学会协办的第11届WTO年度论坛"中国入世十周年:成就与展望"高层国际研讨会,于2011年11月22日在上海虹桥宾馆隆重举行。前10届WTO年度论坛是由上海对外贸易学院与德国阿登纳基金会合作举办的。此  相似文献   

一、WTO主要事务□WTO发布《2003世界贸易报告》WTO秘书处日前发布《2003世界贸易报告》。《报告》每年发布一次,主要包括贸易趋势和政策问题。2003年版主要审查了南南贸易的发展、货物贸易市场趋势以及区域贸易协定增长等议题。□美国拨款成立“中国履行入世承诺办事处”据香港贸发局报道,美国众议院近日以400票对21票通过2004年商务部、司法部、国会、司法机构及相关部门拨款法案(HR-2799),其中包括拨款300万美元支持美国商务部成立“中国履行入世承诺办事处”,以确保中国履行入世承诺;此外,并拨款180万美元给国会的中国事务执行委员会。该法案将向美国国际贸易署拨款3.95亿美元,其中包括3820万美元用于处理市场准入及守规事务、6820万美元用于进口管理事务(包括300万美元成立“中国履行入世承诺办事处”);拨款2.17亿美元给美国及国外商贸事务署,拨款210万美元设立中国及中东商贸中心。商务部的保安及工业局获拨款6820万美元,美国贸易代表办事处获4190万美元,美国国际贸易委员会获5700万美元。二、WTO争端解决□WTO专家组就日美热扎不锈钢板争端案作出裁决WTO争端解决机构专家组8月14日出具...  相似文献   

WTO总干事鲁杰罗曾说过:“当其他人在编写游戏规则时,一个外向型的中国决不能袖手旁观。”这句话深刻地道出了中国入世的意义。如今中国同WTO成员之间的贸易占其全部贸易的90%以上,继续游离于多边贸易体制之外,不利于中国对外经贸活动的健康发展。入世在即,中国企业只有认真研究WTO的有关游戏规则,才能在日益激烈的世界市场竞争中立于不败之地。 为此,我刊从本期起特推出“WTO有关规则专题讲座”,供企业参考。  相似文献   

如何利用世界贸易组织(WTO)的政策机制享受诸多好处,以何种心态去面对“入世”后的冲击,一直是我们关注和研究的焦点。本文试从 WTO 中基于务实主义的公平贸易规则入手,重新审视 WTO,并据此指出,中国入世要确保获利最大、冲击最小,需要充分利用 WTO 规则,掌握驾驭规则的艺术,使我国在经济全球化的潮流中获得更好的发展。本文的宗旨,即是通过对 WTO 原则和我国入世策略的客观分析,旨在消除人们对中国“入世”后命运的过分担忧,指导我国参与经济全球化的实践。  相似文献   

权威人士谈“十五”期间全省外经贸工作的总体思路和工作重点抢抓机遇 开拓创新精英荟萃 再展宏图2001年我国外经贸发展所面临的形势和任务黑龙江经济发展之我见中国与WTOTRIMs协议与我国外商投资待遇制度WTO对中外运空运发展的影响“入世”后我国外贸行业面临的挑战及对策浅谈“入世”对我国对外贸易的影响加入WTO对中国零售企业的冲击与对策加入WTO对我国开放金融业的要求及对策加入WTO对我国利用外商直接投资的影响中国保险市场的开放与应对WTO的措施转变经营理念 迎接入世挑战从WTO反倾销守则看美国与欧共体现行反倾销法及…  相似文献   

我国已经正式成为WTO成员,现在面临最重要的问题是如何根据入世承诺正确实施WTO规则。中国WTO研究学会的两个基地一个设在对外经济贸易大学,另一个设在国际大都市上海。长期以来,在WTO研究方面,经济领域的专家学者较多。今天,我们请到了清华大学法学院教授于安。让我们跟随法学家来理解WTO,探讨如何更好地实施WTO规则。  相似文献   

经过十年年旷日持久的谈判,世界贸易组织中国工作组在2001年9月中旬通过中国加入WTO的“法律文件议定书”和“报告书”,终于完成了有关中国加入WTO条件的谈判使命。预计在2001年11月召开的WTO部长经理事会上将对中国加入WTO作出最后决定。中国“入世”指日可待。在十五年“入世”长征中,关税减让是市场准入谈判的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

Clustering at the Movies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Weekly box office revenues for approximately 100 successful motion pictures are analyzed by use of a finite mixture regression technique to determine if regular sales patterns emerge. Based on an exponential decay model applied to market share data, four clusters of movies, varying in opening strength and decay rate, are found. Characteristics of the clusters and implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Are facts the only criteria that should determine an arbitrator's decision but are there other ethical criteria that ought to be used? Arbitrators are often faced with deciding issues like whether a person discharged already by a company for arson, should be reinstated or not to his old job. The problem, however, may not be the facts but that the company has discharged him to get rid of him so that it no longer has a problem while society does with the arsonist at work elsewhere. Another problem involves the teaching of human resources management. Most of the current literature dealing with modern management reflects the belief that participatory management is good for management. Most of the evidence supporting such a claim is weak; there surely is very little evidence that such participation should include nonsupervisory employees. The discussion concerning the issue of participatory management could be raised if the participants stopped talking about the increased productivity that is supposed to result, but rather deal instead with the issue that such participation is a form of industrial democracy and therefore is good or bad depending upon a person's ethical judgments concerning such an issue.  相似文献   

Impelled by neo-liberal ideology, base-of-the-pyramid (BOP) and subsistence market discourses have put emphases on markets, profits and entrepreneurialism. Because of this ideological mooring, there is a marginal understanding of the role of the State and its impact on the poor in these discourses. Franz Kafka’s work provides a critical perspective on the role of the State in BOP or subsistence settings. This ethnographic study in India examines transactions related to land and highlights the Kafkaesque nature of the State. The institutional setting is fraught with Kafkaesque elements such as inaccessible and indecipherable legality, abusive power relations and alienation of subaltern subjects. It further shows that the illicit character of the State is an important reason for illegal practices in subaltern settings.  相似文献   

This study explores heterogeneity in how firms have achieved high growth. Using the population of all firms in Sweden with more than 20 employees in existence in 1996 (N=11,748), we analyzed their development for each year of the previous 10 years (1987 to 1996). From this population of all firms in Sweden, multiple criteria were used to define a sample of high-growth firms (n=1501). Using 19 different measures of firm growth (such as relative and absolute sales growth, relative and absolute employee growth, organic growth vs. acquisition growth, and the regularity and volatility of growth rates over the 10-year period), we identified seven different types of firm growth patterns. These patterns were related to firm age and size as well as industry affiliation. Implications for research and practice are offered.  相似文献   

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