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刘喜和 《财经科学》2012,(6):105-111
针对2007年第二季度至2012年期间我国价格贸易条件异常波动的现象,文章利用可变参数状态空间模型,比较分析了相关要素的影响方向和力度。结果表明:(1)国外产出缺口、国际大宗商品价格和人民币升值是影响我国价格贸易条件异常波动的主要原因;(2)比较收入贸易条件的影响因素,国外产出缺口始终处于正向影响,人民币升值具有较强的负向影响,国际大宗商品价格和国内通货膨胀的影响较中性。  相似文献   

Considering a Nash equilibrium in which a developed country chooses the amount of foreign aid and a developing country sets the emission tax rate and the proportion of the received aid allocated to public abatement of pollution, it is shown that an increase in the recipient countrys environmental awareness will reduce the level of cross-border pollution and benefits the donor though its foreign aid is increased.  相似文献   

中国贸易条件变化和波动情况的经验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在联合国统计司Comtrade数据库的基础上对中国贸易条件的变化和波动情况进行了经验分析,结果发现:(1)从1987—2006年,中国的初级产品贸易条件有一定程度的改善,而整体贸易条件和制成品贸易条件则出现了明显的恶化。(2)对贸易条件波动性分阶段考察的结果表明,在中国加入WTO前后,不管是整体贸易条件还是分类商品贸易条件,其波动性都是显著下降的。(3)中国贸易条件的波动主要是由于低技术产品大的出口份额、中技术产品大的进口份额以及中技术产品进出口贸易发展的不均衡所造成的。  相似文献   

对外贸易、FDI的经济增长效应与环境污染效应实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
外贸与FDI都在整体上促进了中国经济增长,其中,进口对经济增长的作用较小;出口与FDI加剧了中国环境污染;进口贸易可抑制环境污染,但作用比较小;人力资本具有显著的促进经济增长与抑制环境污染的双重功能。  相似文献   

本文在联合国统计司Comtrade数据库的基础上对中国同欧盟贸易条件的变化情况和波动情况进行了经验分析,结果发现:(1)从1987-2006年,中国同欧盟的整体贸易条件、初级产品贸易条件和制成品贸易条件都出现了一定程度的改善;(2)在中国加入WTO前后,除了高技术产品,中国同欧盟不管是整体贸易条件还是分类商品贸易条件,其波动性都是显著下降的;(3)减小中国同欧盟贸易条件波动的关键,一方面在于降低我国中技术产品进口对欧盟的过分依赖;另一方面在于改善中欧技术产品进出口贸易发展不平衡(进口大于出口)的局面.  相似文献   

In view of still large external imbalances across the world economy and dramatically risen public debts in major advanced economies, this paper reconsiders the relationship between public debt, the terms of trade and welfare in a two-good, two-country overlapping generations model with technological differences across countries. We find that the terms of trade effect of a public debt shock depends only on international differences in capital production shares and the dynamic (in)efficiency of the world economy. As in a model with similar capital production shares, domestic welfare rises and foreign welfare decreases when Home has a positive external balance and the Golden Rule holds. Under dynamic efficiency, welfare decreases in the debt-expanding, net foreign creditor country if she has a relatively smaller capital production share, and if the welfare effect through the accumulation channel is negative. In contrast, under dynamic inefficiency she can increase her welfare by debt expansion.  相似文献   

文章引入环境所有权概念,运用新兴古典经济学的超边际分析方法,研究了贸易结构变迁与相应的污染分布和转移,旨在揭示大国污染效应、工业化路径的环境效应、贸易结构变迁的环境所有权因素以及环保政策失效的原因。研究推导出不同国家间环境所有权模糊程度和交易效率变化对贸易结构变迁与污染分布变化的作用机理。研究命题可用于解释现实贸易发展中存在的环境污染现象。  相似文献   

外商直接投资、对外贸易与环境污染的实证研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
文章通过中国30个省(市、区)2000-2005年面板数据,对FDI与外贸的环境污染效应进行了实证分析.对外贸易与FDI整体上都促进了中国经济增长,其中,进口对经济增长的作用较小;出口与FDI加剧了中国环境污染;进口贸易可抑制环境污染,但作用比较小;人力资本具有显著的促进经济增长与抑制环境污染的双重功能.本文的政策建议是,调整出口与引资政策,发展教育,促进人力资本积累.  相似文献   

中国同主要贸易伙伴贸易条件波动的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贸易条件的波动对一国的宏观经济有着重要的影响.文章在联合国统计司Comtrade数据库的基础上,首先全面系统地测算出中国同主要贸易伙伴(美国、日本、欧盟和东盟)不同时期不同类别商品贸易条件的波动性,然后运用方差分解的方法对中国同主要贸易伙伴贸易条件波动的根源进行了系统的比较分析.最后得出结论认为,减少中国同美国、日本、欧盟等发达国家贸易条件波动的一个共同的关键因素是改善中技术产品进出口贸易发展不平衡的局面,而减少中国同东盟贸易条件波动的关键在于减少初级产品贸易条件的波动.  相似文献   

动物福利对我国农产品贸易的影响及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,动物福利继绿色壁垒之后作为一种新的贸易壁垒开始浮出水面,并已对国际农产品贸易产生了现实的影响。针对这一问题,本文通过介绍动物福利的概念,分析了动物福利对我国农产品贸易的影响,并提出了相应的应对措施。  相似文献   

文章基于伯格斯模型,分析检验了服务贸易的净进口与我国货物价格贸易条件恶化之间的关系,初步证明了该模型在我国的适用性。进一步地,文章对2004-2008年我国价格贸易条件恶化有所趋缓这一特征进行了分析。结果表明,不同服务部门的净进口对我国货物贸易条件的影响不尽相同。文章得出的政策启示在于:当考察我国服务业开放和服务贸易自由化的收益时,要同时注意到货物价格贸易条件恶化可能带来的福利损失;我国在制定服务业对外开放与服务贸易自由化发展战略时,采取逐步开放和参与的战略尤为重要;另外,可以优先加强对通信、建筑、计算机和信息服务、咨询以及电影音像五大类服务部门的扶持以促进其出口。  相似文献   

Environmental Policy, Intra-Industry Trade and Transfrontier Pollution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper discusses effects of domestic environmental policy on foreignemissions and on transboundary pollution. We use a Dixit-Stiglitz typemodel of monopolistic competition with an endogenous number of firms.Production generates environmental externalities which spill over to theother country. It is shown that environmental policy has an impact onmarket structure at home and abroad. These market structure effectsinduce changes in emissions abroad. In contrast to what has been derivedin earlier contributions, it turns out to be possible that tighterenvironmental standards at home lead to less emissions abroad. The paperderives these results and provides the economic intuition behind them.Finally, conditions for optimal environmental policies are derived.  相似文献   

“动物福利”理念的起源,是建立在环境和谐才能造就人类可持续发展前提下,对动物本身也具有的情感与行为的一种关注。但部分发达国家利用“动物福利”对进口所作的人为限制,极大地影响了我国农产品,尤其是畜产品贸易的发展。中国应在和谐社会发展理念下寻求因应之策,关注农业和农民利益在贸易中的体现,最终促进和谐社会的发展。  相似文献   

Truck road pricing is on the brink of beingintroduced in a number of European countries.The experience gained from Switzerland, thefirst country worldwide to implement such adistant-dependent pricing scheme, has provedinvaluable. Nevertheless, significant questionsstill remain. The present paper attempts toprovide some clarity by analysing the welfareand sectoral impact resulting from theintroduction of truck road pricing with respectto foreign trade. It is shown that this impactcan be separated into four effects: the pureterms of trade effect, the tax revenue effect,the transit tax revenue effect and the resourcegain effect (resources set free by a reductionin transport activity). A CGE simulation ofeach of these effects identifies theirquantitative implications. Out of the foureffects the pure terms of trade effect turnsout to dominate at both the sectoral andaggregate level. It triggers a trade-inducedwelfare loss. The tax revenue effect, and lessso the transit revenue effect, mitigate thisloss. For a full road transport costinternalization a trade-induced welfare loss isquantified for Austria at 1.3%. Sensitivity ofthis and other aggregate variables is high withrespect to household reaction to transport taxrevenue refunding. The trade-induced welfareloss of variable size as explored in thisarticle counterbalances a fraction of thewelfare gain due to internalization.  相似文献   

This paper extends the Blanchard model of a closed-economy to a three-good (exportable, importable and non-tradable goods) open-economy model with capital accumulation and uncertain lifetimes to study the impacts of terms of trade shocks on the current account. The simulation results show that a model with uncertain lifetimes is more appropriate to describe a small open economy like Taiwan at the steady-state equilibrium than a model with infinite lifetimes. We find that the Harberger-Laursen-Metzler effect is discernible for temporary or permanent terms of trade shocks. Furthermore, the steady state is a saddle point and the speed of convergence of capital and consumption is quite low.  相似文献   

在垄断竞争的差异化产品模型假设下,在成本结构中引入技术进步的两种类型即资本节约型技术进步和劳动节约型技术进步。本国劳动节约型的技术进步使得本国同类产品的产出数量增多,贸易条件下降;但资本节约型的技术进步可使本国差异化产品种类增多,贸易条件上升。通过中国工业品行业的资本劳动比和贸易条件变化的关系,初步验证了该理论模型。  相似文献   

This paper develops a two-good, small-country, general-equilibrium trade model with endogenous labor supply, where trade is restricted by a tariff or an import quota. Within this framework, it is shown that, contrary to Anam (1989), under an import quota domestic and world prices may vary in the same direction. This is due to the possibly positive employment effects of terms of trade shocks. In such a case, compared to fixed labor supply, variable labor supply is likely to make the domestic prices less sensitive to foreign price volatility. Received June 13, 2001; revised version received November 14, 2001  相似文献   

文章以1993-2006年中国制造业的对外贸易和污染物数据为基础,结合投入产出表,测算了我国制造业对外贸易中的污染含量,借以考察对外贸易对我国环境污染的影响。研究结果表明:通过对外贸易我国正在为发达国家承担了高额的环境成本。  相似文献   

随着中国经济与贸易的快速增长,传统的区域划分在研究贸易与环境政策问题时的局限性愈发凸显。运用因子方法对1992~2005年中国各省市、自治区近十几年来经济、贸易增长与环境污染的数据进行分析,可为贸易与环境污染的区域研究提供新的参考依据。  相似文献   

动物福利壁垒对我国畜产品贸易的影响及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前在关税大幅度降低和传统非关税壁垒不断被消除并逐步规范的情况下,动物福利正成为新一轮的贸易壁垒。动物福利壁垒将对我国畜产品出口产生一系列的不良影响,如增加企业的出口成本、影响农产品出口等,因此,我们应通过倡导健康的消费理念、制定并完善动物福利立法等措施应对动物福利壁垒。  相似文献   

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