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2009年5月,美国波士顿咨询公司发布2009年银行业价值创造报告,招商银行凭借高达33.3%的税后ROE(股本回报率)高居全球业绩最佳银行排行榜的第一位(报告引用彭博社的预测结果),同时也是中国内地唯一一家上榜全球业绩最佳银行前十位的银行。分析人士认为,招商银行获评全球业绩最佳银行,意味着其净资产回报率最高、对股东的回报率最高,实现了股东价值最大化。同时,波士顿咨询公司也在报告中分析,业绩表现好的银行普遍采取了两种发展模式:侧重于新兴市场、以分行为基础的零售银行和所需资本较少的财富管理公司或经纪公司。  相似文献   

公允价值计量对我国银行业的影响分析   总被引:48,自引:1,他引:47  
在公允价值计量是大势所趋的背景下,本文从理论上分析了公允价值计量对银行业以及金融稳定性的影响与冲击,并结合我国金融工具会计准则的颁布与实施,探讨了公允价值计量对我国银行业的预期影响。本文的分析表明,公允价值计量所涉及的重要概念以及许多实际重大问题还没有得以完全解决,并且它的实施确实会对银行业乃至整个金融体系产生重大影响和冲击。  相似文献   

邱勇  曲洪芳 《时代金融》2012,(18):283+300
本文通过对银行业财务工作的分工、执行、监督、评价的现状进行阐述并试图发现问题,进而针对如何提升银行业财务会计条线在经营中的价值创造力提出建议。  相似文献   

邱勇  曲洪芳 《云南金融》2012,(6X):283-283
本文通过对银行业财务工作的分工、执行、监督、评价的现状进行阐述并试图发现问题,进而针对如何提升银行业财务会计条线在经营中的价值创造力提出建议。  相似文献   

对我国银行业监管的价值认识和实践运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合我国银行业监管现状,分别就监管当局监管、银行自我监管、行业协会自律管理、社会公众监督四个层面的状态进行剖析,并就我国实施银行审慎监管后对银行监管的价值认识与技术选择进行分析,从而提出加强银行业监管的若干建议。  相似文献   

2006年2月15日,财政部正式发布了新会计准则体系,从传统的计量到公允价值模式,公允价值计量的运用无论在会计理论界与实务界,还是在会计准则制定者与银行界及监管机构,都引起了激烈的争论。基于这种争论,本文在公允价值计量在我国银行中的应用的基础上,分析其对银行的影响,并在此基础上进行总结并提出对策。  相似文献   

各试验区改革方案的异同及进展 温州金融改革:民间金融危机倒逼的自下而上的改革 在2012年3月28日国务院常务会议批准实施《浙江省温州市金融综合改革试验区总体方案》并决定设立温州市金融综合改革试验区之后,《温州市金融综合改革试验区实施方案(征求意见稿)》被提上日程,  相似文献   

潘荣 《金融博览》2009,(23):32-32
危机后的金融业辉煌不再,虽然各大银行在经济复苏市场反弹的背景下业绩节节攀升,但其资产规模,利润水平和市值都发生了微妙的变化。  相似文献   

银行业人力资本是影响金融运行效率最重要的因素之一,它由公共和专门知识、技能、资历、经验、健康、协作力和工作动力等要素构成,有着诸多重要特点,价值计量是其难点。必须充分注意银行业物质资本及人力资本投资的相互关系,以提高人力资本投资效率。  相似文献   

This paper examines the fight over a share reunification plan that pitted Swiss financier Martin Ebner against Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), once the largest Swiss bank and a global leader in asset management. In the U.S. corporate governance debate, large shareholders are often held up as a possible solution to corporate governance problems. But this examination of the UBS proxy fight shows why some large shareholders can themselves be a source of governance problems. The share reunification plan was designed to combine the firm's two classes of stock: registered (voting) shares and bearer (non-voting) shares. As its motive for the plan, the UBS board cited a desire both to increase liquidity and to prevent a control change. The majority of the holders of the company's registered stock—many of whom had other financial ties to the bank—ended up voting for a proposal that caused them to lose 11% of the value of their shares during the three trading days following its announcement, and eventually almost twice as much. Moreover, even the holders of the bearer stock hurt themselves by approving the reunification plan. Although the plan clearly transferred value from the registered to the bearer shares, the redistribution benefits from the plan for the bearer shareholders were not sufficient to offset their losses from the reduced probability of a control change. Although it did not succeed in accomplishing its immediate goal, the UBS proxy fight is today recognized as a watershed event in Swiss corporate governance. Until recently, Switzerland's economy has been dominated by cartels, with closely overlapping boards of directors. Hostile takeovers were essentially unheard of, and criticism of management by shareholders was highly unusual. Ebner's activities have had the effect of stimulating public debate about shareholders' rights and shareholder activism. In so doing, they have made it more acceptable for shareholders to criticize management and established shareholder value as a “politically correct” goal for Swiss corporations.  相似文献   

市值是资本市场对上市公司价值的反映,较高的市值实际上是投资人对公司基本面和投资价值的认可和判断。对于一个国家来说,其上市公司的市值在全球的排名也在一定程度上体现了该欧美银行在榜单上的位置。2006年10月27日,工商银行在上海证券交易所和香港联交所成功上市,成为中国证券发展史上具有里程碑意义的标志性事件。  相似文献   

作为中国连续经营时间最长、国际化和多元化程度最高的银行,中行始终秉承追求卓越的精神、稳健经营的理念、客户至上的宗旨和严谨细致的作风,得到了业界和客户的广泛认可和美誉,树立了优秀的品牌形象。在百年发展历程中,从建立之初的中央银行、国际汇兑银行、国际贸易专业银行,到新中国成立后的外汇专业银行、  相似文献   

马越 《中国金融家》2011,(1):116-118
中国人民银行作为我国的中央银行,肩负着保证国家货币政策正确制定和执行、完善宏观调控体系、维护金融稳定的责任和使命。同时它也是百姓自己的银行,心系百姓生活,为百姓创造便利,大力发展"民生金融",积极做好"三农"、中小企业、助学、普通自住房、扶贫、就业创业等方面的金融服务。本刊特别策划一组专题报道,既有人民银行上海总部如何...  相似文献   

从2004年5月离开河南至今,杨子强在人行济南分行已工作近8个年头。作为全国人大代表,他坚持把基层金融的需求和呼声带到中央,不仅关注金融与国家宏观政策、产业政策以及地方经济发展的有机结合,提出围绕实体经济需要着力创新金融支持体系的想法,而且随着县域经济活力增强、金融机构县域分支机构建设速度加快,他认为人民银行县支行的建设也亟待加强。  相似文献   

A number of popular business magazines have recently run cover stories describing the “return of leverage.” Although full of interesting details about individual leveraged deals and the investment bankers who put them together, they are largely silent on several issues of economic importance: Why is this happening now? What are the most important benefits as well as costs of debt financing? Is there such a thing as a value-maximizing, or “optimal,” capital structure for public corporations? No financial economist has thought and written as much about corporate capital structure and its relationship to shareholder value and corporate governance as Harvard professor Michael Jensen. The first economist to see the value-adding potential of LBOs in the 1980s, he was also the first to identify the source of the problems with the late-'80s deals. In this roundtable discussion, Professor Jensen explores the “real” effects of corporate financial policies on managerial decision-making and shareholder value with a distinguished group of corporate executives and financial advisors.  相似文献   

“我很荣幸就任世界银行行长。我就任之际正值全球经济处于关键时刻,也是世界银行作为一个机构的决定性时刻。我今后五年的一项重要责任将是确保世行的独特优势与过渡转型中的世界保持一致。”7月1日,韩裔美籍医学专家金墉接替卸任的前行长罗伯特·佐利克,成为世界银行的第12任行长。就任第一天,金墉发表的这一声明成为世界银行向世界的一种表态。  相似文献   

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