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We estimate market power among cigarette manufacturers over 1952–1984, a period of uniform pricing. We apply the Bresnahan approach; adjust it to the firm level; employ a dynamic model with habit persistence; and add an advertising equation, which helps identify the parameters, increase degrees of freedom, and constrain parameters so we can interpret our results at the firm level, despite the fact that the equations conform to what we might see in a market model. We consider effects of government interventions upon demand and market power and find, for instance, that the 1971 broadcast advertising ban decreased market power.  相似文献   

股市公共性:股权分置改革的理论根据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对股权分置改革中的几个主要理论进行了分析,认为“流通股含权”说、“合同”说等是不能成立的;从政府政策的公共利益出发,提出了股市公共性学说。强调这一学说是支持股权分置改革的理论依据,据此分析了股权分置改革中的一系列政策举措。  相似文献   

厂商市场份额的品牌经济模型及其现实解释   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
厂商的市场份额决定了其利润率,从而决定了厂商能否在残酷的竞争中生存、增长与发展。而在经济过剩的条件下,消费者的选择决定了厂商的市场份额,货币价格与品牌及品牌信用度决定的选择成本作为消费者选择和购买过程中的局限条件制约和影响着消费者的选择与购买。本文建立起引入品类需求强度系数、价格、选择成本的需求函数,并以此模型解释了厂商市场份额的决定是通过价格机制与品牌机制共同作用而实现的。在理论分析的基础上,对大量的现实进行了解释,在验证该模型的同时,对未来市场竞争及厂商市场份额做出了预测。同时,本文提出了提高厂商市场份额与定价权的"品类需求强度—品牌信用度"二维模型,并分别从开发具有较高品类需求强度的品类市场和提高品牌信用度的品牌建设方面给现实中的厂商提供了相应策略。  相似文献   

This study derives a formal model of firm advertising behavior and applies it to the industry level to figure out the relationship between advertising and market structure. The firm advertising model shows that both consumer preference andfirm-specific advertising competence jointly determineprofit-maximizing advertising intensity. At the industry level, advertising intensity is represented multiplicatively by consumer preference and a measure of market structure, which reflects the joint distribution of the levels of advertising competence and market shares among firms. The new market structure measure suggests that those single-dimensional measures of market structure such as seller concentration and the Herfindahl index are inadequate in explaining interindustry differences in advertising intensity, and that the long-debated advertising-concentration relationship differs depending primarily on the appropriability of advertising. An empirical analysis of 426 five-digit Korean manufacturing industries shows that an inverted U-shaped relationship between the Herfindahl index and industry advertising intensity is observed for consumer goods industries but a lazy J-shaped relationship for producer goods industries.  相似文献   

If there is a cartel agreement among a subset of firms in an industry, it should be predicted that all firms in that industry will increase prices. Nevertheless, industry prices alone should not indicate that a particular firm is guilty of that conspiracy. According to the output test and its market share variant – proposed by Blair and Romano – if the output or the market share of the firm that claims to be innocent in the collusive activity rises in response to the price increase, that firm's claim should be accepted as true. Using a collusive variant of the dominant firm model, this paper shows that these are not robust tests to reveal either innocence or guilt, and characterizes cases where they may pardon a guilty firm (Type I error) or indict an innocent firm (Type II error). This paper also shows that a market share test can not be used to prove a dominant firm's intent for predatory pricing.  相似文献   

This paper explores market share instability as a measure of market mobility. Using a newly constructed panel data set, we examine the determinants of the market share instability of leading firms in Japanese manufacturing industries. The findings suggest that there is a significant relationship between concentration and market share instability, and the market shares of leading firms are more stable in highly concentrated industries. We also provide evidence that industry growth has a significantly positive effect on market share instability.  相似文献   

A dynamic oligopoly model of the cigarette industry is developed to study the effects of anti-smoking policies on the market structure of the U.S. cigarette industry. Firms are modeled as competing in price and advertising in a dynamic game. Two commonly used anti-smoking policies – advertising restrictions and tobacco tax increases – are evaluated using calibrated parameters. The simulation results show that in the long run both advertising restrictions and tax increases can successfully reduce the smoking rate. However, advertising restrictions reduce the smoking rate mainly in an indirect way through their impact on the concentration of the market, while tax increases reduce the smoking rate directly and have little effect on the concentration of the market. In addition, in the short run, advertising restrictions have a much smaller effect on reducing the smoking rate than tax increases.  相似文献   

China's urban housing market dynamics suggest that evolving investor confidence may be a relevant demand shifter. Such investors are continually updating their beliefs about the state of the macroeconomy and the policy uncertainty related to national and local housing policies. We build a 35 Chinese city real estate confidence index that varies over time and across cities. This index predicts subsequent house price appreciation and new housing sales. We document evidence of heterogeneous effects of investor confidence depending on a city's demographics and the city's elasticity of housing supply. Our results based on a new household‐level expectations survey bolster the case that investor expectations are an important determinant of real estate price dynamics.  相似文献   

我国能源强度、电力强度变化及因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
运用对数平均迪氏指数法对2000---2008年我国能源强度、电力强度变化的情况及因素进行了分析,结果表明:行业能耗变化对能源强度的变化起主导作用,符合这段时期我国重化工业化的特征;行业电耗变化和结构变化同时引起电力强度的变化,但行业电耗变化起主导作用,这与电能在终端能源消费的比重不断提高密切相关。  相似文献   

This note shows the existence of price dispersion and pricediscrimination in a spot market for water.Several behaviors contributing to this dispersion/discrimination arefound for both the seller and buyer in this relatively competitive market,and examples are given of each. Using some previous theoretical work,the common thread linking the differing behaviors is shown to bediffering levels of information and search costs.  相似文献   

外包生产模式及其对市场结构影响的分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文分析了目前流行的外包(OEM)生产模式的推行条件、激励因素和其对市场结构的影响。从外包生产模式存在的基本条件入手,随后从成本节约的角度分析了外包生产模式对上下游企业的激励因素,指出外包生产模式对生产、销售环节所面临的市场风险的分离以及由此带来的成本节约,是诱导厂商选择外包生产模式的关键因素之一。进而分析了外包生产模式对市场结构的影响,提出我们应该以一种更客观公正的态度评判中国企业以专业代工厂商的身份参与国际产业竞争的意义和价值。  相似文献   

运用计量经济模型从能源强度、产业结构和能源结构3个方面研究了影响中国碳排放强度的因素,研究表明,能源强度的提高能够使碳排放强度上升,第二产业、第三产业以及非化石能源比重的提高能够使碳排放强度下降,并对2010年和2011年中国碳排放强度变化做了分解,研究表明中国碳排放强度的下降主要是由能源效率减排引起的,基于以上研究提出当前应优化产业结构和稳步提高非化石能源比重等建议,对于政府制定节能减排政策具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

张凤兵 《电力技术经济》2010,22(2):14-18,22
通过分析我国电力行业厂网分开改革的5年来五大发电集团的数据资料,以装机容量、发电量和销售收入作为市场集中度的衡量基准,对我国目前电力行业发电侧的市场结构进行测算与判定,分析其变动趋势,指出今后我国发电侧市场改革的重点是对优势发电企业的潜在垄断行为进行合理规制。  相似文献   

我国商业银行市场结构现状分析及其优化研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文基于我国13家商业银行2000-2006年的面板数据。对我国商业银行业市场结构、绩效等情况进行实证分析。得出我国商业银行业市场集中度趋于下降.我国银行的垄断状态逐渐被打破。在商业银行市场结构与银行绩效的回归结果上表现为:伴随着市场集中度下降,各商业银行绩效得到提高;商业银行资产规模对其绩效带来负的影响;银行管理水平、创利能力对其绩效产生显著的正向影响;产品差异化与银行绩效则显示弱的正向关系。本文认为完善银行业微观基础、降低政策性市场壁垒、提高银行差异化产品的服务能力、拓展银行国际业务等是我国银行市场结构优化的方向。  相似文献   

本文试图说明,在现有的生产技术条件下,市场制度应体现什么样的价值取向,才能通过市场调整出合理的经济结构。文中通过模型对中国经济的产业结构、所有制结构以及产业结构和所有制结构之间的互动影响进行实证分析,发现从产业结构或所有制结构单方面地对经济结构进行调整,都无法使经济结构达到一种合理的状态。并且通过市场调整经济结构时,市场制度的价值取向将起到关键的作用。比较分析不同的市场制度价值取向下市场对经济结构的调整发现,只有当经济中形成一种国有经济不与民(资本和劳动)争利的制度环境,并且制度的价值取向侧重于保护资本利益,但同时兼顾劳动利益时,市场才能调整出合理的经济结构。  相似文献   

中国汽车产业市场结构与市场绩效研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文利用中国汽车工业1998—2008年的数据,通过多元回归分析方法,对中国汽车产业市场结构和市场绩效进行实证研究。实证表明,中国汽车产业市场已从竞争型转向了中下集中寡占型,市场集中度对汽车产业的市场绩效为正效应,但对内资企业、外商投资企业、港澳台投资企业的影响程度不同。本文剖析了中国汽车企业通过市场集中度提高提升市场绩效的主要影响因素及市场集中度对内外资企业市场绩效影响程度差异的原因,并探讨相关政策建议,以期对中国汽车产业发展提供有益的思路。  相似文献   

产业融合中的市场结构及其行为方式分析   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
在产业融合中 ,随着融合产品的替代性和互补性大大增强 ,市场边界发生重大游移。这不仅给市场界定带来了新的问题 ,并使以其为基础的产业集中度的衡量变得更为复杂 ,而且也在很大程度上改变了传统市场结构的形态 ,增强了竞争效应 ,并促使企业的市场行为有较大的改变。这对传统产业组织理论提出了新的挑战 ,需要我们加以认真的研究 ,提出新的解释和说明  相似文献   

This paper develops a dynamic model of a leader firm which chooses the time paths of R&D and advertising inputs so as to maximize the present value of expected profits. From this theoretical model simultaneous-equations system for market share, advertising, R&D, and profitability is derived and estimated using the data on the leading industrial firms in Japan. Our results show that, as far as top firms are concerned, market share and demand growth have significant positive effects on profitability, and an increase in the stock of goodwill increases market share as well as profitability.This study was financially supported by the Ministry of Education in Japan. Helpful comments were provided by H. Odagiri. Also I am indebted to an anonymous referee for advice and criticism on various points.  相似文献   

2009年至2010年,我国股票市场出现明显的结构性分化,小市值股票的走势明显强于大盘蓝筹股,其主要原因是投资者结构出现变化,私募基金兴起而公募基金相对衰落。  相似文献   

出于反对重商主义和垄断的需要,自由经济理论建立了完全竞争范式,并把完全竞争奉为经济学的金科玉律。自从20世纪40年代,熊彼特深刻地批判了完全竞争的缺陷以后,经济理论研究实际陷入了市场结构范式缺失的境地。50年代,舒马赫重谈完全竞争的老调,提出了“小的是美好的”理论。近期有学者根据SCP标准,提出了寡头垄断范式。也有学者希望通过对垄断企业的科学规制,建立完全垄断的市场结构范式。毫无疑问,作为经济学的基础理论,市场结构范式不可或缺。因此,建立一个合理的市场结构范式评价体系刻不容缓。  相似文献   

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