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许德丽  吉燕宁 《价值工程》2019,38(12):191-194
通过"互联网+农业"的角度切入,借鉴国内外"互联网+农业"应用成功的发展案例。从中汲取借鉴点,分析西平坡满族乡产业发展现状并提出产业发展创新模式,探索出西平坡满族乡产业规划发展对策,为农贸型小城镇产业规划发展提供依据。  相似文献   

正清流县特有的自然条件、传统的精耕细作和独特的工艺流程,形成了具有地域特色清流豆腐皮、清流溪鱼、清流黄羊、清流鲜切花,是闻名的"油茶之乡"、"桂花之乡"、"罗汉松之乡"、"绿化苗木之乡"、"生态旅游大县"。近年来,清流县委、县政府按照"立足资源、项目带动、培育特色、做强产业"的产业发展思路,高度重视农业标准化工作,坚持以农业标准化推进特色农业的发展,特色农业发展强劲,2013年农林牧渔业总产值达22.3亿元。新形势下,清流县质监局以建立健全农  相似文献   

近年来青岛市小城镇建设取得了较大的发展,但仍然存在缺乏特色与优势支柱产业支撑:小城镇间的分工不明显;小城镇产业规模较小等问题。因此,推进城镇化应从坚持工业布局与城镇布局相协调i优化产业的空间布局:完善教育、文化、卫生等基本公共服务等方面着手。  相似文献   

<正>一河北冀州的产业状况冀州建市二十年来,取得了举世瞩目的成就,特别是在经济方面,形成了自己的产业特色。(一)形成独特产业近年来,冀州产业框架逐渐成型,采暖铸造、化工、玻璃钢三大战略支撑产业和农产品加工、汽车配件、医疗器械三大区域优势产业发展迅速,群体规模日益扩大,总体实力不断提升,在全市经济中的比重达到70%以上,构筑起全市经济发展的支柱和特色。(二)发展特色农业冀州市围绕农业"产业化、特色化、市场化"的发展思路,  相似文献   

重庆城市发展新区小城镇产业发展探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2013年重庆提出了五大功能区战略,明确了2.32万km2的城市发展新区将成为全市未来工业化城镇化的重点区域。而全市超过一半的产业型小城镇都分布在城市发展新区,这些小城镇对于城市发展新区承担产业转移,完善区域产业体系配套有着重要的作用。文章围绕五大功能区战略对小城镇节约用地、提高质量、分类差异化发展的要求,分析了当前城市新区小城镇产业发展存在的问题,提出小城镇产业发展应实现产业布局"从分散到品牌"、产业特征从"同质化到异质化"、产业计划"从固定到弹性"、产业人才从"外流到回流"的策略探索。  相似文献   

张平占 《现代企业》2012,(11):48-49
中国是传统的"农业大国",但我国农业劳动力每年人均生产的农产品只能供养3至4人,而发达国家却能够供养上百人。这说明我国距离"农业强国"还很远。与传统农业相比,现代农业必须要立足于国情,以产业理论为指导,以持续发展为目标,以市场为导向,依靠信息体系的支撑,广泛应用计算机、网络技术,推动农业科学研究和技术创新,大力发展电子商务,推动农产品营销方式的变革。本文针对我国农业生产经营信息化的现状和存在的问题,希望借  相似文献   

一、发展农业产业化龙头企业对湖北省的重要意义龙头企业是构建现代农业产业体系的重要主体,是推进农业产业化经营的关键。1.龙头企业的发展适应了社会化大生产的要求。随着社会生产技术、生产力的快速发展,传统的农业经营方式已经不能完全适应社会化大生产的要求,以家庭联产承包责任经营为稳定基础的农业产业化经营,把传统的、分散的农业经营与农产品、畜产品等加工业联系到一起,组成一个新的产业链条,是符合当今农业发展规律的新的经营方式。  相似文献   

孙晓然 《企业导报》2013,(5):173-174
保定市是农业大市,传统农业产量较大,但是农民收入始终不高,农业经济没有进入良性发展轨道。特色农业是发展我市农业经济的一个有效道路。本文就保定市的特色农业问题提供发展思路。  相似文献   

论河南农业产业化的集群发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南是全国重要的农业大省,是粮、油、肉等主要农产品的核心产区。近年来,面临比较效益低、质量安全问题突出、融资困难、新型经营主体发展较慢等深层次问题,河南提出发展现代农业产业化集群的重大举措,并取得了显著的建设成效,涌现了新野肉牛产业集群等先进典型,探索出"产业体系、经营体系、布局体系"和"运行机制、保障机制"等发展路径和政策举措。  相似文献   

董天菊 《物流技术》2012,(11):39-40
通过对农业物流与现代农业、农业产业化体系建设之间关系的分析,正确认识当前我国农业物流产业的特点、存在的主要问题,进而探讨了发展农业物流对推动现代农业发展的作用。  相似文献   

为了保持经济又好又快的发展,应该正确处理人口、资源、环境与经济的关系;必须长期坚持计划生育的基本国策,控制人口增长的数量,提高人口的质量,减轻过多的人口对资源和环境的压力;提高自主创新能力,转变经济增长方式,发展循环经济,节能减排,建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,走新型工业化道路,实现可持续发展战略。  相似文献   

本论文采用等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)土壤中的K,Na,Ca,Mg,Fe进行了测定,样品以四酸体系溶矿,不经分离杂质,即可直接测定。本法通过优化实验条件确定了最佳分析波长,该测定方法检出限为:0.006~0.0186mg/ml,RSD%为:0.5032%~1.030%,双差均小于1,回收率为99.41%~100%。准确度和精密度较高,方法快速简单,预处理简单,分析流程短,完全满足地质工作要求。  相似文献   

A bstract . "Structuralism" and "functionalism" facilitate an analysis of the evolution oi economic thought as a series of cultural, institutional , and socioeconomic challenges and responses. The methodologies of "structuralism" and "functionalism," like Hegelian dialectics, 1 to which they are closely related, do not consider thought systems or socioeconomic systems in terms of fixed and stable relationships but in the light of dynamic processes of change. They emphasize communication, feedback , and continuity. The aim of these methodologies is to facilitate the analyses of changes in interrelationships which constitute the processes of evolution. The economist is concerned with the theoretical analysis of socioeconomic processes. His task can be facilitated by describing and analyzing structural-functional relationships of the economy and its parts. However, the methodologies of structuralism and functionalism cannot be used to predict theoretical developments. At best they can be utilized to select from some set of possible alternatives.  相似文献   

Donald B. Pittenger 《Socio》1978,12(5):271-276
This paper discusses the fundamental role judgment and assumptions play in forecasting population. It is suggested that so-called “projections” operationally are usually either forecasts or extrapolations. Specific projection methodologies and techniques are shown to embody assumptions. A simple typology of such assumptions is presented as a guide to evaluate forecasts. Tests of projection technique accuracy are cited and it is concluded that such tests cannot succeed due to the assumption factor. Finally, time series forecasting techniques are criticized because their terminology with respect to confidence limits about a forecast is misleading.  相似文献   

于战海 《价值工程》2010,29(7):132-132
本文简要介绍高炉灰中Si02,CaO,MgO的测定,此方法其准确性、重现性、稳定性均可满足日常分析的需求。  相似文献   

A simple example shows that equilibria can fail to exist in second price (Vickrey) and English auctions when there are both common and private components to bidders’ valuations and private information is held on both dimensions. The example shows that equilibrium only exists in the extremes of pure private and pure common values, and that existence in standard models is not robust to a slight perturbation.  相似文献   

This article explores the arbitral criteria involved in cases when grievants quit or appear to quit their jobs, and then change their minds. It looks at factors that arbitrators take into account in determining when a voluntary resignation has taken place. The principles or guidelines for rescinding a quit are also reviewed. When a quit is forced by some action of the employer, arbitrators generally consider this situation to constitute a constructive discharge, and if such a finding is made, will review the discharge to determine whether it meets just cause standards.Donald J. Petersen is also an arbitrator listed on the panels of the American Arbitration Association, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, the Public Employee Panels of the State of Iowa, and the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission. He is a member of the National Academy of Arbitrators.  相似文献   

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